Chapter 515 One Half
Squeak! !

The sharp and twisted hissing sound kept ringing in the silent room. Under the control of Enzo's magic power, the twisted monster began to shrink, and finally formed a ball-like object, which gradually turned into illusory energy.

"It's now!"

Enzo's eyes flashed, and seeing this opportunity, he directly threw the energized sphere onto the stone bed. On the abdomen of the sleeping girl, the power of the rune burst into a strong light, and then turned into a whirlpool.

The sealed monster from Enzo's body was smoothly thrown into Wendy's abdomen. Under the double control of the sealing technique and the reincarnation technique, it began to fuse with the baby in the abdomen, producing a strong abnormal movement.

Outside the Tatar tribe, on the plain.

In the sky, black mist is densely covered, like a huge cloud, covering the entire Solu Plain and even the world of War Ghosts. The world that was originally daytime fell into endless darkness in an instant.

It was as if the God of Calamity ruled over everything.

Gorzo Tribe, Rock City.

"My God! How could this be?"

"The great god of killing blood, please bless the Gaosuo tribe!"

"The season of black mist is coming early?"

Inside the Gaosuo tribe, after feeling the anomaly in the world, all the Gaosuo blood warriors came out one after another, looking at the dark sky, praying in fear.

Ramam leaned on crutches tremblingly, his face was as pale as paper.

The anomalies of the world are displayed everywhere.

The Zhangui tribe, who were already panicked, became even more frightened. They could not contact the Blood Slaughter God, so they could only pray continuously, but they received no response like stone sinking into the sea.

Tatar tribe.

Drogo walked to the clearing and looked at the darkness of the sky, with an expression of unconcealable fear on his face. Recently, too many abnormalities have occurred in the world, as if the end is coming.

Suddenly, he turned his head.

Drogo looked at the central area of ​​the tribe. On the square where the stele bestowed by the gods stood, he saw Tatar women walking from that direction. He quickly grabbed one of them.

"What's going on, how did you come out?"

These Tatar tribe women were asked by Enzo to serve Wendy, something Drogo knew a long time ago. During this period of time, these women have been brought in that courtyard, and this is the first time they have come out.

"Miss Wendy is about to give birth, and we are no longer needed."

The Tatar woman caught by Drogo replied with a stiff face, and she, who was controlled by Enzo with runes, could only answer instinctively.

"Wendy is going into labor?"

Drogo was taken aback for a moment, and then, his expression suddenly changed drastically, and he couldn't help turning his gaze to the sky covered in black mist, and his heart trembled.

"Is there... is there any connection between the two?"

In Drogo's heart, a thought grew wildly like a weed, and he shook his head quickly, throwing this thought out of his mind.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible."

"Wendy's child, but I watched her grow up. She has been the same as other girls in the tribe since she was a child, and she has never had any special places."

Drogo kept shaking his head, his eyes sparkling, but he couldn't help muttering, "But... how could everything be so coincidental?"

"And...the child she is carrying is..."

As if he had guessed some secrets, Drogo's heart was beating wildly, and he couldn't help but look at the courtyard in the center of the tribe, with thoughts flickering in his heart.


In the courtyard, in the room.

In the originally quiet and spacious room, the surroundings were full of rays of light from the runes, astonishing energy was continuously released, with Wendy on the stone bed as the core, it was like a vortex that was constantly devouring.

On the spot, Enzo looked serious.

One by one syllables were spit out from his mouth, endless magic power was released from his body, and the mental power communicated with the Calamity Crow continuously, consuming the black mist divine power belonging to the Calamity God.

On the stone bed, the sleepy Wendy had a painful expression on her face, and her belly was as big as a drum, as if something was constantly wriggling.

The technique of sealing continues to suppress.

Enzo's face became paler, and the chip in his mind kept sending out reminders that the God of Calamity and the Crow of Calamity were completely integrated, and were forcibly sealed into the baby in Wendy's womb.

The powerful black mist divine power brought the fetus a majestic vitality. The fetus, which originally had only weak vitality, seemed to be given the hope of surviving.

And this is exactly Enzo's plan!

Due to the magic curse, Enzo knew very well that the possibility of his and Wendy's child being successfully delivered was almost slim, so he had to find a way.

