From the sword of the third master

Chapter 112 The price of growth

Chapter 112 The price of growth

Yaoyue urged: "What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up!"

"Oh yes."

Growing up under Yaoyue's wings, Yaoyue is both Lianxing's elder sister and her "mother". Even if she has every wish in her heart, she can only obey.

Lian Xing quickly passed by, and reminded: "Evil gamblers, look at the palm."

"Two crazy women, are you being reasonable?"

Chen Sheng greeted him with a wave of his palms, and with a "snap", he was shocked back three or four steps, turned his head and ran away, cursing.

"Where to go?"

"I am a good man and don't fight with women. Goodbye."

Lian Xing is very clever, so he naturally understood what Master Chen meant, and chased after him.The two of them fought and stopped tacitly, but the fight got farther and farther away, and they were out of Yaoyue's sight.

Yaoyue would not dare to participate in the siege of a man with "smell" on him, as that would only get her hands dirty.

She glanced at the sky and suddenly became anxious.

"Lian Xing, I'll take a step first and go after Xiao Yu'er. After you kill this thief, join me quickly."

After speaking, she shook her sleeves and disappeared into the jungle.


The two continued to fight, Chen Sheng accurately grabbed Lian Xing's little hand, pulled her into his arms, and laughed loudly.

"Ma'am, what made you and I meet again?"

Lian Xing put on a straight face: "I think it's Nie Yuan."

"Isn't evil fate also fate? Hahaha."

Chen Sheng finished laughing and continued: "Is the candied fruit I left for you last time delicious? Is it sweet?"

Lian Xing said: "Sour, it's so sour, it's not sweet at all."

The last time Chen Sheng left without saying hello, Lian Xing felt somewhat resentful.On second thought, however, it might have been the best way to say goodbye, and she let it go.

Lian Xing didn't hold back, and said with a chuckle: "I heard you haven't showered for half a month?"

Chen Sheng said: "How is it possible, I'm a fastidious person, why don't you hear it? It's okay to try it."

After all, they have been together day and night, Lianxing naturally knows the real situation, and wanted to make an anecdote, but after hearing the next few words, he hit him, lightly.



Chen Sheng looked at the direction where Yaoyue was leaving, and frowned, "Your sister just left?"

Lian Xing said: "Otherwise? She has a quick temper, so naturally she wants to chase Xiao Yu'er."

Chen Sheng shook his head: "That's not right. It's a life-and-death matter for my own sister to fight against others, but the elder sister doesn't care about it, and instead chases an outsider when she has time, it's inevitable for her..."

As the saying goes, "We can't be close to each other", if we continue to talk about it, it will inevitably be suspected of provoking, so Chen Sheng shut his mouth.

Yaoyue is famous for being vicious and ruthless, so what is her own sister worth in order to achieve her own goals?
Lian Xing is used to it: "Oh, my sister is cold-tempered, that's what she is. Besides, you, a vicious gambler, are not a big threat, and you can't do me any harm."

Chen Sheng stared and said: "My master can't do you any harm? Who are you scolding? Come on!"

After speaking, I started to do it.

Lianxing struggled in fright: "What are you doing? I have to hurry up and chase my sister, I don't have time to mess around with you."

Chen Sheng said: "No, I have to prove myself."

Lianxing looked at the environment, bit her lip and said, "But it doesn't seem suitable here."

Chen Sheng had been prepared for a long time, and said with a smile: "If there is no condition, create a condition. Madam, please, let's go up the tree."


After Lian Xing left, Chen Sheng thought for a moment, then suddenly got on his horse and galloped away.

Wei Wuya is a cunning and scheming traitor, he is by no means a cheap lamp, and Guishan is his territory, taking advantage of the right time and place, Yaoyue and Lianxing rushing over to ask for someone, may be a big stumble.

Yaoyue is dead when she dies, and her wife can't pay for it!

Chen Sheng has already killed several of the Twelve Astrology, so it doesn't matter if there is one more, let him do it in advance and send Old Wei to the west.

Next, Chen Sheng rushed to Hubei, traveling day and night.

