The Ice King of Versatile Mage

Chapter 138 Ding Yumian

Chapter 138 Ding Yumian

At this time, after Mu Ningxue defeated the two mid-level mages, there were only two left from the target of 200 people.

"Fuck shit, shit, sister Ning Xue, I love you!"

"Is Mu Ningxue so strong? This person has dealt with more than 100 people in a row and is still unscathed!"

"Hahaha, we really want to grab all the resources of the whole department this time!"

Everyone in the summoning department has already started to turn into apes, and they all started to shout regardless of their appearance.

And compared to the ecstatic look on the Summoning Department, everyone in all departments except the Summoning Department began to gloomy at this time.

The six-man team of two middle-level mages came on stage before to replace the six-clawed ice bear. Now no one dares to play. Everyone looks at me and I look at you, and no one dares to play.

"After it's over, there are only two left. Even if Goddess Mu is defeated, there are still two left behind. This time it's completely sent!"

A student who had just recovered from his injuries said with a sigh.

"190 eight!"

Dean Xiao told the freshmen in the school loudly that they only had two places left.

"Let me say something first. Those who have not reached the intermediate level and are not able to proficiently release intermediate magic should not take part in the challenge. It is indeed a good thing to have backbone and courage, but it is a bit stupid to hit a stone with an egg."

Zhou Zhenghua looked at the crowd who no one dared to play at this time and couldn't help reminding them.

As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent.

"Someone challenged it!"

I don't know a sound came from somewhere in the seats, and then the quiet Dou Hall became commotion, and everyone's eyes were focused on the challenger.

However, what caught my eye was a woman, she was as slim as a bright and beautiful white rose, pure and graceful.

The hair tied high and hanging down to the chest is very eye-catching!

"It turned out to be her?"

Wang Liuhe looked at the outstanding woman who was like a lotus in water who was slowly walking towards the entrance with a different expression.

The audience who could see the woman's appearance were also stunned.

Everyone didn't expect this woman to stand up, but some who knew the woman's situation also understood it.

This person is also very concerned about the resources provided by the school. If they are really taken away by the Summoning Department, I believe this person will also be very distressed.

But everyone didn't expect this woman to stand up when it was the second.

In fact, many people knew this woman. At that time, it was only because she caused countless men to exclaim when she entered school on the first day, and spread the news in just a few days and regarded her as a goddess.

And this woman and Mu Ningxue are also known as the two supreme goddesses of the Pearl Academy in the Pearl Academy.

Seeing the woman step into the iron cage of the fighting beast, Mu Ningxue has calmed down and become normal now because she has released her anger. At this time, she can't help but start to approach this woman in large numbers. The woman in the iron cage of the fighting beast.

In the past few days in Mingzhu, Mu Ningxue had also heard about this woman in front of her. After all, the outside world put the two of them together, which made her interested.

She found that the rumors about this woman she had heard before were not enough to describe her truly stunning face, and there was a sense of peace in her calm and noble temperament.

Mu Ningxue had to admit that the woman in front of her was indeed not inferior to her.

"You are Ding Yumian?"

Mu Ningxue asked with interest.

"Yes, student Mu Ningxue, hello."

Ding Yumian nodded slightly, then said with a slight smile.

Ding Yumian has always been very interested in Mu Ningxue, she actually wanted to meet Mu Ningxue early in the morning and met Mu Ningxue.

But she has been preempted by others, and now there is finally no one, so she took this opportunity to come up.

"Then let's start."

Mu Ningxue didn't have any extra nonsense, she was curious, but now she wanted to finish the fight early and go back to lie in Mu Bing's arms and act like a baby with Mu Bing.

"Well~ take your time, after you have gone through so many battles, there should not be many nebulae in the ice system, and I see that you... seem to be in a hurry to end it, I guess, you are going to find your boyfriend friend?"

Ding Yumian didn't intend to do it immediately, but chatted with Mu Ningxue like chatter.

Mu Ningxue was slightly surprised when she heard Ding Yumian's words.

"You know that?"

Mu Ningxue asked curiously.

"Hey, my second department is the Psychic Department, and my Psychic Department is a little bit different from others."

Ding Yumian put her index finger against her face and said with a smile.

"Okay, shall we start then?"

"Let's get started, the audience is already getting anxious, but you are not in good shape now, even if I win, it doesn't count. Let's play another game together when we have time. I haven't met people of my age who have You have this strength."

At this time, Ding Yumian also felt the anxiety from the auditorium.

"Ice Lock - Bone Grinding!"

Mu Ningxue quickly drew the star map, and the speed at which she drew the star map can be said to be very fast.

Although it is not as fast as the ice lock-shackle thorn of the first level of the intermediate ice system.

But compared to other middle-level and third-level ice mages, it is not much better.

Seeing Mu Ningxue start drawing the star map, Ding Yumian also smiled.

"Hmm... have you forgotten what I just said? Oh, then you can't blame me."

Ding Yumian also started to connect to the star trail, but the speed was more than twice as fast as Mu Ningxue's.

"Lingyi-Psychic Shock!"

Then Mu Ningxue's star map, which was halfway drawn, was interrupted in an instant.


But Ding Yumian felt Mu Ningxue's lack of emotion and found that the other party didn't have any unexpected emotions, as if she didn't have any emotions, as if everything was under her control.

Then the corner of Mu Ningxue's mouth rose slightly, and the interrupted star map immediately reappeared, which can be called a seamless connection.

It's just that this time the star map is more than twice as fast as before.


Ding Yumian had just released the psychic shock and hadn't reacted yet.

When she saw half of the star map, she knew that it was too late to connect the star trails to release the spiritual impact.

"Huh~ It's really hard to deal with, it's a pity that you are not in good shape now, otherwise I really want to have a hearty fight with you!"

Ding Yumian's emotions also became agitated, and she felt an emotion that she had never felt before.

"Is this... fighting spirit?"

She has never had an opponent since her awakening, not to mention since her special spiritual system awakened, her practice with her fire system can be said to be crushing all the way, even after she arrived in Mingzhu, she found that there were no opponents of the same age. One can fight.

Until she discovered Mu Ningxue.

And she can use her special spiritual system to feel that there is a powerful force in Mu Ningxue's body. If this force is used, then she will definitely die without ashes.

"Hahaha, Mu Ningxue, I'm getting more and more interested in you!"

Ding Yumian said with a smile, and then gathered a star map in his hand.

Mu Ningxue didn't care about Ding Yumian's words.

"Ice lock - lock spike!"

(End of this chapter)

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