From the sword of the third master

Chapter 110 The Tiger and the Poison Woman

In Shandong, Jining.

A certain wilderness.

The master and apprentice stopped and walked, and finally settled down here for a short rest.

This place is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the environment is remote. It is a good place to practice swords.

Chen Sheng went around and was very satisfied with the result: "My dear boy, we will stay for two days at most, and we will leave immediately after two days, there must be no delay."

Xiao Yu'er nodded and said, "Oh."

"Don't be dazed, follow the old rules."

"The old rule is to build a fire, hunt, and build a shed?"

Chen Sheng said: "Yes, I will go find something to eat, and I will leave the rest to you. It's better to make the shed more spacious, and make a bed for me. Master is old and can't get cold."

Elders should have the style of elders, how can they do everything?
Xiao Yu'er suddenly turned shy, and coughed: "This disciple is also good at hunting, or let's change it, it seems like last time..."

Chen Sheng said: "Okay, definitely next time."

After speaking, he quickly ran away, running faster than a rabbit.


Xiao Yu'er looked at his back and muttered in his mouth, so he had no choice but to go to the side to cut down trees and collect a lot of vines to use as ropes.

It's easy to build a shed, but isn't it bullying to make a bed?
Fortunately, Xiao Yu'er also has an extra fast sword now, some small trees can be cut down in a few strokes, and it doesn't take much effort.

"Puff puff."


Xiao Yu'er has specific rules in his work. He likes to stab straight with his sword, then swing up to the left, chop down to the right, and use three consecutive strokes to chop down trees.

The so-called fist can't leave the hand, song can't leave the mouth, these three moves are the essence of this school's swordsmanship, the more you practice, the more delicious it will be.

After cutting down the tree and removing the excess branches and leaves, Xiao Yuer cleared an open space and started to build a shed.

Not long after he was busy, his face changed!

Xiao Yuer heard a voice behind him.

It was a panting sound, very low and heavy, it should belong to some kind of beast.

Xiao Yuer slowly twisted his neck and looked behind.


A fierce tiger with eye-catching eyes was already within two feet, and it was in a pouncing posture.Its shoulders were raised high, its limbs were pressed against the ground, and a strong stench suddenly wafted over.

This tiger is huge, with a pair of bloodthirsty eyes, bloodthirsty and violent, the little fish took a look at it, and even the pupils dilated!
It was the feeling of the soul being penetrated, which made the scalp tingle.

Xiao Yu'er has practiced kung fu in the Valley of the Evil since he was a child, and of course Xiao Yu'er has killed tigers before, but facing this one, he dare not fight at all.

Run as far as you can!

But people can't outrun tigers.

Xiao Yu'er was about to jump onto the tree, and then use lightness kung fu to fly continuously to throw off the opponent.

There was a pine tree in front of him, while Xiao Yu'er locked onto the tiger, he used his peripheral vision to find the location and looked up the treetop.


Unexpectedly, there was a giant standing on the top of the tree.

A giant of at least three hundred catties stood on a fragile branch, undulating slightly, but as stable as Mount Tai.

How terrible must this scene be?
This person was as black as a piece of coke, with crouching silkworm eyebrows, a generous face, and an extremely majestic figure.If the giant spirit god falls into the mortal world, it must look like him.

There was a giant in front, and a tiger in the back. Xiao Yu'er's heart was beating wildly, and she hastily stretched out her hand and drew her sword.


The giant's reaction was faster, and immediately threw out two cold lights.

Hit Xiao Yu'er's arm a little bit, and hit his throat a little bit, so that not only can the little fish not draw out the weapon, he can't even scream.

Xiao Yu'er had no choice but to dodge to the side.


The roar of the tiger was breath-taking, and a violent gust of wind hit the back of the neck. The tiger was actually cooperating with the giant's actions, forming a front and rear pincer attack.

Xiao Yu'er's face turned pale, and he could only roll over on the spot, using embarrassing methods to save his life.

His tumbling can be described as tricky, and he adopts different angles every time, sometimes to the left, sometimes to the right, dazzled the tiger, and couldn't help but stand there in a daze.

Xiao Yu'er finally found the right opportunity, stomped on the ground, and was about to fly away.


The giant suddenly fell from the sky, accurately blocking his way out, and at the same time, a cold iron palm greeted him.

The iron palm grew bigger and bigger in front of him, as fast as lightning.

