Chapter 495 Guess
Forest spirit world, purify the forest.

On the barren land, as if dry, cobweb-like ditches spread towards the surroundings, symbolizing the continuous flow of natural power, causing this place to become more and more desolate.

In the distance, a tree has gradually withered. The originally thick trunk has shrunk to the thickness of an arm, as if it would be broken at any time. On the surface, a human-like face also showed an extremely wrinkled expression.

A faint sound came, and the treant who was on the verge of death opened his eyes with difficulty, and a figure in black robe appeared in the cloudy eyes.

"Wizard..." The tree man's voice was weak.

In the same place, Gustav walked forward slowly, looked around, looked at the purified forest that had almost turned into a desert, sighed and shook his head.

Purify the forest!
In the restricted area of ​​the forest world, where the tree of Aiqila sealed the beast Ochino, the once purified forest was covered by plants and trees, but it is obviously completely desolate at this moment.

And the former master of the world, the tree of Aiqila, the fourth-order life form, has also been severely injured by Frosley, trapped in the purification forest and unable to escape.

"Without the power of nature, the tree people in the forest spirit world will eventually be annihilated in history..." Gustav walked forward, glanced at the dying tree people not far away, and shook his head slightly.

The purification forest decades ago was still the territory of the giant tree family. At that time, countless tall giant trees gathered together, almost covering the sky and blocking out the sun, guarding the purification forest.

But now, everything is gone.

After Frosley used the beast Ochino to severely damage the Tree of Ekira, the purified forest was also polluted by the breath of the beast, and a large amount of natural force passed away, taking the lives of countless giant trees.

The treant that was on the verge of death just now could even reach the level of a second-order life form in its heyday, but it is already dying at this moment, and it is the last giant tree family.

Gustav went all the way past the tree man.

Not long after, he had come to the core area of ​​the purification forest. The land here showed an extremely strange black color, as terrifying as a black hole that swallowed everything.

"Is it here?"

On the spot, Gustav stopped, looked at the darkness ahead, took a deep breath and continued walking.

The deeper he went into the darkness, the weirder the breath he felt. Gustav even felt that the magic power in his body was passing away. Although it was only a little bit, it was enough to make him vigilant.

at this time.

Gustav, who was going forward, suddenly stopped and looked forward. On the endless dark land, there was a green light, as conspicuous as the water source in the desert.

And around the green light, there are countless runes.

The star-like runes showed colorful colors, so they floated in the darkness, looked down from above, and faintly formed a witch formation comparable to the phantoms of crows in the base camp of the Dark Pole Region.

However, compared with the defensive wizard array arranged by the Phantom of Crows Base Camp, the wizard array built with countless runes in front of them is for sealing.

Sealing the core area of ​​the witch formation, a monster like a giant scorpion is crawling on the ground, with a figure on its capacious black carapace. It is in meditation with its eyes closed, and illusory crows are hovering around it.

The phantom master of the crows, Frosley!
"Master Dean!"

Gustav stopped and called softly to the figure on the back of the Calamity Beast Ochino.

After feeling Gustav's breath, Flossley slowly opened his eyes, and there was a faint emerald green luster in his eyes.

"You're here." Flosley said.

Gustav nodded slightly, with a solemn expression on his face, and said in a deep voice, "Master Dean, I already have clues to the matter you asked me to investigate. Crowley did indeed die near the Tower of Blood!"

Flossley's face was calm, but there was a glimmer of thought flashing across her face.

"At this time, the Tower of Blood has been occupied by an army of demons. I also took advantage of the absence of the Demon of Thousand Hands to investigate quietly." Gustav said.

"What's the result?" Flores said.

"In the area where the Tower of Blood collapsed... I found the breath of the Purgatory Bone Dragon!" Gustav hesitated for a moment, and then threw out a heavy message.

However, Flossley didn't show too much surprise about this, but frowned slightly and muttered to himself.

"Is there only the breath of the purgatory bone dragon?"

