hunt and eat

Chapter 711

Chapter 711
"Although it's a little earlier than expected, it doesn't matter."

In the distance, dodging stick shadows all over the sky, took the time to look at the ancient pagoda here, and said to himself.

That night, the moment Weiwei finished transforming the new weapon with multiple transformation abilities, a new ability also appeared on the ancient tower's Spiral Book.

【Miracle Red Lotus Wankai】

Relying on his own extreme will and the powerful analysis ability of [God Spirit], Guta quickly understood the effect of this ability.

Assemble and fuse all available materials at will, and continuously refine various special effects related to the materials. This is the essence of the ability called [Red Lotus Wankai].

It is worth mentioning that the materials that can be fused are not only metal minerals, but also monster body materials, but compared with minerals, those materials derived from living things will be much more difficult to refine, but Correspondingly, the refined ability will generally be stronger.

And after the fusion is completed, as long as a certain degree of physical contact with the product is maintained, the ability initiator of [Red Lotus Wankai] can continue to manipulate this part of the product like a nerve connection, like a finger. It is simply a fantasy version of cyberpunk.

There is no doubt that this ability is very strong, as long as enough materials are fused, the upper limit will be very scary.

However, even though he was delighted with the newly acquired powerful ability, Guta felt puzzled almost at the same time.

His Ultimate Intent [Spiral Law], in theory, should only be able to receive abilities of Ultimate Intent and above.

But Weiwei doesn't look like he has the power of natural disasters.

After thinking for a while, looking at the newly completed [Big Red Lotus] in Weiwei's hand, which can be freely switched between two forms of hammer and giant ballista, Guta vaguely had some guesses in his heart.

In his understanding, to become a natural disaster roughly needs to meet the following conditions:
Sufficiently strong physical fitness, a strong will as tough as steel, and a sufficiently deep understanding and perception of a certain field.

The vast majority of hunters and even monsters have no major problems with the first two conditions, and are basically blocked on the third condition.

That kind of special comprehension is often the product of a flash of inspiration. Even masters who have been immersed in their respective fields for many years may not be able to glimpse the scenery in their entire lives.

After analyzing these three conditions, let's turn our attention back to Weiwei.

It was also mentioned before that although this guy is almost insulated from wealth luck, he can be called a lucky guy on the way of forging.

Although she doesn't understand deep-level principles and techniques at all, she can always use various operations that others cannot understand to create weapons and equipment with incredible effects by virtue of her innate instinct and intuition.

Although many places are worthy of criticism, and the details cannot withstand scrutiny, there is no doubt that Weiwei has actually established a forging system that only she herself can understand in a certain sense.

And on this basis, Weiwei, who will come up with new ideas from time to time and realize it under the incredible luck, has actually met the third most difficult to achieve logically. condition.

Ever since, an incomparably wonderful existence was born.

Obviously both physical fitness and willpower are just mediocre (Of course, because of the transformation into the Spiral Race, Weiwei's physical fitness has actually been improving), but she took the first step to comprehend that it should only appear in the field of natural disasters [ Jiyi]... This is Weiwei's current situation.

It's just limited by the lack of hardware conditions. Although she has comprehended the ultimate intention, she can't use it on her own.

But since she can't use it, it doesn't mean that Guta can't.

He can even "advance" to Weiwei the ability that belongs to her at any time.

And because Weiwei left her mark in the [Blessed Place], the base camp of the Spiral Clan that only exists in the spiritual world, and belongs to her [Family], Guta can even use a considerable part of her consciousness as a system of auxiliary abilities, Temporarily relying on Weiwei to maximize her control over her own abilities.

This caused Weiwei, who was not even a natural disaster, to directly master the terrifying combat power that can violently beat natural disaster-level monsters and reach the peak under all kinds of blessings.

Of course, her body is still fragile, belonging to the type of glass cannon with high attack and low defense... As long as it can attack the main body, it may be resolved in a few hits.

But at this time, Weiwei still has a part of consciousness from the ancient tower, which is equivalent to a long-distance substitute attack, and it is still the kind of control level of the taboo king. It is impossible to hurt Vivi.

"Come on, come on, my mother will be your opponent."

Holding up the huge mechanical arm, Weiwei, who was flaunting her might and provocation, looked at the two fire dragons who were getting up little by little with a mocking face.

【Take it easy...idiot】

In the depths of consciousness, the ancient tower turned into a temporary system said a little speechlessly.

Although it is only a small part of consciousness, it also possesses the complete thinking and memory of the ancient tower, which can be regarded as a clone in a sense.

【You can't last long in this state. When the source of storage is exhausted, my consciousness and ability to borrow will be offline. 】

"I get it, I get it, you are so long-winded, Guta..."

After murmuring in a low voice, Weiwei turned her attention back to Hao Huolong and Black Flame King.

"During this period of time, wouldn't it be enough to defeat them?"

"You have to believe in yourself!"

"At this time... shouldn't I say I believe you?"

Guta's avatar was a little powerless to complain.

Well, forget it... the left and right are the pinnacle-level natural disasters and senior natural disasters that were severely injured at both ends, so Weiwei can play whatever she wants.

At the same time, maintaining the ability of [Red Lotus Ten Thousand Changes] that she had never touched before, but felt inexplicably familiar, the two rounds of red spirals in Weiwei's eyes turned more and more violently.

Staring vigilantly at the red-haired girl who was becoming more and more imposing, Hao Huolong and Heiyan King looked at each other, and then they exhaled violently in unison without hesitation.

"Hey, hey, with moves of this level, who are you looking down on~"

【Stupid, they are delaying time, don't let them get close to the Sky Dragon! 】

The Guta clone, who reacted in an instant, directly saw through the thoughts of the two fire dragons, and hurriedly reminded.

"Ah... this is too cunning."

Hurrying forward, with the sound of gears turning, Weiwei's left mechanical arm instantly split into five mechanical tubes that looked like gun barrels, aiming at the approximate position of Tian Nailong, and fired indiscriminately. .

[Red Lotus Wangai Lightning Bundle]

Anyway, Tianlailong was also the target of hunting, so it doesn't matter if they kill them together.

The dazzling thunder and lightning turned into five blue light beams, which directly blasted through the oncoming flames, and then hit the flesh behind without diminishing momentum.

Because of stepping on the Tianlailong, Xionghuolong and Heiyanwang helped the former to block the gun very sadly, and they were almost full of Weiwei's attack. side.


(End of this chapter)

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