Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 494 Planning ahead

Chapter 494 Planning ahead
Reproductive flower, a unique plant in the forest world.

Its shape resembles a female reproductive organ. It was originally a useless wild plant in the forest world, but it was later discovered by wizard civilization and used as a placenta for breeding creatures.

Not long ago, Enzo created the evil ghosts.

According to the special breeding method of the evil ghosts, Enzo has a new plan. Since any creature can be used as a mother when the young of the evil ghosts are conceived, why not directly use reproductive flowers.

In fact it is.

Enzo's experiment was very successful. During the period of time in the War Ghost World, his strength has basically recovered, and the Emerald Crow Sani also recovered not long ago, so Enzo ordered the Emerald Crow to plant some reproductive flowers.

Use these reproductive flowers as the mother for the breeding of the evil ghosts.

"It looks like the experiment went well!"

Looking at the field in front of him, Enzo nodded slightly, with a satisfied smile on his face. The nature of reproductive flowers is similar to that between animals and plants. The roots are buried deep in the soil to absorb nutrients, which can provide energy for the hatchlings of evil spirits.

In the fields not far away.

The reproductive flowers grow one by one, and in the huge flower sacs, there are a group of fleshy ball-like larvae of the Evil Ghost Clan. Some of them develop faster and have even begun to wriggle, as if they are about to leave the mother's body.

"Sanny, I'll leave this to you."

Enzo said softly, and the Emerald Crow nodded. Although the reproductive flower can be used as a mother, the larvae of the evil ghost tribe need energy to develop in the mother, which is very important.

At first, Enzo didn't know this.

Therefore, after the first batch of reproductive flowers used as experimental products were planted in the field by the Emerald Crow, he couldn't wait to put the seeds of the larvae of the evil ghosts into the reproductive flowers. The flower has withered, and the larvae of the evil spirit inside are also declared dead.

The main reason for the failure of that experiment was that the reproductive flowers could not provide energy for the larvae of the evil ghost race, so they were sucked dry by the larvae and withered.

With the lessons learned from the first experiment, Enzo asked the Emerald Crow to assist in the second experiment. As a demigod creature bred in the forest world, the Emerald Crow can endow plants with life and energy, and provide energy for reproductive flowers Naturally, it was very easy, and the hatchlings of the evil ghost race that were placed in the mother's body also took shape smoothly.

Afterwards, Enzo turned and left.

In the sky, shadow crows circled suddenly. Enzo stopped, raised his arms slightly, and a shadow crow naturally landed on it. Its dark eyes conveyed a series of messages.

Enzo's eyes flashed, and a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

It has been nearly a year since he traveled through the world of forest spirits. As his strength continued to recover, the shadow crows were also continuously released by Enzo. As a vision, it almost covered the entire world of war ghosts, like eyes.

"Has it already started..."

Enzo muttered to himself, this shadow crow has just returned from the extreme west of the world of war ghosts, and brought back important information about the dark sea of ​​trees and the god of disaster.

The dark sea of ​​trees, the border of the war ghost world.

It is the place where the God of Calamity was born, and it is also a restricted area of ​​this world. It is the place where the God of Calamity's power is the strongest. Even the God of Blood Slaughter would not dare to easily step into all the lairs of evil.

Ghost World is divided into three seasons a year.

Among them, the recovery season and the harvest season are both controlled by the blood-killing god Sayenu, while the black mist season is an opportunity for the disaster god Vatican to make waves.

Every year during the black mist season, the God of Calamity releases his divine power to the fullest.

The black mist filled the land, and the war ghosts could only rely on the god-given stone tablet to resist the erosion of the god of disaster. However, the desolate beasts on the plain may not have such a price, so a large number of desolate beasts are transformed into evil beasts every year.

A large number of evil beasts, under the command of the God of Calamity, crazily devoured the same kind and attacked the Zhangui tribe. The confrontation between the two indigenous gods of the Zhangui world was the most intense during the black mist season.

And when the season of black mist ends, the evil beasts will be summoned.

During the recovery season, the black mist will be gradually expelled. Without the power of the God of Calamity, the power of the God of Blood Slaughter regains control of everything. Go to the Dark Forest.

This is the reincarnation of the year, repeated in the world of war ghosts.