Gustav pondered for a moment, and said again: "The breath of the bone dragon in purgatory appeared near the Blood Tower, isn't it enough to explain everything?"

"The leak of the coordinates of the forest world is full of weirdness. Although we claim that the tree of Aiqila passed the coordinates to the abyss by means, in fact, everyone knows it very well."

Gustav spread his palms and said, "The tree of Aiqila, which was polluted by the energy of the disaster beast Ochino and sealed by the witch formation, is almost in a state of sleep, and the possibility of sending information to the outside world is almost zero!"

Frossley narrowed his eyes, and said quietly, "Even you think that the leak of the coordinates has nothing to do with the tree of Aiqila, but a traitor in the Wizards' Union, and passed it to the abyss world?"

"Don't...don't Mr. Dean think so?"

Gustav's face was serious, and he said in a deep voice, "You should be very clear about how obsessed that guy Klosnow is with being promoted to the fourth-level wizard. In order to compete for the coordinates of the forest world, he even took the initiative to provoke a war!"

"Now, in order to fight for the control of the forest world, he may not turn to the abyss, after all, that guy has always been crazy!"

Gustav's voice was resounding, as if he had already confirmed everything. In his opinion, since the breath of the purgatory bone dragon had been found near the Tower of Blood, Crowley's death must be inseparable from Closnow. relation.

Even, when the space coordinates of the forest world were leaked, it was Klosnow who did it!
Flossley's eyes flickered, and he seemed to be lost in thought. All the evidence and clues pointed to Klosnow, but he still couldn't conclude that things were really as Gustav inferred.

"Give the order, Master Dean!"

On the spot, Gustav took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Crossnow has betrayed the Wizarding Union. If we don't take action as soon as possible, then someone else will probably die!"

Hearing Gustav's words, Flossley shook his head and said, "Before there is any definite evidence, rashly attacking Closnow will only cause the expeditionary army to fall into greater panic."

"What's more, now that I'm attacking the realm of a fourth-order wizard, and Crowley has fallen, relying on you and Christina alone, Catherine may not be able to deal with Closnow, who has a purgatory bone dragon!"

"What's more, there is also the Demon of Thousand Hands..."

After Flossley said, Gustav frowned slightly, as if lost in thought, although he didn't want to admit it, but in fact it was.

Among the third-tier wizards in the Dark Pole Region, Closno, who owns the Purgatory Bone Dragon, is the second strongest after Flossley. If the other party has already taken refuge in the abyss, then Gustav alone may not be able to deal with it. Can deal with him.

"Temporarily... stabilize the situation."

After pondering for a while, Frosley spoke again, and said softly, "Although the forest world is invaded by the army of the abyss, there are wizard towers everywhere, which can temporarily resist the demon of the thousand hands."

"What we lack now, time can definitely come first..."

Gustav's eyes flashed, and he hesitated, "Master Dean, can't you integrate the heart of the world and be promoted to the fourth-level wizard?"

"Oh! How can it be so easy?"

Flossley shook his head, with a bitter smile on his face, and said quietly: "The heart of the world is the root of a world, and it is also the most precious resource in the world. Even if I am a third-level wizard, it will not be a short time to integrate it." Things that can be done inside!"

As Flossley said just now, for the Phantom of Crows and the Alliance of Wizards, the most lacking thing is time.

Because it takes time for Flossley to fuse with the heart of the world, and only by being promoted to a fourth-order wizard can he be qualified to expel the Demon of Thousand Hands from the forest world and truly end this war.

Gustav fell silent.

"But it's okay, at least I've taken the first step." Seeing this, Flossley slowly stretched out a palm with a smile on his face.

As the palm opened, a mass of green light burst out immediately, even dispelling the surrounding darkness, allowing the central area of ​​the forest to be purified and bathed in natural brilliance again.

Heart of the world!

Gustav's eyes flashed, and his eyes were fixed on the green light in Frosley's palm. It was a plant similar to a small sapling, with a soft green light all over its body, and its roots were planted in a clay pot.

