From the sword of the third master

Chapter 115 The King of Mice

The night is very thick, thick as ink.

This was the darkest moment of the day, but countless "signal arrows" suddenly rose, illuminating the entire Guishan Mountain.


"There is an enemy attack!"

"Whoosh whoosh..."

After 20 years, the tranquility of Guishan was finally broken, and it was earth-shattering.

With a sword in hand, Hua Wuque rushed to the front to clear the way for the masters. When the elders were insulted, he was duty-bound as a young man, so he naturally acted like a man.

Some insults can only be washed away with blood.

Hua Wuque changed his gentle style in the past and showed no mercy in his strikes. When he swung his sword, someone would fall down, and no one could block his blow.

Yaoyue and Lianxing were not slow in their movements, with four iron palms flying continuously. The opponents either had their chests collapsed or their bodies were twisted. Every one of them died tragically, and their bodies were covered with a layer of terrifying ice crystals.

"Corporal No Yamen, can be killed but not humiliated!"

Wei Wuya's disciples were very tenacious, they roared and rushed over desperately, none of them would give in, they were rather fierce.


Because too many people died, everyone's slogan suddenly changed to "Keep the green hills there, so you don't have to worry about no firewood", and then they began to retreat one after another, one by one running faster than the other.


Yaoyue scolded "the mob", and rushed to the top of the mountain ahead of Hua Wuque.

After changing to the Grand Palace Master to open the way, the following will naturally be invincible, and the speed of advancement will become faster.

Yaoyue grabbed a young man who was fleeing for his life, and shouted, "Where's Wei Wuya?"

Xiao Luo was so frightened that he trembled all over: "Fairy, spare me! The mountain master is in seclusion, and I don't know his whereabouts."

——Before going up the mountain, Yaoyue actually caught the secret sentry and questioned her, but the result was the same, no one really knew about it.

"Then where is his cave?"

Xiao Luo pointed behind him and said, "That's right, that's right there."

The size of Guishan Mountain is not large, and the houses on the top of the mountain are also sparse. Yaoyue took a look and found that at the end of several wooden houses, there was indeed a dark hole, covered by some drooping vines.

"Crack it."

Yao Yue broke Xiao Luo's neck and flew over quickly, Hua Wu Que and Lian Xing followed closely behind.

This cave is about one person high, and the entrance is shaped like a door. There seems to be wind flowing inside, and the smell is not stuffy.

She pushed aside the vines casually and asked, "Which one of you has a fire bag?"

"The disciple has it." Hua Wuque hurriedly touched his body and offered it with both hands.

Yaoyue blew on the fire: "I will go first, you will follow..."

"and many more."

At this time, someone suddenly spoke from behind, and the three of them turned their faces at the same time, only to find that Chen Sheng was chasing after them!
Yaoyue got angry when she saw Chen Sheng, and said angrily, "Evil gambler? What are you doing with us?"

Master Chen grinned: "Oh, Wei Wuya's men injured Xiao Yu'er, I have to find him to reason about it, I can't just let it go."

Yaoyue said: "It's nice to say that the snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's profit. Don't you just want to use us and take advantage of us later?"

Chen Shengdao: "The words of the Grand Palace Mistress are wrong, we both rely on our own abilities, maybe I will be the first to get rid of the one surnamed Wei?"


Yaoyue didn't bother to pay attention to him, and didn't drive Master Chen away, and was about to enter the cave when he turned back.Since we all share the same hatred, one more person will give us more strength. She is not stupid.

But Chen Sheng shouted again: "Wait!"

Yaoyue was furious, gritted her teeth and said, "What's wrong?"

Chen Sheng said: "Wei Wuya hasn't shown up until now, there must be something strange about this matter, I think we'd better not go in, to avoid falling into a trap."

——In the original book, the Yaoyue sisters were tricked into the cave by Lao Wei, but the exit was blocked, and everyone almost died.

So, this cave must never be entered!

Yaoyue sneered and said, "With just the three of us, why can't we break into the dragon's pond and tiger's lair? If you are afraid, just stay outside."

