hunt and eat

Chapter 716 Compared to the cicada of the oriole, this is the time to fight for life!

Chapter 716 Compared to the cicada of the oriole, this is the time to fight for life!

Guta turned his head in astonishment, and what he saw was a weird steel dragon covered with silver-gray scales that seemed to be made of alloy, and half of its wings were completely composed of black wind breath.

The second steel dragon—【Black Wing Demon】!
Speaking of which, I seem to have heard this name before in the Dede Desert.

It seems to be a special individual of the steel dragon who was dubbed the second name for the first time and only has half a pair of wings left.

According to the records he inadvertently read in the guild when he was idle and bored, the reason why the steel dragon was disabled seemed to be caused by a certain battle between it and [Great Demon], which happened to be in the A few days before the Blue Star team encountered fierce demons.

That is to say, when they encountered the [Fierce Demon], they were actually not in a good state. Even if they escaped serious injuries, they were far from being in a state of complete victory.

However, it doesn't really make much sense to say these things now.

After all, whether it is the Black Winged Demon or the Fierce Demon, they are not really strong enemies against the ancient tower whose strength has reached the inhuman realm.

The reason why it can attract the attention of Guta is purely because of familiarity.

"If you want a praying mantis to catch a cicada, you have to have that strength."

He punched the ground violently, and in the next moment, pieces of radioactive stone cones gushed forward simultaneously like a waterfall, and hit heavily on the black-winged demon who was trying to get close to the Sky Dragon.

【Earth Control·Riot Stone Cone】

Although this level of attack is not enough to break through the steel and iron-framed defense of the Steel Dragon Clan, it is completely enough to block the opponent a little bit.

The black-winged demon, whose center of gravity was deviated by the sudden attack, slid to the ground involuntarily, but the moment his limbs landed on the ground, he took off with his strength, flew back into the air again, and continued to fly towards the sky dragon that was close at hand. .

Got it!
However, almost a second before its wide-open dragon mouth was about to bite the Zhongtian Nailong, a simple and simple sword and gun fell from the sky, piercing through the silver-black wings that seemed to be made of metal, smashing the black wings to a large extent. The huge body of the demon was directly nailed to the ground.

"I got you, thief."

Driven by inertia, the steel dragon's body scraped the ground and slid past Tian Nailong's body, and slammed into the red lotus lion that couldn't dodge.

After a brief collision, the red lotus lion fell to one side, passing the body of the black-winged demon.

Hmm...can't dodge in time?
Faintly aware of something wrong with the ancient pagoda, he didn't even look at the black-winged demon stepping on his feet. The moment he let go of the weapon, his arms turned into pitch black with huge blades, rushing straight towards The red lotus lion fell to the sky dragon.

[Glutton Armed Severing Blade]

The sound of something breaking came into Guta's ears.

In the palm of a pitch-black beast, a dark and hot stone stick was shattered inch by inch.

Afterwards, endless flames ignited.

After a short period of silence, the cutting blade with its cold light tore through the flames, revealing a giant black figure standing slowly under it.

creak ~ creak
The red lotus lion's cheeks are swollen high, as if it is chewing and swallowing something, and its throat is constantly rising and falling.

Some kind of weird red light kept shining from under that dark body, carrying a kind of shocking temperature.

"Did you swallow all the flint after the broken stone stick?"

"You look like you really don't want to live."

Guta frowned and said coldly.

Although unlike minerals such as burning coal, which itself has a high temperature enough to cause a violent explosion, flint is a special mineral that can absorb heat from the surroundings after all, especially the stone stick composed entirely of flint. After a high-intensity battle, the interior was already filled with incomparably violent compressed heat energy.

Just swallowing it into the stomach, even the most powerful digestive system can't decompose and release the internal energy in such a short period of time.

The only result is to explode and die.

The red lotus lion didn't make any response, but looked at Tianlailong who was only one step away from him with some pity.

It was just a little short, and I succeeded... It's a pity that I still have to use a move that can only be used once in this life.

After all, it was the only memorial left by its family, and it didn't want to destroy it if possible.

The violent heat energy continued to spread and collide inside the iron-like body of the red lotus lion, causing a series of dull sounds.

As the body gradually turned red like lava, a certain burnt smell began to waft out little by little.

"Although I understand roughly what you want to do, how long can you maintain this state?"

The ancient pagoda strode forward without giving in, and the two crossed alienated arms firmly held the lava iron fist that the red lotus lion fell from high above.

The moment the two collided, the flames splattered in all directions, and exploded into a rapidly spreading cloud of fire the moment it touched the air, engulfing the figures of a man and a beast.

There were strange beating sounds between metal and flesh and blood one after another, which quickly overwhelmed the constant explosions.

Indistinctly, countless pillars of red flames shot up from the ground, but were crushed inch by inch by black and white cross-slashes in the next second.

In the distance, the black-body ice unicorn first glanced at the Canglan Star team who was also watching, and then at the black-winged demon who lowered his head in resentment, and then retreated from the spot without hesitation, roaring in a low voice. road:
【King, we...】

Zunwang Qilin naturally understood what his deputy was thinking, he hesitated for a moment and then shook his head.

[Hei Mo, you take the clansmen and leave first... I will stay to confirm the final death of the old lion]

Listening to the sound transmission in his head, Bing Qilin hesitated:

Zunwang Qilin gave a clear whistle without looking back.

【That human is too dangerous, I don't want to take unnecessary risks】

[Don't worry, he won't be able to release the previous trick in a short time, and I probably want to understand the reason, and I can leave whenever I want]

【You will only drag me down if you stay】

Having said all of this, Bing Qilin had no choice but to bow his head, and then gradually evacuated with his clansmen.

"Those unicorns seem to be leaving."

Weiwei, who had quit the possession state long ago and became harmless to humans and animals again, noticed the group of unicorns that had evacuated, and said curiously.

"Probably felt the threat from the ancient pagoda, but the unicorn king is still here. The hatred between the golden lion and the unicorn is really terrible."

Nia said quite emotionally.

While speaking, the ancient pagoda, whose whole body was on fire, slid backwards and flew out of the sea of ​​flames.

The splitting blades on the arms had completely shattered at some point, leaving only uneven fractures.

"The punch is really heavy, you guy..."

Before the words were finished, the red lotus lion, whose body was covered with cutting scars and completely blind in half of one eye, rushed out of the sea of ​​flames.

In the remaining eyes, there was no anger or hatred, nor was there any rage, but with a strange calmness, the figure of the ancient tower was completely included.

At the same time, the arms that were as red as burning, with some inexplicable sense of power, fell heavily towards the ancient pagoda below him.

At the moment when the shock wave spread rapidly, the surrounding ground seemed to be bombarded by an invisible giant fist, shattered and flew into countless fine cubes flying backwards, and even the top of the mountain in the sky trembled for a short time.

Tian Zuilong, who originally retained the last trace of consciousness, passed out directly under the aftermath of this blow.


(End of this chapter)

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