Chapter 444 Shi Yuan Appears!

After Shi Hao left.

Footsteps came from outside the Heavenly Palace, and three figures appeared on the twelve stone pillars. The woman was so beautiful that she was almost dreamlike. It was Fairy Yuechan.

One of them was dressed in purple, with an extraordinary temperament, sword eyebrows and star eyes, and possessed a kind of heroic spirit, which was a bit like the Qin Yong that Shi Hao saw.But obviously not.

"Qin Lun." He announced his name.

The third person has pale golden body, short hair, and a CD-ROM unique to Western religion on the back of his head. If the god is reincarnated, he is very young and looks very simple, but Shi Hao feels that this person is extremely dangerous.

He also reported his name and said, "Zhang Liu."

This is a very strange name in Western religion.The highest achievement is to build a golden body of Zhang Liu, neither too tall nor too short. He named it after this, which shows his ambition.

The strongest heirs of Butian Sect, Bulao Mountain, and Western Sect have arrived. For Shi Hao, this is definitely a great enemy. If the three of them attack at the same time, it will be difficult to be good.

Obviously.If there is a battle, blood will flow, it is very dangerous!
Outside the twelve stone pillars, there were more and more people. The experts from Butian Sect, Bulao Mountain, and Western Sect all rushed to kill Shi Hao and prevent him from getting away.

Shi Hao stood at the highest place, and finally sat on that throne silently.

The dragon energy is thick and the holy light is heavy, which isolates this place from the outside world. No one knows what happened here.

Shi Hao was indifferent, thinking quietly, if he leaves, there will be a bloody battle, it may be the most terrifying battle he has experienced since he was born.After all, besides Fairy Yuechan, there are also Qin Lun and Zhang Liu, who are all enemies!
Suddenly, a ray of light bloomed, appearing from the void, and then the light source magnified, a gate of the world emerged, and the flowing Ruixia appeared in front of Shi Hao's eyes.

Ripples are dotted, and the light is gushing, like a silver river flowing, the void is broken, and a portal is formed here, flowing inexplicable energy.

small world!
This is not the first time Shi Hao has seen this kind of space. From the early Baiduan Mountain to the later World Treasure Box, whether big or small, they all form a small world of their own.

He stared inside with a brilliant light in his eyes, convinced that this was not a trap set by Yuechan and others, he stepped in immediately and came to a dark place.

This place is very lonely, like a piece of wasteland, without any vitality, and the area is not too small, with a radius of tens of miles.

"This is a space that was almost abandoned by people. It seems that it has suffered a catastrophe recently and was almost shattered." Shi Hao said to himself, watching carefully.

This small world is very dark, lacking in light, with bands of mist and cracks in the ground, spreading far away like spider webs.Not only that, but the same is true for the void, which will collapse at any time.

"This is the small world of Emperor Stone." Shi Hao had a strange expression.

Shi Hao stepped into that world.

Outside the Central Heavenly Palace.

I saw those strong men were shocked one by one, seeing Shi Hao stepping into the small world, they were all shocked.

"Stop Shi Hao!"

"Can't keep him alive!"

Some strong men shouted angrily, rushing to the sky one after another, wanting to enter the small world to intercept Shi Hao and cut him off.

It's a pity that the power of the small world is so vast that it can't be broken at all.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

"If you want to kill my younger brother, you are too arrogant!"

The voice sounded, and everyone immediately looked up.

In the far sky, there was a man in a white robe, with a tall and straight figure, long black hair hanging over his shoulders, clear eyes, and a smile on the corner of his mouth, like a god in the sky.

His whole body was clean, like pouring gold, exuding a divine radiance and a sacred aura.

"It's Dashi!"

"That's right, it's Shi Yuan, he's here too!!"

At this time, everyone was shocked and looked at Shi Yuan in the sky.

Shi Yuan's eyes were cold, he looked at everyone here, and said coldly: "You covet my stone country's Dao Fruit, you should die!"

"Boy, let you join our Butian Sect. If you don't join, will you still fight against us?" An elder of Butian Sect yelled loudly, with fierce words.

Shi Yuan said coldly: "The king is here again today, I see you, who dares to make mistakes!"

"Everyone, what are you waiting for, kill this kid!" Beside the elder, some people spoke up and shouted loudly.

In the central heavenly palace, Shi Yuan stood calmly, Shi Yuan's eyes became more and more indifferent, looking down at them, he really looked like the supreme ruler of the world, and said coldly, "The clown jumping on the beam."

Its sound was like thunder, shaking the entire palace, accompanied by dragon energy, making all the golden palaces tremble, really like a heavenly emperor descending from the realm, speaking the truth.

Although there were only a few words, Thor's Hammer struck those people's hearts, causing them to suddenly change color, with anger and even a faint sense of fear.

"Take him down, this is a traitor, kill him!" The elder and a group of people shouted.


Shi Yuan's body didn't move, he just raised one hand, and pressed it forward suddenly, the royal dragon energy burst out, the sky and the earth roared, this kind of atmosphere shocked everyone.

Amidst the buzzing sound, the palm became bigger, and there were heavenly dragons around it, passing through the magic circle of the gods, like a cloud hanging from the sky, covering it down, with a terrifying breath.


The elder yelled because the hand was too strong and was coming towards them.

These people performed their treasures and sacrificed their magic tools, the rays of light rose, and the symbols were densely covered. All of them were under a huge pressure, and they all retreated at a rapid speed.

However, this hand is astonishing, flowing khaki-colored gas column, undulating like raging waves, accompanied by the sound of dragon chant, covering them all.


Headed by this elder, more than a dozen people screamed. Their faces were bloodless and extremely pale. They were all covered by big hands.

Fairy Yuechan, Qin Lun, Zhang Liu and other Tianjiao powerhouses could not be rescued. All this was too fast.

"Pfft", "Pfft"...

Accompanied by the light of blood, the bodies of these people were all split open, like those magic weapons, they disintegrated in the void, the wailing stopped, leaving wisps of blood mist in the air.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, that palm descended from the sky, smashing them all into pieces and turning them into pulp.

Then, the big hand disappeared, as if this scene never happened.

In this space, there was silence, and everyone looked at Shi Yuan with expressions of shock and disbelief.

Their elders actually died right under their noses.

The people who scolded just now are all dead, and none of them survived!

The big hand disappeared, and the royal dragon was full of aura. In the central heavenly palace, Shi Yuan was as stable as a rock, sitting there with deep eyes, overlooking the heroes.

A stream of sword energy hovered beside Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan looked at them, and said coldly: "Those who covet my Shi country's orthodoxy, die!"

The cold breath swept out in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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