From the sword of the third master

Chapter 113 What a Weak Woman

After Wei Wuya received Xiao Yuer, he suddenly disappeared. What was he planning?
According to Chen Sheng's analysis...

In fact, there is no need to analyze, it is nothing more than hiding in the dark and plotting, planning to kill the Yaoyue sisters and avenge their broken legs back then.Or even darker, take them all into the harem and be the bridegroom yourself.

This is what ugly people do.

Chen Sheng had already thought of a way to deal with it, and immediately went to find Xiao Yu'er.

In the shade of Guishan Mountain, there is indeed a valley hidden.

The environment here is different. There are relatively few trees, but it is full of flowers. All kinds of flowers, some of which do not even belong to the current season, are amazing.

The sea of ​​flowers spread far away, and the fragrance became stronger and stronger.

Chen Sheng sneaked all the way, and finally saw several exquisite bamboo buildings, which were hidden in the place with the strongest fragrance.

Under the shadow of the moon, on the shore of the clear spring, there are several white deer eating together, and a group of cranes are playing and wandering leisurely.

Tsk tsk, it's so beautiful, is this place a world or a paradise?
Chen Sheng suddenly thought of a question: it's all over, and the animals don't go to sleep, so why come out to roam around?
Just when he was hesitating, an old scalper suddenly passed by, chattering.


The posture of the old scalper is quite weird, and there is an obvious "frustration" in walking. If you look closely, it looks like it is made of wood, not a living thing at all.

Wooden cattle and horses? !
Chen Sheng: "..."

In the original book, Su Ying seemed to be proficient in mechanics and an inventor, but she didn't expect to be so powerful, and it was too exaggerated.

Chen Sheng went to the front to identify them, and found that those white deer and cranes were all fake, they were all made by hand, they were made lifelike, and they could move around.

This girl is a genius, incredible.

After making sure that there were no secret whistles around, Chen Sheng searched for lights and sneaked into the largest bamboo building.

The bamboo building is clean and cool. The entrance is full of various wooden frames, all of which are tools such as knives and saws, and there are also a large number of carved wood parts, such as wings, eyes, joints, and so on.

Chen Sheng went to the back and quietly opened the curtain.

This room is relatively neat, there are not so many things, Xiao Yu'er is locked in a huge iron cage, with a sad face.

"Sister, no, ancestor, can you let me go?"

A young girl smiled at the side, and said sweetly: "Good boy, you need to choose a good place to heal your wounds. I think this place is good. Wait until next year, and I will definitely let you out next year."

"next year?"

Xiao Yu'er yelled: "Damn girl, next year I will be squatting badly? You are so cruel at such a young age, I don't know who you learned from."

The girl said: "You don't need to ask, of course it's with Wei Wuya, the old mountain master Wei."

Xiao Yuer: "..."

Well, the people around Wei Wuya, who is not a vicious person, how could he be deceived by lard, and still think she is so cute?
As a result, after teasing a few words, he became a prisoner, alas.

No matter how Xiao Yu'er scolded, the girl was not angry.

After all, she is a winner, so keep her self-restraint.

Xiao Yuer cursed and cursed, looked ahead, and suddenly laughed loudly: "Master? I knew you would come to save me, girl surnamed Su, you are finished, hahaha!"

The girl didn't pay attention to him at all, and didn't look back: "You want to lie to me? I think you haven't suffered enough..."

A voice said, "He didn't lie to you this time."

The girl's complexion changed slightly, and she turned around immediately.

I saw that the figure of the comer was as tall as a mountain, his eyebrows were like knives, and his eyes were like lightning, he looked wild.

The girl tentatively asked: "Could it be evil...Mr. Xuanyuan has arrived?"

Chen Sheng said: "Yes, you are Su Ying, Wei Wu Ya's adopted daughter?"

Su Ying was taken aback, and took two steps back: "You actually know my origin, and even broke into Guishan Mountain single-handedly, as if you entered no one's land, it seems that the rumors are so wrong, sir, it is hidden very deeply."

Chen Sheng said with a smile: "Miss Su, don't be afraid, I have no malicious intentions, please open the cage, I will take Xiao Yu'er away."

Xiao Yu'er shouted from behind: "Master, what are you talking to her about, kill this girl quickly!"

You kid don't even want a wife?

Chen Sheng said: "Shut up, I still need you to teach me how to do things."

After being trained by the master, Xiao Yuer hurriedly smiled.

Xiao Yu'er has only seen the world since he learned the Thirteen Swords of Death, and now Chen Sheng is already a god-like figure in his eyes, so naturally he dare not disobey.

After repeated confirmation, Su Ying found that the other party's expression was very open, so she nodded.

If someone wanted to kill herself, she would have died just now.

"I don't really want to lock up Xiao Yu'er, but just to punish him for being naughty. Now that my husband is here, I'll let him go."

"Thank you."

