Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 593 The God-Building Plan

Chapter 593 The God-Building Plan
Then, the four ace giants walked into the tower.

Ulea skillfully came to the teleportation ladder, led the three of them all the way up to the top floor of the tower, and met Enzo in the main control hall.

"Lord City Lord!"

Uriah bowed slightly and saluted Enzo, and the other three followed suit. Buck had a strange expression on his face, as if he didn't expect that the person who built Bloodfire City was so young.

"Sit down." Enzo said quietly.

Afterwards, in the main control hall, several maids brought chairs for the ace giant, and Uriah and others sat down one after another.

"Is there something wrong with calling us back in such a hurry?"

As soon as he was seated, Uriah asked directly, frowning slightly and said, "Please forgive me, the battle in the Harar Desert is coming to an end, and as the supreme commander, my departure from the battlefield may bring unknown consequences."

"Don't worry, Uriah."

Enzo shook his head, and said softly, "The war in the Harar Desert will not have any changes. I have sent another 3 million evil spirits to the desert to support them. The war will end within a week at most."

"The main reason for calling you back this time is because of other things."

Enzo paused, and said in a deep voice: "Bloodfire City has contacted the Hope Government not long ago, and the other side rejected the conditions to submit to Bloodfire City, and I have received reliable news that the Hope Government intends to raid Bloodfire City .”

After hearing Enzo's words, several people were shocked.

"What? I hope the government will raid Bloodfire City?" Hilary's face changed slightly, and she couldn't help asking, "My lord, is this true? Could the news you got from there be fake news released by Starscream?" intelligence?"

"Hilary!" Uriah scolded, frowning.

"Sorry, Lord City Master." Hilary quickly apologized, and said, "I just think this matter is a bit strange. I hope the enemy of the government is Starscream. Why did they attack Bloodfire City?"

"Because of the frenzy potion!"

Enzo opened his mouth slowly, and said, "You should be very clear that the Zealot Potion has the effect of giving ordinary giants sanity, and Bloodfire City is the organization that controls the most ordinary giants in the sea blue world."

"Therefore, for the Government of Hope, if you get the potion of fanaticism, you can get a giant army, thus reversing the current situation."

"For the Government of Hope, the Frenzy Potion is an opportunity!"

"Although the current Government of Hope is facing the threat of Starscream, it is precisely because of this that they have to fight. If they can get the support of Fanatic Potion, they can completely turn the situation around."

Hilary's face was changing, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"But...why doesn't the hope government cooperate with Bloodfire City?" At this time, Buck hesitated and said, "We just defeated the Starscream organization head-on in the battle of Mogu Forest. I hope the government should be very clear. What is the strength of the city?"

"If they can't even fight against Starscream, wouldn't raiding Bloodfire City be like hitting a stone with an egg? On the contrary, if they cooperate with Bloodfire City, wouldn't it be the same way to get the potion of fanaticism?"

Buck spread his palms as he spoke.

"I hope the government really wants to cooperate with Bloodfire City." Enzo nodded and said in a low voice, "However, they did not agree to the conditions I proposed, so the cooperation will be cancelled."

"What's your condition?" Beside, Reina asked in a deep voice.

"It's very simple. If the government wants to get help from Bloodfire City, it must hand over all Aurain's cores and surrender to Bloodfire City." Enzo replied.

Suddenly, several people gasped.

No wonder they hoped that the government would give up the idea of ​​cooperation. The conditions in Bloodfire City were too harsh. They hoped that the government, as a human being, would concentrate its power and always believed that it was the master of the sea blue world.

It is undoubtedly a rare thing for them to surrender to Bloodfire City.

What's more, Enzo still has a second request, which is to hand over all Aurain's cores.

As we all know, the core of Aurain is the energy source of the floating city.

Losing the core of Aurain means losing the floating city. From then on, all pure-blooded sea blue people will become wastelanders on the earth, and at least half of the pure-blooded people will die due to radiation. I hope the government will naturally Such conditions cannot be accepted.

"With all due respect, your conditions are too harsh."

