Shi Yuan's face changed slightly, he hastily transferred the true energy in his body, and activated the Nine Nether Fires to protect his whole body.

chi chi chi...

The eerie aura penetrated into the Nine Nether Fire, causing it to tremble violently. Finally, it wailed and dissipated.

At the same time, Shi Yuan let out a muffled snort, spat out a mouthful of bright red blood, and slid a few feet backward in a state of embarrassment.

"Although Jiuyou Minghuo restrains the ghost energy, my cultivation base is still much weaker and I can't completely resist it." Shi Yuan wiped off the blood stains from the corner of his mouth, his eyes became piercing, he pondered for a moment, and said: " But you don't want to beat me easily."

The woman snorted coldly and said, "You do have some knowledge."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's die." Shi Yuan stomped on the ground, jumped up, and punched through the air. The surface of the fist was surrounded by a layer of dark golden light, which looked domineering and fierce, and contained the desire to destroy everything. terror force.

The woman's expression was indifferent, she turned her jade hand over, and the dagger slashed out, pointing directly at Shi Yuan's throat.

With a loud bang, the attacks of the two collided together, and the entire mountain forest trembled violently.

Afterwards, under everyone's shocking eyes, Shi Yuan and the woman took a step back together, fearing each other and keeping a safe distance.

A trace of surprise appeared on the woman's pretty face. Although she was only at the True One Realm, due to the unfathomable martial arts she cultivated, her combat power was extremely powerful. She could crush ordinary warriors at the peak of the True One Realm, but Shi Yuan only had It is really rare that the cultivation base at the early stage of the True One Realm can resist her attack.

Shi Yuan's expression was also slightly startled, and there was a wave in his heart. He knew that his physical strength was strong enough, but he didn't expect to be able to draw with the woman.

"It seems that you are hiding your strength." The woman snorted coldly.

"To each other." Shi Yuan responded lightly.

"Hmph, if you obediently confess your secret, maybe I can spare your life, otherwise, I will tear your body into pieces, cramp your skin." The woman's tone was vicious, her eyes glowing with cold luster.

"I'm sorry, I don't like being threatened." Shi Yuan shrugged, looking indifferent.

"If that's the case, go to die." The woman sneered, and her figure rushed out in a flash, the dagger in her hand was dancing like lightning, and each knife was wrapped with terrifying power, causing the air to explode.

bang bang bang...

In an instant, the entire void trembled, and the two fought fiercely, with fierce moves, each move was a fatal attack.

Although Shi Yuan had a breakthrough in cultivation and reached the early stage of True One Realm, but after all, he was still young and his foundation was not stable, and his cultivation base was weaker than that of women, so he soon fell into a disadvantage.

"It seems that I still underestimated her." Shi Yuan growled, clenched his fists, and his bones creaked.

The next moment, a crackling sound came from Shi Yuan's body, and his skin became crystal clear, as if the meridians and blood vessels were rebuilt, emitting a radiant brilliance.


Outside Shi Yuan's body, a dark halo emerged, exuding a strong breath of death.

"The power of the Nine Nether Fires is indeed so powerful that even I can barely control it." Shi Yuan was stunned secretly, he could clearly sense that after absorbing the Nine Nether Fires, he became more proficient in using the air of death .

"However, I am not what I used to be now. It is not so easy for you to kill me." Shi Yuan grinned, revealing two rows of white teeth, looking bright and sunny, like a boy next door.

The soles of Shi Yuan's feet moved, the air surged violently, and his body turned into an afterimage and rushed out.

bang bang bang...

In an instant, the two figures wrestled together, their fists colliding constantly, sparks bursting out brilliantly.

Under such a fierce attack, Shi Yuan gradually gained the upper hand, his body flew out, his fists were constantly swung out, with berserk force, causing the void to twist.

The woman's strength is very strong, but she is still not as good as Shi Yuan, she is retreating steadily, her body has suffered a lot of trauma, and her clothes are stained red with blood.

"Damn it!" the woman cursed angrily, her face becoming ugly.

This guy's combat power exceeded her expectations, and he had to make a quick decision, otherwise he would be in crisis sooner or later.

Her figure was elegant and flexible, her wrist was trembling, and her sharp blade pierced the sky, carrying a sharp sword light to assassinate her.


Shi Yuan was a little slow to dodge, his chest was torn apart by the sharp blade, blood was flowing, and he shot backwards.

"Hehe, it seems that your strength is nothing more than that!" The woman sneered, and was about to catch up, but Shi Yuan suddenly stopped running away.

He glanced up at the woman, with a playful smile on his face.

"Huh?" The woman frowned and said, "What do you want to do?"

She was a little uncertain about Shi Yuan's actions, she didn't dare to approach rashly, for fear of being attacked again.

"I just want to tell you that you lost." Shi Yuan smiled, and the evil smile on his face became more and more obvious.

"Losing?" The woman's face froze, and then she scolded, "Do you think you have the chance to win?"

Shi Yuan curled his lips, and said: "I just want to tell you, stop struggling in vain, you can't be my opponent."

The woman's beautiful eyes stared at Shi Yuan, and said coldly: "Then you have to be careful, my patience is very bad, if I find a chance, I will definitely take your life without hesitation!"

"Haha, I want to see how you take my life!"

Shi Yuan raised his head and laughed loudly, his eyes filled with madness, and then hot black flames burned all over his body, enveloping his body, like a flame demon god, with an astonishing aura.

Feeling the terrifying temperature emanating from Shi Yuan's body, the woman's pretty face finally had a dignified look, and she slowly retreated, opening a distance.

"Burning Flame Fist!"

Shi Yuan let out a low cry, and punched out with a fist, the space seemed to be boiling, the scorching hot wind was blowing in all directions, the void was burned and distorted, a slight collapse occurred, and a terrifying fist print bloomed. The brilliance, like a falling meteorite, blasted out fiercely, the space seemed to be pierced, and countless space ripples spread out.

Facing such a powerful offensive, a dignified look appeared on the woman's cheeks. She raised her right arm and wore a silver bracelet on her snow-white wrist.

From the bracelet, wisps of mysterious brilliance were released, converging in her palm, and in an instant, a green sword rushed out of the bracelet, rising against the wind, turning into a three-foot green front, and the sharp sword light swept across void.

The cyan sword easily slashed through the flame fist, and the aftermath swept away. Shi Yuan's body immediately took a few steps back, his face was slightly pale, and he looked at the cyan sword in the woman's hand in shock.

The woman didn't give Shi Yuan too much time to react, took advantage of the victory to pursue her, and stepped forward with one step, her body bullying in like a ghost, a beam of sword light burst into dazzling light, stinging people's eyes, cutting towards Shi Yuan's neck, quickly , Accurate, and ruthless, the three simple words contain a strong meaning of killing.

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