Accompanying Shen Shan to adjust his position again, he took a deep breath.

All the strength in the whole body was mobilized.

The supreme power made the air in the entire space tremble.

However, when the air started to tremble, Shen Shan could clearly see what tiny black distorted particles seemed to be spreading in the whole space.

This kind of terrifying particle is even more terrifying than the eccentric cells that existed in the world he just went to.

Shen Shan didn't have time to study these small particles carefully, he had to travel across tens of miles to reach that deserted island in the shortest possible time.

He can already feel that the power he aroused has been gradually absorbed by the black twisted particles hidden in the air.

The disappearance of one's own power must be due to such reasons.

Shen Shan looked towards the isolated island in the distance.

It was a huge island full of black forests, with no end in sight.

The air was trembling, and Shen Shan disappeared in the next instant.

The resistance in the air is rapidly increasing, and the power that blooms from his body is also rapidly weakening.

Under the extremely fast rainbow light, Shen Shan tried his best to cross a distance of nearly fifteen kilometers in just one and a half breaths.

Now, he was only two kilometers away from the location of the huge deserted island.

The last two kilometers.

All the power on his body was absorbed by those distorted black particles hidden in the air.

Shen Shan's own strength has dropped a lot.

However, he didn't directly summon his Platinum Star to drag himself to that isolated island.

Because Shen Shan can clearly feel that once the power appears in this world, it may really be completely dissipated, and it is very difficult to make up for it.

The time needed for the Platinum Star's power to grow back may be calculated on a yearly basis.

He appeared to use the power for a second, and it would take ten years or even longer to replenish the power.

The environment here is really terrible, full of distorted black particles that can absorb power.

Therefore, Shen Shan needs to use the power of the Platinum Star as much as possible at the most critical time.

With a distance of two kilometers, even if the strength disappears, relying on the physical fitness and strength of ordinary people, it is enough to float smoothly to the white sandy beach of that deserted island in this relatively calm ocean.

Shen Shan, who had lost his strength, landed heavily on this black sea.

These distorted black particles greatly reduced his body, which was originally beyond ordinary people, to the state of only ordinary people.

Shen Shan took a deep breath, and with a solemn face, he began to swim quickly towards the isolated island.

Since he didn't dare to swallow the black sea water, he could only use the most primitive floating method to float over slowly.

Otherwise, if you choose to swim by yourself, you will save a lot of time.

Nearly half an hour later, Shen Shan, who was covered in icy cold, insisted on gritting his teeth, and successfully landed on this white sandy beach.

Feeling the unusually warm feeling of the beach illuminated by the three black suns above his head, he couldn't help but let out a heavy breath.

Shen Shan quickly took off the extremely cold clothes on his body, and squeezed the water out of them.

Fortunately, although he is just an ordinary person now, the temperature of the three black suns in the sky is very warm, which prevents his ordinary body from catching a cold.

After the clothes were squeezed dry, they were spread flat on the somewhat hot sand and allowed to be exposed to the sun.

It is best to completely evaporate the remaining water in these clothes that cannot be squeezed dry before dark.

Shen Shan had a premonition in his heart, that is, when the night falls, there must be some extremely terrifying monster jumping out of it.

He had to maintain his full physical strength during the day.

When he was resting, he also successfully found a lot of sea crabs and razor clams from the beach.

There are slight hints of black on the shells of these creatures.

With a slight frown, Shen Shan still took a little effort to light the fire, and roasted them.

His clothes were also placed as close to the bonfire as possible.

After all, he has now been weakened to the state of an ordinary person, and the most basic three meals a day must be resolved.

Soon, after hours of catching and grilling and devouring, it was almost dark.

The three suns in the sky are still hanging at the top of the sky.

It's just that the difference between the incomparably scorching radiance before, and the radiance they irradiate now has become increasingly dimmer.

Maybe after two or three hours, the three black suns hanging in the sky will stop emitting light.

The entire isolated island and the sea area in this black ocean have gradually been shrouded in darkness.

During this period, he wanted to get in touch with the absolute evolution system in his body several times.

However, there is still no way to get in touch.

At this time, Shen Shan slowly put on the clothes that were almost drying.

He looked at the windy black sea area, took a deep breath of the fishy and salty breath, and a feeling of heart palpitations rose from his heart.

If he continued to stay on the beach at night, he might suffer some kind of horrible attack.

In the black ocean, taking advantage of the fact that the sky was not completely dark, Shen Shan could vaguely see that in the black ocean, there were many terrifying beasts with hideous appearances, charging towards the isolated island where the white sand beach was located. come.

However, it seems that because of some kind of relationship, when the sky is not completely dark, this group of terrifying beasts will not land on this white beach.

It's a pity that Shen Shan has no way to call the absolute evolution system in his body now.

Otherwise, the so many star coins stored in his system are enough to turn all these evil beasts into his most loyal little beasts.

However, what Shen Shanshou didn't know was that the absolute evolution system in his body was able to gradually counteract and even at an extremely slow speed, twist the twisted system around the core of the system through a large number of star coins. The black will gradually dispersed.

Every second, there may be tens of millions of star coins.

Maybe when the absolute evolution system completely dispels this distorted black will, all his star coins will be completely consumed.

After all, now the entire chaotic ancient world has been completely alienated, and the so-called star coins have become a decoration.

Not many people will use it at all, and naturally no one will make Star Coins and recognize their prices.

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