Xiao Yu'er had no choice but to greet him with a punch.


The terrifying palm force instantly crushed Xiao Yu'er, his eyes stared like gold stars, he flew out and fell heavily on the ground.

The giant came to the side, put his hands on his neck, and lifted the little fish up.

In this way, Xiao Yu'er was finally captured, and calling for help became an extravagant hope.

The giant sneered, "My boy, you ran really fast from Yangzhou to Jining."

The corner of Xiao Yu'er's mouth was bleeding, and he struggled: "Your Excellency, who is Your Excellency?"

The giant asked, "What do you guess?"

Xiao Yu'er said: "Huge body, accompanied by ferocious beasts, aren't you the tiger in the twelve horoscopes, White Tiger?"


Bai Shanjun smiled and said: "You guessed it right, you have some knowledge."

Xiao Yu'er actually laughed too: "Your Excellency's complexion is obviously darker than the bottom of the pot, why do you have the nerve to be named Bai?"

Bai Shanjun sneered: "You are obviously like a dead dog now, how dare you call me Xiaoyuer?"

Xiao Yuer: "..."

Unexpectedly, this person is not only strong in martial arts, but also has such a powerful mouth!
Xiao Yu'er said: "My surname is Bai, you'd better let me go quickly, and give me a few more kowtows, otherwise when my master comes back, he will definitely tear you to pieces."

Bai Shanjun said: "Oh, just rely on Xuanyuan Sanguang? Evil gamblers do have two brushes, and their skills are strong enough, but..."

"But what?"

Bai Shanjun grinned and said: "But my mother-in-law has already made a move, she is very good at dealing with men, hehe."

Xiao Yu'er snorted: "Is your mother-in-law a woman?"


Xiao Yu'er said: "Then let me tell you, my master has a better way of dealing with women!"


the other side.

Chen Sheng was walking slowly along the stream, searching for prey.

The animals will inevitably need water, and it is not difficult to find food.Taking a [-]-step back, it doesn’t matter if you don’t get anything, it’s always possible to catch two fish.

Because he was bored, he sang in a low voice: "Beat the drums fast and play the gongs slowly, stop the gongs and sit the drums to listen to the singing, gentlemen, please sit in the hall and listen to my aria..."

Um? ?

At this moment, something suddenly floated in the stream, small and red, it was actually a woman's embroidered shoe.

Chen Sheng frowned.

In the wilderness, how could there be such a thing in the water?

As a result, in the blink of an eye, a square handkerchief went down the water again and passed in front of him again.

Judging from the material and workmanship, these two things are very valuable, and the owner must be from a wealthy family, and obviously a woman.

Unavoidably, Mr. Chen would be curious, so he hurriedly searched upstream.

Unexpectedly, the bottom is even more outrageous, things are still floating in the water one after another, such as white socks, wooden hairpins, beautiful long skirts, exquisite little clothes, and so on.

Chen Sheng's expression became very strange.

Countless scenes ran through my mind.

Could it be... cough cough.

The stream continued to meander, turning a corner ahead, and the road suddenly opened up.


There is a big tree in the distance, which looks like a sycamore tree. There is a hunting net hanging on the sycamore tree, and a woman is calling for help inside.

This woman is about 30 years old, she looks charming, dignified with charm, and charm with innocence, she is actually a rare beauty.

Because she threw away all her close-fitting clothes, one can imagine her state.

Seeing Chen Sheng appearing, the woman was in a hurry, she quickly shrunk herself into a ball, her face was blushing.

"Brother, please, help me."

Chen Sheng rolled his eyes and walked over cautiously: "Ma'am, you lost everything in the water?"

The woman nodded: "Yes."

Chen Shengdao: "Madam is really smart to think of using this method to save herself and attract the attention of passers-by."

The woman shyly said: "The concubine was also forced to do nothing. It is a coincidence that this net bag hangs the concubine."

Chen Sheng said: "It's really a coincidence."

The woman said: "Then can you help me and let me go down? I have a jade bracelet on my body, and I will give it to the eldest brother as a reward later."

Chen Shengdao: "May I ask Madam what's your name?"

The woman said: "My concubine's husband's family name is Bai, you can call me Mrs. Bai."

Mrs. Bai?
Chen Sheng smiled: "Don't worry about the reward, I think it's pretty cool up there, or can you hang around for a while longer?"

