hunt and eat

Chapter 802 the reason to be king!

Chapter 802 the reason to be king!

【The Seven Deadly Sins·Arrogance·Gods Worship Me】

As a high-ranking ability that completely replaces [Limit Method·Buzhou Mountain], Guta can maximize the limit increase of the body by consuming itself and the original sins of [Arrogance] collected around it.

The extent of this increase will not be limited by the limit of the species or even the limit of the world. As long as [Arrogance] is enough, it can be strengthened without limit, but the consumption will become more intense as it goes up, and the efficiency will decrease geometrically, so in general In other words, the deformed shape of the ancient pagoda will not exceed ten meters.

But under certain circumstances, this convention will be broken.

That's noon!
As a materialized product of the [Sun]'s [Arrogance] original sin, the relationship between itself and the Sun can be described as extremely close, so when the sun's light is more intense, the strength of the [Arrogance] sin held by the ancient tower also increases. will become stronger and stronger.

And at noon when the sun is the strongest, his own [Arrogance] ability can also reach nearly ten times its original strength under the special boost.

This is also the main reason why the [Seven Deadly Sins·Arrogance·Gods Worship Me] and [Seven Deadly Sins·Arrogance·Unmerciful Sun] of the ancient pagoda have such terrifying effects.

But in the final analysis, it is also because the root ability itself is a special bug that can surpass the limit of the world and reach the realm outside the theory.

Although the number is extremely rare, as long as they can truly exert their advantages, even mortals can have power comparable to gods.

"It's getting more and more interesting."

Unlike Oliva and Lina, who were a little terrified, they were always eager for the power of battle. At this moment, they no longer returned to their original lazy posture, and their squinting eyes gradually opened, revealing an extremely dangerous cold light.

The continuous extreme battles have already made him completely enter a state of absolute excitement.

Taking the opponent's reaction into his eyes, the corners of Guta's mouth slowly turned up.

He doesn't dislike this kind of guy who is loyal to instinct, after all, he himself had a similar temperament in the past.

"You, who possess this level of ability, actually want to sneakily devise those conspiracies and schemes. What are you planning, [Lue]?"

Pulling out the large piece of broken glass stuck in her thigh, Lina frowned and looked at the huge man in front of her.

"Hehe, guess what?"


Seeing that the other party didn't intend to confess, Lina didn't say any more, but slowly spread out the magical machine [Magic Notes] in her hand.

In the next moment, except for Oliva, who was no longer able to fight anymore, everyone's figures collapsed into afterglow in an instant.

The dazzling energy of various colors exploded again like fireworks.

At this moment... the flames of war are reignited!
The tornado storm with a thickness of tens of meters was obliterated by a pair of iron fists. Guta stood where he was, letting Shenwei tear countless bloody and hideous wounds on his back, and gradually exhaled hot white smoke from the corner of his mouth.

In the next moment, a tower more than 20 meters high, like an ancient tower like a hill, suddenly stomped on the ground.

The fan-shaped glazed ground directly in front collapsed and disintegrated in an instant, turning into a mighty rolling impact, blasting Lina, who was trying to launch some moves again, and the entire ground where she was.

"This kind of simply unbelievable."

Although his body began to tremble subconsciously, Kamui's face was uncharacteristically showing an increasingly excited expression.

This is the ultimate battle he dreamed of!
A large amount of red zhenqi was transpired in both arms, and countless flying slashes were made, and Shenwei aimed at Guta's back without mercy.

However, despite its huge size, Guta's movements were unusually quick. He avoided Shenwei's attack with just a single sliding step, and then jumped high into the air.

After about two breaths, the ancient pagoda fell rapidly under the action of gravity, and a raging violent wind instantly swayed on the ground, forcing Shenwei back abruptly.

Dense spider web-like cracks spread quickly on the pure glazed ground, and gradually became golden like the sun in the blink of an eye.

"This is... not good!"

Shenwei secretly thought that something was wrong, and he didn't even want to withdraw again.

Almost at the same time, as Guta's other arm was inserted into the ground, endless golden flames flashed in his eyes, and he roared loudly:

"[The Seven Deadly Sins·Arrogance·Return to the Fire Source]!"

With both arms grasping the ground under the feet and lifting it up suddenly, the ancient pagoda abruptly grabbed a huge rock plate with a diameter of more than 30 meters, and countless tearing pillars of fire burst out from the dense cracks under the feet at the same time.

Even though Shenwei, who had escaped a hundred meters away, was still hit by a pillar of fire that seemed to be following him from under him, and his black long gown was burned in the blink of an eye, revealing his naked body that was equally strong and faintly red.

He actually learned the [armor enhancement] move created by the ancient tower, and it seems that his proficiency is quite high, at least significantly stronger than 90.00% of the members of the Canglan Star Hunting Group.

However, the attack on Guta apparently did not end there.

At the moment when the pillar of flames rose, the ancient pagoda lifted a huge rock plate much larger than itself, and flung it towards the direction where Shenwei was.

A large piece of shadow fell rapidly, completely covering the sunlight above his head for a while, and at the same time, an excited smile appeared on the corner of Shenwei's mouth.

【Murdering Intent Wave · Instant Prison Kill】

In an instant, endless blood-red scratches flashed through the void one after another, and the giant rock plate that was about to fall from the top of the head turned into thousands of regular broken stones and splashed down in the blink of an eye.

"Nice strength and skill."

The ancient pagoda looked down at the red-haired young man on the ground from a high position, and the billowing hot air like air waves was constantly evaporating around him, as if the water in his body was evaporating all the time.

While speaking, Lina, who was [-] meters away, had once again created a raging tornado and rushed towards the ancient tower again.

[Steel Dragon Core·Raging Wind]

"The constant chatter of weak attacks is annoying enough."

Guta didn't intend to dodge, but just turned his body around and bumped into the winding tornado column with his chest.

In the dazzling golden eyes, three numbers slowly appeared:

【One · Four · Land】

[Liberation No. 146 Shaking Roar]

Accompanied by the roar of the ancient pagoda that shocked the world, the tornado in front of him was crushed inch by inch by the tsunami-like sound waves in an instant, and then spread into shocks visible to the naked eye, hitting Lina a hundred meters away.

"This monster..." Gritting her teeth fiercely, Lina burst out with purple qi all over her body. With a special boosted state similar to [ghost-humanization], she opened a distance of nearly [-] meters again in a flash.

Although the main means of attack are long-range strikes, for a hunter of Lina's level, almost all useful skills are dabbled in, and it is difficult to find any shortcomings at the conventional level.

But the premise of all this depends on who is the object of comparison.

For an out-and-out monster like the ancient pagoda, it is inevitable that flaws will be found in many places, which is also impossible.

In this world, apart from gods, no one is truly all-rounder.

But in other words, if you want to climb to the top in any aspect, you must first become a [God], or even become a [King] first.

"Your purity is far from enough to reach the throne."

"Please remember one thing, whenever and wherever..."

Slowly straightening his back, Guta straightened up, his huge body almost completely blocking the sun behind him.

He looked down at the few people from a high position, slowly raised his palms, and clenched them into fists, making a terrifying sound of knuckles rubbing against each other.

"Strength... is the reason to be king!"


(End of this chapter)

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