Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 580 Let's Fight

Chapter 580 Let's Fight
With a violent punch, the giant octopus retreated slightly.

But this level of damage naturally couldn't have a real impact on the opponent. Instead, the fist of the armored giant Reiner shattered in large pieces, and the bone fragments were like glass.

"It's impossible to win."

On the Black Blood Plain, inside the tower of Bloodfire City, Enzo looked at the scene in front of him and shook his head slightly. The armored giant was already extremely weak, so it was impossible to defeat the giant octopus, but Reiner's courage was worth it. admire.

"Fortunately, I still have second-hand preparations." Enzo's eyes flickered.

The destruction of the magic cannon is the key to this war. Therefore, Enzo has other preparations besides sending the ace giant team and [-] giant soldiers. Since the ace giant team is doomed to be unable to win, then only The second plan can be used.

At the same time, the armored giant and the giant octopus are fighting fiercely.

However, it was not so much a battle as it was Leiner being beaten one-sidedly. The armored giant in a weak state retreated steadily under the attack of the giant octopus, without the slightest ability to fight back.


A sharp tentacle penetrated the armored giant's chest, and directly grabbed him into the air. The mechanical tentacles behind the giant octopus, like poisonous snakes, attacked the armored giant at the same time, almost piercing the armored giant's body. It was riddled with holes.

"Sure enough?"

Inside the giant's body, a hint of helplessness appeared on Leiner's face. He had tried his best, but he still couldn't fight against the giant octopus, and he couldn't even fight back. This body suffered more and more damage, and one arm has been torn down.

However, at this moment.

The giant octopus that was attacking the armored giant suddenly stopped for some reason, and threw the armored giant aside as if throwing garbage, and then the mechanical tentacles wound towards the body, and soon recovered into an oval sphere status.

Immediately afterwards, the elliptical sphere slowly floated into the air.

"What's going on?" Confusion flashed in the eyes of the hammer giant in the distance.

But Ulea frowned slightly, and after thinking for a moment, she was startled, and suddenly raised her head to look in the direction of the magic cannon.

"The magic cannon has been fully charged!!" Uriah roared.

The magic cannon that is thousands of meters away has already completed energy accumulation, and it is for this reason that the giant octopus is allowed to leave the battlefield to avoid being affected by the magic cannon. As for giants such as Uriah, There is no escape.

The attack range of the magic cannon is enough to cover the surrounding area.

In the same place, the armored giant struggled, trying to stand up from the ground, but failed several times. Reiner knew his state very well, and had no way to perform the fourth transformation, so he did not perform meaningless Try it, and look into the distance helplessly.

The task was still not completed after all.

For Reiner, when the Floating Void City crashed, he had already lost the courage to live. It was only because of his belief in revenge against the Starscream organization that he persisted until now. At this moment, this belief seems to be to disappear.

Because he is going to die.

"Inferior creatures, under the bombardment of the magic energy cannon, everything will be reduced to ashes, and the fate of resisting the great goblin family is destined to perish!" Inside the fifth base, the goblin Taka's eyes flickered with a trace of madness The luster, and then press the button without hesitation.

The attack of the magic cannon was enough to destroy that forest.

Regardless of the armor giant or the snake giant, they will all be reduced to ashes under the bombardment of energy shells!

The moment Goblin Taka pressed the button.

In the sky above the forest, there was a long cry of the wind-winged pterosaur. Suddenly, a wind-winged pterosaur came to the sky above the magic cannon. A tall young man suddenly jumped down from above, and then followed With the dazzling golden light flickering, a terrifying giant appeared in everyone's field of vision.

"That's it!!" Uriah's eyes flashed.

"Damn, what's going on?" At the same time, inside Base No. [-], the expression on Taka's face became astonished. He didn't understand why he didn't notice the existence of this wind-winged pterosaur, let alone perceive it. to the appearance of that human being.

It was as if the other party appeared out of thin air.

"It's Experiment No. [-]!" Suddenly, Goblin Taka's face changed slightly. Only the soul chip of No. The Pterosaur appeared silently.

