From the sword of the third master

Chapter 109 This is the Three Killing Swords

Chapter 109 This is the Thirteen Deadly Swords
Deposit all the money that should be deposited, and exchange all the rest into bank notes.

After coming out of the room, Master Chen was satisfied.

He has five 10,000+ "pocket money" in his sleeves, and he is lazy, as if he has taken a hot bath and feels refreshed.

The female shopkeeper's eloquence is really good, and the service is very good. If we meet again in the future, we must take care of it.

Going outside to find the mount, Chen Sheng hurried back to the foothold.

On the other side of the abandoned house, Xiao Yu'er waited left and right, waiting until he was confused.

He looked sleepy: "Master, have you finished your work?"

"It's over."

Chen Sheng looked up at the sky, and urged: "Wake up quickly, let's start now, don't stop at night, go as far as you can."

Xiao Yu'er said: "Oh, how should Brother Ouyang deal with it?"

Chen Sheng had no expression on his face: "Let's go on the road, and they 'go on the road' too."

Xiao Yu'er was stunned for a while, as if he couldn't bear it: "Master, I think these two are pitiful, can you let go..."

"shut up!"

Chen Sheng reprimanded: "I ask you, what will happen to Tie Wushuang once these two traitors succeed? What will happen to everyone in the Iron Mansion? Everyone must die! Good people can do it, but don't do it." Be a good person."

He couldn't help it, and asked again: "If, I mean, if, if your father was also killed, how would you treat the murderer?"

Xiao Yu'er closed his mouth, his eyes were full of contradictions and struggles, but he didn't make a sound for a long time.

Chen Sheng: "..."

It's really rotten wood that can't be carved, and mud can't stick to the wall.

Fortunately, I had the foresight to kill Jiang Biehe in advance, otherwise I would really be mad.

Then they set off.

Before setting off, the Ouyang brothers had vanished from the world and went where they should go, and they could no longer do evil in this life.

The master and apprentice left Yangzhou and headed towards Shandong.

Xiao Yu'er drove the carriage, and suddenly said: "Master, I still can't figure it out, why did Yaoyue arrest me? And even if she caught me, she didn't kill me, but forced me to fight with Hua Wuque?"

Chen Sheng shook his head: "Maybe only she knows."

This mystery has yet to be solved.

——With Yaoyue's paranoid temperament, once the truth is leaked, what Xiao Yu'er faces is not "stalking", but chasing and killing, and Hua Wuque will be silenced immediately.

After all, Chen Sheng's energy was limited, and he couldn't take good care of the two children.

With his cultivation base, he can kill Yaoyue. At this time, Yaoyue has practiced at most the eighth level of Mingyu Divine Art, which is not considered invincible, but after killing him?How should I face Lian Xing?

It's better to wait, bear with it, follow the normal development of the plot, Yan Nantian will come out soon.


some evening.

Outside the long pavilion, beside the ancient road,
Because it had just rained, the heat outside was temporarily dissipated, and the weather was cool at this time, which was suitable for teaching martial arts.

Chen Sheng called Xiao Yu'er to his side: "Stinky boy, I was away a few days ago, have you been lazy in practicing?"

Xiao Yu'er's eyes lit up, and he quickly laughed and said, "Haha, master, you are finally going to teach me the sword art? Thank you."

Chen Sheng said: "It depends on the situation. If you are still in a mess, we will wait for the next life."

"Don't, I'll show you how to practice right away..."


Xiao Yu'er backed away, tossed and turned, and practiced boxing.

After nearly two years, he is finally not the frizzy guy he used to be, and has made great progress.

Chen Sheng could tell that Xiao Yu'er still practiced the things of the six villains, but the taste was completely new.

He removed the dross of all the moves and kept the essence, and actually split and merged the unique skills of the six people into a real boxing technique of his own.

Not fancy, not cumbersome, the shot is simple and clear, vigorous and vigorous.

The change in moves is gratifying, but what is even more gratifying is the deepening of skill!
Using the Five Absolute Magical Skills to build the foundation, Xiao Yu'er is definitely not comparable to the past. His stamina is long and his penetrating power is strong, which is infinitely close to that of a first-class master, and he has finally been completely reborn.

Chen Sheng smiled and said, "Very good, you practiced well."

Xiao Yu'er was full of anticipation: "Then can I learn how to sword?"


Xiao Yu'er's expression became extremely solemn, he bowed down suddenly, and kowtowed three times to Chen Sheng again.

True Inheritance is a person's lifeblood and the foundation of a person's foothold. This kind of kindness is greater than the sky. Xiao Yu'er knows what kind of benefits he will get, and his attitude is extremely pious.

