clang clang...

Shi Yuan swung the dragon-slaying sword and blocked the blade lights, but unfortunately, he was still so shocked that his blood boiled and his tiger's mouth collapsed.

Immediately afterwards, the woman's dagger pierced through his ribs, and drops of bright red blood seeped out, staining his clothes red.

Another heavy blow hit Shi Yuan's shoulder, sending him flying.

Shi Yuan fell heavily on the ground, his face became even paler, his whole body trembled violently, he opened his mouth several times, but he couldn't make a sound.

"You are defeated, give up resisting!" the woman said indifferently.

Shi Yuan clenched his teeth, his eyes were bloodshot, he knew he had met a ruthless character today.

"I'm not convinced!" Shi Yuan roared suddenly, and slowly stood up.

"If you don't accept it, you can only die." The woman said coldly, step by step pressing towards Shi Yuan.

"It's not that easy to kill me." Shi Yuan's face twisted, and a terrifying blood erupted from his body, as if turning into a bloody vortex.

The skin on his body was cracked, blood flowed out, his face was pale, and his breath gradually weakened, obviously suffering from serious trauma.

However, he still stood up stubbornly.

A wave of bloody energy spread out from Shi Yuan's body, entangled him, making him look extraordinarily sinister, like a demon king revived, which made people palpitate.

"Is this the power of blood?" Shi Yuan murmured, eyes scarlet, scanning the surrounding trees.

Shi Yuan was covered in bloody light, standing upright like a bloody demon god, with an astonishing aura, fierce bloody light swept away, forming circles of ripples, deterring all enemies.

"Huh?" Seeing this scene, the woman narrowed her eyes slightly, feeling a change in Shi Yuan.

She always felt a little strange.

"Kill!" Shi Yuan roared up to the sky, his body turned into an afterimage, and rushed towards the woman.

"Looking for death." The woman snorted coldly, and the dagger flew flying, stabbing at Shi Yuan's chest.


The Dragon Slaying Sword in Shi Yuan's hand swept out, blocking the dagger.


Immediately afterwards, the woman seized the opportunity and shattered the long sword with a sudden force.

The woman withdrew her dagger and charged towards Shi Yuan again.

"Ah..." Shi Yuan screamed, his right knee was pierced, and a hideous wound appeared on his ankle, dripping with blood.

Shi Yuan snorted, endured the heart-piercing pain, gritted his teeth and said, "This kind of severe pain is almost fatal. It seems that I really underestimated you."

He originally thought that he could rely on this crazy will to activate the blood power in his body, fight the woman to the death, and win in the end.

Unexpectedly, the woman was so cunning that she deliberately lured him to shoot, and then attacked him, causing him serious injuries.

"The ending is already doomed, you can't escape." The corner of the woman's mouth outlined a mocking arc.

After the words fell, her dagger slashed towards Shi Yuan's throat again.

This knife was fast, accurate, and ruthless. If Shi Yuan was still at his peak state, he could barely block it, but now that he has been injured and his strength is less than [-]%, it is difficult to stop the woman.

"Forget it, try your best, even if you die, you will have no regrets." Shi Yuan shook his head and sighed, his eyes became extremely sharp.


Suddenly, a terrifying wave of energy erupted from his body, and beams of brilliance were released, rushing into his body, causing his aura to soar, reaching the peak of the Divine Fire Realm.

"How could you improve so fast?" The woman's complexion changed slightly.

"Haha, thanks to your help." Shi Yuan laughed loudly, his eyes were extremely red, staring at the beauty of the woman.

Although he was injured just now, the opponent was also knocked back several steps. Moreover, he has strong blood power in his body, so even if he was injured, his strength is still terrifying, surpassing the ordinary peak masters of the Divine Fire Realm.

"Damn it, this guy is too weird, he has been hiding for so long, and even played tricks on me." The woman was extremely annoyed in her heart, she never thought that Shi Yuan's strength was so terrifying.

In any case, things have gotten out of control, and there is no choice but to cut the weeds and root them out.

The woman suppressed all distracting thoughts, clenched the dagger tightly, with a murderous aura, she rushed towards Shi Yuan.

