Chapter 66
The gray monkey's body fell to the ground, making the chaotic scene quiet.

Mokashi narrowed his eyes slightly, and a dangerous gleam burst out of his eyes, and all the gangsters also cast their gazes one after another. After a short silence, an angry roar broke out.

"Bastard! How dare you kill Gray Monkey!"

"Damn it, kill him!"

"Cut off his limbs and avenge Gray Monkey!"

The gangsters were yelling crazily, their red eyes full of bloodlust, like hungry wolves in the wilderness, as if they were about to rush up and crush the defensive circle around the brigade in the next moment.

"Enzo? By the way, he is also a knight!" Tamara's eyes lit up, and a glimmer of hope rose in her heart.

Taking advantage of the brief opportunity, several guards rushed to Nick and dragged him back to the brigade's defense circle with difficulty. When the gangsters reacted, they howled and flocked to the carriage defense circle again.

"Hmph!" With a cold snort, Enzo drew his sword and swung it.

The black fighting energy burned like a demonic flame, and the half-moon-shaped sword energy cut away, immediately beheading the two bandits rushing to the front. Seeing this, the rest of the bandits backed away screaming strangely, looking at Enzo with fear in their eyes .

"Another knight?" Mokashi licked his lips, his eyes flashing with murderous intent.

"If you don't want to die, just get out of here." Enzuo stood on the carriage and said calmly.

"Haha, what an arrogant guy." Mokashi grinned with a ferocious expression on his face, "It's rare to see such a young knight even in the Kingdom, but it's a pity that you met Lord Mokashi today."

"Let me tell you what the power of a knight is!"

As he said that, Mokashi suddenly ran wildly, dragging the two hammers in both arms, steady and powerful, but the steps under his feet were like a mallet beating a drum, making a burst of sound, and rushed to the carriage defense circle in a moment.

"Enzo, get out of the way!" Nick exclaimed, clutching his chest and shouting, "This guy is very powerful, don't fight him hard."

As soon as Nick's words fell, Mokashi and Enzo were already close at hand. The burly man stretched his legs and leaped into the air with ease. The hammers held by his two big hands slammed down like meteorites. Like attacking Enzo.

"Be careful!" Tamara exclaimed, her face pale in an instant.

Even if she had never practiced fighting qi, Tamara could still feel the power of Mokashi swinging the double hammers. The feeling of being overwhelmed by Mount Tai was suffocating, as if everything in front of her could be crushed in the next second.

With a loud noise, the double hammers fell, and the carriage that Enzo was standing on collapsed.

"Hahaha, die, little bastard!" Dust and smoke were everywhere, and Mokashi stood on the broken carriage and laughed wildly. He used all his strength in the previous blow.

Tamara's pupils narrowed sharply, her face pale.

Everyone in the brigade fell into despair again. Although they were all knights, Mokashi's power was terrifying, and he was obviously close to the peak. Even the veteran knight Nick couldn't compete, let alone Enzo, who was only 18 years old.

"If Enzo himself wanted to, he should be able to run away, right?" Tamara's face turned bitter, and she touched the dagger at her waist with trembling palms, "I'm sorry, we killed you."

Holding the dagger to her throat, Tamara slowly closed her eyes.

The wilderness bandits are a pack of hungry wolves. Tamara has been in business for many years, and she knows very well what a terrible end she will end up in if she falls into their hands. With all hope lost, she can only choose to kill herself.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Hey! Idiot, what are you laughing at?"

Tamara opened her eyes suddenly, and immediately saw Enzo with a calm face standing not far from the dilapidated carriage with a long sword in his hand. Not only was his body unscathed, his clothes were not even stained with dust.

"He's still alive!" Tamara's eyes were pleasantly surprised, and a blush appeared on her face.

"Huh? You escaped." Mokashi was a little annoyed, as if he had been humiliated, he gritted his teeth and said, "Damn you bastard, you're lucky, but it won't be like this next time."

After finishing speaking, Mokashi swung his double hammers and rushed towards Enzo again.

"Earth-shattering strike!" With a roar, Mokashi poured his grudge into the hammer in his right hand, and in the strong yellow light, the hammer slammed into Enzo's head.

The hammer roared and struck, but Enzo remained motionless.

"Are you scared?" Mokashi grinned grinningly, the hammer in his hand was already very close to Enzo's head, he was sure that even if the other party wanted to hide now, he would have no chance at all, and could only watch as his head was crushed by the hammer.

But the next moment, Mokashi's smile froze.

Enzo, who was standing still, suddenly turned into black mist and disappeared like a dark wind. He easily escaped the attack of the hammer, and then showed his figure not far away.


Mokaxi's cold hair exploded, like falling into an ice cave, and his whole body seemed to be shrouded in shadow.

After seeing Enzo's weird method clearly, Mokashi finally understood how the other party avoided his attack for the first time, and why he was so calm, as if everything was under control.

Unlike the aborigines in remote places such as the Icy Plain and the Blood Wilderness, Mokashi, who was born in the Kingdom of Rudin, is well aware of the horror of the mystic.

Many years ago, when Mokashi was just promoted to knighthood, he joined a knight order consisting of dozens of knights and a great knight. He was ordered by the royal family of the Kingdom of Rudin to hunt down a small town in the north. The wanted.

And the hunting target back then was a mysterious person!
To this day, Mokashi still remembers what happened that day. At that time, there was only one mysterious man who was targeted, but facing a hunting team composed of the kingdom's elite knights, the gray-robed man was not afraid at all. With a wave of his hand, he summoned a hundred wind blades to instantly defeat the knight team.

Except for Mokashi, all members of the knight team were killed, even the great knight, and the reason why Mokashi survived was because he was the farthest away from the mysterious man, so he escaped the most violent wind blade attack .

"Damn it, I actually provoked a mystic!?" Mokashi was flustered, his face pale, "No, I have to run away!"

The strange method of the mysterious person is still fresh in his memory. After a short thought, Mokashi decisively chose to run away. He first roared and slammed the hammers in his hands at Enzo, then turned around and walked towards Enzo. Run wildly deep in the forest.

However, before Mokashi ran a few steps, a voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

"Do you want to leave?"

Mokashi was startled suddenly, and before he had time to turn his head, he found a shadow close to him from the corner of his eye, and then, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and a tearing pain came from his neck.

"Ugh!!" Mokashi desperately clutched his throat, but the blood was still gushing out.

(End of this chapter)

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