This time he didn't save his strength, and bought the horse again when he was tired. Anyway, he had money in his pocket.


Guishan Mountain is in Hanyang Prefecture. It is about [-] Zhang from east to west, and the highest point is only about [-] Zhang. Compared with those famous mountains and rivers, it is only a very small mountain, and it can't even be called "tall".

However, although Guishan is small, it faces the Han River on one side and the Yangtze River on the other. It has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times.

Late at night, midnight.

The river flows slowly, and the Guishan Mountain under the night is surrounded by jungle, which looks very mysterious and somewhat gloomy.

Chen Sheng put on his night clothes and touched it quietly.

Not far away, there were actually two women standing on a quiet path, looking from the back, they looked like Yaoyue and the others.

Chen Sheng was inevitably a little surprised.

It's strange, I haven't slept much on the road recently, can they be faster than me?
What's even more strange is that these two people didn't move or breathe!
Chen Sheng slipped past and found that their bodies and faces matched each other, but they were not living people.Gently tap it with your hand, judging from the tactile sensation, it seems to be something like clay sculpture, which has been specially treated to make it extremely hard.


What did Wei Wuya mean by placing the clay sculptures of Yaoyue and Duo on his territory?
Is it a nostalgia?
Chen Sheng didn't think about it for a while, so he continued to walk forward. As a result, the bottom became more exaggerated, and more and more clay sculptures appeared impressively.

There are all kinds of clay sculptures in various places.

Not only are there Yaoyue and Lianxing, but Wei Wuya himself also made a splendid appearance and participated in it himself.

Having been famous in the Jianghu for decades, what is Wei Wuya's appearance?
Leaving aside the disability on his body, this man looks like a big mouse, and it is the kind that has been crushed by feet and then sewn up again. Anyone who looks at it will feel cold all over, and might even spit it out.

As for those clay sculptures...

It's all Yaoyue and Lianxing trying to curry favor with him!

Some greeted them with smiling faces.

Some groveled.

Some wash their feet and feed them.

There are so many more, it is simply unsightly.

What the hell!

Wei Wuya is a dead BT, if the Yaoyue sisters saw these things, wouldn't they go crazy?

How dare to insult his own woman, Chen Sheng nodded and smiled.

He speeded up and entered the mountain, and his actions became more and more careful.

It may be because Wei Wuya's reputation is too terrifying, no one dares to come over to cause trouble, the defense on the mountain is not strict, but a bit lax.

Relying on his extraordinary skills, Chen Sheng quickly dragged out a secret whistle from the haystack, first hit acupuncture points, and then tightened his neck.

The dark whistle looked cold and stern, and said through gnashing of teeth: "Who are you? You are so daring!"

Chen Sheng inserted his other hand and directly crushed his shoulder blade.


Anshao's eyes widened, his entire facial features distorted in an instant.

Chen Sheng said indifferently: "Don't care who I am, I ask you a question, you answer, do you understand?"

Anshao squeezed out two words from his throat: "Hugh, think."

Chen Sheng said: "Yes, I like hard bones the most, you'd better stick to it, let's play slowly."

Anshao showed a strange smile, grinning and said: "Corporal Wu Yamen, you can kill but not humiliate..."

Chen Sheng's face changed, and he found that this person was bleeding suddenly from the corner of his mouth, and his body became stiff very quickly.

Pinch the mouth open to see that the kid's back molars are missing one, and some kind of poison has been stuffed in advance. If there is any difficulty that can't be overcome, just bite the thing, and people can commit suicide.

Very convenient.

Chen Sheng wasn't discouraged either. If he died, he would die. Anyway, there will be another one.

After his cross-examination, the secret whistle had actually peed his pants, and he was not as tough as he appeared on the surface.The reason why he chose to commit suicide was probably because he didn't dare to face Wei Wuya's revenge. Old Wei was a famous ruthless person, with extremely cruel methods and harsh treatment of his subordinates.

Chen Sheng continued to search forward.

Not long after, he found another secret whistle from another crypt, pulled it out suddenly, and strangled his neck.

This secret whistle seemed a little scared: "..."

