From the sword of the third master

Chapter 106 The Divine Art Breaks the Divine Sword

Seeing that his disciple was killed by Chen Sheng, Tie Wushuang was both happy and heartbroken. Thinking of the little things they got along with in the past, he couldn't help crying.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Good death!"

But some people feel bad.

Hua Wuque was furious and yelled, "Evil gambler, why are you killing good people indiscriminately?"

Chen Shengdao: "What a fart, kid surnamed Hua, are you crazy? A teacher for one day and a father for life, he can even betray his own father. If he doesn't kill him, he can keep it for the New Year?"

"I think you are the one who is crazy!"

Hua Wuque drew the soft sword from his waist, and stabbed angrily.

This move was fast and ruthless, filled with anger, it should be the most severe blow in his life.

Chen Sheng had a cold expression, curling his lips.

Then a cold light poured out from the palm.

Like a meteor across the sky, and like a thunder blasting through the sky.


As the sparks flew in all directions, Hua Wuque's weapon was broken into seven or eight pieces, and the person was shocked to stagger back and fall down.

The proud man of heaven was so horrified that he was completely speechless.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that the evil gambler didn't try his best on the boat at all, but just played with him casually.

If someone came to the truth, he would have turned into a corpse long ago.

Chen Sheng withdrew his long sword and reprimanded: "Hua Wuque, the coincidences happened one after another tonight, don't you have doubts? Quickly use your brain, a woman made you like this, why are you out here to mess around? It's embarrassing."

Hua Wuque finally calmed down, his face thoughtful.

Chen Sheng warned again: "You are Lian Xing's apprentice, for her sake, I will endure it this time, if you dare to disrespect me next time, I... I will kill Tie Xinlan."


Hua Wuque: "..."

Next, Chen Sheng rummaged with his hands, took out a bank note from Gao Qian's sleeve, and showed it to everyone.

The amount of that bank note was terrifyingly large, 10 taels!

Tie Wushuang was surprised: "What a villain, where did he get so much money?"

Chen Sheng said: "Hey, we have to ask our hero Jiang Biehe, oh, and you, brother 'Luo Jiu'."

Ever since Master Chen appeared, Jiang Biehe remained silent, but Ouyang Ding's reaction was even stronger, with cold sweat dripping down his face.

Tie Wushuang is not stupid, he suddenly asked: "Could it be that they are all in the same group?"

"Yes. The person surnamed Jiang is the mastermind."

Tie Wushuang said: "But the old man has always taken good care of Jiang Biehe, and never neglected or cheated. Why did he want to harm me?"

Chen Shengdao: "Senior Tie is too kind. The so-called one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. In the entire Jiangnan area, if you are with Mr. Tie, can he be worthy of the name of 'Jiangnan Hero'?"

Chen Sheng said again: "Of course, there should be a deep-seated reason, and the person surnamed Jiang knows it well."

What other reason?
According to Chen Sheng's analysis, he may be "fulfilling his duty" and continuing to create chaos in order to supply the missing Dragon King with corpses.

Jiang Biehe finally opened his mouth and said, "Bloody spitting! Evil gambler, you can throw dirty water on me by just taking out a bank note?"

"Okay, let's talk slowly, and I promise to convince you to death."

Chen Sheng said: "Everyone, please take a look, this bank note is brand new, if you rub it with your hands, the ink can even be rubbed off."

Jiang Biehe said: "So what?"

Chen Shengdao: "10 taels of huge bank notes, and it was just issued, the bank that issued it must be very impressive. If the investigation continues, it will be clear at a glance who issued the ticket and who received it. Even if you, Jiang Biehe, did not come forward personally, Sooner or later, you will be found. Let me ask, why is your bank note in Gao Qian's hands? Don't deny it, this is the biggest evidence."

Jiang Biehe was startled, and the corners of his eyes began to twitch wildly.

To be honest, he never thought that things would be exposed, and it was inevitable to leave flaws.

Jiang Bie Hezui said firmly: "There is nothing wrong with wanting to commit a crime. I, Jiang, have a character known to the world, but you are a vicious gambler... Hmph, I have reason to suspect that maybe you took my banknote. They stole it and put it on Gao Qian, thus framing Goodness."


Chen Sheng smiled: "The surname is Jiang, I might as well ask you again, where are you at about a quarter of the ugly hour last night?"

Jiang Biehe's face changed greatly: "Where else can I be, sleeping on the bed."

Chen Shengdao: "That's weird. There is a Taoist temple in the western suburbs of Yangzhou. Who played the qin to the moon last night? Was it still "High Mountain and Flowing Water"?"

Jiang Biehe's back felt cold, he never thought that Chen Sheng was also there!
This man's martial arts are truly terrifying...

Jiang Biehe said: "I don't even understand what you're talking about. What Taoist temples, what playing the piano, there are so many similar people in the world, and it's midnight, what can you see clearly?"

"I can really see clearly."

