hunt and eat

Chapter 803 [Life] in full bloom

Chapter 803 [Life] in full bloom

"I haven't fallen to the point where I need to be lectured by you."

Seeing that Guta was able to catch the hurricane she unleashed without injury by relying on physical strength alone, Lina frowned slightly.

In a sense, it is a body stronger than the so-called ultimate human body. After all, the other party's current posture does not look like a realm that normal humans can reach.

Whether it's the terrifying and abnormal defensive power, or the huge power enough to shatter the ground hundreds of meters away, it makes people feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

What's more, what they are facing now is not the usual monsters that tend to be instinctive, but legendary hunters who have the same meticulous thinking and superb fighting skills as themselves, not to mention that the opponent's physical strength alone far surpasses those including the ancient dragon. monsters in the conventional concept.

"It is indeed difficult for human beings to face up to their own flaws until they fully accept failure."

There was no slight emotional change because of the attitude of the other party. Guta just looked straight ahead and said to himself:

"But it's okay, I'll let you experience it..."

"That defeat called [Despair]."

As soon as the words fell, the huge figure of the ancient tower instantly blurred, and both Shenwei and Lina left the place immediately and began to move at high speed.

Sure enough, a thick arm like an Optimus Pillar hit Lina's original standing position in the next moment.

The violent and terrifying violence poured out like a tide, shattering the hundreds of meters of crystallized glazed land into a torrent of cubes floating up and down from near to far.

"Cover me!" The crimson air wave swept across the body, and Shenwei, who had entered the ghost-human state, stepped back, turning into a bloody afterglow and roaring out.

Shining with a faint golden light, a giant fist the size of a house fell from the sky, bringing with it the residual flames generated by the violent friction of the air, it shattered the ground in front of it, and sputtered forward under the impact of the billowing air waves.

At the critical moment, three distorted tornadoes meandered out from the opposite side, and in an instant they converged into a huge horizontally expanding vortex, absorbing all the incoming glazed fragments.

A streak of crimson light rushed out of the hurricane with undiminished momentum, and approached the huge body adjacent to the sky and earth in the blink of an eye.

"A meaningless struggle." Guta looked indifferently in front of his eyes, inserted one arm into the ground, and kicked forward violently.

The overwhelming glazed broken rocks rushed towards the oncoming Shenwei in the shape of waves under the surging energy.

The scorching sunlight reflected endless dazzling white light through the glass splashing all over the sky. At this moment, the whole world seemed to be pulled into a pure white era, and no other strange colors could be seen.

Until... a dazzling scarlet light, with a strong sense of presence that cannot be ignored, tore apart the pure white world and danced again.

Nearly a hundred crimson figures emerged from the space in all directions of the ancient pagoda in an instant, and with their own different movements, they used their limbs to create a flurry of slashing waves.

[The wave of killing intent · a thousand strikes in an instant]

From the perspective of the ancient pagoda, the whole world seemed to be submerged by the red waves at this moment, and there was nothing other than slashing or slashing.


Amidst the deep voice, Guta's figure was completely submerged by the red waves.

A large expanse of scarlet blood-colored ocean, under the extreme pressure that can be said to have no dead ends, poured out from the cracks of the slash, and at the same time it rose high into the air, it turned into a viscous torrential rain that painted the sky, and dyed the earth. The most intense color in the world.

Seeing the bloody storm, Shenwei's slender figure slowly fell down, and then staggered and knelt down on the ground.

Lifting his two palms with difficulty, looking at the ten bloody fingers that were completely distorted and broken, Shenwei was slightly taken aback, and then he couldn't help laughing up to the sky.

"Even if it is the side that is being attacked, it will still not suffer in vain."

"Is this the [Wang's] overbearing?"

The rain of blood fell, and when the shower stopped, a certain body was completely covered in thick blood, and only a huge human-shaped body could be vaguely seen, which was once again revealed in front of everyone.

Under Shenwei's real attack with almost no dead ends, the skin of Guta's whole body was smashed and torn, and dense tearing wounds were engraved deep in the flesh and blood.

As a competition among hunters, the result was undoubtedly too tragic.

But... No matter which side it is, maybe they won't regret it.

"You lost this battle." Under the giant's feet, Lina dragged the open magic book with one hand, and said slowly.

After a brief silence, a pair of silver-white eyes opened from the blood.

"Ah... is it?"

Guta's unexpectedly calm reaction made Lina a little nervous unconsciously.

She didn't think that the other party would put on airs at this time, but she could also sense that at this moment, Guta's muscles and even nerves were completely destroyed by Shenwei's full blow just now, and theoretically speaking, he had completely lost his combat effectiveness. That's right.

What is there that I have overlooked?
Just when Lina hesitated for a while, Guta took action again on his own.

He raised his bloody right arm with great difficulty, and pointed at his heart.

The emerald-colored illusory light slowly gushed out from the heart of the ancient tower like a spring, and soon spread to his whole body.

In Lina's extremely ugly expression, Guta's body injuries recovered rapidly at an unimaginable speed.

Whether it was the almost completely torn skin, the broken meridians all over the body, or the hideous flesh and blood scars, they were completely healed the moment they encountered the illusory green light.

That kind of recovery speed is even far higher than the super regenerative ability that the ancient tower showed before, it can be called a miracle of immortality.

"How is it possible..." Looking at the giant who had unknowingly returned to its heyday, Lina's hand holding the secretary of the Magic Dao trembled faintly.

"You... used the taboo recovery ability?"

"I'm not so shameless."

Guta said lightly.

For Guta, enjoying the battle itself is also a wonderful thing.And once he uses his ability after becoming a taboo, it will feel a bit of a dimensionality reduction blow, and the battle that was supposed to meet the opponent will become no longer pure.

"Let me introduce, the embodiment of [Fury] of the Seven Deadly Sins..."


Unlike most people's impression of the original sin of [Fury], at least in this world, it is more suitable for the simple concept of [Life].

This point, whether it is from the raging Tyrannosaurus rex that burns its own life all the time, or those monsters that are infected by the mad dragon virus and fall into a state of extreme rage, we can vaguely see some clues.

The angrier they are, the stronger their physical qualities become, and under the influence of the powerful vitality that fills their bodies all the time, no matter how many injuries they receive, they can recover in a very short time.

In fact, there is another vivid example in this regard, and that is the two horned dragons [火魔].After the life-and-death battle with [Black Wing Demon], the reason why it was able to recover so quickly and even fought Guta and Valentina again was precisely because of its endless rage , allowing one's own vitality to be stimulated continuously, thereby healing most of the injuries.

But as the saying goes, extremes must reverse, huge vitality will not make their lifespan longer, on the contrary, because they have taken on a vitality that exceeds the limit that they can bear, it will often make their spirit and body gradually approach the brink of collapse.

But as long as he can withstand this force, he can turn the furious vitality into a powerful ability to heal everything, and finally reach the terrifying realm of immortality like the ancient tower is now.


(End of this chapter)

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