After a long while, the armored giant Laina spoke directly. As a soldier, Laina's character is so straightforward, and he didn't think much about it, directly pointing out Enzo's harsh conditions.

"Lena!" Uriah snapped.

"It's okay." Enzo waved his hand, expressing that he didn't care, his face remained calm, and said, "Is it harsh? I don't think so."

"First of all, I hope that the government will be incompetent, so that Starscream will rise."

"Under Starscream's attack, Hope's government is at the end of its rope. What happened before has proved that Hope's government is simply incapable of resisting Starscream's invasion."

"You should be clear that it is the hope that the government asks for the help of Bloodfire City, not that Bloodfire City needs the hope of the government."

"Under such circumstances, any request from Bloodfire City is not too much!"

Hearing Enzo's calm words, Lena also fell into deep thought. As Enzo said, it is the hope government that is in urgent need of help now, not Bloodfire City, which has defeated Starscream twice in a row.

"However, it is hoped that the government will not agree to such conditions."

At this time, Ulea suddenly spoke, shook his head and said: "Whether it is surrendering to the blood fire city, or surrendering the core of Aurain, abandoning the floating city, and becoming a wastelander, you have already touched the bottom line of the hope government .”

"So it's very difficult for them to accept such conditions."

Enzo nodded and said, "I know, that's why I hope that the government will decide to raid Bloodfire City and take [-] ace giants as a bet to fight for the ecstasy potion for the last time."

"One thousand ace giants?"

Ulea and the others were taken aback, and even Reiner's face was no longer calm, and he hurriedly asked, "How is this possible? I hope the government has so many ace giants?"

"There will be no missteps in my message."

Enzo's face was calm, and he didn't feel any emotional fluctuations due to the thousand ace giants. He said, "The birth of ace giants has a certain pattern. The pure-blooded people living in the floating city are more likely to be born." Become an ace giant."

"As for the wastelanders polluted by radiation, the possibility of becoming an ace giant is almost zero, but it is easier to become a strange giant."

"I hope the government has the most pure-blooded people, and even in the entire sea blue world, all the pure-blooded people are attached to the Hope government, because it is not impossible for them to have a thousand ace giants."

After hearing Enzo's explanation, the expressions of the four ace giants changed.

Ulea's face was as gloomy as water, Reina was thoughtful, and Buck and Hillary were also lost in thought.

Originally they thought that the number of ace giants was rare.

Every ace giant is a unique existence, just like the protagonist in a legendary novel, but now, it is learned that there are more than a thousand ace giants in the world.

This is like pouring a basin of cold water on the hearts of several people.

"If you want the government to send a thousand ace giants to attack Bloodfire City, what do you plan to do?" Ulea asked after a long while.

As the leader of the ace giant team, Uriah knew very well how amazing the ace giant's fighting power was. Originally, he thought that with the military power of tens of millions of evil ghosts in Bloodfire City, there was no need to fear the Hope Government at all.

Now, however, that doesn't seem to be the case.

A thousand trump card giants can completely form an army. Even if they storm the Bloodfire City, they are a force that cannot be underestimated.

"The ace giant is indeed powerful, but don't worry too much."

Enzo's face was very calm. Although he knew that the trump card giant was powerful, he had already targeted it. He knew how Bloodfire City should deal with the trump card giant, so he didn't take this matter too seriously.

What Enzo really cared about was what happened next.

If a thousand ace giants attacked Bloodfire City, after Enzo defeated them all, would he kill them all or take them for his own use?
If it was before, Enzo would definitely choose the latter.

Because, since he decided to conquer the sea blue world, and did not intend to create a new race as his spokesperson, the sea blue people are destined to be the masters of this world, so there is no need to create too many meaningless killings.

But now, Enzo hesitated.

Every ace giant is equivalent to a child of destiny, so under such a premise, every ace giant has the possibility to grow to an incredible level, and even become a god-like existence.

But at the same time, each of the [-] trump card giants carries only a small amount of power of destiny, and is destined to be unable to grow to the level of a god. Therefore, plundering each other's power of destiny is the only way to cultivate candidates for gods.

