Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 517 Mutated Blood Pool

Chapter 517 Mutated Blood Pool

The relationship between the evil ghost clan and Sophie today is like that of the war ghost clan and the **** of blood. If they want to evolve to a higher level of life, they must rely on the power of black mist bestowed by Sophie.

And the reason why the evil ghost clan has not had a [ghost king] born up to now.

The main reason is that Sophie has not yet grown up, and the power of the black mist in his body has not been fully released, so it is impossible to catalyze [Ghost General] into [Ghost King], nor can it independently transform a large wild beast.

quack quack!
At this time, there was a strange cry of a crow in the sky, and Enzo raised his head slightly, and saw a larger crow flying towards him.

The crow landed on the ground and immediately transformed into a human form.

"Todd, any news?"

Enzo stared ahead. Todd, who was transformed into a crow, was one of the ten [ghost generals] in the first generation of evil ghosts. The power of the black mist not only endowed them with powerful fighting capabilities, but also under Enzo's interference, It also gave [Ghost General] the ability to transform into a crow similar to a druid.

"Sorry, Lord Enzo."

The ghost general Todd knelt down on one knee, and said respectfully, "Todd is incompetent, and I still haven't found the trace of the blood-slaughter god, but in the direction of the Gaosuo tribe, I found something that may be related to the blood-slaughter god. "

"Oh?" Enzo raised his brows, a hint of interest rose in his heart.

Ten years have passed since the battle in the Dark Tree Sea.

After the Blood Slaughter God was injured in that battle, he went into hibernation completely, but Enzo never gave up looking for it. During the process of raising little Sophie, he kept sending out evil spirits to inquire about the Blood Slaughter God.

However, it is a pity.

In the past ten years, little Zofi has grown up, and the evil ghost clan has also developed into a powerful force. Outside the Solu Plain, they have conquered one territory after another, and even have the qualifications to establish a kingdom, but they have never killed blood. news of God.

In the first three years after the end of the Battle of the Gloomy Tree Sea.

Utilizing the ability of the Emerald Crow, Enzo cultivated reproductive flowers on a large scale on the Solu Plain, using them as the mother body of the second generation of the Evil Ghost Clan. With the terrifying breeding ability, the Evil Ghost Clan grew rapidly.

It is different from the War Ghost Clan which takes ten years to grow into a warrior.

As long as the evil ghosts absorb enough power of the black mist, they can enter youth within five years and have the qualifications to become soldiers. After having the evil ghosts as an army, Enzo began to launch foreign wars.

Because of Wendy and the Tatar tribe.

Enzo has always maintained the order of the Solu Plain, but outside the plain, the army of the evil ghosts has defeated one after another tribe of the war ghosts. The cruel war caused countless deaths and injuries to the war ghosts.

According to the original plan, Enzo thought that the blood-slaughter god would not ignore the mass death of the war ghost clan. However, he did not expect that even if the evil ghost clan continued to conquer more and more worlds, the blood-slaughter god But there was still no movement.

It was as if the God of Blood Slaughter had really abandoned the War Ghost Clan.

"The gods are indeed a group of ruthless existence."

In a certain war, after the army of the evil ghost clan wiped out a city of the war ghost clan in one fell swoop, the god of killing blood still did not appear. Enzo couldn't help expressing emotion, but he knew very well in his heart that not only the gods, but also the gods in the multiverse Among them, the more powerful the level of life, the more indifferent, the same is true for gods, and the same is true for wizards.

"Tell me what you found."

On the spot, Enzo shook his head, returned to the present world from his thoughts, and asked Todd who was half kneeling on the ground.

"The Gaosuo tribe is extinct." Todd said in a deep voice.

"Gauso perished?"

Enzo frowned, and said coldly, "What's the matter? Didn't I say that during the foreign expeditions of the Evil Ghost Clan, the tribes in the Solu Plain can't be selected as targets?"

"No! We didn't do it."

Todd shook his head hastily, and said in a deep voice, "According to your order, the evil ghost tribe's army has never touched the tribes in the Gaosuo Plain during the expedition. The demise of the Gaosuo tribe has nothing to do with the evil ghosts."

"It was only three days ago that I discovered the death of the Gaosuo tribe."

Enzo narrowed his eyes and frowned slightly.