Chen Sheng said: "I ask, you answer, understand?"

Anshao swallowed his saliva, and said with a miserable smile: "Corporal Wuyamen, you can kill him..."


Chen Sheng punched him on the bridge of the nose so hard that stars appeared in his eyes, and then he used his index finger to poke and hook the pill out of his mouth.

Seeing that the last barrier had been lost, Anshao's face turned pale.

Chen Sheng scolded: "It can be killed but not humiliated, right? I will humiliate you!"

The secret whistle struggled: "The good man spares his life, don't kill me, the villain promises to say everything he knows, and he can say everything."

Chen Sheng was very satisfied with his attitude: "Where is Wei Wuya?"

The secret whistle said: "Shanzhu? His old man is practicing in seclusion."

"It's useless to say less, what I'm asking is the exact location, what direction, which house."

"The little guy doesn't know."

"Okay, you have the guts."

Chen Sheng made another move and punched him heavily in the lower abdomen.This dark whistle was not as good as the previous one, tears and snot all came down, and of course he urinated faster.

The secret sentry begged for mercy: "Brother, forgive me, I really don't know. The place where the mountain master practices kung fu is a secret, let alone a villain, even the direct disciples of the mountain master don't know."

Chen Sheng said: "Really?"

Anshou said: "I can swear to God!"

"Then how long does it usually take for Wei Wuya to come out after retreating to practice?"

"The shortest is half a month, and the longest is about half a year."

Chen Sheng asked suspiciously, "How long has he disappeared?"

"Just what happened yesterday."


Wei Wuya didn't retreat sooner or later, but chose to hide at this juncture, could it be because Bai Shanjun sent Xiao Yu'er to him?
If Mr. Bai Shan was fast enough, and traveled day and night like himself, and even if it was a little more difficult, it was very possible to arrive yesterday.

Chen Sheng asked again: "Was Mr. Baishan come to Guishan yesterday?"

The whistle said: "Come here."

"Has he brought a child?"

"Yes, that little brother seems to have been injured, and now he is recuperating in the canyon behind the mountain. The canyon is the forbidden area of ​​our sect, and Miss Su's residence."

"Su Ying?"


Chen Sheng nodded. It seems that fate is predestined by the heavens, and no one can hide from it.


the other side.

When Mr. Chen was pressing Anshao, his disciple Xiao Yu'er was lying on the couch humming, accompanied by a young girl.

This young girl is about sixteen or seventeen years old, with lively eyebrows and a face like peaches and plums, she is also a rare beauty.What's even more strange is that there is a kind of coldness between her brows, which is somewhat similar to Yaoyue and Lianxing.

Xiao Yu'er yelled, "Miss Su."

"what happened again?"

"My back hurts, rub it for me."

The girl frowned and said, "You were injured by the internal force of Lord Baishan. If it hurts, it should be chest pain. How could something go wrong later?"

Xiao Yu'er's eyes rolled wildly: "Of course the chest hurts, but the back...was caused by a fall."

"Okay, I'm afraid of you, so hurry up and turn over, I'll rub it for you."

"Thank you."

Xiao Yu'er hurriedly turned over, and even lifted the back flap, so that it is more convenient to do it, and there is no hindrance, hehe.

The girl's hands were soft and gentle.

"how do you feel?"

Xiao Yu'er grinned, bared his teeth and said, "Heavier, a little to the left."

The girl was very patient: "Okay, okay, I will listen to you."

As a result, after rubbing, Xiao Yu'er's waist really hurt, as if scalded by boiling water, and it tended to spread, and soon spread to the whole body, causing him to roll all over the floor in pain.

Xiao Yu'er said in amazement: "Miss Su, what did you do to me?"

The girl said: "It's nothing, just a little medicine, you'll be fine after two or three days of pain."

"Two or three days?!"

Xiao Yu'er begged for mercy while rolling: "I was wrong, Miss Su, please forgive me, please."

The girl pursed her lips, and said calmly: "But you, a brat, dare to tease this girl? You go on, I like watching monkey shows."

Xiao Yu'er cried: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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