"Get out of here." Shi Yuan shouted in a low voice, the blood on his body surged like a vast ocean, flooding half of the sky.

In the next second, Shi Yuan and the woman collided, and they each took a few steps back.

"Yes, you can still draw with me, but you will die soon." The corner of the woman's mouth showed a bloodthirsty smile, and the dagger in her hand slashed across the void, with a strong black light, and stabbed towards Shi Yuan's chest.

Flesh was torn apart, blood shot out, and the woman's sword pierced Shi Yuan's chest.

Shi Yuan spat out a mouthful of blood, his face was pale, he staggered and fell to the ground, life and death were uncertain.

The woman pulled out the dagger, and blood spattered, covering the sharp edge.

"You..." Shi Yuan's eyes widened, and he looked up at the woman with difficulty.

"You don't need to work hard. No matter how powerful your blood is, you can't change your fate against the sky. Today, you must die." The woman said coldly.

Hearing this, Shi Yuan took a deep breath, grinned, and said: "You are indeed very powerful, but I still have a trump card. Don't forget, you can't kill me. Only when I recover my energy can I be qualified to decide who Live who dies."

"Oh? You still have the hole card?" The woman's eyebrows were slightly frowned.

"Hehe, you might as well give it a try." Shi Yuan sneered.

"Since you want to die, then I will grant you." The woman snorted coldly, with a flick of her wrist, the sharp dagger came out of its sheath, flashing cold light, and stabbed at Shi Yuan.

call out!
Suddenly, a gust of wind blew in, carrying a strange force, and got into Shi Yuan's head.

In an instant, Shi Yuan's consciousness fell into chaos, and his body froze in place.

The female Dai's eyebrows frowned even tighter, she hurriedly searched Shi Yuan's body, but found nothing.

"Why did this kid's soul power suddenly increase so much?" The woman wondered.

"Huh? This... this energy..." Shi Yuan was full of doubts.

"No, this is spiritual power. You actually have spiritual consciousness?" Suddenly, the woman's pupils shrank suddenly, and her face became extremely astonished.

Spiritual consciousness is the energy cultivated by warriors. It has extraordinary effects. Once the spiritual consciousness is condensed, it can communicate with the world and manipulate all things. The power is very terrifying.

The condensing of spiritual consciousness requires some special conditions, such as the power of spiritual consciousness, or some kind of opportunity.

But the man in front of him, who obviously only had the cultivation base of the early stage of the Divine Mansion Realm, was able to display his spiritual power, which was simply unimaginable.

The woman was vigilant in her heart, her body quickly retreated, she pulled the distance away, and stared at Shi Yuan firmly.

At this moment, Shi Yuan seemed to be a different person, his eyes were extremely scarlet, and his body exuded a monstrous hostility, like a demon king.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the breath in Shi Yuan's body became more and more terrifying, as if a volcano was about to erupt.


Shi Yuan's body trembled suddenly, and immediately, his breath began to climb, and there were even signs of continuing to climb.

"This guy, how did you do it?" The woman's eyeballs almost protruded, all of this was too abnormal.

She has seen countless monstrous warriors, but this is the first time she has encountered such a strange thing, from being on the verge of death to breaking through.

This was the first time she had heard of such a weird scene.


A moment later, a burst of hearty laughter resounded in all directions, and Shi Yuan's body was full of blood-colored brilliance, with a fierce momentum, like a peerless demon king descending, making people daunting.

"True Realm!" Shi Yuan exhaled lightly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, feeling comfortable all over.

At that moment just now, the blood in his body boiled, his physical strength soared wildly, and he reached the late stage of the Divine Mansion Realm in a short period of time. This kind of improvement speed is simply inconceivable.

The woman's face was cold, she glanced at Shi Yuan, and said coldly: "I will give you a choice, surrender to me, and spare you death."

Hearing this, Shi Yuan was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and sneered, saying: "I will not give in."

"It seems that you are toasting and not eating and drinking!"

The woman narrowed her eyes, her body burst out, and with a wave of her palm, an endless eerie aura swept over, covering the sky and covering Shi Yuan's head.

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