Chen Sheng didn't speak, but stood up slowly. The moment he stood up, his whole person changed.

It's like a treasure buried deep in the sky.

It also seems that the eminent monk who has attained the Tao has an epiphany and is reborn.

In an instant, Chen Sheng took off all his disguises, no longer slick, playful, and rough, and became indifferent, ruthless, and aloof.

This is his true face.


The sword groaned like a dragon, stabbing lightly.

In order for Xiao Yuer to see clearly, he stabbed very slowly on purpose.

An ordinary straight stab, like a small river starting to flow, opened the prelude to the rush between understatements.

full of freedom.

Very happy.

After giving up with one sword, Chen Sheng stabbed out four more.

The river continued to rush forward, flowed through more places, absorbed more power, and became stronger and stronger.The river water was originally gentle and harmless, but at this moment it suddenly became murderous, and the world seemed to be full of murderous intent.


Thousands of horses run wildly.

Next, Chen Sheng swung seven swords.

The seven sword lights are like seven flying rainbows.

The river began to roar, and in the process of continuous accumulation, it has completed its transformation and turned into an amazing Yangtze River with thousands of miles.

The angry waves are surging, and the waves are going down to Kyushu.

The Yangtze River has destroyed everything on its way, broken all obstacles, and continues to spread and expand.

Chen Sheng kept dancing, stabbing out the No.13 sword.

The Wanli Yangtze River slowly quieted down, sweeping away the ferocious appearance of the past, endless and unfathomable, and gradually merged with the sky, from a baby to a giant, from small to magnificent.

Now its name is called the sea.

Bai Yuncanggou, the years are long, the sea embraces everything, and the sea is eternity.

No.14 sword!

A certain important moment came suddenly, waves surged up one after another, roars resounded through the sky, and the water surface was plunged into violent shocks.

When the giant was angry, the sky and the earth changed color.

No power can stand against the sea.

At this moment, the sea has finally completed its final accumulation, and is about to explode ruthlessly!The moment it erupts, it will surely bring about an irreparable disaster!
After all the power is assembled, the No.15 sword should be below, which is also the final blow that creates destruction.


There is no No.15 sword.

At this moment, Chen Sheng suddenly stopped his movements and looked at the little fish beside him.

He is like a giant Buddha, condescending, with disdainful eyes, as if occupying the whole world.

For some unknown reason, Xiao Yu'er's head was covered with cold sweat, and his eyes were full of fear.

so horrible.

Swords are terrifying, and people are even more terrifying.

It turns out that this is the true strength of Master!
Xiao Yu'er swallowed his saliva and stammered a bit: "Master, Master, what's the name of your sword technique?"

Chen Shengdao: "The Thirteen Swords of Death."

Xiao Yu'er said: "Thirteen swords to kill, but fourteen changes?"

Chen Sheng said without hesitation: "Yes."

——My apprentice knows that with his temperament, he is far less decisive than Tie Kaicheng back then, so don't even think about the No. 15 sword.

A soft-hearted person will never be able to practice the No.15 sword, and Chen Sheng will not take the initiative to teach it.

"It's amazing, it really is unparalleled in the world."

Xiao Yu'er was deeply shocked, and even got goosebumps all over his body.

Chen Sheng said: "Did you see all those sword moves just now?"

Xiao Yu'er said: "See clearly."

Chen Sheng said: "You first memorize the moves, the more familiar you are, the better. As for the later combinations and changes, I will tell you little by little."

Xiao Yu'er fully agreed, but said hesitantly: "Master, of course your swordsmanship is exquisite, but I always have a feeling that I still have something to say. Could it be that there is something behind... cough cough."

No wonder, this kid is really a prodigy in martial arts.

Chen Sheng glanced at him sideways: "Do you think I kept a secret on purpose?"

Xiao Yu'er was startled, and quickly waved his hands: "I don't mean that, Master, don't be angry."

Chen Shengdao: "There is indeed the last sword, but you have to comprehend that sword by yourself, it may take your whole life, and at the same time, there is a huge risk."

"What kind of risk?"


"..." Xiao Yu'er wiped off his sweat: "What if I realize it?"

"Either self-destruction, or the world is invincible."

Xiao Yu'er said: "Then Master has realized it now?"

With the sword in hand, Chen Sheng looked around at everything around him with long-distance eyes.

At this time, a wind suddenly blew up, and the wind descended from the Nine Heavens, passed over the treetops, and blew his clothes. It seemed that he wanted to go with the wind and escape into the world.

Chen Sheng's tone was light: "You ask too much."

(End of this chapter)

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