"You don't have to be polite, sir. Xiao Yu'er was innocent when he was caught in Guishan."


Chen Sheng asked again: "It is rumored that Wei Wuya has retreated, do you know the exact location?"

Su Ying shook her head: "Wei Shanzhu's whereabouts are erratic, and his hiding place is very secret, let alone the younger generation, I'm afraid no one in Guishan will know about it."

Chen Sheng said: "Alright then, you can come with us later."

Su Ying suspected that she had heard it wrong: "What, why go together?"

Chen Shengdao: "Let me ask you, did Wei Wu Ya raise you up with good intentions or malicious intentions?"


The other party actually explained the deepest fear in her heart in one word, it was simply unimaginable, Su Ying's expression changed suddenly, and she was completely speechless.

Chen Sheng said: "Smart people don't need to talk too much, you can understand it naturally, choose to go with us, this is your best chance to escape from danger. Miss Su, don't worry, I don't plan anything, after walking out of Guishan, you love to go Where to go."

Su Ying said: "Sir, you want to take action against Wei Shan?"

Chen Sheng said: "Of course, this traitor offends me, how can I just let it go, I'm a narrow-minded man."

Xiao Yu'er had been patient for a long time, and finally interjected: "Master, how are you going to deal with Wei?"

Chen Sheng's tone was very calm: "Oh, he can't come out from hiding, I plan to settle you down, and then come back and set the fire."

Set fire to a mountain?

Xiao Yu'er was extremely happy to hear it, and laughed loudly: "Haha, Master, you are really poisonous... No, you are wise enough!"

Chen Sheng turned to look at Su Ying: "Miss, have you made up your mind?"

Su Ying's heart was pounding wildly, even her lips turned white.

This is indeed the greatest opportunity in this life, she can't help but be tempted, once out of the clutches of the devil, in the future, the sea will be wide and the sky will be high for birds to fly.

Su Ying gritted her teeth: "Okay, I'll go with you."

Chen Sheng said with a smile: "Then pack up your things quickly, let's go on the road at night, don't wait until dawn."



Just as Su Ying packed some clothes, Chen Sheng twitched his ears, frowned and said, "Someone is here, and the skill is not bad? Let's hide first."


Xiao Yu'er reacted very quickly, quickly got into the iron cage, and lay down on the ground by the way.

Chen Sheng: "..."

Su Ying didn't know martial arts, so she didn't hear it at all, so her expression was a little dazed.

Chen Sheng comforted: "Girl, don't be afraid, do whatever you want, don't let the other party see it, there is a chance to warn you."

Su Ying nodded: "This junior understands."

After Chen Sheng finished speaking, he flew to the beam.

The footsteps outside were soft.

The door curtain suddenly moved, and a thin man flashed into the room.

This person has a big aquiline nose, wears sackcloth, a high crown on his head, and a pair of cold eyes like two will-o'-the-wisps.

Su Ying seemed to be very scared, she forced a smile and said, "Elder brother?"

The man in sackcloth said lightly: "Yes."

Su Ying moved her hand and pressed on the wall.


There was a sound of water on the bookshelf on the side. After the sound of water, the bookshelf separated from the left and right, and a small wooden figure actually slid out from behind holding a teacup!

Su Ying said: "Eldest brother, the weather is hot recently, so I won't make tea. This iced sour plum soup is just right, and it's acceptable for hospitality. You should try it."

The man in linen nodded and said, "Sour plum soup is good."

He said it was good, but he didn't do anything, and fell into a strange silence, his face was terribly gloomy.

Su Ying accompanied Xiaoxin: "Brother came late at night, didn't taste anything, didn't say a word, what advice do you have?"

The man in sackcloth finally said, "The old man is in seclusion."

Su Ying said, "And then?"

The man in sackcloth stared at her pretty face: "The enemy is coming, the old man has no time to control us now, so... I want to take you away!"

Su Ying took half a step back, paled and said, "Wei Mai, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Wei Maiyi said: "Oh? Could it be that senior brother usually treats you badly?"

Su Ying didn't say anything.

However, Wei Maiyi became excited, and his chest couldn't stop heaving: "I just can't understand it, he is an old guy who is about to die, his legs are still disabled, why should he lock you up? He raised you just to treat you as a Yaoyue's substitute, in two years, he might marry you, do you think you can escape?"

Su Ying's face turned red with anger: "Shut up!"

Wei Maiyi said: "I don't think so, think about it, what did I say wrong?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yu'er, who was pretending to be asleep, was so shocked that his eyelids fluttered and he almost froze.

It's too messy, too scary, Miss Su is so pitiful!
Wei Maiyi continued: "Su Ying, I have liked you for ten years, and I have endured the old man for ten years. This great opportunity is not to be missed. You pack up immediately and follow me."

Su Ying shook her head vigorously.

Wei Maiyi changed color and said, "What? You don't want to?"

