Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 701 City of the North

Chapter 701 City of the North
In the blink of an eye, seven days later.

The northern continent, the central region, the city of the north.

The sky in the distance was slightly white, and the brilliance of dawn sprinkled on the earth. Between the clouds, a giant dragon whizzed past, vibrating its green wings, and uttered a strange crow-like cry from its hideous mouth.

"Is it finally here?" Enzo looked down.

It was a city comparable to a large kingdom. The main body was cast from white rock. The city wall did not surround the entire city, but was protected by three layers of light shields. Towers with strange shapes could be seen everywhere.

This is the core of the northern continent, the city of the northern land.

At the same time, it is also the stronghold of the Northern Council, the power center of the entire continent, and the tall towers standing in the city, each of which is equivalent to the residence of a fourth-order magician.

As a wizard in the Northern Continent, every wizard will be invited to join the Northern Council after being promoted to All Souls. There is a certain degree of freedom.

The reason is also very simple, the promotion of the Guardian All Souls Wizard needs to rely on the power of the world's rules.

Just like Frosley of Phantom of Crows.

This third-level wizard wanted to follow the path of the conqueror wizard, but driven by fate, he eventually became a guardian of all souls. He relied on the help of the Northern Council in the process of advancing to the fourth level. Therefore, as soon as he was promoted to Wan Ling, he directly became a member of the parliament.

There are hundreds of continents in the wizarding world.

Except for the Stigmata Continent in the Central Territory, which maintains a unique and detached position, the rules of any continent are similar. The continent is governed by the parliament, and it is constantly absorbing new blood to become the cornerstone of the parliament.

This is the operating rule of wizard civilization.

Wizards who master extraordinary power are not only the pioneers of civilization, but also guardians. The two different paths symbolize the different responsibilities of wizards. Although guardian wizards also have immortal lives, they can never leave the wizarding world.

Their promotion relied on the power of the wizarding world.

Therefore, protecting this world has become their responsibility. As for the conqueror wizards, their task is to spread the fire of wizard civilization towards the heavens and worlds of the multiverse.

Enzo was riding on the dragon's back, looking down.

Although the city of the Northland can already be seen from here, in fact, there is still a long distance from the city of the Northland, and, before going to the Northern Council, Curtis had already told Enzo about the Pass some basic knowledge, such as the rules that prohibit flying in the area of ​​​​the city of the Northland.

In the forest below, there was a sudden burst of energy fluctuations, which caused a trace of surprise to appear on Enzo's face.

This place already belongs to the Central Region of the Northern Continent.

As the power center of the northern continent, the parliament guards the order of the entire continent. Every member of the council is a fourth-order magician, and the speaker is a holy soul wizard. Under such a powerful deterrent force, how dare someone stand here while fighting.

Enzo narrowed his eyes slightly and looked down.

Through the gap between the clouds and the trees, Enzo unexpectedly saw a familiar figure, and his pupils shrank involuntarily.


With a thought in his heart, Enzo immediately steered the giant dragon, flew towards the forest below, and landed on the ground in a short while.

There is a forest in Nuoda, a large number of trees have collapsed, and the ground is full of potholes. Obviously, it has been ravaged by witchcraft. Strong energy fluctuations continue to spread in all directions.

And at the center of it all, are two wizards.

One of them was wearing a black robe, and from the wide cuffs, tens of thousands of crows flew out continuously, turning into a black torrent and attacking towards the opposite side.

On the other side, there is a steel monster.

He is also a wizard of all souls, but that person is walking the path of mechanical flow. Except for a head, almost the whole body has been mechanically transformed. The unique mechanical eyeballs shoot out blood-red lasers, killing one by one. crow.

"Is that all you can do, Dempsey?"

Frossley smiled, with a hint of teasing in his eyes, and said: "Didn't you still brag about your strength just now? As an old magician who has been promoted to five thousand years, even a newcomer like me can't take it down in a short time." ?"

Faced with Frosley's ridicule, Dempsey's eyes flashed with shame and anger.

