Chapter 592 Recall
But Enzo's idea is even simpler.

Today's Government of Hope, apart from the core of Aurain as the last resort, only has a thousand ace giants, which is a key hole card. As long as these thousand ace giants are controlled, the hope government will no longer have any power.

"Ace Giant."

The luster in Enzo's eyes flickered, and he muttered to himself. As an ace giant who has received power from the will of the world, the fighting power of each ace giant can reach at least the level of a first-order life form.

As for the best among them, they are comparable to third-order life forms.

For example, the armored giant Lena, whose original combat effectiveness was at the level of a second-order life form, has now infinitely approached a third-order life form after fighting many times in the Harar Forest.

And these ace giants who have received the power of the will of the world are the children of destiny who are responsible for saving the world.

Every child of destiny has been recognized by the world.

Therefore, even if the weakest ace giant is only a first-order life form, if it encounters an enemy at the second-order life form level, it may not fail, and it is more likely to fight against the wind.

This is what Destiny Child means!
Receive the protection of the will of the world, but according to Enzo's understanding, when a world is on the verge of destruction, the will of the world will dissipate energy, which will give birth to a certain number of children of destiny.

But in most cases, there will be no more than one hundred children of destiny in a small world. Often the will of the world will pour energy on a few people in order to save itself, so as to obtain a more powerful child of destiny.

And like in Seablue World, thousands of Destiny's Children appear at once, which is a very rare situation in the multiverse. The wizard civilization named this situation Destiny Meteor Shower.

It means that the child of destiny is like a shooting star.

"Child of Destiny!"

The battle in the Harar Desert was almost a foregone conclusion. Enzo didn't intend to waste any more energy, so he turned off the screen on the screen and turned his attention to the Lent Floating City.

In the council hall of the floating city.

The discussion on the raid on Bloodfire City is coming to an end. The top management of the three major floating cities have approved the plan and formulated a detailed process. Now the first step is to let Lent Floating City contact Bloodfire City.

"Since you don't keep your word, don't blame me."

Enzo said in a cold tone with a blank face, hoping that the government's decision to raid Bloodfire City may not be a bad thing for Enzo, just that he can verify some of his inferences.

Can Destiny's Children devour each other!
According to Enzo's understanding of the power of destiny, he is very clear that the power of destiny can be deprived, but there will be a lot of consumption in the process. Ace Giant.

But under such circumstances, the power of fate will dissipate a lot.

Enzo currently has a deduction, if the children of the same destiny are allowed to fight and kill each other, can they devour each other's power of destiny to strengthen themselves?

In the history of wizarding civilization, there have been such experiments.

The plane where the Destiny Meteor Shower appears is like a huge container, and each Destiny's Child is like a Gu worm. Only a small number of Destiny's Children who survive to the end are the real chosen ones.

The son of destiny who has experienced blood and fire is qualified to save the world, and even use this to ignite the fire of the gods and walk on the road to conferring the gods.

Now that the hope government has decided to raid Bloodfire City, for Enzo, this happens to be an opportunity for the ace giants under Bloodfire City to kill other Children of Destiny in order to seize the power of destiny.

Even Enzo made the same plan.

Not long ago, this body had also absorbed a portion of the power of destiny, which was obtained from a certain ace giant who was on the verge of death, but this power of fate was very weak, and it was dispensable for Enzo.

But if the power of destiny can devour each other, Enzo intends to absorb more power of destiny to strengthen himself and become a more powerful child of destiny.


In the blink of an eye, another half month has passed.

In the sky above the Harar Desert, an eagle made of steel was flying above the sky, its red eyes were shining, and it continuously transmitted the images on the earth back to the blood fire city.

Below is a scene like a Shura field.

The fourth base, which was comparable to a large city, was surrounded by 20 million evil ghost soldiers. Giant mechanical beasts kept rushing out of the base, and the surrounding large fortifications were also firing shells frantically.

