hunt and eat

Chapter 713 The bloody battle of the half-kings, the domain expands

Chapter 713 The bloody battle of the half-kings, the domain expands
Just when Weiwei had almost decided the winner, the battle between Zunwang Qilin and Laoshan Longjiagu also gradually showed new changes.

I don't know what method was used, but the lightning incarnation of Zunwang Qilin didn't seem to have played its intended role at all. Every time it collided, Laoshan Longjiagu hit him squarely.

In the face of [quality oppression] this terrifying ability, even Zunwang Qilin's terrifying physical fitness would not dare to have too many physical collisions with the opponent.

But fortunately, even so, the agility of Zunwang Qilin is far from that of a huge monster like Laoshanlong, and it can almost easily escape Laoshanlong's attack.

Neither side seems to be able to do anything about the other.


The deep black waves, with Lao Shanlong as the center, rapidly expanded outwards, spreading to a distance of [-] meters around in the blink of an eye.

A strange suction force that is extremely familiar to the ancient pagoda continuously extends from that huge body that looks like a mountain.

【Field Expansion·Superheavy Nuclei】

"Suction? No, no..."

Even outside the range covered by the other party's ability, he could feel some kind of ancient tower pulling disorderly, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"This is... universal gravitation!"

Although the specific reason is not clear, the ancient pagoda can vaguely feel that the moment the old mountain dragon unfolded in the field, it transferred all the mass of the surrounding objects to itself.

This leads to, compared to other existences within the scope of the domain, Laoshanlong itself has completely become an ultra-high-quality matter with a density that tends to infinity, an existence that is almost like a black hole.

The huge gravitational force generated by it attracted everything around it, whether it was rocks or the lightning king unicorn, to its body in an instant.

Amidst the loud bang, a terrifying stone ball with a radius of tens of meters suddenly took shape.

After a moment of silence, the loud noise of Cang Lei suddenly rose from the inside of the stone ball.

When the outer rock exploded, King Qilin was drenched in blood, and half of his head became bloody and bloody. While resisting the suction force that was pulling him down all the time, he struggled to climb out.

In the originally pitch-black field, dazzling electric lights gradually rose.

[Field Expansion Wanhe Wo Thunder Drive]

Countless almost liquefied thunderballs emerged from the void, converging into a surging river of thunder, and gradually poured into the already bleak body of King Qilin.

Even if it is to release the realm, Zunwang Qilin's choice is still to strengthen himself.

From the moment it was born, it only believed in its own body, other than that, whether it was thunder or other external forces, it was just a tool to assist it in hand-to-hand combat.

The scorching paleness lit up again, and the King Qilin, whose physical strength was rising again, raised his hooves high and slammed them down.

The super-giant stone ball cracked a deep and huge gap from the middle, revealing the huge dragon head of Laoshanlong inside without the slightest expression.

With no intention of fleeing, Zunwang Qilin let out a roar, leaped forward and stamped his hooves down again.

This time, without the obstruction of the external rock formations, the terrifying physical strength of Zun Wang Qilin fell on the head of Lao Shanlong almost without reservation.

Even with a defense as strong as it, it couldn't help but let out a deep cry of pain, and the scales on half of its head exploded and flew across, exposing the solid flesh and blood inside like a rock.

Compared with the scorching wings that are obsessed with high-temperature flames, the lethality caused by King Qilin's pure body is much higher, even Lao Shanlong dare not ignore it.

The giant claw, which had been infinitely increased in weight, fell down suddenly, and slammed heavily on Zun Wang Qilin, who hadn't reacted all of a sudden because of the sudden return of his body mass, and was directly blasted into the ground.

As long as it is within Laoshanlong's domain, no matter whether it is dead or alive, it can control the weight of the substances in it at any time.

Coupled with the gravitational fluctuations based on its own super mass, it is enough to make Lao Shanlong's original slow and heavy attack into a deadly move that is almost guaranteed to hit.

"Underestimate these monsters..."

The sword and gun swept across to block the stone stick swung by the red lotus lion, and the ancient pagoda retreated at a faster speed by virtue of the counter-shock, avoiding the slapping of the scorching wings on one side, which was wrapped in the fiery wind.

"Besides, you don't think you can hide your sneaky tricks from me, do you?"

Turning around slowly, Guta looked at Burning Wing, who stopped strangely after missing a hit, and said with a half-smile.

"As you can see, I am blind... What do you think I rely on to observe the surrounding situation?"

The golden-red eyes narrowed for a moment, and the next moment, the scorching wings tore through the camouflage, and the huge claws hit the ground directly.

Lava-like cobweb-like lines spread out from the ground, and in a blink of an eye, they passed the ancient pagoda and the red lotus lion, turning into a crimson red stretching for hundreds of meters.

The dull sound like a spring is more obvious in the micro-earthquake.

Finally, with countless red lights bursting out of the ground, the overwhelming hot lava swept the entire field in an instant in the endless hot wind tornado.

[Field Expansion · Molten Mountain Fire Candle Zun]

In order to ensure that Guta does not escape from its own domain, Scorching Wings did not consider the life and death of the temporary ally Red Lotus Lion at all, and directly wrapped both of them into its own domain.

The terrifying high-temperature lava heated the air within the range to boiling point in an instant, and then set off continuous chain explosions.

Driven by this chain reaction, the temperature of the entire space seemed to be out of control, climbing to a terrifying level of nearly a thousand degrees in an instant.

Even as the initiator of the technique, the scorching wings in it suffered severe burns that could not have appeared on the fire dragon. On the body with few scales left, there were scorched and smoky scorches everywhere. trace.

Even though the pain hit his heart, there was no hesitation or shrinking emotion in Burning Wing's eyes, and he just continued to maintain the domain.

In the thousands of years, it has experienced countless life and death, and injuries more serious than this can be found everywhere.

Mere pain and scars are but the least worth mentioning appendages in the process of reaching victory.

In the abyss of the sea of ​​fire, the sound of metal collisions continued to resound.

To Scorching Wing's surprise, the two guys, Red Lotus Lion and Guta, are still fighting continuously even in this deadly high-temperature field where even they can be harmed.

It was as if...he didn't care about his injuries at all.

These two guys...are they crazy?
Scorching Wing sensed the two clusters of high-energy objects moving at high speed in the field with some doubts, gritted his teeth, and immediately exerted all his strength in the next second, raising the effect of the field to the limit it could do in an instant.

In the sea of ​​lava and flames, mushroom cloud-like explosive flames rose one after another, followed by endless roaring noises filling the entire space, and more dazzling and dazzling bursting flames.

The whole world seems to be coming to an end of melting and dissolving at this moment.

Until... a certain cold voice without any emotion slowly sounded from the very center of the sea of ​​fire.

"[Field Expansion Stairway to Heaven]"


(End of this chapter)

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