It soon became dark.

One hour before the three black suns in the sky completely lost their brilliance, Shen Shan was making a bamboo spear and a braided bamboo shield, and officially set foot in this jungle.

In the jungle, due to the approaching night, there were bursts of terrifying roars.

But obviously, when Shen Shan set foot in this jungle, he could feel the palpitation of staying on the white sand beach disappeared.

But at the same time, there is still a vague sense of threat in my heart.

Although the level of threat in the jungle here is not as strong as the intense heart palpitations felt on the white sandy beach.

But it is still a threat to him, and after spending the night as safely as possible, wait until the daytime to continue exploring on this isolated island.

The power of Platinum Star, if you can use it sparingly, use it sparingly.

As for his own power, he had already spent nearly half of it in the use just now.

Obviously, the power he used only spanned a distance of more than ten kilometers.

As a result, under the action of these black distorted particles around, the power consumed by this terrifying power has doubled by tens of thousands of times.

This is also one of the reasons why Shen Shan does not want to use power.

He must completely save these powers until the most dangerous time before using them.

Shen Shan now has to find a tree hole that can be lived in, or plan a deep hole and cover it with some grass blades as soon as possible before the sun in the sky completely loses its brilliance.

In the sky, the radiance emitted by the three black suns gradually dimmed.

Those sea beasts in the black ocean, twisting their black bodies, are already approaching hundreds of meters away from the white sandy beach. They only need to wait for the last half hour or so of the light to completely fall, and then they will be able to set foot here completely. On a white sandy beach.

At this time, the roar of the beast in the bushes became more and more frenzied.

It seems that the wild beast inside can't wait to break through its shackles from the depths of the jungle, hunting wantonly in this jungle.

After a short thought, Shen Shan did not choose to continue walking towards the depths of this jungle in the coming night, looking for possible tree holes.

After all, the bamboo shield and bamboo spear he made in his hands can only make him a little more aggressive than usual, and it can be more convenient for some wild beasts that are not very threatening in the jungle, or for picking some fruits.

These weapons, if they are facing some wild beasts with elementary fighters and above, they can easily tear up these bamboo spears and bamboo shields.

These weapons can't play any special role at all.

Now he can only choose to dig a deep pit, and then bury a lot of dirt and grass blades to make a temporary shelter for the night.

Soon, under the rush of time, Shen Shan could only hastily dig a shallow pit with a bamboo spear, where he could only lie down alone.

Of course, the price is that his fingers are bleeding.

As for this incomparably sharp bamboo spear, it was already damaged to such an extent that it could no longer be used.

Afterwards, Shen Shan immediately covered his body with the bamboo leaves he had collected, and waited quietly for the night that would completely fall in a few minutes.

A few minutes, fleeting!
The three big suns that were emitting black light in the sky are now like dead spherical creatures, without any light at all.

The whole world fell into an extremely hopeless darkness.

Shen Shan, who was in the deep pit, quietly looked to the outside world with his eyes.

The complete darkness already made it impossible for him to see everything around him clearly.

This is already a level of darkness that can't be seen with hands and fingers, and his visibility is completely unclear even at a position of a few centimeters.

On the white sandy beach where they were before, there was still a bonfire stand braving sparks, which could vaguely provide a little light source, so that Shen Shan could barely see the direction.

At this time, due to the coming of the pure black night, the creatures in the black ocean outside the white beach also completely set foot on this white beach.

At the same time, Shen Shan could also hear the roars of many terrifying jungle beasts behind him.

The powerful airflow brought by the bursts of terrifying roars even almost blown the blades of grass covering his body into the air.

Simply, before he lay down, he used a rope made of twisted bamboo leaves to tie up the bamboo leaves covering his body.

Otherwise, these blades of grass would not have been almost blown away, but completely blown away.

In this case, his figure will be completely exposed to the outside.

Shen Shan was looking at the black environment, and slowly lowered his breathing rate.

Under this illusion of extreme darkness, there is an inexplicable sense of depression and extreme panic in my heart.

In particular, those monsters that came up from the deep sea didn't emit any light from one end after another, those perfect monsters that melted into everything in the entire night.

Only the terrifying low growls could prove that they had already set foot on this white sand beach.

That place is particularly conspicuous under the pure black night, where the bonfire dust is flickering with flames.

At the last moment when the fire was on, Shen Shan, who was hiding in the jungle, could clearly see that a giant monster with horns and a body of yellow sponge was kicking the mass of ashes that had not been extinguished. , completely turned into a piece of dust.

In the entire black night, Shen Shan has no way to see anything.

Then, there were bursts of chilling, hoarse and broken-voiced laughter at the position of the bonfire.

It's creepy to hear.

Shen Shan took a deep breath.

However, he also discovered a pattern, that is, the deep-sea monsters that crawled from the depths of the black ocean to this white beach.

At most, he just walked on the beach for a while, but he didn't walk towards the depths of the jungle.

And those jungle beasts in the depths of the jungle will never come to set foot on this white sandy beach.

In disguise, it is equivalent to Shen Shan's current position, which is absolutely safe.

Where he is now is really at the junction between the jungle and the white sandy beach.

Therefore, no evil beast will rush over.

Shen Shan felt very puzzled, who set the rules for them?

Frowning slightly, the pure black environment made it impossible for him to continue observing.

Instead, it's better to get a good night's sleep.

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