But soon, he snorted coldly and said, "Stop being cynical and sarcastic, Flossley, when the old man was promoted to the Realm of All Souls, you were not born yet! Don't think that relying on the power of Magic Crow and Thousand Spirit Meditation's thoughts , can compete with me."

After all, Dempsey fired two shells from his steel body.

The crimson cannonball hit Frosley, but the other party waved his hand, and the crows circling around turned into a whirlpool, swallowed the crimson cannonball directly, and then threw it backhand to Dempsey.

The Mechanic Almighty was expressionless.

But I was a little annoyed in my heart. When I met Flossley before, the two had some small disputes because of their different ideas. In a fit of anger, Dempsey threatened to teach Flossley a lesson.

However, when the two confronted each other, Dempsey realized that he was careless.

Although Flossley has only just been promoted to a wizard of all souls less than a hundred years old, relying on the power of the magic crow and Qianling meditation, he is entangled with himself, a veteran wizard, and even fights with ease.

This obviously made Dempsey a little embarrassed.

But at this moment, Dempsey suddenly noticed something, stopped his movements immediately, looked into the distance, and shouted in a cold voice.

"Who is Your Excellency?"

Frosley's heart shuddered, and she also retracted all the phantom crows circling around into her body, and looked not far away.

Among the trees, a crow transformed into a human form.

"Are you... Enzo?"

There was a hint of surprise on Frossley's face. Although he hadn't seen him for a long time, he had already learned everything about Enzo from Mitchell.

"You were also called by the Northern Council, so you came to the city of the Northland, right?"

Enzo nodded with a smile.

From the looks of it, it was just a friendly discussion between the two wizards of all souls, not involving life and death, but the movement caused was a bit scary.

"Good day, Lord Frosley."

Enzo nodded slightly. According to the rules of the wizarding world, wizards of the same level will always address each other as Your Excellency.

Then, he looked at another wizard of all spirits.

At this time, Dempsey's mechanical modification has disappeared, just like an ordinary human, standing in place in a gray robe.

"You are Enzo?"

Dempsey looked at Enzo, raised his eyebrows and said, "The Conqueror of the Thousand-Handed Demon, the All Souls Sorcerer."

"Hello, Your Excellency Dempsey." Enzo said neither humble nor overbearing.

Enzo had stayed in Curtis's country of silver for a long time, so he already had a good understanding of a series of basic information on the northern continent, and he also had a good grasp of every member of the parliament.

Just like Dempsey in front of him.

Although it was the first time for the two to meet, Enzo had seen each other's portrait before, learned the basic information of this mechanical flow guardian, the magician, and at the same time told the deeds of the wizard, are recorded in the chip database.

"As soon as I was promoted to the realm of all spirits, I killed the abyss lord."

A trace of complexity flashed in Dempsey's eyes, and he said quietly, "You really deserve to be a wizard on the road of conqueror, and your fighting power is really strong."

Enzo nodded humbly, but did not speak.

Enzo had already experienced the record of beheading a demon lord when he was still a third-tier wizard. For him, the Demon of Thousand Hands might be a difficult opponent, but he never felt afraid to confront him head-on.

"Are both of you summoned by Parliament?"

At this time, Enzo's heart moved, and he asked again: "Although I have been promoted to the wizard of all souls, I have not officially joined the Northern Council. This time I went to the city of the Northland because I was invited by Curtis to participate in the Centennial A Northern Auction."

"So you haven't joined the parliament yet."

Flosley's heart moved, and she sighed, "In this case, it seems that you don't know about that matter yet."

"That matter?" Enzo frowned slightly.

"The war with the abyss world." Dempsey shook his head, with a solemn expression on his face, and said in a deep voice, "It is rumored that the third era is coming to an end. In this era full of changes, the abyss and wizards The world is bound to experience a great war, so the Supremes plan to strike first."

Enzo's heart skipped a beat.

Although he has not yet joined the Northern Council, he has some understanding of this matter, because not long ago on the 57th floor of the abyss, the Flame Supreme personally arranged and killed the king of vampires.