The art of reincarnation!

A special kind of witchcraft theoretical knowledge, simply put, is to fuse a powerful creature with an unborn baby through the means of energyization, so as to bring special power to the baby.

In situ, Enzo's face was a little pale.

Using the technique of reincarnation, the sealed God of Calamity was thrown into Wendy's abdomen, causing him to almost exhaust his magic power, but everything was finally a preliminary success.

"What is this? Renzhuli?"

Suddenly, a strange idea came to Enzo's mind, and a wry smile appeared on his face. Thinking about it carefully, the current situation is really similar to the scene in a certain cartoon in his previous life.

Sealing a powerful creature into the baby's body will not only serve as a seal, but also allow the child to have powers that are different from ordinary people from birth.

"The next step is the crucial step!"

On the spot, Enzo took a deep breath, the sealing technique and the reincarnation technique had been used up, but in Wendy's womb, the god of disaster in the fetus still retained a trace of will, which was undoubtedly a huge hidden danger.

"Never give him a chance!"

Enzo's eyes became firm, and he issued a series of commands to the chip in his mind, and then released more magic power. In Wendy's belly, he cooperated with the Calamity Crow to wear down the power of the Calamity God little by little.

Soon, three hours passed.

Enzo's face was extremely ugly, but driven by the magic power, the God of Calamity had completely turned into energy and merged with the Crow of Calamity.

At the same time, Wendy also began to give birth.

Enzo stepped forward and began to deliver the girl himself. As a wizard, he possessed too much knowledge, so through the guidance of the chip, he quickly helped Wendy complete the delivery.

"Wow wow wow!"

Following a burst of crying from the baby, Wendy on the stone bed also faintly woke up, with an extremely weak expression on her face, looking at her child.

"Is it... a boy?"

Wendy's voice was inaudible, but her eyes were shining with anticipation. Having a boy is the obsession of every Ghost Warrior woman, even Wendy.

Enzo nodded slightly, and said softly, "Thanks for your hard work, Wendy."

Wendy felt relieved and fell asleep again.

In the same place, Enzo looked into his arms. The crying boy was full of vitality, his wrinkled face was like a little old man, and a purple rune appeared on his forehead, which seemed to symbolize the disaster sealed in his body. the crow.

"I'll call you... Sophie!"

A smile appeared on Enzo's pale face, and then he held the baby in his hand to the top of his head, and named him.

After the end of the battle in the Dark Tree Sea, the God of Calamity who was swallowed by the Crow of Calamity has become a part of the former, but due to the difference in life level, the two are in a state of contention.

It is precisely because of this that Enzo can only temporarily land the Crow of Calamity in his body, and then seal it in the body of his descendants through the technique of reincarnation. It is through such a process of reincarnation that the God of Calamity The will is completely gone.

Even, the Calamity Raven has become a part of 'Little Sophie'.

The curse of magic power was broken in this way, and Enzo's plan went smoothly. Not only did it eliminate the hidden danger of the God of Calamity, but at the same time, he allowed his blood to possess extraordinary power at the moment of birth.

And the anomalies that happened in this world before were all because of Sophie's birth.

After grinding the God of Calamity into pure energy and sealing it in the body, in a sense, little Sophie has the characteristics of a god. Although he is still very weak now, as time goes by, he will eventually grow into a lower body. a god.

"Next, only the God of Blood Slaughter is left!"

On the spot, the little Zofi in Enzo's arms had already fallen into a drowsy sleep, the light in his eyes flickered slightly, and he was planning the future for himself.

The influence of the God of Calamity has completely disappeared, so, for Enzo, the only obstacle to conquering the world and advancing to the fourth-level wizard is the God of Blood Slaughter, and after the battle in the Dark Tree Sea, the God of Blood Slaughter was Serious trauma, at this time must be hiding in a corner to recuperate.

This means that the God of Blood Slaughter will not make any more moves in a short time.

"Alright, let's use this opportunity to let the Evil Ghost Race grow stronger and become a race that can truly rule the world!"

Enzo took a deep breath, his eyes shone slightly.


Multiverse, Forest World.

