Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 516: Reincarnation of God

Chapter 516: Reincarnation of God
"Yes! Fanged Blood Shadow has decided to quit!"

Catherine took a deep breath, and said in a firm tone, "According to the contract signed by the three major organizations, if the expedition is strongly hindered by the past, Fangs and Blood Shadow can withdraw from the alliance at any time."

Mitchell's brows were furrowed, and the luster in his eyes shone.

According to the contract signed by Phantom Crows at the beginning of the expedition in order to win over the other two major organizations in the Dark Pole Region, no matter the Skeleton Castle or the Blood Shadow with Fangs, they do have the right to withdraw at any time, but once they choose to withdraw, then Everything promised before will come to naught.

"Please think clearly, Lady Catherine."

After a moment of silence, Mitchell slowly opened his mouth and said, "If you choose to withdraw from the expedition alliance, it means that Blood Shadow with Fangs will no longer participate in all development projects in the forest world, including the previously promised Blood Shadow with Fangs." resident, and various resource exploitation rights.”

"The expedition has been carried out so far, is it true that the lady really wants to give up everything she has worked so hard to obtain?"

Catherine's eyes flickered with confusion, but she quickly became firm. She nodded and said, "Fangs and Blood Shadow can give up the right to develop resource points in the Forest World, and they will all leave the Forest World within a year."

Hearing Catherine's firm words, Mitchell's face was also difficult to look.

Judging from the attitude shown by the other party, Catherine seems to really want to withdraw from the expedition alliance, rather than just acting on her own will. Even if she wants to give up her previous gains, she has to leave the forest world, which is really not in the interests of wizards.

"... May I know why?"

After a while, Mitchell spoke quietly. Although he already had an inference in his heart, he still wanted to ask Catherine the reason.

" I still need to ask?"

Catherine gave a wry smile, shook her head and said, "The local expedition plan of the forest world has been successfully completed. According to the original track, it should be time for the three major organizations to mine the fruits."

"Unfortunately, the army of abyssal demons has appeared!"

"Obviously the original plan has been disrupted. Crowley and Closno have fallen one after another, which really makes me a little scared. The strength of the abyssal demon lord is almost no less than that of the gods. It is not something you and I can compete with."

While speaking, Catherine took a deep breath and said.

"Before I thought about it, if I was the wizard who encountered the Demon of Thousand Hands that day in the Tower of Blood, how confident would I be to survive? You know, my strength is not even a little bit worse than Crowley's. .”

"It is even said that among the third-tier wizards in the entire Dark Pole Region, I should be the weakest one. Not only can I not compare with Floresley and Closnow, even if I am fighting against Christina and His Excellency Gustav , there may not be much chance of winning."

"Therefore... I have decided to withdraw from the expedition alliance!"

Catherine's tone was very firm, without any hesitation at all. The fall of Crowley and Closnow had already made this third-tier wizard fearful, and she didn't want to just fall here.


Mitchell sighed deeply, shook his head and said, "Well, since Ms. Catherine insists, then [Phantom of Crows] will not violate the contract, and Ms. and Fanged Blood Shadow can leave the forest world at any time."

"However, I would like to remind the lady one last time."

"Once the Fanged Blood Shadow withdraws from the expedition alliance, it means that it will no longer enjoy the mining rights of the forest world. I think the lady should be very clear that the Skeleton Castle has been wiped out because of Klosnow. According to the agreement in the contract, Under such circumstances, the resource points that originally belonged to the Skeleton Castle should be divided equally between the Crow Phantom and the Fanged Blood Shadow after everything is over!"

Mitchell spelled out the pros and cons, trying to make a last-ditch effort.

The Skeleton Castle has been completely wiped out. If Blood Shadow with Fangs chooses to quit at this time, Phantom Crows can only fight alone, facing the invasion of the army of abyssal demons and the demon of a thousand hands.

Although the Phantom of the Crows at this moment is stronger than the Skeleton Castle and the Blood Shadow with Fangs, but in the face of the current situation, there is more hope for one more third-level wizard.

"Sorry, Mr. Mitchell."