Todd continued, "When I turned into a raven and flew in the sky, I suddenly noticed the Gaosuo tribe below. There was a dead silence in the rock city. After checking, I found that all the Gaosuo people had died strangely."

"How could this be?" Enzo murmured.

"The demise of the Gaosuo tribe should be due to a ceremony." Todd hesitated for a moment and said, "When I landed in Rock City, I found that the god-given stele had been broken in the central square of the Gaosuo tribe, replaced by a Huge, blood-filled pool."

"Blood pool?" Enzo's heart skipped a beat.

"That's right, it's the blood pool!"

Todd's face was solemn, and he said in a deep voice, "Around the blood pool, all the Gaosu people cut their wrists and channeled their own blood into the blood pool, including all the female tribe members in the tribe."

"Moreover, on the central square, there is a huge symbol, which is also painted with blood!"

"Symbol, blood pool!"

Enzuo's eyes flickered, and he murmured, "It seems that after being silent for so long, the Blood Slaughter God couldn't bear it anymore."

Then he raised his head.

"Go on, Todd, like other ghost generals, continue to look for news about the blood god, and pay attention to other tribes on the Solu Plain, and report to me immediately if there is any abnormality."

"Of course, Lord Enzo." Todd said, turning into a crow again.

"Sayernu..." On the spot, Enzo's eyes flickered, and a shadow under his feet turned into a clone, heading towards the Gaosuo tribe.


At the same time, the world of war ghosts.

Hailar Kingdom, inside a palace.

In the gorgeous and cold hall, the statue of the blood-slaying god was enshrined at the front, and a complete god-given stele stood in the center. Around the god-given stele, several burly figures were discussing something.

"The situation is getting worse."

In the same place, a one-eyed man with a solemn face said in a deep voice, "The Kingdom of Brunn has fallen, and next, it may be the turn of the Kingdom of Hailar."

Beside, another man in armor also spoke.

"Half of the warriors in the kingdom have been sent towards the fortress. Even if those vicious evil spirits dare to attack us, the defense of the steel fortress is enough to block their footsteps."

"I've never worried about those army of evil spirits."

The one-eyed man shook his head, and said in a heavy tone, "Although the defense of the Iron Fortress is strong, it is still unknown whether it can resist the king of evil spirits. He is our real enemy."

"Yes! There is also a king of evil ghosts in the evil ghost clan."

"Hey! The king of Hyrule can disappear suddenly, otherwise we must let that abominable king of evil spirits taste the tyrant's wrath!"

The king of evil ghosts mentioned by several furious warriors is none other than the third-rank wizard Enzo.

After using a few years to develop the Evil Ghost Clan into an army, Enzo started an expeditionary battle. Except for the Solu Plain, almost all areas of the War Ghost World were attacked by the Evil Ghost Clan army.

Because of the existence of Enzo, every war has ended victoriously with the army of evil spirits.

If it wasn't for worrying that the expedition was going too fast and the conquered territory would not be able to be ruled, the entire world would have been taken by Enzo long ago, but even now, the area ruled by the evil ghosts has reached about one-fifth of the world.

Six kingdoms and hundreds of tribes were defeated by the evil ghost army.

The sudden appearance of the Evil Ghost Clan made all the War Ghost Clan feel in danger. They all abandoned their mutual hatred and formed an alliance against the Evil Ghost Clan, but it didn't make sense.

In the battle of the dark tree sea, all the tyrants of the war ghost clan sacrificed blood.

The Kingdom of War Ghosts, which has lost its third-order life body, cannot resist Enzo's attack at all. In this case, they can only seek the guidance of the **** of blood, but they have not received any response.

Hailar Kingdom, inside the palace hall.

The faces of several furious warriors were very solemn, discussing the way to fight against the evil ghosts, but in the end there was no conclusion, the discussion gradually turned into a quarrel, under the pressure of the army of evil ghosts, the already irritable furious warriors almost became Like a powder keg that explodes at one point.


Seeing that a few furious warriors were about to fight, the oldest furious warrior in the hall suddenly yelled, and said in a deep voice, "The matter of the evil ghost army has already caused us a lot of trouble. If you don't think it's enough trouble, then use your own Come sacrifice your life to the blood god!"

Following the elders' scolding, the hall fell into silence.

Afterwards, the elder sighed, and asked a furious warrior next to him, "How is it, Kok? Still can't contact the blood-slaughter god?"

Kirk shook his head helplessly.

