Chapter 65
"It is the luck of our caravan to meet the boss Mokashi in this wilderness." Nick cupped his hands towards Mokashi, and said in a deep voice, "Please rest assured, I understand the rules in the wilderness, and I will never let you You and your bandit brothers went home empty-handed."

"Our brigade group is willing to donate one-third of the goods as a tribute, and I would like to ask the boss Mokaxi to make it easier!"

According to the rules in the wilderness, once the brigade encounters a bandit, if the strength of the two parties is about the same, the brigade only needs to offer some symbolic tribute to avoid the two sides fighting. However, in the current situation, the gang is aggressive and their strength is obviously stronger than the brigade. So Nick must show enough sincerity.

"One-third? Are you kidding me?" Mokashi grinned and said with a grin, "You want to send me off with this little thing?"

Nick's face changed slightly. According to the rules in the wilderness, it was already sincere for the brigade to offer one-third of the tribute, but the other party was not satisfied at all, obviously treating the brigade as a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Let me tell you, no matter how many things you have, I want them all!" Mokashi laughed arrogantly.

"All!?" Nick gritted his teeth with a gloomy face, "I'm afraid it's against the rules in the wilderness for you to do this?"

"Rules? Fuck the rules!" Mokashi roared wildly, suddenly swung his hammers, threw them at Nick, and roared, "You dare to bargain with me, I really want to die! Let me tell you the truth, today Since we are here, not only will we take away all your goods, but even you will become my master's slaves."

The double hammers hit like a hurricane, and Nick quickly drew his sword to block, and the huge force from it made him retreat several steps.

"Brothers, come to me, take everything from them, and kill all who dare to resist!" Mokashi roared ferociously, swung the heavy hammers in his hands, and smashed at Nick again.

"Captain, be careful!" the guards exclaimed.

Seeing the double hammers coming, Nick gritted his teeth, rolled suddenly, grabbed a shield from the side to protect his body.

Boom!There was a muffled sound.

Mokashi swung his hammers and hit the shield. Nick's whole body was shaken by the heavy force, and he couldn't help but take a half step back.

At this time, a group of gangsters also howled and started to attack.

"Fight with them!" A guard drew out his long sword and shouted loudly.

The fierce battle was about to break out, and the bandits were numerous and menacing, but the guards of the brigade were also experienced and experienced in relying on the defensive circle formed by horse-drawn carriages to resist the attack.

The battle lasted more than ten minutes.

Relying on the defensive circle formed by the carriages, although the brigade blocked a round of offensive by the bandits, the opponents had a large number of people after all. After paying the price of a few corpses, they finally tore a gap in the defensive circle.

"Kill! Kill them all."

"Come on!" The gangsters howled sharply, which was extremely harsh in the dark night.

On the other side, Nick, who was fighting with Mokashi, also fell into a disadvantage. He held a long sword and shield, but under Mokashi's fierce offensive, he looked extremely embarrassed, unable to fight back at all, and could only passively defend.

Although both sides are knights who have awakened fighting spirit, the difference in strength is very obvious.

Mokashi is full of blood and is in the prime of life, while Nick is over fifty, and both physical strength and fighting spirit have begun to decline. Although he can resist for a while with years of combat experience, he himself knows very well that the defeat It's just a matter of time.

After another few rounds.

"Die to me!" Mokashi roared, and the double hammers fell like meteors.

Nick gritted his teeth and raised his shield to block, but with a huge force, the steel shield exploded in response, and even Nick behind the shield vomited blood, his face turned pale in an instant, and he couldn't help taking dozens of steps back, paralyzed. sat on the ground.

"Boss Mokashi is mighty!"

"Brothers, go ahead!"

Seeing that Mokashi smashed the captain of the brigade guard with a hammer, the gangsters were even more excited, howling loudly and climbing up the carriage defense circle, as if they had started the final attack.

"Captain! Rescue Captain Nick quickly." The guards yelled loudly, resisting the gang's attack had made them extremely embarrassed, and the defeat of the only knight in the brigade made everyone fall into despair.

Several guards desperately rushed out of the defensive circle, trying to rescue the injured Nick.

"Leave me alone, take your wife and go!" Nick yelled, clutching his chest while slumped next to the tree trunk.

The guards rushed out of the defensive circle, and before they got close to Nick, they were already surrounded by more than a dozen bandits. A thin, monkey-cheeked bandit wielded a scimitar and knocked several guards to the ground in a short while.

"You want to save him so much? Then it depends on whether you have the ability." Mokashi held the hammers on his shoulders, looked at Nick, and shouted to a gangster not far away, "Grey Monkey, go and give me Cut that guy's head off!"

"Of order, Boss Mokashi." The short, skinny gangster nicknamed 'Grey Monkey' smirked and walked towards Nick, brandishing a machete.

Inside the carriage defense circle, Tamara's face was pale and her lips trembled slightly. The current situation was already in jeopardy. If Nick, the only knight in the brigade, was killed, the gang would soon be able to break through the brigade.

"Quick, leave me alone and save Nick!" Tamara's lips trembled, and she hurriedly said to the guards beside her.

Several guards looked at each other, struggling a little, but after hesitating for a moment, they all obeyed Tamara's order, and with a determined mood, they drew out their long swords and rushed out of the carriage defense circle.

However, all was in vain.

The outside of the carriage defense circle was already surrounded by gangsters, and the guards got into a hard fight as soon as they rushed out. They couldn't get close to Nick at all, and could only watch the gray monkey raise the scimitar and aim it at Nick's neck.

"Hey, goodbye, Mr. Knight."

The gray monkey's eyes were excited, and even the arm holding the scimitar trembled a little. For an ordinary person who has not awakened fighting spirit, being able to kill a knight is undoubtedly something worth bragging about.

"So what about the knight who awakened his grudge, didn't he die by my sword?"

"Kill you, I, Gray Monkey, will be the one who killed knights in the future."

The gray monkey thought excitedly, maybe after a few years, when he was old and sitting by the fire, he could proudly brag to his descendants that a knight lord died by his sword.

Just as the gray monkey was feeling complacent, a shriek that tore through the air suddenly sounded in his ear.

Before he could react, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest. The gray monkey lowered his head blankly, but what caught his eyes was scarlet, the color of blood he was most familiar with.

"How about blood?"

The gray monkey opened his mouth, feeling pain spreading all over his body. He turned around with difficulty, and vaguely saw a handsome young man standing on the carriage not far away, looking at him indifferently.

"It hit the target, not bad!" The boy shrugged and said casually.

(End of this chapter)

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