Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 702 Formal Councilor

Chapter 702 Formal Councilor
"Go, let's take you to my tower first."

As Frossley said, she waved her hand and summoned two magic horses, and Enzo and Enzo each rode on one, and walked towards a tall tower in the distance.

Not long after, the two came to a square.

In the spacious square, the ground is paved with silver-white bricks and stones. A huge thousand-story tower stands in the center of the square. The raised spire is full of fantasy colors and emits strong energy fluctuations.

"Is it white again?"

Enzo frowned, and couldn't help but chuckle in his heart. Although there are no clear rules in the wizarding world, it seems that wizards who are on the road of guardians like to build white towers.

As for the conqueror wizards, they generally like black towers, of course there are exceptions, such as towers with more strange shapes.

But in the city of the North, the towers are generally only white and black.

When standing on the floating ark and overlooking the city of the Northland, Enzo paid special attention to the fact that the ratio of white towers to black towers is about thirty to one.

"After you become a member of the Northern Council, the Council will fund you to build a tower in the city of the North without you needing to spend a magic stone."

"Wizard who guards the way, build the White Tower!"

"The wizard of the conqueror's path is the Black Tower!"

Flossley saw Enzo's expression, so she took the initiative to explain.

"Is there such a big gap between the number of Conqueror All Souls Wizards and Guardian All Souls Wizards?" Enzo had a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Oh! Bigger than you think."

Flossley shook her head and sighed, "In the city of the Northland, there are a total of 45 white towers that symbolize the guardians of all spirit wizards."

"As for the black tower that represents the Conqueror of All Souls, there are only 97 of them!"

Enzo frowned slightly.

At this moment, Flossley said again, "But even so, not all of the 97 black towers are owned towers!"

"As far as I know, there are at least 35 black towers, and no wizard has returned for three hundred years!"

"What?" Enzo was taken aback.

Flossley shook his head and sighed, "Although those black towers once belonged to the Conqueror All Souls Wizard, their owners have disappeared, and they haven't even returned to the Wizarding World for hundreds of years."

"This is the fate of the conqueror wizard!"

"Continuously develop in the multiverse and spread the fire of wizard civilization. In the process, it may fall at any time!"

"Although the wizard of all souls claims to be immortal, the conqueror may get lost at any time in the process of exploring the end of the universe, and eventually fall into an inescapable situation."

"Have the owners of those 35 black towers fallen?" Enzo said in a dull tone.

"Strictly speaking, they're just lost."

Flossley opened her mouth quietly, and said in a deep voice, "The 35 Lords of the Black Tower, after joining the Northern Council, made a trace of their own soul fire into soul lamps and left them in the soul hall of the city of the North. "

"If they really fall, then the council will know immediately that the death knell will ring out in the entire city of the Northland."

"Is it the same for the Guardian All Souls Wizard?" Enzo asked.

Flossley nodded, and said, "Whether you are a conqueror or a guardian, as long as you are promoted to the realm of all spirits, it is the cornerstone of wizard civilization."

"It has been decades since I was promoted to the fourth-level wizard of all souls."

"However, I have never heard the death knell of the city of the North. After all, the wizards of all souls are already comparable to gods. Even the conquerors who pioneered in the multiverse will not fall so easily."

While the two were talking, they had already entered the silver tower ahead.

Frossley introduced information about the Northern Council to Enzo, apparently believing that Enzo would also join the Council in the future.

In this regard, Enzo did not reject it.

There are hundreds of continents in the wizarding world. Except for the core continent of Stigmata, which maintains a special status, all continents maintain a parliamentary system.

Enzo was born in the Northern Continent, and had never had any entanglements with the parliaments of other continents, so joining the Northern Council seemed to be the only option.

If it is Myrcella, after she is promoted to the fourth-level All Souls Wizard, she will not join the Northern Council. As a disciple of the Flame Supreme, she can directly become a member of the Supreme Council of the Wizarding World.

She is also a member of parliament, but her status is much higher than that of the members of the Northern Territory. If she comes to the Northern Territory Continent as a special commissioner of the Supreme Council, even the Great Speaker of the Northern Council will give her three points of courtesy.