The heart of the world represents the essence of a world. Therefore, the hearts of the world bred in different worlds also have different forms. For example, the heart of the world in the forest world is a green plant, which leads to the creation of creatures in the whole world. Mostly related to plants.

In the palm of the hand, the green plants exude a soft light.

But in the soft light, in the center like a flower bud, an illusory baby bird shape is faintly revealed.

The power of phantom crow!

As the leader of the group of phantom crows, the meditation method that Frosley mastered was naturally the magic crows, and the magic power in his body had already been transformed into the power of phantom crows when he became a formal wizard.

"After spending so long, I finally left a mark on the heart of the world!" The corners of Frosley's lips rose slightly, and the eyes sparkled with luster.

"Finally...has it started?" Suddenly, Gustav's breathing became a little more rapid, and his tone showed a hint of excitement.

Leaving the Phantom Crow brand on the Heart of the World is the first step in merging the Heart of the World, and it is also the most difficult step. As long as this step is taken, Frosley will fully integrate with the Heart of the World, and all it takes is time. .

"It takes at least ten years to fully integrate the heart of the world." Afterwards, Flosley withdrew his palm, and the light from the potted plant was instantly extinguished.

Then, Frossley said, "I need to stay in the Purification Forest to suppress the Tree of Aiqila, and integrate the heart of the forest spirit world."

"Everything outside can only be handed over to you, Gustav."

"Although you haven't been promoted to the third-level wizard for a long time, as a conqueror wizard, your combat effectiveness is unquestionable, and compared to Christina, I have more confidence in your ability!"

Gustav bowed slightly, and said, "Please rest assured, Master Frosley, Gustav will definitely stop the army of abyssal demons and buy you enough time!"

"Then... please!" Flossley said after taking a deep breath.

Afterwards, Gustav saluted again, then turned and left the spot, his figure gradually disappeared into the darkness.

And after Gustav left, the smile on Frosley's face gradually disappeared, becoming expressionless, and the luster in her eyes gleamed.

"Could it be you? Gustav..."

Flossley muttered to himself, his eyes sparkling with thought, and said, "Now I can be sure that there are indeed betrayers in the alliance, but who could it be?"

The purgatory bone dragon aura that appeared near the Blood Tower did not represent anything. There are tens of thousands of purgatory bone dragons in the abyss world. It's the Closno side.

And the main reason is that according to Florsley's understanding of Closnow, although the other party is a crazy person, he is not stupid.

Even if he wanted to attack Crowley, he didn't need to dispatch the bone dragon of purgatory, let alone leave traces stupidly and be noticed by others.

On the spot, Frosley's eyes flickered.

Now he is only a short time away from fully merging with the heart of the world, but facing the invasion of the abyss demons, he also feels very difficult.

Especially in the current situation, there are also betrayers in the wizard alliance, and Frosley maintains a distrust of anyone.


On the back of the Calamity Beast, Frosley slowly raised her arms. With the release of the Phantom Crow's magic power, names appeared in the air, including Christina, Gustav, Closnow, and the last Catherine. .

"First, Christina can be removed."

Flossley waved her hand, and the name representing Christina disappeared.

For Florsley, Christina's identity was special, she was a partner he trusted when he was still an apprentice, coupled with the other party's identity, it was almost impossible to betray him.

"In this case, only Gustav, Catherine, and Closnow are left!"

Flossley looked at the three names in front of her.

Among them, Klosnow is undoubtedly the most suspected traitor. Not only is the other party the owner of the Purgatory Bone Dragon, but he is also the most persistent one for being promoted to the fourth-tier wizard.

Floresley frowned slightly.

Although all the clues indicated that the betrayer was most likely to be Klosnow, Frosley felt something was wrong in his heart. This feeling did not have any basis, but came from the heart completely, just like the premonition of a wizard .

Afterwards, Flossley shook his head.

"In this case, let's arrange Klosnow alone for the time being."

(End of this chapter)

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