Before there was much time to think, the giant had already landed on the ground. It was a giant over [-] meters in size, and it was also the largest giant that appeared after the decline of the sea blue world. Although it did not have bone armor like the armored giant, it had Occupy the advantage of body shape.

Huge giant!

After completing the transformation, the super giant exudes white steam from its body surface, making it impossible for everyone to see the scene in that area. In the white steam, the super giant slowly raised its arms and pointed towards the magic cannon below. It fell down suddenly.

boom! !

Amidst the violent sound, even the magic cannon made of steel has sunken marks on the surface. The super giant moves slowly. In terms of combat ability, it may not be as good as the armored giant who was born as a soldier, but he has The size and destructive power of an armored giant are incomparable.

The giant's body, which was more than [-] meters high, was hit by the magic cannon.

The magic cannon made by the Starscream organization using the core of Aurain also weighs several hundred tons, and it looks like a giant armored vehicle when it is clamped on the fort. Extensive damage.

What is even more deadly is that the magic cannon is already ready to go.

Huge energy was gathered in the gun barrel, but with the sudden appearance of the super giant, the barrel was smashed and dented, which caused the energy to be impacted.

The next moment, a more terrifying sound sounded. The energy that was ready to go inside the magic cannon exploded directly in the cannon barrel because it could not be vented. The amazing energy directly destroyed the cannon itself. The strong power was like It spread around like a wave of air.

The super giant was hit and let out a painful scream.

But after all, it has the advantage of body shape, the thick flesh and blood on the body can block the damage of the air wave, and it stands on the ground without falling down.


In the distance, after seeing the destruction of the magic cannon, Ulea the snake giant had a look of surprise on his face. He didn't know that Enzo still had a backup, but he quickly reacted, and the magic cannon exploded The final shock will soon spread here.

"Back off, Buck!" Uriah yelled.

Then, he rushed towards the armored giant not far away, tore apart the spine of the armored giant with both hands, swallowed the inside of Reiner into his mouth, and then ran wildly towards the outside of the Mogu forest.

"Thank you, Ulea." Reiner murmured weakly.

The armored giant's body was so dilapidated that even moving became a problem. Fortunately, Uriah did not give up on him, but rescued Reiner's body as soon as possible.

In the center of Mogu Forest, a terrifying explosion has spread.

After the magic energy cannon was destroyed, the super giant persisted for a while, was also retreated by the air wave, and fell to the ground clumsily, but at this moment, the wind-winged pterosaur in the sky swooped down like a falcon, sharply The claws tore open the colossal giant's spine, grabbing out the body inside.

Then, the pterosaur quickly flew towards the distance.

"Damn it, kill them all for me!!"

Inside the fifth base, the goblin Taka was almost mad with anger, screaming hysterically, and the sudden appearance of a super giant destroyed the magic cannon in the Mogu Forest. This is undoubtedly serious for the Starscream organization. losses, and may even lead to the fall of the fifth base.

And the main reason for all this is because of the soul chip.

Enzo used the ability of the soul chip to quietly interfere with the satellite signal of the fifth base, which made the goblin Taka ignore the existence of the super giant, which led to the destruction of the magic cannon, otherwise he would still have Goblin Taka with a large number of hole cards, it is naturally impossible to let the magic cannon be destroyed.

It all happened so fast!

But things have happened, and the entanglement has lost its meaning. The goblin Taka is burning with anger, and dispatches a large number of mechanical weapons, preparing to hunt down the ace giants such as the snake giant and the armored giant, which naturally includes the giant octopus.

In the sky, an oval sphere fell to the ground.

Like a monster's egg, the elliptical sphere cracked open, and mechanical tentacles stretched out, transforming into a giant octopus in a moment. This seems to be the second form of the giant octopus, which is half human and half half human than before. The shape of the octopus is even more terrifying.

"Kill them all, kill them all!!"

Inside the No. [-] base, the goblin Taka was hysterical. It seemed that only by killing these ace giants could he calm down his anger. Mechanical armed forces were dispatched one after another, chasing in the direction of Uriah, and there were even fighter jets in the air. suppress fire.

