From the sword of the third master

Chapter 105 Retribution is so fast

Chapter 105 Retribution is so fast

After dawn, the morning sun rises.

Tie Wushuang hurried into the living room with a bit of doubt on his face.

Both Jiang Biehe and Hua Wuque are well-mannered people, and they only met yesterday, so it's really strange that they came to visit again early in the morning.

"Nephew Jiang Xian, playboy."

"Good morning Iron Hero."


After saluting each other, Tie Wushuang asked: "The two of you come to the door at this moment, could something have happened?"


After all, Hua Wuque was a true gentleman, and he couldn't open his mouth to question him.

And Jiang Biehe also seemed to be embarrassed, pretending to be tangled.

Tie Wushuang smiled and said: "Why, it's hard to say? If you don't speak again, I can go back to sleep."

Jiang Biehe looked at Hua Wuque, and finally took the initiative to take a step forward: "Okay, this junior will offend me, senior, please don't blame me."


Where did this come from?

Tie Wushuang frowned, waiting for the next sentence.

Jiang Biehe said: "Yesterday was Iron Hero's birthday. After the feast was over, we received the flat peaches presented by senior."

Tie Wushuang said: "The flat peach is the best variety, the taste must not be bad."

Jiang Biehe said: "Let's put the taste aside for now, anyway, there is a girl named Xinlan who is traveling with the playboy, but she was poisoned after eating peaches."


Tie Wushuang asked in astonishment, "Poisoned?"

Jiang Biehe said: "Yes, Miss Xinlan suffered from 'Ziwu Suixin San', she has lost consciousness at this moment, and the situation is very critical."

Tie Wushuang said anxiously: "Then why don't you hurry up and buy the antidote, save her first and then find out the truth after she wakes up?"

Hua Wuque couldn't stand it anymore, and interjected: "This junior did it, but the medicinal materials that are suitable for the disease on the market were acted in advance and all were bought out."

"How could this be?"

As a veteran Jianghu, Tie Wushuang faintly felt that something was wrong.

——The murderer bought the things in advance. This trick of "drawing the fire from the bottom of the pot" is indeed ruthless, but just to deal with a little girl, isn't it a bit of a lot of trouble?
Since he wanted to kill her, why didn't he choose a more powerful poison, the one that would kill her after eating it?
Cold sweat suddenly broke out on his back, and he said in a trembling voice: "Nephew Jiang Xian, there were thousands of guests yesterday, did anyone else get poisoned?"

Jiang Biehe said: "No."

Tie Wushuang heaved a sigh of relief, put his heart back into his stomach: "That's okay."

Jiang Biehe said: "However, a brother of mine found out that the person who bought the medicine finally sneaked and transported everything, ahem, into the mansion of the senior."

It took Tie Wushuang a long time to react. Looking at the expressions of the two, he couldn't help being surprised and angry.

"You suspect that I ordered it?"

Jiang Biehe quickly waved his hands: "This junior doesn't dare. But Miss Xinlan's life is in danger. In desperation, the young man and I dared to come to our door and bother senior."

"Good, good."

Tie Wushuang laughed back angrily: "Nephew Jiang, you said that all the medicinal materials have been shipped to my house, where are they hidden?"

Jiang Biehe said: "In the back garden, inside the ice cellar."


Tie Wushuang shouted sharply: "Come on!"

A young man flashed in quickly from the outside, this is his favorite closed door disciple, named Gao Qian, this man has a rather lean figure, his eyes are shining brightly, one can tell that his martial arts skills are good at a glance.

"Master, the disciple is here."

Tie Wushuang said: "Go and check the ice cellar to see if there is anything else, especially medicinal herbs."


Gao Qian didn't even say a word of nonsense, he immediately carried out the order, went quickly, and returned quickly.

When he came back, he had a few more cloth bags in his hands. Those bags were bulging, and the smell of medicinal materials was very obvious.

Tie Wushuang was taken aback!
" is this possible?"

Hua Wuque hurried over to check and tore open the bag. Inside were life-saving items such as pinellia, bear bile and safflower.

No matter how good his self-cultivation is, he can't help it now.

Hua Wuque said indifferently: "Senior Tie, why did you do this?"

Jiang Biehe also sighed wistfully beside him, shaking his head: "You know people, you know your face, you don't know your heart, iron hero, iron hero, you have been a hero all your life, so why bother... Sigh."

Tie Wushuang said urgently: "Nephew Jiang Xian, this old man doesn't recognize that girl at all, how could he harm her? This is obviously a malicious frame!"

Jiang Biehe said: "Perhaps, you wanted to kill the playboy, but you ended up killing the wrong person?"

Tie Wushuang was furious: "Why should I kill him?"

Jiang Biehe said: "Brother Wu Que was born in Yihua Palace, and now, Yihua Palace has become the number one in the world, if you can get rid of Huagongzi, you can severely damage his teacher's school and greatly increase your own reputation." Fame? If you develop further, you can even raise the banner in the south of the Yangtze River and become the leader of the martial arts alliance."


Tie Wushuang was so angry that he trembled all over, so he changed his mouth and said: "My surname is Jiang, the old man treats you well on weekdays, I never thought that you would be so vicious!"

Jiang Biehe said leisurely: "Senior, don't be upset, the situation is like this, I'm telling the truth."

Tie Wushuang suppressed his anger, and turned to look at Hua Wuque: "Young man, do you still remember who gave those flat peaches to you in the end?"

Hua Wuque said: "It's a handyman in your house, with a slightly fat body."