City of Illusory Crows, in the first tallest tower, there is a cold hall with a huge round table in the center, surrounded by seven chairs, half of which are vacant, and only three are sitting figures.

"...that's the way it is."

On the chair in the center, Mitchell was wearing a white robe, and he spread his palms to tell about his plan with Flossley, with a lazy smile on his face, showing a hint of indifference.

Beside him, Gustav said nothing.

On the opposite side, Catherine was wearing a red gauze dress with bloody lips, her jewel-like eyes shone with thoughtful luster, and the expression on her face kept changing.

"So... all this is your plan?"

After a while, Catherine spoke slowly, and said quietly, "In order to lure out the traitors in the expedition alliance, Your Excellency the Scholar did not hesitate to feign death, and even Christina was kept in the dark?"

Mitchell shrugged and didn't refute anything.

"If that's the case, isn't it too much?"

A trace of sadness flashed across Catherine's face, and she said displeasedly, "For your plan to lure out the traitor, Your Excellency Mitchell faked his death, but Crowley really fell into the hands of the Demon of Thousand Hands."

"I can only express regret for the death of Lord Crowley."

Mitchell shook his head, and said in a low voice, "However, Gustav has already represented Phantom Crows and compensated Blood Shadow with Fangs, so it should come to an end, not to mention that the one who killed Lord Crowley was not Klosno, but the Lord of the Abyss, the Demon with Thousand Hands!"

Catherine's eyes flickered, as if she was thinking about something.

In all honesty, Catherine never felt sad about Crowley's death, but was the biggest beneficiary of this incident. Although Fangs and Blood Shadow lost a third-tier wizard, Catherine became the only leader.

For Catherine, who has been suppressed by Crowley, this is something worth celebrating. What's more, the blood shadow of the fangs was compensated by the phantom of the crows. It all went into Catherine's pocket, and even became her capital to attack the fourth-order wizard.

"Forget it, Crowley is dead anyway."

Catherine shook her head and continued, "I don't want to waste time on this matter. I hope that the compensation promised by Phantom of Crows can be paid to Blood Shadow of Fangs as soon as possible."

"Of course, this is what the fangs and blood shadow deserve." Mitchell said with a sly smile on his face, as if pointing.

Afterwards, Catherine let out a breath slowly.

"I didn't expect that the betrayer in the expedition alliance turned out to be Klosnow. This guy dared to seek refuge in the abyss and transformed himself into a lich. What a crazy idiot!" Catherine sighed.

Closno's betrayal disrupted the original plan.

As the leader of the expedition alliance, the Phantom of the Crows has successfully defeated the only fourth-order life form in the world, the Tree of Ekira, and supported the fallen spirits to become the rulers of the world. Strictly speaking, the expedition plan went smoothly.

According to the original plan, as long as there is enough time, after Floresley merges with the heart of the world and becomes a fourth-order magician, then this forest world will also be completely ruled by the wizard civilization. Even if the abyss wants to invade, The degree of difficulty has also increased by a hundred times.

But now, the situation is very critical.

The invasion of the army of abyssal demons has caused the wizarding civilization to fall into a passive state. In a world without the fourth-order magicians, it is difficult to resist the attack of the Thousand-Handed Demon. Even with the advantage of conquering the world before, the expedition alliance can only delay it through resistance. time.

This is by no means a long-term solution!

No one knows how long it will take for Floresley to merge with the heart of the world and become a fourth-order wizard of all souls. Under such circumstances, every day means a great risk for the expedition alliance.

"Now that the traitors in the expedition alliance have been resolved, there is one more thing that I need to say in advance."

After a while, Catherine suddenly spoke.

"Please speak." Mitchell said.

"Fanged Blood Shadow has decided to withdraw from the expedition alliance!" Catherine said softly, but there was a trace of determination in her tone, which seemed to be a well-thought-out decision.

"Withdraw from the expedition alliance?" Mitchell frowned slightly.

Beside, the expression of Gustav is also the same. The invasion of the abyssal demon army has already put a lot of pressure on the expeditionary alliance. In addition, the fall of Crowley and the betrayal of Closnow have made the expeditionary alliance It was a big blow, and if Blood Shadow with Fangs withdraws now, it will undoubtedly make things worse.

(End of this chapter)

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