Chapter 97 Batuqi

The morning passed quickly.

"Almost, let's stop here today."

Pouring the medicine formed in the beaker into the test tube, Byron walked out of the laboratory bench as he spoke. After several hours of continuous work, even if he couldn't maintain his state all the time, his face was obviously a little tired at this time.

On the test bench, more than a dozen light blue [Magic Potions] were placed neatly.

"Today's results are good. Of the thirteen rounds of potion configuration, only two failed, and the remaining eleven were all successful."

Although physically exhausted, Byron was in a good mood. He patted Enzo on the shoulder and said, "It seems that it is the right choice to let you be my experimental assistant. You know, I usually prepare potions independently, and I can spend up to ten hours a morning. times, and there is still a 30% failure rate!"

Enzuo smiled humbly and did not make a sound, but thought secretly in his heart.

"It takes 13 rounds of potion preparation in half a day, and the materials consumed are about 15 magic stones."

"Excluding the two failures, a total of 2 [magic potions] were successfully refined, and each potion is worth 11 magic stones. If you sell it in the store, you can get at least 5 magic stones."

"The cost is 15 magic stones, but the profit is 55 magic stones. It only takes half a day to get four times the profit!"

"However, this is only the most basic [magic potion]. If it is a more advanced potion, the profit will be higher. No wonder Byron can cooperate with Lilith Hut. Refining potion is really huge profit!"

Enzo's eyes flickered, and his heart felt hot.

"I have used the chip to record all the experimental process just now, and I can check it at any time, and the analysis function of the chip can also find out the reasons for the two failures and obtain the most correct configuration process."

"It won't be long before I can master [Magic Potion]!"

For Enzo, besides the weekly salary of 5 magic stones as Byron's experimental assistant, the biggest advantage is that in the process of cooperating with the experiment, he can acquire some knowledge about potions that cannot be described in books.

"It's getting late, you go back and rest first."

After putting away the eleven [magic potions] on the test bench, Byron said to Enzo that he also needed to rest after working for several hours.

"Then I'll go back first, Senior Byron." Enzo nodded and left the laboratory.

"I'm really lucky to have such an excellent assistant." After Enzo walked away, Byron's eyes flickered, and he muttered to himself, "Maybe I should think about it and start the research and development of new potions again." gone."

Along the path paved with black stone slabs, Enzo headed towards the bedroom.

"Taking advantage of the opportunity to be Byron's assistant, I must master the knowledge of potions as much as possible."

While walking with his head bowed, Enzo thought silently in his heart.

"With the recording function of the chip, I can learn about Byron's experimental process in detail. It shouldn't take long before I can fully grasp the formulas and production methods of some basic potions."

"Hey, friend!" While walking with his head bowed, Enzo suddenly heard a voice.

Raising his head, a bent gray-robed apprentice was walking towards him.

He is short in stature, with a rogue head and eyes, and he walks rubbing his hands in a funny way. If he didn't wear an identity badge on his chest, he might be mistaken for a clown in a circus.

"Is there something wrong?" Enzo asked suspiciously, he didn't know the other party.

"Hey, let me introduce myself first. My name is Bartucci, and my friends call me a mouse." Bartucci tried to straighten his back, rubbed his hands and smiled, "I see you just came out of Senior Byron's laboratory. Could it be his assistant?"

"Yes, what's the problem?" Enzo raised his eyebrows.

"Senior Byron has been looking for an assistant for two months." Batucci's eyes flashed, and a chrysanthemum-like smile appeared on his face, but he looked a little wretched. "Senior Byron has always been picky about assistants. After passing his test, my friend must also be a potion genius!"

Enzo stared at the smiling Batucci with a blank expression on his face.

"Hey, it's like this." Batucci was a little embarrassed to be stared at, but he still smiled and said: "I have admired Senior Byron for a long time. I heard that he is refining potions recently. I don't know if he has any plans to sell them." , I promise to give a satisfactory price!"

"Oh, you're thinking too much." Enzo rolled his eyes speechlessly.

What a joke, Byron is a potion genius. As long as the potions he refines are sold, they will be sold out immediately. Lilith House does not know how much it paid to obtain the right to sell them.

"Uh, friend, please help me." Batucci's face showed a shrewd look, and he said flatteringly, "As long as you can get the potion refined by Byron, even the most common [magic potion], I will They are all willing to buy at a high price!"

"I'll think about it." Enzo waved his hand perfunctorily.

"Okay then, you take this address." Batucci still didn't give up, he forced a map to Enzo, and said, "In the forest outside the college, there is a market. I have been there all the time. If you If you can get the potion, you can come to me anytime."

Enzo opened the map and found an area marked on it, which seemed to be a black market similar to a camp.

"Then I won't bother my friend, goodbye." After handing the map to Enzo, Batucci waved his hand.

"Wait a minute." Enzo suddenly stopped him.

"What's the matter, friend?" Batucci's eyes lit up, and he stopped quickly.

"Since you are a businessman on the black market, do you know if there is a way to get a set of potion equipment?" Enzo's eyes flashed, and he said, "It would be even better if you could get some cheap potion materials."

"Potion equipment?" Batucci lowered his head and thought for a moment, then hesitated, "I happen to have a set of potion equipment in my hand, but it's second-hand, and its functions are a little outdated."

"How much?" Enzo's eyes lit up.

Sooner or later, he had to start refining potions. The equipment problem had to be resolved as soon as possible, and the materials had to be prepared in advance. If he could find a long-term supply channel, it would save a lot of work.

"That set of equipment has been in my hands for a while, and I haven't sold it to anyone else." Batucci's eyes dodged slightly, with a sly look on his face, and he said, "Since you want it, then give 18 magic coins to it." Stone will do."

"18 magic stones? Are you sure!" Enzo said with a half-smile.

The potion equipment sold in the store is worth 20 magic stones for a normal set. As for the second-hand equipment, which does not exceed 15 magic stones at most, Batucci gave the price of 18 magic stones, obviously thinking that Enzo did not understand the market.

"Uh, actually, 15 magic stones is fine." Batucci smiled awkwardly, rubbed his hands and said tentatively, "How about 12? If it doesn't work, you can also give 10 magic stones."

Enzo shrugged, still shaking his head.

"Forget it, then you can give me 5 magic stones." Batucci seemed to have some pain in his flesh, gritted his teeth and said, "To be honest, that set of equipment is indeed a bit backward, or it would have been sold long ago. You can give me 5 magic stones." A magic stone, let's make friends."

"Okay, when will the deal be made?" Enzo nodded.

"Next week, I'm going to leave the academy to buy a batch of materials." Batucci thought for a while, and said, "When I come back, I'll send you that set of equipment."

"No problem." The deal was concluded, and the two separated.

 It is planned to be updated until Chapter 100. After the release, it will maintain a speed of 2 updates per day. If there is enough time, it may be 3 updates. Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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