hunt and eat

Chapter 813 The [White God] Benglong who became a Clown

Chapter 813 The [White God] Benglong who became a Clown

【what sound?Why is it so noisy... Earth's crust changes? 】

[Forget it, it's all trivial matters.Right now, the strength has finally fully is time to return to the ground]

[Damn dragonman, he should almost die of old age. 】

[It's time for those tiny upright apes to witness the power of God again! 】

In the huge ruins formed by the collapse of continuous mountains, a white breath that soared into the sky tore layers of rocks and pierced into the air. A huge figure covered in white carapace slowly drilled under hundreds of thousands of tons of rocks. out.

It was a four-legged wingless monster with a length of more than 40 meters that could be seen with the naked eye. The carapace on the lower jaw and the back had the same structure as a plowshare and fins, and the carapace on the abdomen also had a large number of spikes, which were not very obvious. A frightening silver-white cold light reflected in the bright sunlight.

Of course, the most striking thing about this monster is the sharp jaw like a giant shovel, and the sharp blade armor arranged neatly in a jagged shape on the back.

【White God】——Crash Dragon

Known as the ancestor of the flying dragon species, it is a legendary monster that has comprehensively surpassed the strength of the ancient dragon species.

And the Benglong, which is most likely the last in this world, has another identity, that is, to do evil together with another Tyrannosaurus known as the [Black God], and was finally severely injured and sealed by the legendary dragon hero The "evil party" who entered the snow mountain.

Hundreds of years have passed now, and even though his strength has not fully recovered to the state of complete victory, Benglong still has the confidence to dominate one side, even if he meets that monster-like giant dragonman back then, he won't suffer too much.

After all, time is the most ruthless poison in the world. Even the giant dragon heroes who were as strong as those of the past would be old even if they didn't die at this moment.

As for other humans... That kind of creature can die by tens of thousands with just a single breath, well, how could it pose a threat to itself.

Right now, it is nothing more than to be careful not to offend the forces of the taboo five dragons. It still has lingering fears about the horror of those few.

After all, the Benglong and Tyrannosaurus clans were slaughtered because they angered the original black dragon, and only a few sporadic ones remained... Now that things have happened, I am afraid that I will really die.

Facing the sunshine that he hadn't seen in hundreds of years, Benglong was dazzled for a while, and at the same time, he was thinking about messy things in his heart, and he didn't even have time to look around for the first time.

Until... a huge slash that soared into the sky, and another black and white flame that hit from the opposite direction suddenly collided in front of Benglong.

The brilliant flash caused by the violent explosion made the [White God], who was caught off guard, screamed and staggered back more than ten meters away.

Damn...who is it? !

More than ten seconds later, Benglong, who barely recovered his eyesight, angrily searched for the culprit, and finally saw two small figures fighting fiercely on a ruin not far away.


You are asking for your own death!

Benglong, who didn't pay attention to the human race at all, felt ashamed because of the fact that he was frightened by humans on the one hand, and on the other hand, because of the hatred that he was seriously injured by the dragon people hundreds of years ago, the first thing he saw was Prepare to pour out your anger on the two people who have never met in front of you.

Although Benglong never thought that the dragon people belonged to humans, it actually knew very well why it was targeted by the dragon people in the first place.

It may have never cared about those things, but the fact is that at least tens of thousands of human beings died tragically in the disasters it either intentionally or unintentionally caused.

But so what?
It is the most naked law in this world that the strong dominate and destroy the weak!

Benglong raised his head to the sky and roared violently. With his thick neck slowly turning, a pair of pure white eyes stared directly at the two people who were still fighting selflessly.

[Go to hell, little monkey! 】

Pale breath more than ten meters thick rubbed against the ground and spewed out. Icebergs rose slowly where it passed, and the surrounding things were frozen in an instant, turning into eternal cold ice sculptures.

[Broken Dragon Skill Absolute Zero Breath]

Who would have thought that before the exaggerated breath of extreme cold arrived, the ancient tower that was hit on the cheek by Xio's punch turned into an afterimage and directly scattered the breath, and coincidentally along the Following the trajectory of spraying, it flew upside down and hit Benglong's head.

At that moment, Benglong, who couldn't react at all, felt a terrifying physical shock called inability to resist for the first time in his life, which he had never experienced before.


The small mountain-like Benglong sticks to the ground like foam plastic and flies out of three or four positions, that is, a distance of more than 150 meters. It explodes in succession on the ruins covered with white snow at some point. rocks and snow.

【How is it could those monkeys have such power】

Benglong, who couldn't understand it completely, staggered and tried to stand up again, only to see an afterimage falling straight from a high altitude and stomping down with one foot.

No, maybe the target is not him, but the white-haired man in white clothes still standing on its head.

But the result will not change in the slightest.

The deadly kick combined with speed and strength was stably supported by the crossed arms of the ancient tower, but the aftermath of the shock that was transmitted to the feet still made Benglong under it feel what an intracranial orgasm is. Without any resistance, he was blasted into the ruins of earth and rock that had just been drilled out not long ago.

The thick scales that were originally indestructible exploded with incomparably bright red blood stains one after another along with the overwhelmed metal noise, dyeing the nearby snow into a delicate but thrilling crimson red.


Because the most fatal head was hit, even Benglong's consciousness began to be intermittent at this moment, but he kept repeating some vague growls.

However, whether it is Xio, who can't understand the dragon language, or the ancient tower, who can understand the dragon language, at this moment, they don't care about the meaning of this legendary monster at all, and still devote their attention and respect without reservation. on each other.

For them, the opponent in front of them is what they really need to care about. As for Benglong...that kind of thing can be dealt with at any time, it is nothing to worry about.

Absolute arrogance and strength are perfectly reflected in them at this moment.

The two crimson armor blades evolved from the position of Xio's forearm intersected vertically and horizontally, turning the blood overflowing from inside into spiral crimson slashes, attacking Guta's face at the same time.

【Extreme Thought Shura·Circle Slash】

Even though he blocked one side with bigger and thicker wings at the first time, the crimson slashing spiral like a tornado hurricane still went around the back of the ancient tower along the outer side of the wings, and slammed into the bloodstained place deeply. back.

The sound of a large number of bones breaking then exploded, and Guta's movements were inevitably stiffened.

At the moment when the spine was destroyed, he completely lost the ability to control his body.

good chance!
Before the [Super Regeneration] ability could be activated, Xio's eyes flashed, and the crimson blade armor on both arms lifted from bottom to top at the same time, cutting towards the throat of the ancient tower.

If this is hit, even if Guta can use the forbidden source to restore his body, he will not be able to regain the ability to fight again in the first place.

What's more, that kind of behavior itself is tantamount to admitting his own defeat under the same conditions.

I won!
Fighting so far, even if he has always been as calm as Xio, he can't help but feel the excitement and comfort from the bottom of his heart, so much so that his movements have slightly deformed.

Then, there was a violent shock under the two people's feet.

Benglong, who had been neglected by the two from beginning to end, was trying to get up from the ground at this moment, and thus created this sudden miniature earthquake.

The ancient pagoda, which had lost the ability to move, fell to the ground along one side of Benglong's head by a very coincidence, avoiding the sharp slash from the front without any mistakes.


(End of this chapter)

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