Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 98 Burning Potion

Chapter 98 Burning Potion
Time passed quickly, and another two months passed.

The gray sky was a bit gloomy. The Wizarding Academy was located in a canyon in the misty forest. There was little sunshine all year round. Coupled with the recent light rains, it was even more chilly and windy.

Courtyard 172, in Byron's laboratory.

"Boil the fire mushrooms in clear water, and then extract 15 grams of juice." On the workbench, Byron looked solemnly, staring at the test bench in front of him, and at the same time instructed Enzo, "Prepare 8ml of red-toothed lizard Blood, detoxified and poured into the container!"

"Understood!" Enzo replied.

He swiftly picked up some Comor fire mushrooms, boiled them in boiling water, extracted 15 grams of juice accurately, and then poured some red-toothed lizard blood from another clay pot for detoxification and purification .

"Simax, Udoli."

Spewing out syllables, Byron's eyes were focused and his mental power turned into silk threads. After Enzo prepared the Comor fire mushroom and the blood of the red-toothed lizard, he immediately opened the candlestick to the extreme.

The black flame rose suddenly, licking the bottom of the beaker like a snake's kiss.

The orange-red liquid was bubbling and bubbling, and became as viscous as magma after the Komor fire mushroom juice was added, but the temperature dropped suddenly. Byron saw the timing and decisively poured 8 milliliters of red-toothed lizard blood into it.

boom!Bark! !

Mushroom cloud-like red gas rose up, but then dispersed in all directions, and a disgusting pungent smell came out, which immediately spread throughout the entire laboratory.

"Have you failed again?" With a blank expression on his face, Byron stretched out his finger and dipped it in the beaker.

The viscous red liquid was sent into his mouth, and Byron frowned, with a confused look in his eyes, and muttered to himself in doubt.

"The amount of agave powder is just right, and the processing of the spiked cactus and red-toothed lizard blood is also okay, but why did the final result fail?"

"Could it be a problem with the dosage of Comor fire mushroom?" Enzo asked tentatively.

"Probably not." Byron shook his head, poured the failed potion in the beaker into the trash can, and said with an ugly face, "I have experimented with Comor fire mushrooms many times before, and 15 grams is the most suitable dosage. "

"It seems that we still need to continue the experiment." Enzo spread his palm helplessly.

During the two months of becoming Byron's assistant, except for refining a few batches of low-level potions at the beginning, Enzo spent most of his time researching new potions with Byron.

The research on new potions has always been the most obsessed thing for potion masters.

Since having a concept in his mind five years ago, Byron has started countless experiments and devoted almost all of his energy to the research of new potions. However, the new potion tentatively named [Burning Potion] But it has been unsuccessful.

But this is not surprising, even for potion geniuses, the research and development of a new type of potion is bound to be accompanied by countless failures.

According to rumors, the fourth-order wizard 'Matilda' who conquered the shadow world spent more than 200 years developing the [Heart of the Sleepless] potion!
"Forget it, let's put the matter of the new potion aside."

Shaking his head, Byron said in a deep voice.

"Starting tomorrow, you won't be reporting in the lab. The academy has recently sent me a mandatory task. I may be away for a few months. I'll let you know when I come back."

"Oh? Are you going to perform a mandatory task?" Enzo raised his eyebrows.

"I received the notification yesterday." Byron shook his head helplessly and said, "Since I am a member of [Phantom of Crows], I have to bear some responsibilities, but the senior management of the academy also knows that I am not good at fighting, so the mission assigned is not dangerous. sex."

"Oh, that's good." Enzo nodded, knowing it in his heart.

Although the mandatory task is a responsibility that every apprentice must undertake, for the senior management of the academy, Byron is a rare potion genius, so naturally there are special arrangements to prevent him from being in danger.

After saying goodbye to Byron, Enzo left the laboratory.

"I have spent too much energy on the research of potions. My compulsory task should be three months away. During this period, hurry up and improve your strength!" Quickly returned to the dormitory, before Enzo entered the door, he heard someone following him. Say hello yourself.

"Hi, Enzo!" Jorah waved to Enzo.

He also seemed to have just come back from the outside. He was dressed in a dusty gray robe, his feet were covered with mud, and he had a blood-stained rapier hanging from his waist, which looked a bit nondescript.

"Are you out on a mission again?" Enzo looked him up and down.

"Oh! There is no way." Jorah shrugged, and said with a wry smile: "Everything in the academy needs magic stones. If you want to improve your strength, you have to take some risks. We are not like you. Being an assistant to Senior Byron Can make money."

Enzo smiled lightly and shook his head. What Jorah said was the truth. It is impossible to study in the wizarding academy without magic stones, and ordinary apprentices have no way to make money, so they can only take risks to perform tasks outside the academy.

During this time, Jorah formed a team with Bourne, Winnie and others, and went out to perform missions many times.

Fortunately, they were lucky, and several missions were missed. Jorah even invited Enzo to join the team, but due to the work in the laboratory and the plan he made, Enzo had no choice but to refuse.

"So you just came back from outside?" Enzo asked.

"Hehe, I just finished a patrol mission and earned 5 magic stones." Jola beamed with joy, gesticulating with both hands, and said, "The journey went smoothly, but when I came back through the Peeling Woods, I encountered a few baby monsters. It took a lot of effort to solve them!"

Enzo nodded slightly on the surface, but secretly sighed in his heart.

Patrol missions are extremely dangerous, but the rewards they get are only 5 magic stones, which are distributed equally among a team, and everyone's profit is not much at all. Compared with this, the work of potion assistants is simply heaven.

"By the way, Enzo, do you know the black market outside the academy?" Jola suddenly looked left and right, took out a piece of parchment from his arms, and said mysteriously, "I recently got a map in the black market. It is said to be Bourne and I plan to go on an expedition leading to an ancient ruin in the second era, do you want to go together?"

"Ancient ruins?" Enzo was a little surprised, and took the parchment from Jorah.

"That's right, that's a treasure left over from the second era!" Jorah said with excitement in his eyes, "We'll form a small team to explore, and if we can find one or two treasures, we'll be rich." .”

Enzo remained silent, staring at the parchment in his hand.

Judging from the lines drawn on it, this is indeed a map. In a place marked with a red circle, it shows the address of an ancient ruin.

"Things found on the black market are genuine?" Enzo was puzzled and ordered the chip to scan.

"Ding! Scan target: Suspected map, made of ordinary goatskin, without any trace of magic energy!"

"Sure enough, how could a map made of ordinary goatskin involve ancient ruins from the Second Era?" Enzo shook his head helplessly, returned the parchment to Jorah, and asked, "How much did you spend on this map?" magic stone?"

"It took 2 magic stones, what's wrong?" Jorah scratched his head.

"If a map that has been handed down from the second era to the present, how could it be made of ordinary sheepskin?" Enzo spread his palms and said earnestly, ": Next time you meet the person who sold your map, remember to give him a face. Give me a hard punch!"

(End of this chapter)

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