The Ice King of Versatile Mage

Chapter 137 Killing people is too cruel, let's turn into a vegetable

Chapter 137 Killing people is too cruel, let's turn into a vegetable

In Mu Ningxue's eyes that seemed to have no emotion, there was a trace of anger when she said this sentence.

And her pupils also gradually became cold, and then a star map instantly condensed in front of her.

In the next second, several arm-thick ice chains appeared beside the girl who was barely holding on to her legs.

All of a sudden, the girl's limbs were entangled.

"Since this mouth insulted brother Mu Bing...then there is no need to speak from now on~"

Mu Ningxue looked at the girl expressionlessly, and muttered to herself like a sick girl.

Then Bingsuo stretched towards the girl's mouth.


The girl felt the freezing sensation coming from her limbs and mouth, and she let out a heart-piercing cry.

But because her mouth was blocked by the ice lock, she could only make a whimpering sound.

At this moment, she could feel that her limbs, especially her mouth, were being attacked by indescribable cold air. When the ice lock blocked her mouth, she couldn't feel her mouth anymore.

And all this happened in just two seconds.

Even the teacher of the light department at the boundary disk didn't react. After all, the speed of condensing the first-level middle-level magic is generally at least a third-level middle-level mage, or even a high-level mage.

Two or three seconds had passed by the time the Light Department teacher reacted.

"Light Falling Mantle-Light Scale Saint Cloth!"

And from the high-level audience seats behind him, a majestic voice came.

I saw that the girl was covered with a layer of golden holy clothes, and then directly shattered the ice chains of Mu Ningxue.

Without the control of the ice lock, the girl who had been frozen unconscious by Mu Ningxue's rock fell backwards, and fell to the ground with her head on the ground.

Although her head was on the ground, because of the layer of golden holy clothes, her head did not fall out of the problem.

Mu Ningxue also calmed down instantly, but she didn't feel that she had done anything wrong.

Afterwards, she glanced at the person standing up and exuding divine light from the top, and could only let it go.

After all, in the arena now, it's not bad for her to come down while everyone is stunned.

"Hmph, although the teacher of the healing department of the college will cure you, don't think about your mouth!"

Mu Ningxue looked at the teacher who came from the enchantment plate and snorted coldly, then said to the girl who fell on the ground.

Mu Ningxue is not relieved at all now, she really wants to kill this guy who insulted Mu Bing, but she can't do it yet.

"Wait a little longer...wait a little longer, when the competition is over, you can die~"

Soon the teacher from the light department came to Mu Ningxue's side.

Before leaving, he took a complicated look at Mu Ningxue, who was expressionless. He also knew that something unpleasant had happened between the two of them, and this girl probably touched Mu Ningxue's bottom line to cause such a situation. As a result, he carried the girl away from the arena without saying anything.

Afterwards, Mu Ningxue, who was still thinking about whether to complete the goal of 100 people or not, felt that her anger had not been fully vented after completing the target of 100 people.

For the first time this time, Mu Ningxue felt that she was so angry and wanted to kill someone so much.

After Mu Ningxue killed 39 people, he still stood upright on the field. Because of Mu Ningxue's participation, the six-clawed ice bear was a bit redundant in the current beast cage.

"Hiss, is Goddess Mu so awesome?"

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

"You are worthy of being my goddess. This strength and beauty coexist. I love you, Goddess Mu!!!!"

When Mu Ningxue defeated 39 players in a row, the audience cheered immediately.

"Hey, what about Goddess Mu not going down? Hasn't the target of their department been completed?"

"Oh? Damn right, what is Goddess Mu doing, not..."

The referee teacher also stepped forward to inquire, and then announced the continuation of the game.

"Fuck, Goddess Mu really wants to challenge the target of 200 people!"

"Ah this..."

After hearing the referee's announcement, everyone in the auditorium immediately became excited.

While the audience was discussing passionately, Mu Bing had already arrived outside the Qingdou Hall.

"Yang Liqin... Ah, is this the guy?"

Mu Bing was muttering about the name of the girl that Mu Ningxue got out of me after he asked some classmates just now.

"Although I don't know what you did, but you can make Ning Xue like this... Tsk tsk, why don't you kill her whole family, so there is no guarantee of future troubles."

While muttering to himself, Mu Bing took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

A muscular middle-aged man answered the phone at Mu's Internal Affairs Department in charge of intelligence on Mupang Mountain in the imperial capital.


"Oh, Mu Qingluan?"

"Young patriarch, what's the matter?"

This strong man is Mu Qingluan, and he also knows who the person on the other side of the phone is at this time. He immediately stood up from his sitting body and asked seriously.

"You...well, investigate Yang...Yang Liqin, a female student at the Demon Capital Academy."

Mu Bing rubbed his head in distress and ordered while recalling the name.


Mu Qingluan didn't ask any more questions, but directly agreed.

"Is there any other orders for the young team leader?"

After answering, he continued to ask.

"Uh, let me think about it, hiss... Do you think it's better for me to be cruel to my enemies, or to be more cruel."

Mu Bing muttered as if asking and answering himself.


After hearing Mu Bing's words, Mu Qingluan didn't know how to answer them.

"Hiss... Forget it, let's kill her family, but it seems a bit too cruel to kill, then... Let's make their whole family into a vegetable, um! That's not bad, can Mu Qingluan do this?"

After some ideological struggle, Mu Bing finally made a decision.

"Uh... no problem, what else is there for the young patriarch?"

Although Mu Qingluan didn't know who had offended Mu Bing, all he could do was agree.

"OK, then you can do it, bye."

After hearing Mu Qingluan's answer, Mu Bing hung up the phone with satisfaction.


On the other hand, Mu Qingluan let out a sigh of relief.

"Which ignorant person offended the young patriarch?"

The Beast Fighting Tournament is still going on, and Mu Ningxue continues to maintain an absolute advantage over all opponents.

Although two mid-level mages played during the period, they only replaced a six-clawed ice bear, which did not cause any substantial damage to Mu Ningxue.

"Damn it's not good!"

"Hiss, this is outrageous, Goddess Mu... this is too strong!"

The audience can be said to be extremely shocked by Mu Ningxue's strength at this time.

Although the arena was still boiling, the audience was indeed covered with a layer of melancholy.

(End of this chapter)

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