Chapter 8 Gangs
"I think it is possible to agree to Golden City's request, but the reward needs to be reconsidered!"

"The Bloody Hand Gang's power is constantly expanding, and it may be troublesome for Kaiyuan City in the future. It's not bad to clean up the wild dogs in the wilderness before the winter comes." Paris special looked sly, and sneered: ": However, since it was the Golden City that made the request this time, I believe that those timid merchants are definitely willing to pay enough!"

Enzo thought in his heart and pondered for a moment.

"How many cavalry do we need to send to wipe out the Bloody Hand?" Enzo raised his head and looked at Parisette and asked.

"We only need 500 cavalrymen and a knight leader to deal with those wandering wild dogs!" Paris said confidently and relaxedly, "Although the blood hand gang has expanded to thousands of people, they have not been trained. The mob of the horde will be shattered in just one charge."

Enzo couldn't deny it, and nodded slightly.

Just as Paris said, although the bandit gang gathered in the wilderness in a short period of time was large in number, due to the lack of equipment and no high-level knights in charge, they were vulnerable under the iron hooves of cavalry.

"In that case, then agree to the Golden City's request."

"Assemble 300 cavalry from Kaiyuan City, and then dispatch 100 cavalry from Wildfire Town and Lighthouse Town. The knight 'Clarence' from Wildfire Town will serve as the commander, and prepare to crusade against the Bloody Hand Gang!" After making a decision, Enzo ordered .

Wildfire Town and Lighthouse Town are both small towns within Kaiyuan City's sphere of influence, each guarded by a knight and about 600 soldiers.

The crusade against the Bloody Hand Gang required 500 cavalrymen. If all of them were recruited from Kaiyuan City, it would inevitably weaken the city's defense force. Based on his own ideas, Enzo decided to draw 100 cavalrymen from each of the two towns to assemble the army in the most cautious way.

"As you wish, master." Parisette bowed slightly, then turned and left.

Now that he had decided to crusade against the Bloody Hand Gang, Parist, under the instruction of Enzo, re-discussed the issue of remuneration with Golden City.

After a war of words, the merchants in the Golden City expressed their willingness to pay enough food for Kaiyuan to survive the harsh winter, and add 5000 gold coins as a reward on top of the original basis. Enzo readily agreed, and then ordered Paris to assemble the army.

The 300 soldiers in Kaiyuan City were ready to go soon, and the soldiers recruited from Wildfire Town and Lighthouse Town also arrived in the next few days.

Wildfire town knight 'Clarence', as a veteran knight, is trustworthy in combat power and has enough loyalty to Kaiyuan City. Under the appointment of Enzo, he served as the commander of the crusade mission, and led the army into the wilderness the next day , launched a crusade against the Blood Hand Gang!
In a blink of an eye, twenty days passed.

Late at night, inside the castle.

The fire in the fireplace danced slowly, dispelling the cold of the night.

The room was quiet, Enzo sat cross-legged on the bed, his eyes closed, as if he was in a deep sleep, and the visible light spots around him danced like elves, slowly rotating and gradually sinking into his body.

Enzo's eyelids rolled, and then he opened his eyes.

"Chip, how long have I been meditating this time?" Enzo asked in his heart as soon as he opened his eyes.

"Duration of this meditation: 4 hours and 21 minutes."

"Very good, this meditation lasted another 12 minutes." Enzo raised the corners of his lips, satisfied in his heart, "The longer the meditation state can last, the stronger my mental strength and the better my physical quality. It will increase accordingly!"

It has been 20 days since the army to crusade against the Bloody Hands.

During this period of time, the surrounding area of ​​Kaiyuan City was calm and there was no major event. Enzo simply handed over the daily management work to Paris, while he hid in his room and tried his best to study the wizard heritage in the iron box.

After half a month, Enzo had a preliminary understanding of wizard civilization, and thoroughly mastered the "Ancient Memories" meditation method.

In the process of continuous practice, Enzo can obviously feel that his spiritual power is getting stronger and stronger, and the "magic power" is gradually produced in his body at the same time. Only when the accumulation of this "magic power" reaches a certain level, can Enzo learn the simplest zero Ring witchcraft.

According to the records in "Introduction to the Basics of Wizard Apprentice", before becoming a formal wizard, those with magical powers are called wizard apprentices.

The levels of wizard apprentices are divided into first-level apprentices, second-level apprentices, and third-level apprentices.

An increase in level means strong mental power. Only when the magic power in the body is enough to release zero-ring witchcraft can one enter the category of a first-level apprentice, and a person without wizard talent will not be able to become a first-level apprentice in his entire life.

Enzo didn't know what his talent was, but every time he meditated, he could feel the magic power growing in his body.

"The release of witchcraft lies in the arrangement of runes. The more magical power in the body, the more runes can be constructed." Enzo's eyes flickered, thinking in his heart, "My current magic power is enough to construct 5 runes at the same time, but If you want to learn zero-ring witchcraft, you need at least 7 runes!"

"With my current mental strength, I can enter the meditation state for more than 4 hours a day, and every hour of meditation, the magic power generated in the body is roughly equal to one-tenth of the runes needed."

"According to this speed, in about 5 days, I will have the magic power to construct 7 runes."

"At that time, you will be able to formally learn zero-ring witchcraft!"

Enzuo's expression was complicated, and he let out a breath slowly, and couldn't help but look at the mahogany square table not far away, on which three purple crystals were quietly placed, which was dull but with a magical texture.

Through the "Basic Introduction to Wizard Apprentice", Enzo already knew the origin and use of purple crystals.

It's a fantasy item called a 'Witchcraft Model'.

When a wizard apprentice wants to learn witchcraft, the easiest way is to use the 'wizard model', as long as the magic power is injected into it, the witchcraft model will arrange the witchcraft runes sealed inside in the most intuitive way The state is presented until fully grasped by the user.

And these three witchcraft models, the sealed witchcraft are: Shadow Stealth, Shadow Spear, Death Awakening.

Although these three kinds of witchcraft belong to the zero-ring witchcraft of the shadow system, they are quite different in terms of difficulty of cultivation. Among them, the simplest shadow stealth needs to master the changes of 7 runes before it can be released, while the shadow spear needs 12 Runes do.

As for the most difficult death awakening, you need to master 23 runes, and you need other special conditions to release it!
"Haste makes waste, let's take it slowly." Looking away from the three witchcraft models, Enzo rubbed his forehead, suddenly feeling a little hungry in his stomach, and couldn't help smiling slightly, "After meditating for half the night, I felt a little Hungry, but luckily it’s almost dawn, just in time for breakfast.”

(End of this chapter)

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