"After this incident is over, I don't know how many ace giants will be left."

Thoughts flickered in Enzo's heart, and the luster in his eyes gradually turned cold. The power of fate was too scattered, which led to the appearance of more than a thousand ace giants. What Enzo had to do was to concentrate the power of these ace giants.

Only by reducing the number of ace giants can the Child of Destiny grow.

However, Enzo is still not sure about one thing, that is, whether he should kill all the thousand ace giants, extract the power of destiny, and use it to cultivate the four ace giants in Bloodfire City.

Or kill some of the ace giants, and win the remaining ace giants under the command of Bloodfire City.

"Uriah, Lena."

Enzo murmured in his heart, after killing the hope government's ace giant, the distribution of the power of fate will also be an important matter. The strength of the four ace giants in Bloodfire City is not at the same level, so the distribution of the power of fate will also be different. different.

Follow Enzo's plan.

First of all, as the most powerful Lena in the ace giant team, he will definitely be allocated a large amount of power of destiny to ensure his growth, and at the same time, the snake giant Ulea can also get part of the power of destiny.

As for the hammer giant Buck, and the feather giant Hillary.

Enzo is still under consideration. The hammer giant's combat power can barely reach the level of a second-order life form, but it is still unknown whether it can impact a third-order life form after absorbing the power of fate.

The same goes for Hillary!

Moreover, Enzo needs to consider one more point. If all the power of fate is handed over to the four ace giants so that they can gain enough strength, will the four ace giants still remain loyal to Bloodfire City?
If Enzo really used the power of fate to create a god, would the other party still choose to surrender to him under the favor of the will of the world?

This seems like an unknown!

The gods are the top existence in the small world, especially the Destiny Child who is favored by the world, just like the children of the world.

The sea blue world belongs to the plane of science and technology, and gods have never been born.

However, with the confrontation between Starscream and the Hope Government, coupled with the strong rise of Bloodfire City, the will of the world felt threatened, so a large amount of Destiny was released, and there were already so many Children of Destiny.

Due to various reasons, there is a high possibility that a god will be born in the sea blue world.

"There must be an insurance policy."

The luster in Enzo's eyes flickered. The current Bloodfire City is still completely under his control, but if there is a real god among the four ace giants, then Enzo's control will naturally become stronger. weak.

In order to ensure his right to rule, Enzo must be insured.

Enzo's body is currently still in the World of War Ghosts, and the plan to merge with the Heart of the World is proceeding in an orderly manner. If there is no accident, Enzo will also be promoted to the fourth-level wizard after the expedition in the sea blue world is completed.

But Enzo's current avatar only has a combat effectiveness of around the second level.

Even in the sea blue world, he couldn't use magic abilities, so he was in an absolutely weak state. If it wasn't for the support of tens of millions of evil ghosts and the help of the soul chip, he wouldn't be able to control Bloodfire City at all.

"Enhance the strength of the avatar first!"

Enzo secretly made a decision in his heart, hoping that the government would raid the Bloodfire City, his avatar had to absorb some power of fate, so as to ensure promotion to the third-order life body level and ensure his ability to rule over the Bloodfire City.

"What's the specific plan?"

At this time, Ulea suddenly asked, "Since the city lord already knows that he wants the government to prepare a surprise attack on Bloodfire City, then you must have made a decision. The destructive power of a thousand ace giants cannot be underestimated. We must be prepared. "

"I know."

Enzo nodded, and said in a deep voice, "I hope that among the three major floating cities of the government, Lent Floating City has already contacted Blood Fire City, saying that after ten days, they will go to Blood Fire City to declare surrender, but this is just their plan That's all."

"The real purpose of Lent Floating Void City is to send one hundred ace giants to Bloodfire City to create chaos, thereby creating an opportunity for the nine hundred ace giants outside."

"But again, I'm ready to use my tricks!"

"When a hundred ace giants from Lent Floating Void City sneak into Bloodfire City, control them in advance to minimize the loss." Enzo said.

(End of this chapter)

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