"Hmph! The God of Blood Slaughter has abandoned the War Ghost Clan, and our sacrifice to him is useless." Next to him, the one-eyed man couldn't help but complain, "Even the god-given stone tablet has not responded for ten years. The blood god has forgotten his people."

"Shut up, you fool!"

The elder quickly opened his mouth and reprimanded, "The will of the great blood-slaughter god cannot be questioned by anyone. No matter what decision he makes, as the people, the War Ghost Clan has only one way to obey."


The one-eyed man snorted coldly, and couldn't help continuing to complain, saying, "If it wasn't for the blood-slaughter god who has abandoned us, what about the evil ghost clan? Could it be that the war ghost clan is no longer qualified to continue ruling the world?"

"Shut up, Gajeel!"

Next to him, Kirk also frowned, and said in a deep voice, "The reason why the blood-slaughter god lost contact should be related to the disaster god. Have you forgotten that the world has not had a black mist season for ten years?"

Hearing Kirk's words, the surroundings fell into silence.

Just as Kirk said, it seems that everything started ten years ago. The God of Blood Slaughter suddenly lost contact, and the season of black mist also disappeared suddenly. Start a war.

All of these seem to have some kind of connection.

It was as if behind the scenes, there was a pair of black hands constantly manipulating everything and changing the fate of the world. Thinking of this, the furious warriors panicked even more. If the God of Blood Slaughter lost contact with the black hands behind the scenes, then even the gods How terrifying is an existence that cannot be contended with?

"Unfortunately... we don't know anything."

The old furious warrior shook his head and sighed, "I don't know what happened ten years ago. Why did the tyrants of the major kingdoms suddenly disappear? Why did the War Ghost Clan lose contact with the Blood Slaughter God? What happened to the Evil Ghost Clan? What's going on? Why did the black mist season disappear?"

"Could it be... that a third god appeared in the world and defeated the God of Calamity and the God of Blood Slaughter, and everything happened as a result?"

The older furious warrior muttered to himself.

He didn't know that his deduction was very close to the truth. Everything that happened in the world of war ghosts was due to Enzo's time travel. Although he was not a god, he was a wizard with power no less than that of a god.


Suddenly, the one-eyed furious warrior, Ge Jier, snorted angrily, spit at the god-given stone tablet as if venting, and said through gnashing of teeth, "If the blood-killing god really abandons us, then what's the point of offering sacrifices to him?" .”

Kirk frowned, just about to reprimand Gajeel.

However, at this moment.

The god-given stone tablet standing in the center of the palace hall suddenly had fine cracks appearing, red like blood, flowing out from the cracks, exuding a strong bloody smell.

Ge Jier's complexion changed drastically, and he stepped back quickly.

He thought it was his blasphemous remarks that had aroused the dissatisfaction of the blood-slaughter god, so there was an abnormality in the god-given stone tablet, and he was about to punish himself.

"Is that you? Lord Blood Slaughter God!"

Cork's eyes lit up, as if seeing the light of hope, he rushed to the front of the god-given stele, stroking the cracks on it with his hands.

All around, the Fury Warriors were excited.

It has been a full ten years, and the god-given stele is as calm as water. The change that occurred at this time seems to announce the recovery of the blood-slaughter god and that he has not abandoned his people.

However, in the next moment.

More and more blood flowed out from the cracks in the god-given stele, and gradually gathered into a pool of blood in the hall. The god-given stele that had stood for a thousand years suddenly fell apart.

All around, the furious warriors were startled.

The stele bestowed by gods is a symbol of the power of the war ghost kingdom. The stronger the war ghost kingdom, the more complete the stele it has. However, the shattering of the stele bestowed by the gods of the kingdom of Hailar seems to symbolize the punishment of the blood-slaying god.

"No! Please forgive us!"

In the hall, the oldest furious warrior fell to his knees and begged in fear, "The blood warriors of the Kingdom of Hyrule are your most loyal servants. Please calm down your anger, the great god of blood murder." .”

However, the entreaties of the furious warriors did not have any effect.

After the god-given stele was completely shattered, a large amount of blood flowed out, flowing on the ground as if alive, and quickly devoured the nearest elderly furious warrior, causing him to let out a painful wail.

Immediately afterwards, the devoured furious warrior's bones disappeared, completely fused with the blood, as if he had never appeared before.

(End of this chapter)

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