Cannonballs were blasted out from the giant fort made of steel. The armored giant Lena held up a shield with both hands to resist the bombardment of the artillery fire. The violent tremors made his hand bones slightly deformed.

Following in the footsteps of the armored giant, the army charged forward.

In the sky, the propellers of fighter jets are spinning continuously.

However, the fighter jet at this moment does not belong to Starscream, but the spoils captured by Bloodfire City in the previous battle. Ulea sat in a fighter jet and looked at the fourth base below. There was a flash of emotion.

This war is finally coming to an end!

Although, for Uriah, the evil ghosts are just alien races, even completely equivalent to cannon fodder, but nearly tens of millions of evil ghosts died in this desert, almost dyeing the earth black. It was inevitable that Ya felt a little strange in her heart.

Fortunately, victory is at hand.

The army of nearly ten million evil ghosts has already approached the fourth base. Although Starscream still has a large number of mechanical weapons, it is impossible to persist for too long in the face of the siege of the giant army and the army of evil ghosts.

"Let the giant team make another charge towards the north gate."

In the fighter plane, Ulea communicated with the hammer giant through the walkie-talkie, saying, "Incomparably tear the north gate apart. Only when this is done, the battle can be over within three days at most, and there is no need to pay more casualties."

Down below, the hammer giant leading a wasteland giant team of thousands of people let out a dull roar, indicating that he already knew that the huge tail hammer slammed towards the fourth base and smashed hard on the huge steel door.

In the rear, a team of three thousand wasteland giants also launched a fierce charge.

Although the war is extremely cruel, the temptation of meritorious deeds is also not to be underestimated for the people of the wasteland. Wealth and women are all at their fingertips, as long as they can complete the tasks assigned by Uriah.

And more importantly, the wasteland giants have no other choice.

What awaits them in retreat will only be more cruel punishments, while advancing can fight for a way out for themselves, and even power and status stimulate the nerves of the wasteland giants.

Deep in the desert, the war is cruel and fierce.

Suddenly, Yulia's heart moved, and he took out a communicator from his bosom, and there was a message from Bloodfire City in it. It turned out that Enzo ordered him to hand over the war in the Harar Desert to the evil ghosts. Return to Bloodfire City.

"What are you kidding?"

Ulea frowned, feeling a little unbelievable. The war in the Harar Desert was coming to an end. At this time, it was undoubtedly a huge hidden danger to transfer all the ace giants back to Bloodfire City.

In the sky, a huge figure flew across.

It was a giant with wings, the ace giant Hillary, and as the only flyer among the ace giants, Hillary carried a large amount of explosives and bombarded the fourth base directly.

In the fighter plane, Uriah's expression changed.

In the end, he still decided to obey Enzo's order, return to Bloodfire City with the ace giants, and hand over the war in the Harar Desert to the evil ghosts.


Three days later, a fighter plane stopped in Bloodfire City.

The armored giant Lena, the snake giant Ulea, the hammer giant Buck, and the feathered giant Hilary jumped out of the fighter jets. The four of them are already the only ace giants in Bloodfire City.

"I'm really not reconciled, it's obvious that everything is coming to an end."

The hammer giant Buck walked towards Bloodfire City, complaining at the same time, "The Lord City Master asked us to come back at this time, what are you going to do?"

Next to him, the armored giant Reiner said nothing.

The nature of a soldier makes him obey orders. Since he is already a member of Bloodfire City, for Lena, no matter what orders Enzo gives, he will choose to obey them unconditionally.

"Boss, do you know what's going on?" Buck asked again.

Ulea shook his head, and said calmly, "I don't know, but you don't have to worry, after seeing the city lord, he will ask you to explain."

"Okay." Buck nodded resentfully.

At this time, Hillary next to him suddenly said, "You guys said, after the war in the Harar Desert, will the city lord let us rest for a while? I have heard that the recent construction of Bloodfire City It's getting more and more prosperous."

