hunt and eat

Chapter 814 The energy of the earth veins gathers...the boundary line finally reached!

Chapter 814 The energy of the earth veins gathers...the boundary line finally reached!

Is it luck?

Seeing the opportunity to end the battle slipping away from his hands, Xio fell into a short silence after a long absence, but then he reacted again, and followed him down after a pause.

Then he saw a ferocious giant beast with puzzled and panic-filled eyes, and it actively opened its huge mouth to bite towards him.

"Are you looking for death?"

The golden vertical pupil between the brows lit up again, and Xio stepped on the top of Benglong's body that suddenly froze. The blood blade on the forearm of his right hand extended a distance of one meter, and he dragged the thick scales under him along the opponent's back. All the way down.

Facing Xio, whose strength and attack power had reached the limit of the life body, Benglong, who had been unresponsive for some reason, wailed directly, and at the same time as the blood splashed from his back, he slammed heavily on the ground, setting off a wave of blood. Pale sky filled with snow tide.

"Sure enough...was it controlled early in the morning?"

Xi Ou, who was about to fall to the ground, smashed the snow wave coming behind him with a backhand knife, twisted his neck and followed the dense golden silk thread on Benglong's body, tracing all the way to the converging position of the thread...

The injury on a certain back has completely healed, and there is a certain white-haired figure quietly holding a large amount of golden thread.

[Seven Emotions Puppet Line·Physical Domination]

Although due to the strength of Benglong's own semi-king, Guta couldn't control its consciousness and thinking in a short period of time, but if it is only a short-term manipulation of the body, there is still no major problem.

Not caring about Benglong's panic and begging for mercy coming from the end of the puppet line, Guta just said indifferently: "Continue."

So in the next second, Benglong, who had a strong desire to retreat due to his back injury, once again "fearlessly" grabbed Xio under him with his paw.

"You really like playing with these little toys."

Xio's figure flickered, and then crossed with Benglong's locomotive-like claws.

Dense blood-red lines continued to extend from the surface of Benglong's claws, and then large patches of dripping blood burst out one after another.

With just one touch, one of Benglong's claws was almost useless, and Xio cut off everything from muscle fibers to nerve vessels with incomparable precision.

"It's a little useless, the legendary [White God]."

At this moment, Guta also recognized Benglong's real body. While recalling the excitement when he picked up the material of Benglong's claws in his mind, he flashed Benglong who was now destroyed by a single blow, and sighed with some disinterest.

Sure enough, everything is the most beautiful in memory.

Seeing Xiou approaching again, Guta gently pulled his right hand, controlling Benglong to shoot out an absolute zero breath as the only way to the former.

"Non-painful, but annoying enough."

Not even turning around to defend, Xio turned into a zigzag shape to avoid the icicles of breath approaching behind him, and galloped forward again after taking a long way.

Although Benglong's breath was powerful enough, it was still too slow for him, and there was no possibility of hitting him at all.

It should be said that for a super-sized monster like Benglong, the hit rate of the moves is very impressive. After all, that huge body often means inflexibility. Whether it is attacking or dodging, it will become extremely clumsy.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the terrifying, large-scale energy pouring that is enough to destroy the world, in front of the real apex like Guta and Xio, has completely become a meaningless show of venting, which is completely unsuitable. any threat.

Concentration is the essence, quality is better than everything... This sentence has been fully reflected in the two.

Seeing Benglong's shovel-like jaw piercing the ground, rolling up a wave-like mixture of mud and snow and rushing towards him, Xio didn't even react at all, but focused all his attention on the angel-like levitation in the distance. The white-haired figure in mid-air.

Just now, a pair of left black and right white wings grew from behind the other party, and the aura on his body also rose sharply.

The speed of evolution is too fast, and his passive evolution ability may not be able to catch up with him.

Various plans flashed through Xiou's mind, and the next moment his body turned into a void of red light, galloping past Benglong's head.