Lian Xing said: "Sister, after all, Guishan is Wei Wuya's old lair. It's really strange that he can't come out all the time. I think the evil gambler's words are not unreasonable. How about we play it safe?"

Yaoyue was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly stared at her closely: "Something's wrong, Lianxing, why are you always facing outsiders today!"

Lian Xing coughed, and covered it up: "Where is it, the little girl is just talking about the facts. The vicious gambler looks like a bear, and he hasn't taken a bath for half a month. I, how could I turn to him."


Master Chen was speechless.

In order to prove his innocence, the second palace lord wouldn't have to say that, right?It seems that there are still few climbing trees, and they need to be cleaned up!
Hua Wuque said hastily: "Master, this disciple also thinks that something is wrong. Either you two wait outside and I go down to take a look? It would be great if we can find Wei Wuya. If we really can't find it, let's discuss it later."

Yaoyue thought about it and said, "That's fine."

After speaking, he handed the Huozhangzi to Hua Wuque.

After Hua Wuque entered the cave, the three of them stared outside.

Lian Xing inadvertently noticed that there seemed to be a burden on Chen Sheng's back, and it was still bulging, so she inevitably aroused a little curiosity.

"Evil gambler, what is on your body?"

Yaoyue sarcastically said: "You don't need to ask, of course it's the gold and silver that was looted and looted from the mountain."

Chen Sheng was not angry: "Haha, yes, the Grand Palace Master is very smart."

Lian Xing had seen his financial resources a long time ago, so naturally he didn't believe it.This person has an endless amount of bank notes, and his gambling skills are unparalleled in the world. It is too easy to get money, so how can he spend his energy searching mountains?
While speaking, the sound of hurried footsteps suddenly came from my ears.

Chen Sheng took a closer look and found that it was Xiao Yu'er.

With Su Ying on her back, Xiao Yu'er was out of breath, and seemed to be extremely flustered.

Chen Sheng said in amazement: "What's the matter, haven't you already left?"

Xiao Yu'er ran to the side and shouted: "Master... rats, all rats! We didn't leave..."

Um? ?

As soon as Xiao Yu'er stood still, there was a terrible movement behind him.

In the grass, under the fallen leaves, and on the mountain road, there were indeed a large number of mice jumping out. They came in groups, densely packed, like a surging tide.

chirp chirp.


The smallest of these mice is about one foot, and the biggest is bigger than a cat, and their running speed is astonishing.

Thousands of eyes in the darkness are like thousands of flickering lights.

The lamps have no emotion, but their eyes are filled with endless greed and ferocity, evil enough to tear everything apart and destroy everything!
Chen Sheng's pupils began to shrink.

I understand, this is Wei Wuya's strategy.

With clay sculptures as an introduction, even if he has been to Yaoyue and Lianxing, he will definitely be enraged, and the people below will definitely rush up the mountain. When everyone is up the mountain, he will take it easy and surround him with rats from behind. .

Wei Wuya was really ruthless, his disciples were almost killed, yet he could endure it until now!

Chen Sheng patrolled around, and found that the surrounding rats were like a vast ocean, densely packed, these predators had become prey, and they had nowhere to go.

"Sister, what should I do?"


Lianxing's tone was quite anxious, but Yaoyue was not much better, and he was completely dumbfounded.

For these two, tens of thousands of mice are obviously more terrifying than tens of thousands of tigers. Tigers can still fight, but what about mice?Rats are dirty and smelly, and if they crawled over their feet, they would be disgusting to death!
Yaoyue stammered, "Let's jump to the tree."

There are indeed trees nearby, but Wei Wuya has no plans, so why would he leave a hole for you to take advantage of?
Chen Sheng quickly stopped him and said, "The Grand Palace Master is not allowed, and it is not safe to climb a tree."

Yaoyue said angrily: "I want to go!"

As soon as the words were finished, "Swish, swish", a series of loud arrows shot over, passing over everyone's heads.

Yueyue: "..."

Lian Xing: "..."

It's okay to insist on it, it's nothing more than becoming a living target and dying faster.

Xiao Yu'er anxiously said: "Master, there is no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth, you should think of a way!"