Catherine still shook her head and chose to refuse. As the weakest third-tier wizard in the Dark Pole Region, Catherine was not as courageous as the other wizards, not to mention that with the fall of Crowley, she has become the only one in Fangs and Blood Shadow. leader.

Relying on the resources brought by this power, it is enough to make Catherine's strength go a step further. The mining rights of the forest world resource point are not that important to her.

Afterwards, Catherine got up and left.

Although Fang Xueying has decided to withdraw from the expedition alliance, it will take at least a year for all members to leave the forest world. Catherine must issue the order as soon as possible.

In the hall, Mitchell fell silent.

"Ah! Lost another third-tier wizard."

Mitchell sighed in distress and shook his head helplessly. The withdrawal of Fangs and Blood Shadow undoubtedly made the situation worse. A hidden danger that may arise in the future.

But... what should I do now?

"I hope Master Frosley can integrate the heart of the world as soon as possible." Gustav next to him suddenly spoke and said in a deep voice.

Mitchell shook his head, merging the heart of the world is not an easy task.

"By the way, where's Christina?"

Suddenly, Gustav asked again, as one of the four wizards of the phantom of the crows, Frosley sealed the tree of Ekira in the original purification forest and merged with the heart of the world at the same time, so he did not appear in the hall, but Christina went there again.

Gustav suddenly remembered that he hadn't seen each other for a long time.


As if thinking of Her Lady Queen, Mitchell had even more headaches, helplessly covering his forehead, and said weakly, "She has already returned to the wizarding world."

"What?" Gustav frowned.

The forest world is now under the threat of the invasion of the abyss, and every third-tier wizard is an incomparably precious combat power. Returning to the wizard world at this time, what is Christina thinking.

"Who knows what our Lady Queen thinks?"

Mitchell sighed faintly, and said, "Isn't Klosnow already sealed and unable to be killed due to his identity as a lich, but Christina disagreed, insisting on going to the wizarding world to find a fourth-order wizard who can prophesy?" , to predict the location of Klosno's phylactery."

"Woman! What a vengeful creature..."

Hearing Mitchell's complaints, Gustav also fell silent. Christina's mind is indeed not normal. Under the current situation, the sealed Klosnow can no longer be called a threat, so she is looking for life The matter of the box can be postponed temporarily.


The multiverse, the world of war ghosts.

On the endless plain, dark green bushes grow, a fire-tusk mammoth driven away by the tribe rolled up the trunk next to it with its nose, threw it forward and smashed a Brar gray wolf into a pulp.

Around, other Brar gray wolves fled in a hurry.

The difference in size cannot be made up by the number. Even if there are hundreds of Brar gray wolves on the plain, they still cannot give birth to the idea of ​​hunting fire-tused mammoths, especially since they are not hungry.

However, at this moment.

The black mist suddenly surged, like a gust of wind, sweeping across the plain, and the surrounding Brar gray wolves let out a sharp and painful howl after being swallowed by the mist.

Moments later, the fur of the pack of Brar gray wolves emitted a rotting mist.

The originally scarlet eyeballs all showed a pure black luster, and under the corrosion of the black mist that hit the plain, they turned into a group of evil beasts.

Not far away, the Firefang Mammoth flicked its nose uneasily.

Even as a large desolate beast, it could feel the threat approaching. After being transformed into desolate beasts by the black mist, the surrounding gray wolves exuded a cruel aura and suppressed howls in their throats.

The next moment, the pack of wolves suddenly rushed forward.

The beast-like Blarr gray wolves seemed to have lost their fear, and charged towards the Firefang Mammoth without fear of death. There are scars left on the body.


The high-pitched giant elephant neighed, and the two tusks of the fire-fanged mammoth emitted high temperature, piercing through the abdomen of an evil beast wolf as if burning, and then threw it out.

Immediately afterwards, the Firefang Mammoth opened its mouth and ejected a burst of flames.

It is relying on the ability of the flame spell that the Firefang Mammoth became the overlord of the plain. Even the former Gaosu tribe was unwilling to provoke it easily, and had almost no natural enemies.

However, at this moment, the pack of wolves continued to bite the giant elephant.

The Blair gray wolves, transformed into beasts by the black mist, showed no fear at all. Surrounded by the fire-tusk mammoth, they bit the mammoth frantically, and even the thick elephant skin couldn't stop it.