The God of Calamity and the God of Blood Slaughter use their own methods to continuously accumulate power, but due to the existence of balance rules, the two cannot really kill each other, so they have been stalemate for many years.

This year, however, things took a turn for the better.

Enzo, as a symbol of wizard civilization, traveled to the world of war ghosts through the power of coordinates, so it became an opportunity. The God of Blood Slaughter took the first step and seized this opportunity, and thus gained the opportunity to kill the God of Calamity .

"Dark Sea of ​​Trees!"

Enzo's eyes flashed, and he said to himself, "According to the time, it is indeed about the same. This year's black mist season is coming to an end, and the God of Calamity has been robbed of one-tenth of his divine power by me, so he urgently needs to recover his strength."

"After all, once the recovery season comes, it will be when he is at his weakest."

"At that time, the power of the blood-slaughter god will start to wake up. According to the relationship between the two gods, the blood-slaughter god will inevitably inflict heavy damage on the god of disaster when he finds that the god of disaster is weak, and even wipe out the power accumulated by the other party for many years in one fell swoop. .”

"Although under the balance rules, the God of Blood Slaughter cannot kill the God of Calamity, but it is still very easy to take advantage of the God of Calamity's weakness to destroy the evil monsters and beasts under his command."

Enzo stroked his chin, his eyes sparkling.

"The God of Calamity is also seeing this, so he can't wait to restore his strength."

"However, the God of Blood Slaughter will not give up this opportunity."

"What's more, what he is plotting is not just to simply attack the God of Calamity..."

Thoughts flickered in Enzo's mind.

Suddenly, a red cloud appeared in the sky, as if painted with blood, with a terrifying aura, a crack was slowly torn open, and Sayanu, the blood-killing god, descended on the earth wearing red armor.

"Good day, Your Excellency Sayenu."

Enzo nodded politely, and asked knowingly, "It seems that there are still a few days before the time agreed between us? Why did you come to me in advance?"

"The plan is moving ahead."

Sayernu wore a red ghost mask on his face, but his eyes were heavy, and he said, "Vanmo, the god of disaster, seems to be planning to end this year's black mist season ahead of schedule. beast."

"It seems that he intends to perform the ceremony within the next few days!"

"Oh?" Enzo's eyes flashed.

The so-called ritual is the plan of the God of Calamity, using the power of the black mist in the evil beasts and aliens under his command to supplement his own lost divine power, which is the only means for the God of Calamity to restore his strength.

"What do you mean, Your Excellency?" Enzo asked after pondering for a moment.

"Since the ceremony of the God of Calamity is being prepared in advance, I am afraid we can only advance our plan." The God of Blood Slaughter said solemnly, "Otherwise, Vatican has recovered his strength. It may not be able to cause fatal damage to it!"

The blood god and Enzo's plan is simple.

First, taking advantage of the restoration ceremony held by the God of Calamity, the God of Blood Slaughter hit him hard, and then Enzo used his identity as an outsider to kill him in one fell swoop, thus breaking the rules of the war ghost world for many years.

"I have no problem, when to leave." Enzo nodded.

"Of course, the sooner the better!"

The God of Blood Slaughter also nodded, and said in a deep voice, "The dark sea of ​​trees is at least three days away from this plain. Please, Your Excellency Enzo, go ahead. I still have to summon the warriors under my command. I'm afraid I won't be able to go with you. "

"Aren't you going with me?" Enzo frowned.

The God of Blood Slaughter shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, the ceremony of the God of Calamity was brought forward, which disrupted my original plan, so there are some things that need to be re-arranged."

"For example?" Enzo spread his palms.

According to the original plan, the God of Blood Slaughter needed to go to the Dark Tree Sea with him, but now it suddenly changed. This was considered a risk for Enzo, so he had to know the reason.

After all, Enzo didn't trust the blood god either.

"It's the way it is."

The God of Blood Slaughter thought for a moment, and said calmly, "The world is currently in the season of black mist, and the minions of the God of Calamity are all over the world, and under the influence of black mist, the number continues to increase."

"We went to the dark tree sea to interrupt the ritual of the god of disaster."

"And if the God of Calamity is aware of this, he will definitely summon all the evil spirits in the whole world to go to the dark tree sea. Although those low-level evil beasts and evil spirits may not be able to harm us, there are too many of them. , will also have some impact on us.”

