Chapter 445 Shi Yuan Shows His Power!

Fairy Yuechan saw this scene, her delicate body trembled slightly, her pretty face was full of disbelief, she never thought that Shi Yuan would appear at such a critical moment.

Fairy Yuechan's expression was calm, her holy aura remained undiminished, her whole body was shrouded in a faint halo, her pure white body shone brightly, without the slightest trace of fireworks.

But some of the elders around her were downcast, their expressions were ugly, even the elders of Bulao Mountain and Western Sect were unhappy, their eyes were cold.

"I'm afraid what he will do, he's just alone, this is an opportunity, if the false emperor dares to step out of the Heavenly Palace, I'll kill him immediately!" said an elder.

In the central heavenly palace, between the twelve thick stone pillars, there is a magic circle of gods, which cannot be attacked by outsiders. This is the reason why he stopped outside earlier.

The sound of footsteps was clear, echoing in the central heavenly palace, Shi Yuan walked step by step, his expression was solemn, his whole body was full of sword energy, surging with him.

Before he knew it, he stepped into the magic circle of the gods.

Walking towards the outside of the hall, facing everyone.

"You really dare to come out, what are you waiting for, this is a national traitor, kill him immediately!" A prince said, because he knew that he had no way out, he had shouted before, and was stared at by Shi Yuan with icy eyes .

"I am invited to come here to watch the ceremony, and I will not stand idly by. I should help Shi Guo choose the real new emperor." An elder figure from the three religions echoed.


Shi Yuan stepped out of the Heavenly Palace with a powerful aura, and this last step made the whole palace tremble violently.

"Have you forgotten what I said, did you take it as a deaf ear?" He whispered, but his expression was extremely serious, his eyes flashed, and his whole body burst into blazing light.

"Shoot!" Someone shouted, since Shi Yuan came out.

No more scruples, they all sacrificed their magical weapons and attacked the young man.

In their view, no matter how powerful Shi Yuan is, he can't resist the alliance of this group of people, and he will surely die.

"Boom", "Boom".
Shi Yuan's body bloomed with a layer of golden brilliance, like a piece of divine iron, extremely strong, even if these people attacked, he would remain motionless.


"how can that be!"

"Why is this person so powerful!"


Those people's faces were full of disbelief. Looking at this scene, their hearts were beating wildly.

The moment this person appeared, they had a feeling of suffocation. This is definitely a strong man beyond the realm of gods.

Shi Yuan stood there with cold eyes, overlooking the heroes, his whole body exuded a sharp sword aura, like a sharp sword.

"I said before, those who disturb the Stone Kingdom will be killed without mercy!" Shi Yuan's voice was sonorous and powerful, like thunder from the heavens.

There was a huge aura gathering around him, as if an ancient divine sword had awakened, with a pair of eyes scanning all directions.

"It's impossible!" some people yelled, looking embarrassed.

"Shi Yuan, don't be arrogant today, even if we lose to you, we will kill you!" an elder shouted, and a magic weapon appeared behind him, exuding brilliance.

"Boom", "Boom".
The magic weapon burst out a series of divine rainbows, like a round of bright sun rising into the sky, blasting towards Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan's gaze was cold, he waved his big hand, and punched him.

"Boom", "Boom".
The sky and the earth shook, and the two fought fiercely in the Tiangong. Their big hands collided, and the divine light was so bright that people couldn't open their eyes.

Shi Yuan's physical body is too strong, it is a kung fu technique, he created it himself, his physical body is like copper cast iron, it is indescribably strong, even these elders have to retreat.

"Not good, go back quickly!" An elder shouted, leading the people back.

But this is the Central Heavenly Palace after all, and there are restrictions here. Once they leave the Central Heavenly Palace, they will also fall here. Moreover, even if they can leave the Central Heavenly Palace, they will not be able to escape the pursuit.

"Kill!" Shi Yuan snorted coldly, and punched out.

"Boom", "Boom".
One punch bombarded the magic weapon, knocking the magic weapon to pieces.


The elder vomited blood, flew out, smashed several ancient trees, and fell to the ground, his whole body was bloody, he was unconscious, and his life and death were unknown.


The rest of the people panicked, shouted, and fled one after another.

"Where to go!" Shi Yuan snorted coldly.

He strode forward like a tiger.

A ray of sword light rushed out, tearing apart the sky, cutting through the night, and beheading one person.

The blood splattered, and the man was cut in half by the waist, and fell directly to the ground. His body died and his bones disappeared.

Shi Yuan didn't stop, one after another sword light was like a meteor shower, cutting down continuously, beheading these fleeing monks.

In the blink of an eye, seven of the twelve elders in Tiangong died in an extremely miserable state, and the sky was stained with blood.


Everyone gasped, their faces pale.

Although they have killed many people and seen many battles, this is the first time they have seen Shi Yuan kill people. What a terrifying power this is.

"Kill!" someone roared.

Shi Yuan sneered: "I gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it, so go and accompany him!"

After finishing speaking, he swung his fist again, a golden punch pierced through the void, splitting several people in half, and blood spurted out.

Every time he took a step, one person fell down, screaming, and died unexpectedly, even the Nascent Soul could not escape.

Shi Yuan is too strong, so powerful that it is unrivaled, making people frightened and afraid to fight against him.


Shi Yuan snorted coldly, and struck again, punching out, a blood-colored giant sword with a length of hundreds of feet emerged, and rushed towards the other person.

This giant sword is lifelike, exuding terrifying coercion, as if it can suppress the heavens and all spirits, making everyone's hearts shattered, their hearts trembling, and they almost knelt down.

"Puff", "Puff".
This bloody giant sword bit the man's head fiercely, biting off the man's head, blood spurted out, and the man let out a shrill scream.


A huge head flew out, blood mist sprayed, the man screamed, and died with regret.

Everyone was stunned by this scene. This young man was too terrifying. None of them, experts in the realm of gods, could stop his attack.

"Do not!"

Everyone's faces were pale, their hearts were terrified, and they no longer had the slightest intention to fight.

Shi Yuan stood on the spot, the light in his eyes soared, his black hair fluttered all over his head, the sword on his body materialized, he raised his head and sang, and the sound moved the entire imperial capital.

At this moment, the rest of the world was silent. It was a strange scene. The sword chanted loudly, but other sounds seemed to disappear, and there was a dead silence in the empty space.

At this time, only the sword chant moves for nine days!

On Shi Yuan's body, one after another of simple and simple swords was raised, and he rushed forward, attacking the strong men of the three religions, and a shocking wave spread.

"Not good!" Qin Lun changed color, shouted loudly, and rushed to block Shi Yuan.

Because, the aura of the imperial way is too strong, and ordinary people are definitely not enough, even the elders in the array state can't do it, and they will be suppressed the moment the sword transforms into form and shows its traces.

At the same time, Zhang Liu, whose skin was pale golden, also moved, like a Vajra Bodhisattva, making strange fist seals, and striking forward, with a powerful aura.

(End of this chapter)

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