Chen Sheng said without hesitation, "Let's go into the cave."

Yaoyue stared and said: "What? Evil gambler, you just said that there might be a trap down below, and now you are going to enter the hole again?"

Chen Shengdao: "Yes, the cow does not drink water and forcefully presses its head. This is the only choice Wei Wuya left for us. If you don't enter, you have to enter."

Lian Xing stomped her feet: "What if there is no exit in the cave, is it a dead end?"

Chen Sheng said: "The cave is a dead end."

Lian Xing said angrily: "It's already this time, are you still joking?"

Chen Sheng's expression was unpredictable, and he looked into her eyes and said, "Don't worry, a dead end can also become a living end. Haven't you noticed that the mouse's movements are getting slower and slower, and they haven't pounced on them? Everyone, fast forward... "

Wei Wuya, an old bachelor, waited for a thousand years and finally trapped the two goddesses. How could he be willing to kill them?
Lian Xing really trusted Mr. Chen, so he jumped in first, Yao Yue hesitated for a moment, and then followed.

"Little Yu'er, hurry up, what are you still doing?"

Xiao Yu'er was so tired that he was sweating profusely: "Master, I have injuries on my body, and I can't carry Su Ying on my back."

Chen Sheng quickly put the burden on his arm to make room: "Let me do it!"


After entering the cave, there is a long corridor at the foot, which is still circular.There is no fire to illuminate the back at all, and there are regular holes on the wall, and oil lamps are lit.

Although Wei Wuya is a villain, his courage is particularly great.

He actually hollowed out the entire mountainside.

The corridor extends all the way down, gradually becoming wider, and countless rooms have been dug on both sides by "drilling". Judging from the scale, it should be the residence of the old Wei disciples.

Su Ying lay on Chen Sheng's back, feeling very different.

Well, it's so wide and stable. The master is obviously stronger than the apprentice, and it doesn't smell like sweat.

How did she know that when he was on the road, Master Chen would let Xiao Yu'er do all the hard work, and she was just a hands-off shopkeeper.

With Kong Wu's powerful man and the refreshing scent of incense, Su Ying slowly regained her composure and no longer felt scared.

"Master? How do you..."

We hadn't gone far when we bumped into Hua Wuque head-on.

Before Yaoyue could open his mouth, Chen Sheng rushed to say: "Boy surnamed Hua, turn back quickly and take us to the biggest cave!"

Hua Wuque stretched his neck and shouted: "Sir, the biggest cave is Wei Wuya's. The junior searched for a long time below, but he doesn't seem to be there."

"Hurry up, Wei Wuya is outside, a bunch of rats might rush in!"


None of the six people was an idiot, Hua Wuque thought of several things in an instant, then turned around and ran away.

"Sir, could it be that we have fallen for Wei Wuya's tricks?"


"But there is no exit below, how can I escape in the future?"

"Take one step at a time, the situation is so bad anyway..."

chirp chirp.


Sure enough, the swarm of rats followed, getting closer and closer.

They can only go to the dark one way and continue to move forward.

Wei Wuya's cave is at the bottom, obviously not in the mountain, but has penetrated into the soil layer.

His old lair is wide and large, in the shape of a round arch, and the length and width are basically similar, and it may be more than ten feet, or even more.There is no decent furniture here, there are a few permanent lamps lit inside, the floor is covered with blue-gray floor tiles, it is empty, as simple as an ascetic.

There was no way for everyone to retreat now, so they had to stand side by side and turned their heads to look at the hole outside.

If tens of thousands of mice rush in together, then everyone will have to wait to die!

Fortunately, this did not happen.

The group of rats suddenly became silent, and there was only a strange sound of footsteps approaching outside.

The footsteps of "Kaka" did not seem to belong to humans.


A tall, thin man finally emerged slowly and blocked the opening.There was cunning and cruelty in his eyes, and he grinned wildly.

"Yueyue, Xingxing, stay safe."

Wei Wuya!
After seeing him, everyone was stunned.

The crippled Wei Wuya didn't sit in a wheelchair, but stood up!

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