Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 9 Ice Punishment Forest

Chapter 9 Ice Punishment Forest
The sun rises slowly, and the sky is slightly white.

Winter is approaching, and the cold wind is howling and piercing. On the road in front of the main gate of the castle, Paris is wearing silver armor and a long sword on his waist. He is striding forward. He has a pungent bloody smell on his body. It was as if he had just been through a battle.

When he reached the castle, Paris Te paused and pushed open the gate.

"Where is Master Enzo?"

As soon as he entered the castle, a male servant stepped forward, Paris Special untied the long sword from his waist, and handed it to the servant to wipe it.

"Master Enzuo is in the living room. He just had breakfast." The servant took the long sword respectfully and replied.

Paris turned back and walked straight towards the living room.

"Is there a problem?"

Seeing Paris, Enzo was a little surprised. Since handing over the management tasks of Kaiyuan City to the other party, Paris, except for reporting every four days, hardly came to the castle for the rest of the time. Since the last report, Only two days have passed.

"While patrolling the border of Kaiyuan City this morning, the soldiers below found the remnants of the Bloody Hand Gang near the Ice Punishment Forest."

Parisette bowed slightly, with a very respectful attitude.

"I led a cavalry squad to clear the land and wiped out the bloody bandits. When I was about to return to the city, I was suddenly attacked by a [Snow Bear], killing and wounding many soldiers, but I couldn't kill it. die!"

"A snow barbarian appeared near the Frost Punishment Forest?" Enzo frowned slightly.

The Snow Bear is a rare monster that usually lives in the extreme north of the icy plain.

According to the records in the book, the snowman bear has a violent temperament and infinite strength. It can reach more than three meters in length when it becomes an adult. contend.

"Yes, it's an adult snow bear." Paris said with a solemn expression, "Although I don't know why this snow bear appeared near the Ice Punishment Forest, it is within the scope of Kaiyuan City after all. If it is not dealt with in time , is likely to pose a threat to the town."

"So, I hope to go to the Frost Punishment Forest with Tru Knight to hunt and kill the Snow Bear!"

"Okay, sending 200 cavalry, plus Tru Knights to assist you, should be enough to hunt down the snowman bear." Enzo thought for a while, then raised his head and said: "It just so happens that I haven't seen the snowman bear before, so let's go together." go."

"That's fine, as you wish." Parisette hesitated slightly, but still bowed and nodded.

Outside Kaiyuan City, on the road to the north.

The cold wind was howling, and the fine snow was flying like fluff. A group of black armored cavalry on tall horses was marching into the distance.

This team of knights is marching forward, there are more than 200 people, the leading young knight is well-proportioned, riding a white horse under his crotch, with a delicate short blade hanging from his waist, his expression is still calm in the wind and snow, his handsome face is full of indifference .

Followed by two tall dark horses running side by side.

The knight on the left is wearing silver and white armor, with a solemn expression, always paying attention to the movement around him, while the knight on the right is burly, with muscles all over his body exploding, full of wild power, and looks like a humanoid monster.

This group of cavalry was exactly Enzuo and others who went to the Ice Punishment Forest to hunt and kill the Snow Bear.

"We're approaching the Forest of Punishment Immediately, be careful!" Paris, who was walking forward and wearing silver-white armor, said loudly.

Walking on the avenue, the cavalry team could already see the Frost Punishment Forest in the distance, and the closer they got, they could smell a faint smell of blood. On the wilderness on both sides of the road, traces of battles and some bloody corpses could also be found. Broken limbs.

Paris tightened the reins, approached Enzo, and pointed not far away.

"Those bandits from the Bloody Hand Gang were active near this area."

Following the direction of Paris's finger, Enzo saw several corpses lying here and there in the field not far away. It seemed that they had been eaten by wild beasts not long ago.

"Since the leader of the Blood Hand Gang 'Abel' was beheaded by Clarence Knight 7 days ago, the remnants of the Blood Hand Gang have fled everywhere."

"These guys should have come from Lighthouse Town." Paris pointed to the distance.

Enzo nodded slightly. The crusading army entered the wilderness 20 days ago. After discovering the old lair of the Blood Hand Gang, they immediately started to clear up. It was torn apart, and even the invincible bandit leader 'Abel' was beheaded by the knights of Wildfire Town.

Afterwards, the Bloody Hand Gang fell into chaos and fled around under the harvest of the cavalry.

"After all, they are just a group of bandits, how can they resist the iron hoofs of the cavalry." Enzo sighed with emotion, "It seems that the destruction of the Bloody Hand Gang is only a matter of time."

"That's true. Winter is approaching, and with Clarence clearing up in the wilderness, the bloody gangsters won't last long." Paris nodded.

While the two were talking, they were already approaching the Forest of Punishment Frost. Paris waved his hand, and the cavalry behind him divided into several teams, each of which entered the forest from different directions. Based on the traces around them, they began to look for the Snow Bear.

Enzo and Paris led a part of the cavalry to search towards the south of the forest.

The climate of the Icy Plain tends to be cold, and there are frequent snowfalls throughout the year. The plants that can survive in the Frozen Forest have all adapted to the cold. Most of the trees here are a type of tree called 'Ice Leaf Cypress'. The trees grow slowly, but the branches and leaves are extraordinarily lush.

The cavalry squad moved forward while clearing the branches and leaves on the road.

"The Frozen Punishment Forest is close to Kaiyuan City. According to the rules of previous years, as soon as the winter is over, Lord O'Quinn will lead the army to wander around to drive away possible monsters." Paris is always paying attention to the surrounding movements, He warned Enzo, "It's been more than half a year since the last raid. Except for the snowman bear, no one knows if there are other monsters here, so please be careful."

Enzo couldn't deny it, and nodded slightly.

The team continued to move forward, and not far away, several white birds flew towards the sky, screaming.

Suddenly, there was a roar in the forest.

"It's here, everyone be careful!!!"

In the forest not far away, there was a soldier's exclamation, followed by a loud shout and the neighing of war horses.

(End of this chapter)

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