However, the moment Xio crossed the middle of Benglong's back, an unprecedented terrifying cold wave gushed out from the gaps in the scales of Benglong's body.

[Pseudo-King Skill: Ice Freeze]

Even though Xio immediately covered his whole body with a thick protection of true qi, his whole body was still instantly covered with a layer of solid white ice visible to the naked eye, and most of the skin on his face was directly broken, as if he was going to be like a ghost in the next second. Fragile porcelain generally crumbles.

"Are all Qi defenses and elemental resistances ineffective?"

"But that's all."

A large piece of granulation continued to emerge from the crack in the face, because Xio, who also obtained high-intensity regeneration ability in [Prelude to God], directly shattered the thick armor-like ice all over his body, dragging his body that had not been fully repaired, several Flash came to the front of the ancient tower.

Four sharp wings, like huge blades, fell from both sides simultaneously with large shadows, causing terrifying scratches of hundreds of meters when they swept across the ground.

"My current body...can't bear this!"

Xio's pupils constricted, and he realized this in an instant, so he didn't hesitate anymore, and the red-red reverse blade armor knife in his right hand swung horizontally towards the top of his head.

Dazzling sparks bloomed like fireworks, and the moment the four wings slid across the blade, countless fine cracks exploded row upon row on both sides of the armored saber.

Although it was a bit reluctant, it was still carried down in the end.

Thin blood streaks continued to slide down his right arm, Xio let out a low growl, and he swung his body forward, crossing the blockade of four black and white wings in the blink of an eye, and raised his left arm to beat Guta's chest.

The palm of Guta's right hand tightly hugged Siona's left arm, which was like a blood-red spear, and his left knee hit the latter's abdomen directly in the next moment.

Visible air waves passed through his body, and Xio couldn't bear the suppressed injuries anymore. Blood spurted out wildly as if he didn't want money, and sprinkled along the side of the ancient tower's head to the sky.

Just when Guta was about to continue to work harder and knock Xio down completely, a dazzling blue light suddenly lit up from all parts of Xio's body at the same time.

"The boundary line of sublimation... I finally saw it."

"The leylines here are blue." Xio's faint voice sounded from Guta's ear.

Feeling the sense of deadly threat flooding in like a tide, Guta retreated without thinking, and his body quickly burst like an illusory bubble.

Dense blue crystals grew and spread from the body of Xio, who was still, and turned into a giant cocoon four or five meters high in the blink of an eye.

The illusory blue light like a river is tearing apart the earth, gathering rapidly from all directions into the big cocoon where Xio is, and constantly turning it into a nutrient for its growth.

Earth vein energy!

Guta's pupils narrowed like pinholes, and then he took a step forward without hesitation, and instantly rushed into the blue cocoon that had reached a height of more than ten meters in a blink of an eye.

Not sure what happened, but just destroy it and it's over, right?
A huge black and white energy sphere was quickly generated from the palm of the hand, and the ancient pagoda did not even hesitate to take a picture of the blue cocoon that was already more than 20 meters high in front of it.

【Gluttony Skill·Planet Destruction】

Bright white light rose like a jade tree, and instantly exited the ancient pagoda [-] meters away, flapping the four black and white wings behind him, quietly staring at the center of the explosion.

Just as the sound of the explosion faded away, and everything was about to settle down, accompanied by the sharp roar of a baby, a huge and incomparable blue energy beam tore through the dense white light, In an instant, it crossed a hundred meters and directly hit the ancient pagoda that was inexplicably frozen.

Where the light beam passed, patches of exploding blue light were rapidly formed like mushrooms after the rain and the sky cleared, dyeing the sky more than a hundred meters into a bright blue.

A few seconds later, a huge blue shadow slowly crawled out from the dissipated white light, and the faucet's head with black horns and three pairs of eye-shaped orange luminous bodies raised high and screamed towards the sky.


(End of this chapter)

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