hunt and eat

Chapter 715 Observation is Pollution——The Spiritual Realm of Eternal Corrosion

Chapter 715 Observation is Pollution——The Spiritual Realm of Eternal Corrosion

[This way of mental pollution... Spiral King? 】

Laoshan Longjiagu, who recognized the moves used by the ancient pagoda in an instant, no longer cared about fighting Zunwang Qilin, and the moment the dragon energy burst out all over his body, he fell directly towards the edge of the cliff.

It didn't even have the slightest intention of continuing to fight, and simply chose to retreat neatly.

That kind of decisiveness completely inconsistent with the huge body and slow movements, even Guta was unconsciously dumbfounded.

Of course, it's also possible that the other party didn't want to directly face Tian Hailong, who made him hesitate for a long time, and just found an excuse that could convince him.

King Qilin, who suddenly lost his opponent, was also a little stunned, and then looked warily at the ancient pagoda floating in the air, and directly stopped the Ice Qilin and other clansmen who were fighting with the Golden Lion clan, and let them lean towards him.

Although there seems to be no conflict between positions, Zun Wang Qilin cannot guarantee that the man with terrifying strength will not attack him...

The move just now almost directly solved the move of the Fire Dragon King. It is still at a loss until now, and I don't know if I, who was also touched by the white flower, will end up in the same fate as the scorching wing.

Can't understand, can't dodge... This kind of weird attack is not something that King Qilin, who is used to fighting with his body, can understand.

At the same time, the overlord Xiong Huolong, who witnessed the death of his own [King], directly raised his head to the sky and screamed, signaling for all the clansmen to evacuate.

After losing the scorching wing, the top combat power, it is too dangerous for them to stay here.

It has not joined other battle groups in depth before, and it is almost like soy sauce, just to avoid encountering the current situation.

Among the Fire Dragon Clan, it is the only one other than the Scorching Wings that can dominate the rest of the same clan... This has nothing to do with combat power, it is purely the heavy coercion accumulated over the long years.

Of course, strength is also very important, at least you must have a senior level natural disaster.

These two points, no matter whether it is Hao Huolong and Hei Yan Wang, who together have not surpassed a thousand years old, or Cang Huolong, who has not improved in strength for hundreds of years, cannot be fully satisfied.


[I can't help it, let's go...]

Seeing that the Black Flame King was still hesitant, Hao Huolong let out a low growl, and a mid-air impact pushed the Black Flame King out of the airspace directly above the Sky Mountain.

After a dragon roar with complicated emotions, the three remaining natural disaster-grade fire dragons fled the scene without looking back, with only twenty other fire dragons remaining.


There was no intention of blocking it at all, Guta just calmly watched the backs of the fire dragons flying away one after another.

Three minutes later, the ancient pagoda landed lightly on the ground, and the abnormalities all over his body gradually faded away like phantoms, and he returned to his original appearance within a few moments of effort.

"Huh, at least it scares away a few tricky guys."

"Otherwise I'll be cut into pieces."

Guta patted his chest in fear, and said softly.

[Queen of Wind Flowers]'s domain ability [False Flower Burial Sea] is able to exert continuous meme pollution on its spiritual consciousness by being observed by living beings. The specific form of expression is the endlessly growing white windmill flowers.

The specific range of the domain is very subtle, not the actual distance in the general sense, but whether other life forms can observe the ancient tower after the domain is expanded.

Therefore, the ability of this range can be infinitely large, or it may become very small due to some obstacles, it all depends on how the caster uses it.

So don't look at the terrifying sea of ​​white flowers created by the ancient pagoda before, but in fact, it is only because the number of life forms observed in the field is large enough to cause that level of visual and mental pollution. Under normal circumstances, it is far from exaggerated. .

It is also worth mentioning that this ability has a rather perverted point, that is, after being observed for the first time, even if the person concerned stops or avoids the observation, the pollution of his mind will not stop, and it will be accompanied by the effect of the domain. Continuing, the pollutants will gradually change from spirit to entity, and spread rapidly toward other organs starting from the first visual organ.

In this process, although the corroded person can forcibly offset the spiritual pollution by cutting off the spiritual consciousness body or using a large amount of sources, compared to the consumption of the caster, no matter which method is used, it is very disadvantageous, a bit like the ancient The ultimate strengthened version of the trick [Tarsus Ice] created by the tower.

However, precisely because Queen Fenghua's field [False Flower Burial Sea] is too powerful in effect, the price to be paid is also not light.

Compared with conventional domains, [False Flower Burial Sea] needs to consume a lot of biological origin, and there is no way to use it multiple times in a short period of time, otherwise it will cause the caster himself to be mentally polluted in reverse, which belongs to the trump card at the bottom of the box .

Because of these two reasons, the ancient pagoda, which has not really reached the taboo, resorted to the strength of breastfeeding, that is, barely desperately killed a scorching wing that had been severely injured before, and its origin and vitality were severely consumed.

Although Guta showed an attitude of "I'm already burned out", neither the Zunwang Qilin nor the Red Lotus Lion at this moment believed that the other party really had nothing to do.

If you just think about it with your brain, you can understand how the "monster" that can kill the half-king fire dragon in an instant can really lose its fighting ability casually.

Not to mention that the old mountain dragon who is the [Four Dragons under the King], after using this trick in the ancient pagoda, made a move that he didn't even want to run away...

Laoshan Longjiagu obviously knew this trick, and clearly realized that he could not be the opponent of Guta, and his life would be in danger if he continued to stay... Otherwise, it would not be able to escape so simply, without even a little hesitation.

You must know that the guy nicknamed [Quality Suppression] before took everyone present as the target of attack, and the ancient tower that can make an existence of this level put down face and turn around and flee, the strength must be beyond cognition. Horror .

However, it's okay to stay by yourself, anyway, I was barely on the same side as this human before... But why didn't the red lotus lion run away?
And... when did those golden lions disappear?

Just leave their king and go?
Only then did King Qilin notice that the more than 20 golden lions originally brought by the red lotus lion, including the red gold lion as the deputy leader, had all disappeared at this time. The red lotus lion stayed alone on the top of the mountain.

Even though he knew he shouldn't sympathize with the other party, Zun Wang Qilin still unconsciously felt a burst of complicated emotions in his heart.

"'s your turn."

Looking at Guta, he just stood there quietly, showing neither the slightest fear nor much fighting spirit. The red lotus lion, like a silent rock, slowly stepped forward.

"Since you choose to stay, I will acquiesce that you are ready to die here."

With the sword and spear [Dragon King Hunting] on his shoulders, the red and blue lines on the surface of the ancient tower light up again.

However, just when the ancient pagoda was about to strike, a huge black shadow that had been waiting for a long time flew out from the other side of the cliff in an instant. and go.


(End of this chapter)

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