At the same time, things about Myrcella and Destiny's Child also surfaced.

The words before Flame Supreme's departure also conveyed a lot of information to Enzo. The third era is coming to an end, and the era of change is coming. Sooner or later, there will be a full-scale war between wizards and the abyss world.

Therefore, the Flame Supreme intends to strike first.

However, Enzo still doesn't know whether all the Supremes have agreed with the Flaming Supremes' idea and plan to start a full-scale war with the Abyss World. This is not a trivial matter, and it may determine the future of the entire wizard civilization.

"Actually, these things should not have been told to you."

Flossley's face was serious, and he said in a deep voice, "But as a wizard in the northern continent, I don't think you will refuse to join the northern council, so it's okay to make you mentally prepared."

"If there is no accident, we are about to fight the abyss."

"It's just that the direction of this war is still unknown, and no one knows how far it will develop."

After hearing what Floresley said, Enzo was thoughtful.

At the end of the third era, an all-out war will break out between the wizard civilization and the abyss world. Although the Flame Supreme intends to preemptively strike, he doesn't know what kind of strength the abyss world has.

Therefore, even if the two sides start a war, it will be a tentative war in the early stage.

"It's getting late."

At this time, Dempsey suddenly spoke, and said coldly, "Frossley, if you don't want to continue the fight, we'll go to the parliament to report first."

"of course."

Flossley chuckled, and said gently, "I've seen the strength of His Excellency Dempsey, so naturally I won't make fun of myself."

Hearing Flossley's words, Dempsey's face softened a little.

Enzo felt strange in his heart. In the large database of the chip, there was information about Dempsey. It is said that this wizard has an arrogant personality, and he is not very polite to other wizards of the same rank.

Something can be seen from his attitude with Flossley.

However, Enzo didn't care about it. Beings who can be promoted to the fourth-level wizards of all spirits, even guardians, will have their own personalities. Some extreme wizards even take pleasure in slaughtering mortals.

As for this, as long as it does not exceed a certain number, even the Northern Council will not intervene. After all, to the wizards of all spirits, mortals are like ants, and a random release of energy can kill a large area.

"Since Enzo also intends to go to the city of the Northland, let's go there together."

Flossley chuckled, then waved her hand, and a floating ark immediately fell from the sky.

"The city of the Northland is the stronghold of the parliament. Although it is expressly forbidden to fly, it does not include floating arks."

As Frossley said, he greeted the two of them to get on the ark. Enzo's heart moved and he couldn't help but nodded.

Before that, he already knew that flying around the city of Beidi was forbidden.

But only now did I realize that the floating ark was not included, so I boarded the floating ark with Dempsey and headed for the city of the Northland.

A moment later, the floating ark arrived at the city of the Northland.

A three-layer energy mask is wrapped around it, and mechanical eyes are suspended in the sky. After scanning the information of the floating ark, the mask automatically opens a gap, and Frosley controls the ark to drive into the three-layer mask.

Coming to a huge square, the floating ark landed slowly.

This place is similar to an airport. As far as the eye can see, there are floating arks parked in the open space. Each floating ark represents a wizard of all spirits and their entourage.

"It's the first time you come to the city of the Northland, why don't I show you around?" Florsley suggested.

Enzo nodded, and did not refuse. As the former dean of Crows Phantom Academy, Flossley is also a respectable elder in a sense.

"I'm going to report to Parliament, and I'm leaving."

At this time, Dempsey said hello, and came down directly from the floating ark, saying goodbye to Frosley and Enzo.

Flosley didn't care about this either.

Afterwards, the two began to wander around the city of the Northland. This huge city is the power center of the Northland Continent. Thousands of towers stand on the ground, and it is full of fantasy from the sky.

"After joining the Northern Council, you can also get a tower."

Flossley looked into the distance, with a trace of exclamation on his face, and said: "Time flies so fast, in a blink of an eye, more than a hundred years have passed since that coordinate battle, and I saw your potential back then , but I didn't expect that you would have been promoted to a wizard of all souls in such a short period of time."

(End of this chapter)

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