"Therefore, I need to issue some oracles and assign tasks to the warrior tribe under my command to let them stop the evil beasts. We must not let those evil beasts return to the dark tree sea at the beginning of our plan."

"I see." Enzo nodded.

The reason given by the God of Blood Slaughter is very reasonable, and it is true. The entire War Ghost world is like a chessboard, and the two native gods are like chess players, using their chess pieces to confront each other.

Currently, one-tenth of the divine power has been lost due to the God of Calamity.

He must summon all the evil kings and evil beast kings under his command back to the dark tree sea, and restore their strength through ritual methods, but the low-level evil beasts and evil beasts under his command did not receive this order.

Low-level evil beasts and evil spirits are still raging in the world.

The God of Calamity didn't summon them because he didn't need them for the time being, but if the God of Blood Slaughter were to go off in person, then no matter whether the God of Calamity was willing or not, he had to gather all his strength by his side.

Even though, low-level evil beasts and evil spirits are just cannon fodder!

"That's probably the plan!"

Afterwards, the God of Blood Slaughter said again, "Your Excellency Enzo, after going to the dark sea of ​​trees, you can clean up some evil spirits and beasts, but don't really compete with the God of Calamity."

"Of course, I understand." Enzo nodded.

Even if the Blood Slaughter God didn't remind him, Enzo would never be so stupid as to contend with the God of Calamity alone. What's more, the dark sea of ​​trees is still the opponent's home field. Even if the God of Calamity is weak, it is by no means a favor. Zuo can solve it.

"In this case, please leave as soon as possible, Your Excellency."

The God of Blood Slaughter took a deep breath, and after giving another order, he turned into a red light and disappeared on the spot.

Enzo's eyes flickered, and he was thinking about something.

Afterwards, he turned around and said, "Sani, I will leave this place to you for the time being. If there is any abnormality, you can give up at any time. Don't let yourself get hurt."

"Okay." Sani said obediently.

The current Dalyan tribe has become Enzo's experimental base. The evil ghost tribe is his chess piece to conquer the world of war ghosts, so it is extremely important. Even if Enzo is going to join hands with the blood god to deal with the disaster god, he still does not give up. here.

The ability of the Emerald Crow can provide energy for reproductive flowers.

Therefore, in theory, as long as there is enough time, countless evil ghosts can be bred through reproductive flowers, and when they grow up, they can be used as an army.

"God of Disaster, God of Blood Slaughter!"

Enzo's eyes flickered, and a trace of coldness appeared on his face. He wanted to conquer the world of war ghosts and be promoted to a fourth-level wizard. The two indigenous gods were his biggest obstacles. , the conflict between the two will break out immediately.

Enzo is very aware of this, so he is extremely afraid of the **** of blood.

"At present, with my ability, it may be very difficult to deal with a god, but after the blood-slaughter god severely injures the god of disaster, I can use the crow of disaster to devour the divinity and cultivate a new disaster god." God of Evil."

"That's the only way, I have the capital to fight against the **** of blood!"

It's not that Enzo didn't have the experience of killing fourth-order life forms, but the previous few times were special circumstances, but now he is in a different world, fighting against two indigenous gods, so he has to be careful.

"Chip, open the map."

On the spot, after Enzo arranged everything, he ordered the chip. The Blood Slaughter God had given him the map of the Dark Sea of ​​Trees before, so as long as he opened it, he could go directly there.

In front of him, a map appeared.

Almost the entire War Ghost World is recorded on it. The westernmost area is the dark sea of ​​trees. As for the Solu Plain, it is located in the eastern area of ​​the world, next to the wild forest.

"The Raven of Thousand Changes!" Then, Enzo called softly again.

In mid-air, Swain appeared with his wings spread out, as if he had been asleep for too long, his eyes were loose, and he slowly landed on the ground.

During his apprenticeship, Tinos crow was cultivated.

Today, Swain is a full-grown adult. Under normal circumstances, the lifespan of a Tinos crow is only about 60 years. However, at this time, Swain is already full of energy, and he is obviously a different species among the Tinos crows.

"Transform into the form of a magic horse!" Enzo ordered.

Swain obediently turned into a magic horse. After reaching adulthood, Tinos crow can maintain this form for a long time even if it becomes a magic horse. Although it can't help Enzo much in battle, it is very good. Appropriate means of transport.

(End of this chapter)

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