"If you want to join the Northern Council, besides being a wizard of all souls, what other requirements do you need?" At this time, Enzo asked.

"Identity certificates are also required, as well as some formalities."

Flossley pondered for a moment, and said: "But you don't need to worry about these, Crows Phantom Academy, which belonged to the forces under the Northern Council tens of thousands of years ago, and I will be your introducer, so there is no need for identity issues at all. Any verification and proof."

"If you make a decision, now you just need to apply."

Enzo nodded without hesitation.

There are still three days before the centennial auction in the northern border. He plans to become a full member of the parliament first, and then consider other things.


Time passed quickly, and another two days passed.

When Enzo saw Floresley again, he was holding a medal in his hand.

"Congratulations, Your Excellency Enzo."

With a smile on her face, Frossley threw the silver-white medal in her hand to Enzo, saying, "Your application to join the Northern Council has been approved, and you can become an official member of the Northern Council by imprinting this medal."

"Thank you, Your Excellency Frosley."

Enzo sincerely thanked him. Although applying to join the Northern Territory Council does not require complicated procedures, with the help of Frosley, it will undoubtedly save him a lot of trouble.

Flossley smiled slightly. As the former dean of the Phantom Academy of Crows, it was also a happy thing for him to have someone in the academy be promoted to Wanling.

What's more, it's just a matter of convenience, and if you can buy favors for Enzo, why not do it for Flosley.

Afterwards, Enzo picked up the silver badge.

"Sacred object?"

He muttered to himself, as a wizard of all souls, Enzo could clearly feel the energy contained in the silver badge, and a strange color flashed in his eyes, and then he released his spiritual power to leave a brand.

Suddenly, Enzo's eyes flashed a silver luster.

After imprinting on the silver badge, the metal badge in his hand immediately turned into a stream of light and poured into Enzo's body.

A lot of information also appeared in Enzo's mind.

"The badge is the status symbol of every MP."

At this time, Flossley took the initiative to speak and said, "At the same time, this thing has many functions. Every time a major event occurs in the northern continent, Your Excellency the Great Speaker, you can use the badge to send news to the members."

"Calculating the time, the auction is about to start."

Froslow raised his head, and said, "Members with badges can also get more authority in the northern continent, like this."

Saying that, Flossley waved his hand.

The Void Gate appeared out of thin air, and it was unknown where it led to. Enzo looked at the deep whirlpool with a trace of thought on his face.

Flossley chuckled and walked straight into the void gate.

Enzo pondered for a moment, and imitating the other party, waved his hand to summon the Void Gate, and walked straight in.

This is one of the permissions of the Northern Badge.

As the ruler of this continent, the Northern Council has set up multiple space stations in every region of the continent. Members with badges can use their badges to open the gate of the void and go to any space station.

The space site opened by Floresley is a dimensional space.

Strictly speaking, this dimensional space located within the wizarding world is also called the secret space.

Enzo stepped into the void gate, and the surrounding environment changed accordingly.

The area is similar to the Colosseum in ancient Rome. There is an open space in the center. There is a huge auction platform there. There are tens of thousands of seats around it, but they all exist independently. Enzo is in one of them.

"Welcome to Secret Realm No. 731."

Next to it, Flossley's voice suddenly sounded, and he pointed casually, and in the surrounding space similar to a separate box, several little lolis appeared, each of which looked like a jade carving.

"Star Clan people?" Enzo's heart moved.

"You know StarClan?"

Flossley was a little surprised, then chuckled and said, "In the multiverse, there are countless civilizations conquered by wizards, but Star Clan and us belong to a cooperative relationship, although the civilization of wizards is the main one."

Enzo nodded.

Although the wizard civilization is at the apex of the multiverse, it is impossible to fight against the heavens and all races by itself. After some civilizations collided with wizards, the two sides tested each other and finally reached a cooperative relationship.

"Two senators and grand lords."

At this time, a little Star Clan loli said prettyly, "If you need anything, please tell us!"

"Not yet."