Chen Shengdao: "You were wearing a black robe at the time, and the embroidery on it was the pattern of 'cotwig chrysanthemum and lotus tea'. There are three patterns of chrysanthemum, lotus, and camellia, right?"

Jiang Biehe: "..."

Chen Shengdao: "The other guqin, I remember there is a sign on the left side, it should be a sign like a workshop, it seems to be called 'Tingfengzhai', is that right?"

Jiang Biehe: "..."

Chen Sheng said: "Why don't we go now and search your house? Guizi, you won't burn your clothes and piano, right? If you really burn everything, I will admire you."

Jiang Biehe's eyes fluttered, and finally fell silent.

But it's not over!
Chen Sheng took out a few more portraits from his pocket, and handed them to Tie Wushuang: "Senior Tie, these are from your house who helped deliver the medicine, and the others were delivered from outside, you catch them all." Get up and interrogate, and the truth will be revealed."

Tie Wushuang exclaimed: "Brother Xuanyuan, you actually know how to draw?"

Chen Sheng was very modest: "A little bit."

"You shouldn't be judged by appearances, my brother is really... Neixiu."

Tie Wushuang discovered that those works were not made of brush and ink, but rather charcoal-like, with scum falling down.

He picked it up and flipped through it, but the more he looked at it, the more angry he became: "Okay, okay, Xiaodao? Old Song? Tie Zhu? They are all mine. It seems that the old man should give up the house and change it to Jiangzhai! Eh, Jiang Biehe , isn’t this your good brother Ma Biao? Back then, I told him about the marriage, the old man was really blind!”

When the portrait appeared, Jiang Biehe really took it seriously.

His face was ashen.

Hua Wuque has been listening to this until now, and then looking at Jiang Biehe's ashamed face, the truth is self-evident.

He got up from the ground and bowed deeply to the two.

"Senior Tie, Wu Que was wrong. I came here to make trouble without investigation. I hope you will forgive me...Mr. Xuanyuan, I'm sorry, your lord has a lot, don't be as knowledgeable as a child."

Tie Wushuang stroked his beard and laughed loudly: "My lord, you don't have to blame yourself. You were also deceived by the villain surnamed Jiang. If it were me, I would have to fight here too."

Chen Sheng nodded: "It's good to know what's wrong, be more careful next time, think about things first, don't be so impulsive."

Hua Wuque bowed again: "Yes, this junior remembers the instruction."

The three talked and talked, leaving the other two murderers aside as if they were all dead.

Ouyang Ding couldn't bear it any longer when he saw that the matter had been revealed, so he used his feet to jump out from the gate.

The hypocrite Jiang Biehe was even more cunning. He took aim at Ouyang Ding, but went in the opposite direction, intending to break through the back wall.

Chen Sheng suddenly said: "Want to leave? You two had better not move around. If you stay here, you can fall into a whole body. If you rush out, hehe."

Ouyang Ding was most afraid of death, so he immediately stopped and asked, "Is there an ambush outside?"

Chen Sheng said: "Listen..."


Someone outside started talking.

A sullen voice said: "Evil gamblers are so boring, why don't you let them escape."

A crunchy and sweet female voice said, "What are you doing running out to die?"

A slippery voice said: "Haha, brother Li is getting impatient, he must be very hungry."

A rough voice said: "Hey, I would rather eat shit than eat these two bastards, it's disgusting."

Finally, a cold voice said: "Whoever betrays his brother must be killed, no one can hide from him!"

Ouyang Ding was instantly out of his wits.

He fell limply to the ground, and even peed his pants in fright.

Jiang Biehe didn't dare to move any more, and said palely, "Yin Jiuyou, Tu Jiaojiao, Hahaer, Li Dazui, Bloody Hand Dusha, are the five villains here?"

Chen Sheng smiled and said, "Yes, you guys keep running?"

Ouyang Ding: "..."

Jiang Biehe: "..."

On the roof outside, where are the five villains?Only Xiao Yu'er was lying there by himself.

Xiao Yu'er lived with Du Sha and the others for more than ten years, and the imitation was so lifelike that no one could tell the flaws.

"Whoosh" sound.

Xiao Yu'er swung his arms and threw a big fat man into the living room. The fat man was covered with fat, and even the ground was shaken.

This person's acupuncture points were tapped and he couldn't move at all. He even winked at Ouyang Ding desperately, but he didn't know what to say.

It's a pity that Ouyang Ding has already collapsed at this time...

Tie Wushuang looked intently: "Luo San?"

Hua Wuque also wondered: "Who is this? They are so similar, could they be twins?"

Chen Sheng said: "You came here yesterday to pay your respects, have you ever seen this person greet guests outside?"

Hua Wuque shook his head: "The junior came earlier, so I didn't pay attention."

Chen Shengdao: "Oh, they are indeed twin brothers. One is Luo San and the other is Luo Jiu. They both belong to Jiang Biehe's gang. The second child helps buy medicine outside, and the eldest is at home as a domestic aid. Besides, one light and one dark are simply the best partners.”