Mrs. Bai was taken aback, as if she was very angry: "Brother, what is the meaning of this, the concubine is in such a mess, you have no compassion!"

Chen Shengdao: "I definitely have compassion, but... I'm afraid."

Mrs. Bai said: "Brother looks like he is wearing a sword. He should be from the martial arts world. People from the martial arts world are supposed to be brave. I am a mere weak woman, and I am in this state. What are you afraid of?" of."

Chen Sheng said: "How can a weak woman appear in the wilderness?"

Madam Bai bit her lip, and her face became even redder: "This place is not far from the official road. I originally walked along the official road and planned to go back to my mother's house to visit relatives. As a result, in a moment of urgency, I..."

Chen Sheng suddenly realized, and was a little embarrassed: "Madam came here in a hurry, and then accidentally stepped on a trap, and was caught by the hunter's big net, right?"


Chen Sheng said: "It's my villainous heart, Madam, don't blame me."

Madam Bai showed her face and said, "You can't blame big brother. Of course you have to be more cautious when walking in the rivers and lakes. There are still bad people outside."

"Yes, yes, I will let you down immediately."

"Thank you bro."

At this moment, there was a loud howl of a tiger in the distance, which made Chen Sheng's face change slightly.

"Is there a tiger? Then I have to hurry up."

Mrs. Bai was also terrified, and hurriedly said: "Tiger? Then... you must hurry up, tigers are more terrifying than bad guys, they can eat people."


Chen Sheng took out a copper coin from his sleeve, flicked it with his hand, "Whoosh!"
The copper coin flew out, hit the target accurately, and cut the rope.

His technique was quite beautiful, but he was extremely stupid from the back, and he failed to catch Mrs. Bai. She screamed and hit the ground, she fell to tears and didn't move for a long time.

I don't know why, although Mrs. Bai is in pain, there is joy in her eyes, as if the fall was quite comfortable!

Chen Sheng said apologetically: "Oh, I'm sorry. As the saying goes, men and women can't kiss each other, Madam should get up by herself."


Mrs. Bai struggled. She unfastened her net bag, and while she was covering up, she hummed and groaned. When she stepped outside, she seemed to be unable to stand firmly, so she plunged into Chen Sheng's arms.

Faced with this kind of situation, most people would subconsciously hug him, and Chen Sheng was no exception.

Here and now, an astonishing change happened!

Madam Bai used her bending down as a cover, and suddenly she shot like lightning, and hit his "Qihai acupoint" with one finger.


Master Chen immediately fell to the ground, his eyes full of horror: " this a trap? What a vicious woman."


Like a little fox who stole an egg, Mrs. Bai burst out laughing, so happy.

"Evil gambler, you still have today! Even the shrewdest man has to drink my mother's footwashing water, hee hee."

Chen Sheng said: "Who are you?"

Mrs. Bai was proud: "Did you hear the tiger barking just now? I didn't lie to you. My husband's family name is indeed Bai. He is a very famous man in Jianghu."

Chen Sheng moved his eyes and blurted out: "Tiger Bai Shanjun? Are you his wife, the 'horse' in the twelve astrology?"

Mrs. Bai said: "Yes."

Chen Sheng sneered and said: "It is said that the tiger is still a man, but is he his wife, hmph."

Mrs. Bai said, "What's wrong with me?"

Chen Shengdao: "It is said that you are a slut. You have a good house but you don't live in it. You have to live in a hut, and you like to be tied up with chains. The more others beat you, the happier you are."

Mrs. Bai was stunned: "I didn't expect that the news of vicious gamblers is so well-informed, so what? Everyone has their own way of life. I like living in a straw hut, and I like being beaten."

Chen Sheng: "..."

Well, he has nothing to say except shit.

"Damn bitch, how are you going to deal with me?"

Looking at his figure, Mrs. Bai couldn't help but raise her mouth: "It's a pity to kill you casually. Before we 'break up', I have to try something new."

With that said, she was about to sit down.

Chen Sheng smacked his lips and said: "It's really a pity. Since you are here, the tiger must not be too far away. If it's not for time constraints, I would be happy to accompany you. But my apprentice may be in danger, and he can't wait."

After being hit on the acupuncture points, he should not be able to move, but Chen Sheng stood up as if nothing happened.


Madam Bai's face changed!

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