Not long after, after the ten Blair gray wolves were trampled to death by the giant elephant, the huge body of the fire-tusk mammoth also became dripping with blood.

At this time, the black mist filled the air again.

On the plain in the distance, a little boy wearing an animal fur robe, who looked less than ten years old, was slowly coming out. He tried hard to control the black mist, and walked towards the fire-fanged mammoth.

Next to the little boy, followed by a man in a red robe.

And behind the two, there were hundreds of Evil Ghost Clan fighters, silently following their footsteps, with no expression on their stiff faces.

"Use mental power to control the black mist."

On the spot, Enzo said softly, "Imagine the power of the black mist as a part of your body, just like hands and feet, let them wrap the target first, and then alienate it!"

Beside, the little boy nodded.

According to her father's guidance, Sophie used her mental power to control the black mist, and gradually devoured the Firefang Mammoth. After feeling the energy of the black mist, the Firefang Mammoth became restless, constantly spraying flames, trying to disperse the black mist .

Suddenly, Sophie's face became a little pale.

For him now, manipulating the black mist means consuming mental power, and obviously he needs to bear a lot of burden. If he just uses the black mist to pollute small wild beasts such as Brar gray wolf, it is easy, but large wild beasts is the first attempt.

After working hard for more than ten minutes, the Firefang Mammoth was still frantic.

"Sure enough... it's still too early."

On the spot, Enzo shook his head with a chuckle, then waved to the Evil Ghost warriors behind, signaling them to inflict more damage on the Firefang Mammoth.

A few evil ghost warriors were ordered to charge towards the Firefang Mammoth.

Ten years have passed since the battle of the two gods in the dark sea of ​​trees. The first generation of evil spirits have grown to the level of first-order life forms, and some of them have even been cultivated by Enzo as second-order life forms.

The second-order evil ghost clan, [ghost general].

That was Enzo's advanced path for the Evil Ghost Clan. From the initial [Ghost Warrior] to the second-level [Ghost General], and even the third-level [Ghost King], this is the limit of the life level that the Evil Ghost Clan can reach.

The advancement route of the evil ghost clan stopped abruptly at the third level, and even Enzo couldn't predict what the evil ghost clan who advanced to the fourth level would become. According to the wizarding world, this situation is the so-called bloodline shackles.

Several ghost warriors rushed towards the Firefang Mammoth.

The Firefang Mammoth, which was already scarred by the pack of wolves, was powerless to resist the attack of the ghost warriors. After a while, it neighed in pain, and then fell to the ground.

The dying Firefang Mammoth was completely swallowed by the black mist.

Little Zoffy took a deep breath, followed the method his father gave him, and began to transform the life form of the fire-fang mammoth. It took ten minutes to transform the fire-fang mammoth into a demonic beast, and he also became panting .

"I did it, Father!"

Little Sophie's eyes lit up, and a smile appeared on her pale face. The joy of transforming a large wild beast for the first time, she couldn't wait to share it with her father.

"Mmm! You're doing great, Sophie."

Enzo also nodded slightly. Although during the process, he still relied on the assistance of ghost warriors, but at his current age, it is very rare for Sophie to be able to transform a large wild beast.

On the plain not far away.

The fire-tusk mammoth, which was transformed into a demonic beast, slowly stood up from the ground. Its huge nose spewed out a cloud of black mist, as if it was burning. It dragged its huge body full of scars and walked slowly towards Sophie.

Little Sophie excitedly ran forward and gave orders to the evil beast Mammoth.

The evil mammoth stretched out its trunk, rolled Sophie onto its back, and then wandered on the plain. For the first time riding a mammoth, little Sophie seemed extremely excited, and stood up from time to time to look into the distance.

The soldiers of the evil ghost tribe quickly followed up.

Sophie, who carries all the power of the God of Calamity, is in a sense like the reincarnation of a god. Except that she has no memory of the God of Calamity, she has almost all the authority and power of a god.

Although these powers and powers have not been fully displayed at this time, they are respected like gods to the evil ghosts. At the same time, if the evil ghosts want to advance to a higher level, they also need to rely on Xiao Zuo The power released by Fei.

(End of this chapter)

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