Chapter 579
The frail woman jumped from the spine of her torso.

The moment she landed, the dazzling golden light erupted again. The previous body had been scrapped, but the surroundings were still in danger, so she resolutely transformed again and re-entered the form of a giantess, but after the second transformation, she became a giantess. Already looked a little weak.

For the ace team, the giant is just a shell.

They can abandon their bodies at any time and re-enter the giant form, but the consequence of doing so is to consume a lot of energy, and there is a strict limit on the number of times.

For example, the female giant is the weakest existence in the team, so she can only transform twice.

As for the most powerful armored giant in the team, it can transform four times. In a sense, it is equivalent to having four lives.

In the forest, the fierce battle is still going on.

After the female giant transformed for the second time, she decisively distanced herself from the Red King Kong. The hammer giant swung its long tail and pushed the Red King Kong back a few meters. Launched an attack on the Red King Kong, and was burned by the heat so that the scales continued to fall off.

On the other side, the armored giant and the Dark King Kong are fighting.

As the most powerful existence in the team, the armored giant not only has a body height of 60 meters, but also is covered with hard armor. Even if the giant sword of Dark King Kong slashes on it, it can't cause too much damage. Bone fragments fell like snow powder.

The armored giant's eyes were calm, and he blasted out with an iron fist. As the ace giant who was born as a soldier, the armored giant possessed powerful fighting skills, coupled with a strong physique, he held back the dark King Kong by himself, and the two sides fought fiercely. .

On the opposite side, Dark King Kong's abdomen is slightly sunken.

But with a body made of metal, this level of trauma can't affect the fighting power of the Dark King Kong in the slightest. It can't spray flames like the Red King Kong, but it also reproduces a large number of mechanical weapons. has appeared.

The next moment, shells blasted out one after another, and the armored giant quickly crossed his hands on his chest to resist the bombardment of the shells. The bone armor on both arms shattered in large areas, causing the armored giant to feel intense pain, but he But he gritted his teeth and made no sound.

But at this moment, Dark King Kong attacked again.

The pitch-black giant sword seemed to be injected with energy, exuding a dark luster, and then swung violently towards the armored giant. The violent attack smashed the armor of the armored giant, and his left arm was cut off directly, and the blood-red liquid Quickly turned into steam.

"Damn it!" In the distance, Ulea's expression changed.

The armored giant's injury is definitely a huge loss for the team. In Ulea's plan, the armored giant is the main force to destroy the magic cannon. As for the other giants, they are only auxiliary, even as the snake giant. yourself inside.

But now, the armored giant has lost his arm, and his combat effectiveness has undoubtedly dropped sharply.

Dark King Kong chopped off the armored giant's arm with one sword, but without the slightest pause, shells from the cannon barrel blasted out, and exploded on the armored giant's chest one after another.

Billowing smoke rose, and the armored giant's body was broken.

Both his legs were blown to the ground, his chest was badly damaged, and even the armor on his head was severely damaged, with a large number of bone fragments constantly falling off.

"Cover me, Buck!"

The snake giant Ulea gritted his teeth and rushed towards Dark King Kong. He had to rescue the armor giant before Dark King Kong completely killed the armor giant.

However, at this moment.

Scarlet Vajra suddenly moved quickly and stopped in front of Uriah. His whole body was burning with scorching flames. Red lasers shot out from his eyes and instantly penetrated Uriah's shoulders. The fine scales could not resist this attack at all. .

"Be careful, Captain!"

Not far away, the hammer giant shouted, and swung the tail hammer to push the red King Kong back a few meters, which allowed the snake giant to escape, but lost the opportunity to get close to the dark King Kong.

At the same time, Dark King Kong targeted the armored giant.

The energy furnace on the chest gave out bursts of sound, and the strong fluctuations seemed to explode. Immediately afterwards, cannonballs the size of a millstone blasted out. The terrifying power seemed to be enough to obliterate the armored giant, making Uriah, Buck and other giants His complexion changed.

Suddenly, a golden light shone in the sky!

