Chapter 80

"We must solve it now!" Looking at the slightly weak giant sea monster, Bourne said solemnly.

"Then let's do it as soon as possible." With a gloomy face, Heliton took a deep breath and gritted his teeth, "I still have a secret technique, which can temporarily control the giant sea monster's movements, but it may last up to three seconds."

"Secret technique?" Quarth frowned, and looked at Suliton in surprise.

"Three seconds? It should be enough." Bourne looked solemn, with a firm look flashing in his eyes, and said, "My fighting spirit has been consumed almost, and the state of Qarth and Keno is also approaching the limit. We must grasp this The last chance!"

"Okay then, get ready!"

Thuleton took a deep breath and began to chant the spell in a low voice, spitting out obscure syllables.

His signature puppet floated in mid-air, and the blood-red light exploded, turning into a ray of light and shooting straight at the giant sea monster.

"Roar!" The giant sea monster shot by the red light suddenly let out an angry roar, and its huge body seemed to freeze.

"Now, do it!" Bourne shouted.

Quarth roared, turned into a burly body like a giant wolf and ran wildly, dragging a heavy ax in his fuzzy palm, and the moment he rushed towards the giant sea monster, he slashed at its leg bones.

With a sneer, a stream of blood gushed out.

The giant sea monster's eyeballs were bloodshot with anger, but its body seemed to be trapped by an invisible net, unable to move at all. Only after struggling vigorously did it show signs of loosening.

As if struck by lightning, Suliton's face suddenly turned pale.

"Shuliton can't hold on anymore, let's attack together." Not far away, Kai Nuo shouted loudly, releasing magic power at the same time, summoning thunderbolts to hit the body of the giant sea monster.

"Wind Blade!" "Fire Bomb!"

All of a sudden, the passengers on the giant ship who had awakened the magic runes shot out one after another.

However, in the next second, the giant sea monster had already broken free from the shackles of Thureton. It roared furiously and smashed the two passengers with its forelegs. Its huge body wanted to pounce on Bourne and the others, but was killed by a cannibal Hua bit the hind limb.

Not far away, Winnie barely controlled the piranha, but her body trembled slightly.

The giant sea monster struggled angrily, but suddenly let out a scream. It turned out that the leg bone that was cut by Quarth just now was broken due to excessive force, causing its body to fall on the deck.

"It's now!" Bourne's eyes were firm, and his footsteps were like drums to charge.

"Drink! Silver Falling Blade!"

With a sharp shout, Bourne jumped into the air, and when the forelegs of the giant sea monster swung towards him, he dexterously stepped on it, and then with the help of this strength, he went straight to the back of the giant sea monster like a streamer.

"Die, monster!"

His feet landed on the end of the giant sea monster's spine, Bourne's body burst out with fighting spirit, and the silver long sword suddenly stabbed down, instantly inserted into the back of the giant sea monster's head.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" with a mournful roar, the body of the giant sea monster trembled violently.

"Phew! It's finally resolved." Feeling the behemoth under his feet crashing to the ground, Bourne finally heaved a sigh of relief.

The biggest threat was killed, and the remaining sea monsters were no longer to be feared. After a fierce battle, the five powerhouses on the giant ship were already exhausted, and only Keno had spare strength. Under his leadership, the passengers were very happy. Get rid of the remaining sea monsters quickly.

After half an hour.

A strong wind blew by, and the sea was calm.

The deck was in a mess, and the dead bodies of sea monsters and passengers could be seen everywhere, and the smell of blood was so strong that it could hardly go away.

The crisis was finally resolved, although the passengers paid a heavy price.

Almost all the five powerhouses were injured, and the forces under their command also suffered heavy casualties. Because the giant sea monster climbed up the giant ship from the north side where Myrcella was in charge, her loss was the most serious, and her followers were almost killed and injured.

After a brief rest, the survivors of the ship began to clean the deck.

The dead passengers were buried in the sea, and the corpses of the sea monsters had to be thrown off the deck, otherwise they would rot and stink in a few days.

It's not that the passengers never thought about using sea monster meat as food, but after a trial, they found that the blood of these monsters seemed to contain viruses, and humans would experience dizziness, vomiting and other reactions after eating them.

"What do you want to do?!"

Just when everyone was about to push the giant sea monster off the giant ship, a roar suddenly sounded on the deck.

I saw Jorah guarding Winnie fiercely, looking at the opposite side with his eyes spitting fire. A thin man's eyes dodged, and he was holding a blood-stained dagger in his hand.

Whoosh!An arrow was shot, but the thin man dodged it nimbly.

"This guy wants to take advantage of the chaos to kill Winnie and steal her Emerald Ring!" Rowling gritted her teeth, holding a bow and arrow in her hand.

En Zuo's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he rushed out quickly. Under the astonished gaze of the thin and small man, he drew out his short blade and slashed fiercely.

"Stop it." Shuriton shouted not far away.

brush!The sharp blade swung across, and it was blood red.

The skinny man fell to the ground clutching his throat, blood gushing out. Huliton, who witnessed this scene not far away, instantly became gloomy, and looked at Enzo with his long and narrow eyes like a poisonous snake.

"How dare you kill my people!" Shuriton said coldly.

The thin man is one of the followers of Huliton. Although his strength is average, he is vicious and cunning. He survived several times when sea monsters attacked the giant ship. He just witnessed the power of the magic item in Winnie's hands. The situation on the boat was chaotic, and evil thoughts arose in my heart.

"He was the one who attacked Winnie first." Rowling's face turned pale, but she couldn't help but said: "I just saw with my own eyes that this guy approached Winnie sneakily, just to take advantage of the chaos to kill people and snatch Winnie away." The enchanted item in your hand!"

Winnie's face was pale, and her body couldn't help shaking.

As Rowling said, the situation just now was extremely dangerous. The skinny man wanted to kill and seize the treasure. If Jorah hadn't discovered it in time and blocked the dagger with her body, she might have become a corpse.

"You said that my people did it first? Is there any evidence?"

Suliton sneered sullenly, and glanced at the passengers around him. Even the people who had witnessed everything just now lowered their heads, not daring to offend Suliton, one of the five powerful men.

Rowling looked suffocated and couldn't help taking half a step back.

"Since there is no evidence, prepare to pay the price for killing someone."

Huliton stared at Enzo with cold eyes, and the bloody puppet floated slowly in mid-air.

(End of this chapter)

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