Tie Wushuang thought for a while: "Fat handyman... Luo Jiu?"

Then he quickly ordered: "Gao Qian, hurry up and bring him here, the old man has something to ask."


It didn't take long before Ouyang Ding, who was behind the scenes, finally appeared on the stage. He nodded and bowed, with a harmless smile on his face.

"Hello, master, hello Jiang Daxia, oh, and this young master, haha."

Tie Wushuang said impatiently: "The situation is urgent now, so the courtesy will be waived. Let me ask you, do you have any impression of this playboy?"

Ouyang Ding glanced dazzledly: "My son's surname is Hua? He was born so handsome, of course the villain has an impression, and the impression is still very deep."

Tie Wushuang said: "You handed the flat peach to him yesterday?"


"During the handover process, was there anything unusual?"

Ouyang Ding shook his head: "It's just a basket, the villain doesn't remember anything unusual."


Jiang Biehe suddenly interjected: "Please think about it again, because you don't know that the basket of flat peaches is actually poisonous, and it is extremely poisonous. Now the victim is in danger, and there is only one breath left."

Ouyang Ding's face turned pale with fright: "What? Peaches are actually poisonous?"

Jiang Biehe sighed: "The sky is big and the earth is big, human life is the most important, brother, don't be foolish and cover up the murderer out of kindness. If you do this, your conscience will never be at ease."


Ouyang Ding spoke incoherently, and looked at Tie Wushuang in fear, as if he wanted to speak, but he didn't dare to speak in the end.

Tie Wushuang was surprised: "Dog, what do you think I'm doing?"

Jiang Biehe dragged Ouyang Ding to his side and protected him: "Don't be afraid, if you have something to say, it's okay. I, Jiang, promise that no one can hurt you."

Hua Wuque also stood over: "And me!"

Ouyang Ding shivered, and finally summoned up his courage: "My little one remembered, yesterday, the master handed me a basket of flat peaches yesterday, and specifically asked, 'This basket of peaches is the most popular, you must give it to that young master yourself.' , I thought it was a good intention, so I agreed. Jiang Daxia, I never thought of harming anyone, I didn't know it at all."

Tie Wushuang was tongue-tied: "When did this old man give you the basket, and when did he say those words? Damn you bastard, how dare you frame your master!"

As he said that, he became furious and slapped him with a wave of his palm.


Jiang Biehe also slapped Tie Wushuang back, and said with a sneer, "Want to silence? It's not that easy."

Tie Wushuang yelled angrily: "The old man acted openly and aboveboard, what did he say? This bastard is clearly eating inside and outside, colluding with the murderer."

At this moment, Gao Qian who had been silent all this time let out a long sigh.

"Master, there is still time to rein in the precipice, don't go on the wrong road and get darker and darker."


Tie Wushuang said in amazement: "My dear disciple, you, why did you say such a thing?"

Gao Qian's face was full of pain: "Master, for more than ten years, your old man has taught me every day to be kind, to be honest, and never to hurt others' hearts, but how did you do it?"

Tie Wushuang asked, "What did I do?"

Gao Qian said: "Didn't you ask me to buy those life-saving medicinal materials? You asked me to avoid people's eyes and ears, searched all the things on the street, and finally hid them in the ice cellar. I didn't expect that the sky net was restored, and finally I was found From yesterday to now, Tuer has been extremely entangled and has been in pain. I can no longer hide it. Hiding the truth is going against my conscience. I can't deceive myself."


Tie Wushuang staggered back a few steps, even the corners of his eyes burst open.

He couldn't imagine that the most important Gao Qian would say such words, the closed disciples are like his own sons, they are his last support in his later years, and he is also the mourner when he is buried.

How cruel would it be to be stabbed in the back by your own son?
Hua Wuque showed a rare look of indignation: "Is what you said true?"

Gao Qian said: "Of course it is true, if my younger brother speaks half a lie, let me die here immediately!"

He went on to say: "Even the Zi Wu Xin Xin San was given by my master, and I ordered my younger put it among the peaches."

Hua Wuqiao nodded, then stared at Tie Wushuang: "Senior Tie, now that the truth is out, what else do you have to say?"

At this time, Tie Wushuang was completely hopeless, and said with a sad smile: "The old man has nothing to say."

Then he raised his right hand and slapped his own Tianling Gai with a palm.

For Tie Wushuang, life is meaningless, it is better to die.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Biehe secretly smiled.

I didn't expect...


Something flew over suddenly from outside and hit Tie Wushuang's "Quchi Point".


The life-saving thing fell to the ground, and it turned out to be just a chicken leg bone.

Jiang Biehe was shocked and shouted, "Who?"


As soon as the words were finished, Chen Sheng walked in from the main entrance, chewing while walking.

After seeing him, everyone's expressions changed!Ouyang Ding was even more unbearable, the blood on his face disappeared completely.

Tie Wushuang asked in confusion, "Brother Xuanyuan? You also came to see me off?"

Chen Sheng shook his head: "There are indeed people who deserve to die here today, but it's not you Iron Hero..."

He locked on Gao Qian calmly, shot directly, and walked over to grab his neck.

Gao Qian had practiced martial arts for more than ten years, but he couldn't hide from Chen Sheng at all.

Chen Shengdao: "What did Gui Zi just say? If there is any lie, he will die here right away? You fucking think you are me, and you dare to swear casually?"

Gao Qian's eyes became bigger and bigger, but he couldn't speak or move his feet.

After finishing speaking, there was a "click", and his neck broke...

(End of this chapter)

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