The armored giant with a body height of 60 meters fell from the sky like a god, and his knees covered by bone armor slammed into the neck of Dark King Kong. The fierce offensive directly knocked the opponent to the ground, and his fists bombarded like raindrops.

"Leina." Uriah's eyes flashed.

In an instant, he understood what happened just now. It turned out that after the giant's body was severely damaged, the armored giant Reiner had already made a choice. He resolutely gave up the giant's body. Time to launch a lore surprise attack.

"Cunning lowly creature!"

Inside Base No. [-], the goblin Taka's eyes flashed with surprise, and then he became a little annoyed, and his slender palm slammed down on the button on the side.

In the forest, strong energy fluctuations spread!

Ulea's complexion changed drastically, but it was too late to warn, and he could only shout out caution, then decisively curled the giant's body into a ball, and then quickly rolled aside.

A terrifying explosion followed, with Dark King Kong as the core. After the self-explosion program started, the surrounding large forests seemed to be impacted by air waves, and countless trees fell down in pieces, and the armored giant at the core of the explosion was even more so. was lifted up directly.

"Is it a self-destruct program?"

In the high tower of Bloodfire City, Enzo frowned slightly, and at the same time sighed heartily. The self-explosion program in Dark King Kong's body was unexpected and reasonable. This is very in line with the style of the Starscream organization. To conquer this world, everything is just a tool that can be used.

Even Dark King Kong's breaking power is already comparable to a third-order life form.

But after being fiercely attacked by the armor giant, it has lost its value, so self-destruction seems to be the best choice, and it is precisely because of this that the situation in the Mogu Forest has turned around again.

After a while, the explosion finally ended.

In the area of ​​this forest, as if it was a natural disaster, all the surrounding trees have been destroyed, the ground is barren black, and a huge deep pit appears in the area where the Dark King Kong exploded, and almost all ordinary giants were affected by the explosion. die.

Not far away, Chi Jingang slowly stood up.

Dark King Kong's suicide bombing attack, regardless of the difference between the enemy and the enemy, violently destroyed everything around, even the Red King Kong was not spared. Fortunately, it has an energy protection function in its body, so it can withstand the offensive attack of the explosion, but it also lost A lot of energy.

"Ahem. Damn it."

On the other side, the snake giant got up from the ground. This body was severely damaged, even its legs were completely broken. At this moment, it could only crawl. Uriah got out from the spine of the body, and dragged the bloody body to transform again. Giant form.

"Buck, can you still fight?"

After reincarnating in the form of a giant again, Uriah shouted loudly. Not far away, the hammer giant was also affected by the explosion, and it looked extremely miserable. Even the most important tail hammer had been broken. If you want to continue fighting, you must abandon your body and fight again. transform.

"I'm fine, Captain!"

Buck gritted his teeth and shouted, then jumped out of his body, transformed into a giant form again, looked at a place not far away, and said through gritted teeth, "Bratt."

Following the direction of the hammer giant's gaze, the giantess fell to the ground.

Starting from the waist, her lower body has completely disappeared, and even the life fluctuations have disappeared. Obviously, she can't survive. As Buck, who belongs to the same floating city as the giantess, he has always been in love with Bratt. Seeing the death of a lover, the bottom of my heart is as uncomfortable as a knife.

Losing a teammate again, Ulea's eyes were gloomy.

"Leina!" But then, he shouted again, the most important thing now is the armored giant, because only he can destroy the magic cannon.

Not far away, the armored giant was lying unconscious on the ground.

Even though it is still possible to perform two transformations, in the explosion just now, the armored giant was in the core area, so it was most affected. The bone armor of the armored giant has been completely broken, leaving only the bloody body lying on the ground. Reiner, who was the controller, lost consciousness.

At this time, there was a sound of mechanical rotation, and a drill truck came out of the mud and rushed towards the armored giant.

"Not good!" Uriah's expression changed.

When the Dark King Kong exploded just now, the drill locomotive drilled deep into the soil, so it was not affected. At this moment, after the explosion was over, it came out again, as if it wanted to kill the armored giant, but in fact, the drill locomotive did. have such ability.