Flossley chuckled, and threw out a few star stones, which immediately caused a few Star Clan lolis to snatch them.

It is not surprising that Star Clan people like star stones.

Strictly speaking, in the multiverse, the star stone is already a kind of common currency, but this kind of resource containing high-intensity energy is limited to the circulation of life forms above the fourth order.

"Is the auction going to start?" Enzo asked.

"A few more hours."

Flossley shook his head, and said, "It's okay anyway, just wait here. Today's auction is once in a hundred years. If there are no accidents, there should be something good."

"For example, plane coordinates?" Enzo asked tentatively.

"Haha, it seems that you have also received the news."

Frossley smiled, shook his head and said: "But for that kind of thing, I advise you not to have too much expectation, everyone knows the meaning of the coordinates, even the speaker will fight for that kind of thing of."

A thoughtful expression appeared on Enzo's face.

According to the rules of the Northern Territory Council, the fourth-tier wizards of all spirits are called councilors, the fifth-tier holy soul wizards are called the speaker, and the sixth-tier endless wizards are the great speakers of the northern council.

In the current northern continent, there is only one Great Speaker.

This is also the case of most continents. After all, the sixth-order life forms are second only to the seventh-order existence in the multiverse.

"Will all the speakers compete?" Enzo frowned.

If the coordinates that appeared at the auction would really cause competition among the speakers, then Enzo probably had no chance. Even if he sold the God of Hunger, it would probably be useless.

"Why, so anxious to advance to the fifth level?"

Flossley felt a little funny, and couldn't help but said, "You have just been promoted to the fourth rank, and it has been less than a hundred years. There are still infinite possibilities in the future, so there is no need to rush."

Enzo gave a wry smile and nodded slightly.

Afterwards, he raised his head again and asked ponderingly, "By the way, Your Excellency Frosley, if the world heart of a plane is broken and there are not enough fragments, is there any way to re-integrate it?"

"The plane where the heart of the world is broken?"

Flossley frowned, and said hesitantly, "In the multiverse, the plane where the Heart of the World is broken will basically go to destruction in the end, but if the Heart of the World can be re-integrated, there is still a possibility of salvation." .”

"What? You don't have a plane where the heart of the world is broken, do you?"

Enzo nodded slowly without hesitation.

The matter of the sea blue world itself is not a secret that needs to be concealed. The crisis of the broken heart of the world will bring doom to the sea blue world. Enzo must solve this matter within a certain period of time.

Otherwise, the sea blue world will only go to perish in the end.

"What? You already have two worlds in your hands?"

Flossley's eyes widened, and it was difficult to conceal the surprise in her heart. She gasped and couldn't help opening her mouth.

Enzo thought for a moment, then slowly raised his palm.

Immediately, light spots the size of rice grains appeared in his palm, all of which were the cores of Aurain extracted from the Heart of Sea Blue. There were only sixty of them in total, which was far from reaching the level of reintegrating the Heart of the World.

"Heart of the World!"

Sensing the energy fluctuations emanating from the core of Aurain, Frosley's breathing was a bit rapid, and a complex luster flashed in her eyes, and she murmured, "It's a pity that it's broken and incomplete..."

Enzo didn't talk nonsense, and told about the sea blue world.

"The remnants of the goblin civilization?"

Frossley's heart moved, and he suddenly said: "As far as I know, a few years ago, Mr. Calvin, the Speaker, found a goblin civilized airship in the multiverse, and caught several pure-blood goblins from it. "

"Also, Chairman Calvin seems to have searched for something resembling a fragment of the Heart of the World from the airship..."

Immediately, Enzo's eyes lit up.

Seeing Enzo's reaction, Flossley said with a chuckle, "Don't worry, if it's just a fragment of the Heart of the World, it won't be of much use to Speaker Calvin, and it will definitely be thrown at the auction."

"If those are really what you need, prepare the starstone now."

Hearing Flossley's words, Enzo turned his eyes and said, "I don't have many star stones in my hand, but there are some things that may be thrown at the auction in exchange for some resources."

(End of this chapter)

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