Tie Wushuang scolded: "Those who are wolf-hearted, it's a shame that I treat them so well on weekdays."

Chen Sheng said: "No matter how nice you are to them, it's useless. The hearts of these two are colder than iron and more poisonous than snakes. Whoever touches them will have bad luck."

Tie Wushuang frowned and said, "Do they have other identities?"

"Seniors, you might as well guess. For decades, who are the most treacherous twin masters in the Jianghu?"

Tie Wushuang hadn't spoken yet, but Hua Wuque blurted out, "I'd rather die than suffer, and try my best to take advantage, brother Ouyang among the ten villains?"


"Ouyang Ding, Ouyang Dang?"

Tie Wushuang shuddered, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became: "These two have been lurking by my side a long time ago. It's really lucky. If my brother didn't make a move today, I wouldn't even know I was dead. Brother Xuanyuan, did you catch him in advance? "

Chen Sheng grinned and said: "Yes, I didn't catch him for long. Ouyang was hiding outside to watch the fun, but I picked him up by the way, haha."

Hua Wuque asked: "It's strange, you are also the top ten villains, why are brothers Ouyang so afraid of you?"

Chen Sheng shook the bank note.

Hua Wuque Bingxue was smart: "Because of the money? The two of them took your money?"

Chen Shengdao: "It should be called 'stealing'. Of course money is a good thing, but it can also make people crazy. In order to get it, husbands can abandon their wives, sons can kill their fathers, some people betray their brothers, some people betray their teachers door, and..."

Hearing this, Tie Wushuang couldn't help but sigh, isn't it his apprentice who betrayed his master?
As he spoke, Chen Sheng stuffed the banknote into his pocket.

Well, the action is very skilled.

Chen Sheng finally stared at Jiang Biehe, and planned to say "there's more" to reveal Jiang Biehe's background, but after thinking about it, he held back.

——Because in the original book, Xiao Yu'er didn't kill Jiang Biehe.

Faced with the enemy who killed his father and mother, after knowing the truth, Xiao Yu'er didn't do anything, but just abolished his martial arts.

And Yan Nantian is even more of a fool, to agree?
Such bloody feud, let it go if you say let it go?
It just doesn't make sense.

That being the case, let Lao Tzu give him a ride and go down to reunite with Jiang Yulang.

Chen Shengdao: "Jiang, did you commit suicide, or what?"

Jiang Biehe said indifferently: "Ants still cherish their lives, how can a person like me commit suicide? I always have to fight hard and pull someone away..."

As he spoke, he drew a dagger from his sleeve.

This short sword is only about a foot long, and it is dark in color, it is not known what material it is made of.

Chen Sheng's heart suddenly moved.

In the novel, Jiang Biehe seems to carry a magical weapon with him, which can cut iron like mud. Could it be this?
Chen Sheng said: "Sure enough, he is a hero. Hmph, there are three of us, who do you choose?"

Jiang Biehe gritted his teeth: "Evil gambler, you ruined my good deed, who else can I choose? I will choose you today!"



Jiang Biehe rushed over ferociously, with a flick of his wrist, he plunged straight into Chen Sheng's heart.Because he knew that he would not be spared today, he made a decisive and vicious attack, even at the expense of both of them!

Those who are not afraid of death are the most difficult to deal with.

Chen Sheng seemed to be intimidated by his aura, so he dodged around and couldn't even draw his sword.


Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

Jiang Biehe stabbed more than [-] swords in a row, and his movements slowed down because he had to breathe. Chen Sheng finally drew out his long sword and stabbed him in the chest.

But at this time, Jiang Biehe showed a sinister smile!
He did it on purpose.

Deliberately slow down and wait for your attack, then suddenly counterattack, use the sword to cut off the opponent's weapon, and finally kill back to the carbine, a fatal blow.

This is a very good plan, but also very vicious. Jiang Biehe has succeeded countless times.

Next, he really swung the sword, and used the upper stroke to cut Chen Sheng's straight stab.

However, the expected collision did not occur.

Chen Sheng also laughed.

With a twist of his wrist, he actually changed from a stab to a slap, perfectly avoiding the blade, and then hit the opponent's blade with the blade.


A terrible suction swept over, Jiang Biehe's right hand was empty, and the life-like sword was stuck away.

Count on count!
Use magic skills to break the sword!

"Do not……"

Like stepping off a cliff, or letting go of a loved one, Jiang Biehe's pupils dilated and he let out a pitiful scream.

next second.

Chen Sheng waved his arm, and the sword obediently flew towards Jiang Biehe, and with a strange twist, it circled around his neck.

Jiang Biehe paused for a moment.

There was a thin line of blood on his neck.

It looks like a red rope hanging from a little girl, the color is very festive.

The blood line suddenly enlarges, thickens, and spreads.

Jiang Biehe also collapsed, collapsed, collapsed.


He knelt down, and his eyes actually saw the sky...

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