The hammer giant also saw the intention of the drill locomotive, and immediately swung the tail hammer and smashed it over, hitting the body of the drill locomotive, causing it to shake slightly, but then, it started driving again, and even accelerated .


The hammer giant let out a roar, as if it wanted to wake up the armor giant's consciousness. The drill locomotive was already very close to the armor giant, and the crazily rotating mechanical drill could easily crush the armor giant. Suddenly opened his eyes.

A strong sense of crisis wakes up Reiner.

Seeing the drill locomotive rushing towards him, he decisively grabbed a boulder and threw it towards the opponent. At the same time, he grabbed the back of his neck with both hands, tearing the flesh and blood, revealing the extremely weak body inside. .

"It must be successful!"

Reiner growled inwardly. Although, as the strongest giant, he theoretically has four chances to transform, but the damage to his shell caused by the explosion just now was so severe that the main body was extremely weak, and transforming four times was simply impossible. things.

Even carrying out the third transformation has become a luxury!

Dazzling golden light came along with Leiner's will. Although the state was extremely weak, Leiner still completed the third transformation, but this time the armor giant did not cover the whole body with bone armor, only the chest and arms, etc. A few places are covered with bone armor.

Bang bang bang!
Reiner, who turned into a giant again, ignored the fast-attacking drill locomotive, but rushed towards the depths of the forest.

"That's it, Reiner!" Uriah's eyes flashed brightly.

The ace giant team was running low, and there was still a long way to go before completing the task, so Leiner decisively chose to go to the area where the magic cannon was located alone, preparing to destroy it.

For the armored giant who was born as a soldier, it is his mission to complete the task.

At the same time, the fifth base.

"Ridiculously inferior creatures."

The goblin Taka watched everything that happened in the forest, and his eyes flashed with mockery. He seemed a little amused by the behavior of the armored giant's overreaching, not to mention whether only the armored giant, an ace giant, could destroy the magic cannon.

Even if he wanted to get close, it would be very difficult.

Above the forest, in the sky.

At some point, a group of oval metal objects had already floated on top of it. As the armored giant continued to sprint towards the direction of the magic cannon, the group of metal spheres suddenly fell rapidly.

The sound of mechanical twisting followed.

After a while of rotation, the huge metal sphere turned into a giant robot with a height of [-] meters. Compared with the previous Dark King Kong and Red King Kong, this giant robot has a more complicated shape. Extended more than ten mechanical tentacles.

Octopus giant!

Enzo, who was far away in Bloodfire City, frowned slightly. This was another third-order life form, and it was even more difficult to deal with than Dark King Kong, and its energy fluctuations were also stronger.

"Damn it!" Ulea's eyes were gloomy in the distance.

"How could this happen?" The hammer giant Buck also gasped. This kind of terrifying mechanical monster that can destroy the floating city by itself has appeared one after another in the Mogu Forest. What exactly is the Starscream organization hiding here? It is worth deploying so powerfully. of armed forces.

"Come on, monster!"

The armored giant looked at the giant octopus in front of him, a trace of despair flashed in his eyes, but then, his persistence in completing the task revived him. After taking a deep breath, he assumed the posture of a military fist, looking for Time to attack.

The giant octopus is far more powerful than Dark King Kong.

Even in the heyday of the armored giant, it may not be able to compete with it, not to mention that the armored giant has transformed three times at this moment, and even the most powerful armor cannot cover the whole body. The possibility of winning a fierce battle with the giant octopus seems to be slim.

But even so, the armored giant did not intend to back down.

As a soldier, his mission is to complete the mission, even if he sacrifices his life. It was already a pity for Leiner that he failed to resist Starscream's attack and caused the floating city to fall. This time, he must complete the mission no matter what.

Bang bang bang!
Amidst the heavy footsteps, the armored giant rushed to the giant octopus first. Relying on the soldier's fighting skills, Leiner flexibly avoided the attack of the two giant swords, and at the same time punched the opponent's chest.

(End of this chapter)

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