Da da da!
The crazy firepower kept shooting downwards, but it couldn't hurt the snake giant. Those fine snake scales might not be able to block the bombardment of the shells, but it was easy to block the bullets.

Seeing that the bullets could not cause any damage to the snake giant, the fighter jets in the air immediately dropped missiles. Uriah quickly covered the posterior part with his hands, but under the bombardment of the missiles, blood dripped from his palms instantly, and even the bones were exposed .

On the other side, Bloodfire City.

Inside the tower, Enzo looked at the destroyed mana cannon with a smile on his face, and at the same time gave an attack order to the 5 million evil ghost army outside the Mogu forest.

Now that the magic cannon has been destroyed, the real war can naturally begin.

5 million soldiers of the evil ghost tribe, feeling Enzo's order at the same time, marched mightily towards the depths of the Mogu forest. Taka, the goblin at the fifth base, suddenly had a gloomy expression.

Losing the magic cannon is equivalent to losing a hole card. ,

Although there are still millions of biochemicals in the fifth base of Mogu Forest, who can be used as an army to resist the evil ghosts, but such a war is only the consumption of the troops of both sides. Goblin Taka knows very well that Enzo has a world as an army. Rely on, you can continuously transfer the source of troops.

But the Starscream organization did not have such conditions.

Although they can also create biochemical soldiers and even control zombies as an army, the former takes a lot of time, while the latter cannot play a decisive role. The army formed by zombies can only be used as a suicide army.

What's more, the number of zombies in this world is also limited.

Even if all the zombies in the sea blue world were used by the Starscream organization, the number would not exceed 50 million at most, but the evil ghost soldiers in Enzo's hands could be continuously recruited from the war ghost world.

5 million soldiers of the evil ghost clan were thrown into the Mogu forest.

The fierce war soon began. The first is the suicide army composed of zombies. Ordinary zombies mutated by radiation pollution are not very powerful in combat and cannot face the attack of the evil ghost army at all. Extremely troublesome.

"Send a thousand giants to form a human wall to block the zombie's self-destruct attack!"

Enzo issued an order remotely. The army attacking the Mogu Forest this time is not only the evil ghosts, but also a large number of wastelanders. After using the giant potion, they can transform into giants. It is difficult for the zombies to explode themselves. Deals fatal damage.

Soon, a dazzling golden light appeared in the forest.

Under Enzo's order, a thousand wastelanders turned into giants and stood in front of the evil ghost army, like a human wall blocking the zombies' self-destruct attack.

The army of evil ghosts marched towards the depths of the forest.

Enzo has already locked Starscream's camp, and at the same time gave instructions to each of the evil ghosts. Their mission is to destroy everything and seize control of the Mogu Forest.

This battle is the first battle of the official Sea Blue Expedition!
At the same time, it was the battle where Enzo announced his existence to Starscream, so he must win, even if all the 5 million evil spirits were killed in battle.

"Let's go, my soldiers!"

Inside the high tower of Bloodfire City, Enzo's eyes flickered, and he muttered to himself, in the scene sent back by the drone, the army of the evil ghosts had already rushed into the Mogu Forest, blocked by a thousand giant soldiers Under this condition, zombies cannot cause substantial damage to them.

"Damn alien!"

In the fifth base, Taka, the goblin, was in a panic, his green eyes flickering continuously, and he finally seemed to have made up his mind. After taking a deep breath, he came to the operating table in the main control room of the base, and gently pressed a button, as if giving The whole forest was sending some kind of signal.

The next moment, the Mogu Forest shook.

As a base for cultivating cyborgs, the number of cyborgs in the Mogu Forest is as high as several million. The cyborgs are a species created by the Starscream organization by changing the genes of the Seablue Stars. They have the combat ability of all members comparable to wilderness hunters. And it can adapt to the radiation of the wasteland, the only disadvantage is that it has a short lifespan, but this doesn't matter to the Starscream organization.

In Starscream's eyes, biochemical soldiers were originally a consumable.

(End of this chapter)

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