hunt and eat

Chapter 712 Iron Wall Cannon and Oxygen Stripping

Chapter 712 Iron Wall Cannon and Oxygen Stripping

"I'm so fierce."

Seeing that she used the weapon modified by her ability to knock down two natural disaster-grade fire dragons with one blow, Weiwei said happily.

The few lightning beams just now were special weapons formed by refining the fused [Electric Light Ripper], and several special energy pathways were improved in the middle.

The additional effect after refining is [High Voltage], a simple and practical feature.

Originally, under normal circumstances, she couldn't shoot a light beam of this intensity in such a short time, because it involves energy guidance and transformation, and it's not enough for a purely mechanical design.

But in the case of using [Red Lotus Wankai], she can control the whole process according to her thoughts, and many weapons and designs that were originally impossible to realize have naturally become reality.

[Don't be careless, it's just a flesh wound... It's coming. 】

Guta's avatar reminded.

At the same time, the Haohuolong, which seemed to be on the verge of death, jumped up from the ground and charged towards Weiwei at a much faster speed than before.

"Fuck...what to do, what to do!"

Weiwei, who didn't expect the other party to have such a reaction for a while, unconsciously took a step back in a hurry.

[Build defensive barriers, your current ability is strong enough]

【Remember the big iron gate in East Doruma? 】

In order to facilitate Weiwei's understanding, the Clone Ancient Tower directly gave a very vivid example.

"Oh, I understand when you say that."

Weiwei nodded, and then the mechanical arm of her right hand slammed in front of her.

Accompanied by the crimson flames exploding, all the robotic arms controlled by Weiwei's right hand were filled with terrifying heat like molten lava, and deformed and extended into a five-meter-high iron wall while breathing.

Right behind the iron wall, Weiwei carried the mechanical arm armor that had shrunk severely and was only half a circle thicker than a normal arm, maintaining a minimum connection.

After all, Weiwei is not a real natural disaster, even if it is a product of her own ability, she must rely on physical contact to control it.

But if she really waits until she enters the field of natural disasters, there probably won't be so many restrictions.

A heavy impact suddenly came from the side of the iron wall.

Hao Huolong hit it with all its strength, and directly took the iron wall and Weiwei behind it to move a distance of more than ten meters.

"My hands are almost numb..."

Weiwei's heart turned at will, and a huge hole was suddenly deformed in the center of the iron wall, exposing a built-in gun barrel.

The scorching flame exploded again in an instant.

[Red Lotus Wankai Iron Wall Cannon]

I didn't expect that there would be such a powerful fire dragon. It was directly covered in the face by the super-close-range violent shelling. The whole face was severely burned by the high temperature, and it fell backwards howling.

It's fine if it's just high temperature. The key point is that Weiwei's shelling just now had a lot of broken coal burning crystals.

While those shattered crystals were bombarded and blasted the wound on Ruhao Huolong's face, they triggered continuous follow-up explosions again, turning the originally burning wound into a shattered blood pit.

Even if the will is as strong as a fire dragon, he can't bear it now, and almost loses his mind completely.

Seeing that Weiwei was hiding behind the iron wall and was about to release the second bombardment, the Heiyan King, who had the opportunity to continue attacking the Tianlailong, hesitated for half a second, then turned around directly, ran, then turned and flicked his tail, Violently pulled from the side to Weiwei who was behind the iron wall.

Slightly extending the iron wall to the outside by half a meter to protect her body together, Weiwei moved a few meters horizontally again with her shield and her body.

The original shelling was also lonely, and it flew straight into the sky obliquely.

"Ah, what a pity..."

Weiwei said with some regrets, but the iron wall in front of her melted and changed again, turning into the appearance of the original mechanical giant hand, and grabbed the Black Flame King who was close at hand.

However, this kind of sluggish movement is obviously not enough to catch the agile 【King of the Sky】.

Just a simple flapping of wings, the Black Flame King leaped up while wiping his giant hands, and then sent another scorching dragon's breath towards Weiwei below.

Even because the time was too short, this exhalation could be regarded as substandard.

But the Black Flame King could feel that although the human female in front of her did not know how to increase her combat power to a terrifying level, her body was still fragile.

As long as you can get over that difficult "giant hand", it shouldn't be difficult to deal with.

Seeing that the dragon's breath was about to hit, Black Flame King's pupils widened unconsciously.

However, in the next second, the dragon's breath, which was originally blazing, dissipated in an instant as if it had encountered some invisible barrier.

How can it be? !
The Black Flame King was stunned for a while, and he didn't even notice the giant mechanical hand that was grabbing at him again after adjusting the direction, just like that, he was slapped from the sky with a slap.

As everyone knows, Black Flame King was far more than the only one who was surprised at this time.

"what's going on?"

Weiwei had a calm look on her face, but she felt bewildered for a while.

The operation just now was completely operated by the clone ancient tower, even Weiwei herself didn't quite understand what the other party did.

"I helped you change the composition of the nearby air, and I directly fused the oxygen in it into the gun barrel built into your manipulator... Personally, I suggest you fire the gun now. The air pressure is too high, and it may explode in a while."

With a sudden jump in her eyes, Weiwei hurriedly followed suit, aiming the gun barrel in the palm of the robotic hand at the Black Flame King who was about to get up and the Hao Huolong beside him.

【Red Lotus Wankai·Air Cannon】

The violent air cannonballs were shot out at a very high speed, bringing about a violent wind pressure visible to the naked eye, and blasting the two giant beasts, Hao Huolong and Heiyan King, into the air.

Taking advantage of this time, the clone ancient tower also slowly explained in Weiwei's mind.

[Your Honglian Wankai can only be activated through physical contact now, you should be clear about this, right? 】

Weiwei nodded blankly.

[But have you ever thought about it, in fact, the air around you is also in direct contact with your skin, so theoretically you can directly manipulate them]

Weiwei's mouth grew wide all of a sudden, and her eyes became dull visibly with the naked eye.

[And with the ability of Honglian Wankai, I refined the air near you and extracted all the oxygen in it... In the absence of oxygen, no matter how violent the flame is, it is impossible to burn up. 】

"'s amazing."

In fact, from the second half of Guta's words, Weiwei couldn't understand at all... She is not a visitor from the earth, nor does she have any knowledge reserves in this area. She is just a simple blacksmith. Hearing so much from Guta Just like listening to the bible.

But even she can understand how remarkable the things Guta did just now are.

To put it bluntly, according to his usage, all monsters that use flame breath in this world, including fire dragons, may no longer pose any threat to him in the future.

It was just like Long Fengli, directly sealing their big moves.


(End of this chapter)

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