As he said that, Hilary leaned over to Lena, and said, "Brother Lena, would you like to stroll around Bloodfire City with me later? I heard that several guild halls have been opened in the new area recently, and there are even some guild halls in the floating city." of pure blood."

Lena frowned slightly, but said nothing.

"After going through such a long war, I want to relax." Hilary's eyes were shining brightly, thinking of the women in the guild hall, she couldn't help but feel a burst of heat in her heart.

"Not interested." Reina said coldly.

Hilary was making fun of herself, and didn't say anything anymore, but next to him, Buck the hammer giant was quite moved, and leaned forward with a shy face, and said a little shyly, "Brother Hilary, if you don't mind, I can accompany you." You go and see together."

"Of course I don't mind!"

Hilary's eyes lit up, and she smiled maliciously, "Haha, little Buck, it seems that you also want to try the enjoyment in the guild hall, right? After the city lord summons us, I will definitely show you."

Buck nodded quickly.

As a large number of sea blue people poured into Bloodfire City, Enzo already had a new idea for the city's planning. He divided the city into twelve areas, eight of which were the barracks of the evil ghosts.

As for the remaining four areas, it is the life of Hailan people.

Unlike the evil ghosts with rigid thinking, apart from material needs, Hailan people also long for spiritual comfort. If they are not satisfied in this regard, it will inevitably make people's hearts flutter.

Enzo is well aware of the importance of this point, so he has spent a lot of energy on the construction of the four areas of Hailan. Unlike the eight areas of the evil ghost clan, which are monotonous and unified, the four areas of Hailan can be described as feasting and feasting.

The prosperity there is by no means weaker than that of the Floating Void City.

Even because of the larger area, there are more entertainment venues in the Hailan District [-] of Bloodfire City than in Floating Void City, including casinos, clubhouses, Internet cafes, and even smokehouses.

Hailan people who earned meritorious service on the battlefield can spend it freely in Bloodfire City.

It is also relying on such a system that the Hailan people have a certain degree of enthusiasm and are not so repulsive to war. After all, before joining Bloodfire City, the lives of most wasteland people are precarious. In order to survive, they have already Trying my best, not to mention spiritual enjoyment, is simply a luxury.

"Boss Ulea, do you want to come together?"

After Buck and Hilary whispered for a while, Hilary suddenly raised her head and extended an invitation to Uriah. As the captain of the ace giant and the commander-in-chief of the entire giant army, Uriah has a very high status in Bloodfire City.

Even, he doesn't need meritorious service to enjoy all entertainment facilities and treatment in Bloodfire City.

However, Uriah never did this.

With his status and contribution, it is easy to earn meritorious service. He also participated in the construction of Bloodfire City. Many entertainment venues have shares in Uriah, so there is no need for white votes.

"Let's talk about it later."

Ulea shook his head, neither vetoing nor agreeing. His current thoughts were all on meeting Enzo for a while. Although he looked calm on the surface, he couldn't wait to ask why the ace giant was called back to Bloodfire City.

After a while, a tall tower appeared.

Looking at the tall tower standing in the center of Bloodfire City, which symbolizes the highest power, the faces of the four ace giants all had serious expressions. They didn't understand what this fantastically shaped tower represented.

However, for the master of the tower, they all maintain awe.

Uriah already knew very well that Enzo did not belong to Seablue World, but he could achieve better development by following him, and even become the master of Seablue World, ushering in a new era for the world. Naturally, Uleaia would not refuse this.

Buck, the hammer giant, and Hilary, the feathered giant, all had strange expressions.

It was their first time to go to the tower. Even though they were discovered to be the ace giant before, they had never been summoned by Enzo, so they were a little nervous. Only Lena's face was quite calm.

When he was in the floating city, Lena was a silver hunter.

The floating city where he is located is just a small floating city, so the silver hunter is almost a high-level person, who has seen the big world, and his mentality is flattered, although he also wants to meet the Lord of the blood fire city, but he does not show it .

"Let's go, let's go in." Ulea said.

(End of this chapter)

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