Su Ying said: "Yes, because I don't like you, a twisted melon is not sweet."

Wei Maiyi jumped over in an instant and grabbed her hand: "Why don't you like me? I'm good-looking and have a gentle temper!"

Xiao Yuer: "..."

Chen Sheng: "..."

Su Ying said: "Indeed, the elder brother is too good, and the younger sister Pu Liu's appearance is probably not good enough for you."

Wei Maiyi's facial features were distorted, and he said ferociously: "Bitch, don't tell me you already have a girlfriend? Tell me, which junior brother is it? I'll kill him right now."

Su Ying shook her head: "I don't have a girlfriend."

"Then why won't you come with me?"

"Brother, do you really want to listen to the truth?"

"You said."

Su Ying said: "Okay, what have you done in Jianghu, Wei Maiyi, who is 'death to life'? How much gold and silver have you robbed? How many women have you harmed? You are dirtier than a pig and more poisonous than a snake. Makes me sick!"

Wei Maiyi was speechless as if struck by lightning.

He calmed down slowly, and said coldly: "I'm disgusted? Well, you don't want to go with me, then I will go by myself and leave this ghost place."

Su Ying said: "Please go ahead."

Wei Maiyi said: "But before I leave... Humph, even if I don't get your heart, I want to get your people..."

Su Ying turned pale with shock, and said in horror, "Are you crazy?"

"Jie Jie Jie."

Wei Maiyi laughed wildly and said, "Yes, I have been crazy since the first time I saw you ten years ago! Although the twisted melon is not sweet, it also quenches your thirst!"

After speaking, he went to tear up Su Ying.

Xiao Yu'er couldn't bear it anymore, and sat up from the cage: "Your surname Wei bullies even women, are you human?"

Wei Maiyi turned his face and said, "Little devil, are you still alive?"

Xiao Yu'er scolded: "I'm only 16 years old, younger than you, when your whole family is dead, I can still walk like flying, and pee on your grave."

Wei Maiyi said: "Dare to scold me? Very good, then I will deal with them one by one, kill you first, and then deal with Su Ying..."

When Wei Maiyi was distracted, Su Ying suddenly raised her other hand and aimed at him.


Hidden arrows.

The blue sleeve arrow.

Wei Maiyi was taken aback, quickly let go of Su Ying, and fell backwards with the iron bridge kung fu, narrowly avoiding the fatal blow.He can dodge within a short distance, his reaction is simply exaggerated.

The sleeve arrow brushed against his chest, and Wei Maiyi took advantage of the situation to do a back roll.

"Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!"

Below, Su Ying fired four arrows in a row, forcing him to keep retreating, getting closer and closer to the wall.

Wei Maiyi's martial arts are top-notch, but because the Xiujian is specially made, its speed is extremely fast, and it seems to be poisonous, so he can only avoid the edge temporarily.

Su Ying stretched out her hand somewhere and patted it.


The wall at the back suddenly opened, and a second wooden man appeared, this time it was not a tea-serving man, and it held a sharp knife in its hand, and it slashed at the back of Wei Maiyi's head.

"When, when did you have..."

Unexpectedly, Wei Maiyi could only dodge to the right side in shock, and with a "poof", his left arm was cut off and fell to the ground.


While the blood was being spattered, Wei Maiyi finally won time. He screamed and drew a fast sword from his back, and charged towards Su Ying.

A weak woman who doesn't know martial arts, and she saw blood, Su Ying can still maintain her composure.

Su Ying raised her arm and shot three more sleeve arrows, but Wei Maiyi accurately shot them down one by one.

"Bitch, you are dead today!"

"Is it?"

Seeing that Wei Maiyi was getting closer and closer, and the sharp sword light pierced her throat, Su Ying didn't even move, and suddenly looked down at the ground.

"Three, two, one."

She seemed to be counting the big blue bricks on the floor, and when she counted to "one", Wei Maiyi happened to rush nearby and stepped on the very center of a floor tile, and Su Ying just happened to twist her backhand behind her back.

With just one step away, Wei Maiyi could stab Su Ying to death.



The green brick unexpectedly moved to the side, revealing a big hole, Wei Maiyi's body was suspended in the air, and suddenly fell down.


Below is a series of "whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh" sounds, which are frightening to hear.

After a while, the cave was quiet again.

Only then did Su Ying breathe out a long breath, showing a reassuring smile.

Everything happened too fast and too short.

Xiao Yu'er bravely jumped out of the iron cage, stretched out his head, and found that the surname Wei was already dead, stabbed to death by dozens of short guns, and turned into a hedgehog.

This man was bloody and bloody, and died a terrible death.


Chen Sheng jumped back to the ground, but was also speechless for a long time.

The soul of the field controller hasn't done anything yet, and it's over!
"Then what, Miss Su, you don't seem to need my help, why don't you just go by yourself?"

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