Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 79 Fire Element

Chapter 79 Fire Element

"Damn it!" Bourne's face turned pale, and blood was pouring from his shoulder.

Except for Qarth who was pressed on the deck just now, Bourne was the closest to the giant sea monster. Although he had retreated as far as possible when the bone spur shot out, he was still hit by a bone spur in the shoulder .

"Fiery flame elf, according to the power of the ancient contract, Myrcella seeks your help!"

The resonant voice chanted loudly, Myrcella's expression was focused, and the ruby ​​bracelet on her left wrist emitted a burst of intense light, which burst into flames as if burning, and streams of fire fell onto the deck, forming a hexagram pattern.

boom!The next moment, flames rose from the hexagram formation.

A fire element slowly appeared. It was bathed in burning flames, floating in mid-air in the shape of a small sun, and there were three holes on the surface, representing the eyes and the mouth respectively.

"This is an elemental creature?" Enzo raised his brows, and his eyes shone slightly.

The fire element was summoned, and Myrcella's face turned slightly pale. She pointed her finger at the giant sea monster without thinking, and the fire element the size of a millstone rushed over immediately. fireball.

The fireball hit the giant sea monster, and the scorching flames made it howl. Its huge body trembled slightly, and subconsciously raised its forelimbs. Quarth took this opportunity to crawl out in embarrassment.

The giant sea monster quickly stabilized its body. When it saw its prey escape, its eyes were bloodshot and it let out an angry roar.

But at this time, the fire element summoned by Myrcella attacked again, and the crescent-shaped mouth split open, shooting out fireballs like a peashooter, bombarding the giant sea monster's body surface, making it gigantic. His body trembled.

"Roar!" The giant sea monster roared, and violently swung its forelegs to grab the fire element in midair.

With a calm expression, Myrcella immediately commanded the fire element to dodge, and at the same time ordered it to continue spraying flames, attacking the giant sea monster continuously. In a short while, the body surface of the giant sea monster was scorched black.

"Don't stand still, you attack too!" Myrcella's face turned pale, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Summoning fire elementals to fight requires a lot of magic power. In my state, I can last for another ten minutes at most."

Qarth, Kano and the others were shocked.

The power of the giant sea monster is terrifying, and no one can compete with it. Only the fire element summoned by Myrcella with the magic item can pose a threat to it. If the fire element disappears, the giant ship is likely to be completely destroyed by the giant sea monster. destroy.

Gritting his teeth, Qarth pounced on the giant sea monster again.

Keno also chanted a spell, summoning a series of thunder attacks.

"Let's go together, if we don't solve this giant sea monster, everyone will die!" Bourne shouted loudly, drew out his long sword and pointed it at the sky, and then rushed towards the giant sea monster meaninglessly.

"Follow Your Highness Bourne!" DeWitt shouted loudly, and the knights behind him also charged.

For a moment, all the passengers on the deck attacked the giant sea monster, except for a few who were fighting against ordinary sea monsters.

"Enzo, what should we do?" Jorah frowned, looking around.

"Let's go together." Enzo took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Bourne is right. If we can't solve this giant sea monster today, I'm afraid all of us will die here."

"Rowling, Winnie. You two, be careful for a while and try to stay away from the giant sea monster." Enzo turned his head and said to the two behind him.

"Understood, we are far away from giant sea monsters." Rowling, holding a bow and arrow, nodded heavily.

"Jorah, you have to be careful!" Winnie curled up and couldn't help telling Jorah.

"Don't worry, dear." Jorah quickly kissed Winnie's cheek, and said with a big grin.

During the few days on the giant ship, Jorah has captured the heart of the little beauty Winnie by virtue of the chance to get along, and the two officially became partners the day before yesterday.

After spreading a wave of dog food, Jorah and Enzo followed the crowd and also attacked the giant sea monster.

"Chip, start visual synchronization, scan the status of the giant sea monster, and formulate the best attack plan." While charging towards the giant sea monster, Enzo ordered in his mind, the chip was running quickly, and quickly planned for him to attack the giant sea monster. Program.

However, at this moment, the giant sea monster suddenly let out a deafening roar.

The passengers who were attacking the giant sea monster were shocked, and the sky knight Bourne felt a strong heart palpitation. When he saw the giant sea monster's ferocious back bending and contracting, his pupils twitched violently. shrink.

"Be careful, everyone, get out of the way!" Bourne shouted anxiously.

The sharp bone spurs shot in all directions like a spear, and the knights surrounding the giant sea monster were the first to be among them. Bourne's most powerful adjutant, the great knight Dewitt, was killed by a bone spur through his throat on the spot.

"Ah!!" "Help!"

Bone spurs pierced through the bodies of the surrounding passengers like a torrential rain, and there were endless screams. Enzo quickly dodged amid the rapid alarm of the chip, but Jorah beside him was pierced by a bone spur through his shoulder, and warm blood gushed out. out.

"Ugh! It hurts so much." Jorah's face turned pale, and he immediately knelt down.

Seeing this, Winnie rushed over, used the emerald ring to summon a piranha, bit an ordinary sea monster that was jumping at Jorah, and at the same time took out gauze and pressed it on his shoulder.

"Jorah, how are you?" Winnie burst into tears, even her hands couldn't help shaking.

"Hiss, it's okay, dear." Jorah grinned forcefully, with a painful expression on his face, "It's just a skin injury, it won't die."

Enzo's eyes swept across Jorah's body, and after confirming that the other party's life was not in danger, he immediately turned his gaze forward. Seeing the heavy casualties of the passengers besieging the giant sea monster on the deck, he couldn't help frowning.

"It's a little troublesome now." Enzo looked gloomy and looked not far away.

There, Myrcella was half-kneeling on the deck, with one hand tightly pressed on her waist, her face pale as paper.

The bone spur attack erupted by the giant sea monster just now was extremely violent, and Myrcella's energy was concentrated on controlling the fire element. She was caught off guard by a bone spur and scratched her abdomen. The wound was dripping with blood, which seemed a bit terrifying.

The summoner was seriously injured, and the fire element turned into flowing fire and dissipated!
The main force against the giant sea monster disappeared, and the giant ship fell into crisis again. The only good news is that after the violent bone spur attack broke out, the giant sea monster also became a little weak, and its movements began to slow down. Its back was bare, and only Holes that lost bone spurs one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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