hunt and eat

Chapter 707 [The Last Red Lotus Lion]

Chapter 707 [The Last Red Lotus Lion]

As if in an instant, and as if 1 years have passed
Under the starry night that rose at an unknown time, the red lotus lion with blood-red eyes knocked over the entrance of the cave and broke into the deepest cave by knocking over the fellows who were chewing something in their mouths.

There, it saw the few remaining red lotus lions, and the red lotus lion king who turned his head in surprise and looked at him.

【Oh, it's you...that strange boy】

The Red Lotus Lion King glanced condescendingly at Xiao Hei who walked into the cave silently, and roared with some dissatisfaction:
[At this time, you still secretly hide food]


Xiao Hei, who was expressionless, raised his head little by little, his eyes swept across the ground covered with pools of scarlet blood at some point, and finally fixed on the hands of the Red Lotus Lion King.

There, a bloody head, with most of its skull exposed, was lying there quietly.

The ears of the human head are gone, and there are faint traces of gnawing on the sides, and the eyeballs are hanging far outside as if they are tattered due to the pressure of the blood spurting from the inside.

Scanning around silently, it saw some similar dark red blood on the corners of the mouths of the other red lotus lions, including the two "guards" who walked in with some resentment.

A red lotus lion scratched its head and glanced at it, then spat out half of its pale knuckles.

At this time, seeing that Xiao Hei remained silent for a long time, the Red Lotus Lion King raised the head in his hand and roared again:

【But after all, it is your food, the most delicious part is still reserved for you】

【Oh, this... I couldn't hold back for a while, I took a few bites, you shouldn't mind, hahaha】

【After all, I am the king】

Because the red lotus lions gathered in large numbers, reflected by the flaming flint on their surfaces, it was like daytime. On the stone wall, a cloudy and distorted shadow raised its head little by little.

"Xiao Hei, one day, you will become king."

"I know you hate your own race, but after all, they are connected by blood. You should find ways to improve, not escape."

"They are cruel, but they don't have enough wisdom. If you read so many books like you, maybe you can..."

Now,'re wrong about one thing.

The red lotus lion, this race... is completely hopeless.

The sound of the beating heart became more and more intense, and some kind of indescribable emotion gradually began to well up in my heart.

That called [hate].

A slight sound of nerve rupture suddenly sounded from inside the cave.

It was the sound of reason breaking.

As countless red-glowing muscle fibers slowly lit up from the surface of the body, a certain powerful arm grasped the dark stone stick behind him.

After the sound of the watermelon shattering, Xiao Hei, with red eyes, slowly passed the two headless corpses on the ground, as if counting prey, and swept over the remaining red lotus lions in the cave.

Among them, there is the same family it met for the first time, as well as its familiar and unfamiliar mother... There is also a so-called "king" who glared at him with some anger.

[The history of the Red Lotus Lion ends today]

[Asshole, what are you doing? ! 】

【Kill it! 】

The swaying red light, like a ghost or a phantom, gallops past the cave.

The ever-expanding red shadow, with a terrifying aura that almost tears everything apart, moves indiscriminately through all the flesh it touches along the way during the terrifying high-speed movement, bringing up one after another incomparably cruel flowers of blood .

The roar of countless wailing beasts, accompanied by the crisp sound of iron bars smashing watermelons, seemed even more pleasant to the ear.

I don't know how long it took, and with the sound of the last watermelon bursting, the red lotus lion holding a stone stick crushed [Wang]'s head with one foot, and slowly retreated from the shattered body.

Sweeping across the dark underground cave at some point, the red lotus lion, whose race name officially changed to an individual name, carefully held up the mutilated head that had been carefully avoided from beginning to end.

Afterwards, it didn't even look at those fellow clansmen in the cave who died more and more miserable than the last, and left here completely with its only family member.


In front of an incomparably simple tomb, the red lotus lion sat there quietly, looking up at the never-before-seen blue but extremely cold sky, wondering what he was thinking.

Suddenly, a footstep sounded slowly from behind.

"After receiving the news that all the red lotus lions had died, I probably guessed what was going on, but..."

"Even now, it still feels a little unbelievable."

Behind the red lotus lion, Miriam, who was wearing a suit of armor, said to himself with some emotion.

Some disappointed gazes silently turned to the simple and ridiculous little tomb that made people unable to laugh at all.

On half of the carefully polished stone tablet, there was a line of small, crooked characters.

[There is nothing eternal in the world, but only Xiao Hei and Ah Chou are eternal friends]

【The last red lotus lion... Sincerely】

"This damn world."

Inexplicably raised his head, Milian, who covered the upper half of his face, cursed softly.

But soon, looking at the red lotus lion who was getting up gradually, carrying the stone stick wrapped in a cloth bag, and preparing to leave without saying a word, he seemed to be talking to himself:
"In the east, a new subspecies of red lotus lions appeared. It is a monster with black hair. Both in terms of intelligence and personality, it is much better than the former."

"Although the brutal instinct seems to still be circulating in the blood, it may be due to their higher intelligence. Compared with the red lotus lions, they seem to have gradually learned how to restrain and suppress that madness."

"Maybe... you can go and see?"

"Maybe some tragedies would never happen again if someone could guide them."

"Oh, by the way, don't go directly from the east side, it is full of soldiers stationed there now, but the canyon to the west is completely empty these days because of some people's self-assertion."

The footsteps stopped suddenly, and the red lotus lion raised its head silently, looking into the eyes of the human beings in front of it, with a flash of confusion and bewilderment.

"You seem to be wondering why should I help you?"

Milian scratched his cheek, sighed and said, "Because you are a good guy, because of the guilt of not trusting the two of you back then, and maybe some of my own self-righteousness..."

"There are many reasons for helping you, but in the final analysis..."

With a look of solemnity on his face, Milian stretched out a hand and looked at the huge monster in front of him.

"It's not a strange thing to help someone of a different race."

Looking at Milian in surprise, the red lotus lion still held the "little" palm.

"Besides, although that kid Ah Chou keeps calling me Miriam, it's actually just my surname. No matter how many times I say it, the kid just doesn't listen."

"My real name is Noxie, Noxie Milian, you are so smart, you should be able to remember it?"

After making a casual joke, Noxi let go of her hand and waved it freely.

"Forget it, this is probably the last time we see each other."

"I'm going back to get married. The target is a beautiful royal girl whose family arranged a marriage. After I go back, I can still enter the Academy of Sciences. Well, it's a place full of freaks with good brains like you. In short, I probably won't have a chance to come out in the future. gone."

"All in all, good luck!"

After the final farewell, looking at the huge figure gradually disappearing at the end of the road, Noxi Milian said softly:
"No matter how many difficulties you experience, you must find your 'family' again."

"Otherwise someone will be upset."

After that, he turned his head to look at the tombstone behind him, and said with a smile:

"You think so too, brat."


(End of this chapter)

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