hunt and eat

Chapter 706 Metamorphosis and Shocking Change

Chapter 706 Metamorphosis and Shocking Change

"Even if the whole world abandons you, I still believe in you."

In the dark cave, helping Xiao Hei who was still in shock to light the oil lamp he carried with him, Ah Chou said firmly.

On that ugly face, a pair of eyes that seemed to be shining outwards made Xiao Hei stunned for a moment.

"Well, that being said... I may have to rely on you to help me get food during this time."

"The neighborhood here should be all of your kindred now. If they find out, I might be eaten."

Xiao Hei, who was covering the entrance of the cave with dry grass, froze for a moment when he heard this, and lowered his head emotionally.

It knew what A Chou said was right.

Those red lotus lions who have long been accustomed to eating people, if they see Ah Chou, they will eat him regardless...even if he is their friend.

The Red Lotus Lion Clan has no kinship, no... There may not even be such a thing as blood kinship.

Even the Red Lotus Lion King, at most, relied on his powerful strength to intimidate them, rather than suppressing their brutal nature that was no different from wild beasts, let alone Xiao Hei, a fellow who was not considered powerful in the first place.

Rather than letting Ah Chou take risks with him, it would be better for him to be alone.

At least in this way Ah Chou is safe.


"You're so long-winded, Xiao Hei...I've said it all, I won't go back until your suspicion is cleared."

"In case you were found by those warriors, without my cover, wouldn't you be dead?"

"As for how to clear the suspicion... If you can defeat the culprit, the Red Lotus Lion King, everyone should be able to trust you...Probably."

Pushing away the roaring red lotus lion with some disgust, Ah Chou put his face in his hands and said:
"Speaking of which, it's clear that your fellow clan is so cruel, but I feel that Xiao Hei, you are always very quiet, and I have never seen you get angry."

"To be honest, sometimes I wonder if you are wearing the skin of a red lotus and lion..."

Yawning, Ah Chou leaned against the stone wall and said, "But my father always told me that the more honest you are, the more terrifying you are when you are angry... Maybe Xiao Hei is that type of you."

Scratching his head for some unknown reason, Xiao Hei didn't know whether he was praising himself or scolding himself, it was right to regard it as a compliment.

"During this time, if you are really okay, Xiao Hei, then try to find a way to make yourself stronger."

"It's impossible for us to rely on the 'hostage' method every time to escape, and if we run into your fellow clansmen, we have to rely on you to protect me."

Ah Chou folded his arms and said in a hesitation: "You have read so many books and your brain is still so good, there is no reason to lose to these idiots who only have muscles."

"And if you can really become stronger than all the red lotus lions, and then defeat the red lotus lion king, you will undoubtedly be the king of your clan. By then, no matter whether you let them change their cannibalism Bad habits, or acceptance of human culture, it’s all up to you.”

"Didn't you always want to have a real family? I know I am your family too, but you can expand this number. If I can have other monster partners who are as human as you, I can feel more at ease. At least you don't would be so lonely."

"Well, I know it's not that simple, but everything is difficult at the beginning, someone has to make a change, don't you think so?"

Casually talking about the future like a fantasy, Ah Chou scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Always talking big things, this is also my old problem."

"But Xiao Hei, you have to believe in yourself. You are the most talented guy I have ever seen. If there is anyone in this world who can achieve this miracle, it is only you."

In the tiny land illuminated by the faint but unusually warm light, Xiao Hei looked down at his side, looked at his young man with trusting eyes as always, and nodded vigorously.


After that day, for the first time in his life, Xiao Hei started exercising his body on his own initiative.

It began to eat a lot of meat that it didn't like very much, and took the initiative to find other powerful monsters and even its own kind to fight.

Maybe it's its great potential, or maybe it's the excellent effect of the scientific training method, every second of every day, Xiao Hei is rapidly becoming stronger at a terrifying speed.

In less than half a year, it had grown from a weakling who was struggling to deal with male fire dragons to a powerful monster that even had a head-to-head confrontation with ancient dragons.

Of course, on the surface, it can only reach the size of a normal fellow, but under that ordinary appearance, there are terrifying muscles that can be called fine iron.

In addition, it has gradually developed a set of special fighting methods that only it can use with its own stone stick as the core.

Compared with simply fighting with the body, Xiao Hei after using the stone stick is much faster than the normal red lotus lion in terms of attack distance and attack speed.

But in the past six months, because of the need to hide at all times and the source of food is not fixed, Ah Chou's body has lost a lot of weight, and his hair and beard have become messy due to lack of suitable tools, almost like a savage. no difference.

And the long time without exposure to outside sunlight also caused his spirit to become very poor.

But even so, he still insisted on his promise...until Xiao Hei cleared his suspicions and was completely safe, he would never leave it behind.

Seeing this, Xiao Hei also worked harder and harder, and began to observe every move of the Red Lotus Lion King purposefully.

If you want to beat your opponent, the first step is to know your opponent.

And with the passage of time, the encirclement continued to shrink, and even the human side, which had faintly trapped the Red Lotus Lion Clan within nearly a hundred kilometers, gradually gathered forces, and the final decisive battle may be launched at any time.

There is not much time left for them, no matter what, before the decisive battle, we must defeat the Red Lotus Lion King!


In such a tense atmosphere, one afternoon, Xiao Hei, who had completed his killing stick technique for the first time by the river, and felt that he was ready to challenge the Red Lotus Lion King, rushed back to the place where Ah Chou was hiding. Hidden cave, ready to announce the good news.

However, just when it jumped over the mountain stream and saw the entrance of the cave, a certain kind of coldness from the bottom of its heart poured down from the bottom of its heart like a basin of cold water.

The dead vines and weeds that were used as camouflage at the entrance of the cave were pulled to the ground by someone at this moment, and the ground was full of huge and messy footprints.

[A Chou...A Chou! 】

Xiao Hei rushed into the cave.

However, in the cave at this time, there was nothing left except for a mess of daily necessities.

With the light coming in from the outside, Xiao Hei saw countless burnt black marks on the walls on both sides.

Xiao Hei, who seemed to understand something for a moment, rushed out of the cave, like a wild beast, and went straight to the underground cave where the group was hiding.


(End of this chapter)

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