From the sword of the third master

Chapter 116 Can you be serious

Chapter 116 Can you be serious
Wei Wuya was originally a dwarf, and his legs were disabled 20 years ago, so the question is, what method did he use to "increase" his height, and he can even walk upright?
Xiao Yu'er's gaze sank, and he found that Wei Wuya was wearing a wide robe, covering his whole body.

His proportions seem to be very uncoordinated, and his lower limbs are too long, which looks a little funny.

Xiao Yu'er muttered, "Is this man wearing a prosthetic leg?"

Chen Shengdao: "Well, Miss Su was brought out by Wei Wuya. She can even make moving wooden cows and horses. He is a master, so his methods should be more sophisticated. It is not uncommon to have a prosthetic limb."

Su Ying interjected in a low voice: "The prosthesis can indeed be made, but what about the original leg?"

Chen Sheng said lightly: "Chop it off."

"Chop off?"

"Yes, keep the good part, and chop off wherever it is disabled."

Xiao Yuer was taken aback!
It's nothing to be cruel to others, it's really cruel to be cruel to yourself.If Old Wei really chopped off his leg, then his insidiousness may be far beyond imagination, and he may be more dangerous than estimated.

Su Ying was also shocked, and said in fear: "The whole Guishan is kept in the dark about the prosthesis, he, he actually lied to everyone..."

the other side.

Facing the presumptuous Wei Wuya, Yaoyue and Lianxing were trembling with anger.

The moon, the stars?
Who in the world would dare to call them that?
Wei Wuya smacked his lips and said, "It's been 20 years, not only have the two fairies not aged, but they've even gotten younger. Tsk, look at this complexion, it's really a natural beauty."

"shut up!"

Hua Wuque was furious when he heard this: "Wei Wuya, your tone is so frivolous, how can you still look like a famous person? Just use it if you have the ability, why should I be afraid of death!"

Wei Wuya: "What are you?"

Hua Wuque said: "My surname is Hua, and I am the disciple of the two Palace Masters."

Wei Wuya said: "Oh, so I'm just a little apprentice, it's your turn to interrupt when the adults talk?"

Yaoyue's face turned livid, and he said sharply: "What he said is absolutely right, your tongue should be pulled out, I regret it now, why didn't I just kill you back then!"

Wei Wuya smiled: "Indeed, thank you Grand Palace Master for not killing me. If you really killed me, how could we meet again today? Our fate is determined by God, and we are destined to be entangled until death..."

Seeing that he was getting more and more arrogant, and he didn't know what foul language would come out from below, Lian Xing's pretty face was also cold.

"Wei, if you want to act quickly, don't waste your tongue."

Wei Wuya was surprised and said, "Do it? Everyone is a distinguished guest, so there is no reason to do it to a guest."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Chen Sheng laughed suddenly and said, "Brother Wei, since it's 'hospitality', can we leave after we finish talking about the past?"

Wei Wuya's eyes flickered, he nodded and said, "Brother Sanguang is here too? I'm really sorry, I have no quarrel with you, it was just a coincidence that you hurt the noble disciple, please bear with me."

Chen Sheng said: "Brother Wei is so polite, I also think we should have no conflicts. Or... Please let me go out with my apprentice first?"

Wei Wu Ya said: "It's no problem to let you go, but I'm afraid your Excellency will have to wait."

"Wait for what?"

Wei Wuya grinned and said, "After I get married."

Chen Sheng said: "Congratulations, but I don't know whose wife's wife is from?"

Wei Wuya glanced at Yaoyue, and said leisurely: "It's far away in the sky and right in front of us. I have to make up for the regrets of 20 years ago."

Chen Sheng also said sarcastic words: "Brother Wei is going to marry Yaoyue? The Grand Palace Mistress is a virtuous and virtuous person, with almost no faults in her body. She is indeed a rare spouse. My brother supports you."

Wei Wuya smiled and said, "Hey, it's not just Yaoyue alone, I want both sisters!"


Yaoyue and Lianxing couldn't stand it any longer, and they rushed over at the same time.

The two sisters have the same heart, and they decided to fight to the death, preferring to be bitten to death by the rats outside, and drag Wei Wuya into hell.

Wei Wuya took half a step back, shook his head and said, "Why bother? Everyone calm down first, let's talk later."


A huge boulder suddenly fell from the top of his head, completely sealing the entrance of the cave and cutting off the way for the two of them.

Lianxing and Yaoyue waved their palms to strike, but unfortunately, the huge rock weighing more than [-] jin did not move at all, not even shaking.

The two sisters look at me and I look at you, and they can't help but look ashamed.


Xiao Yu'er sniffled and said to Chen Sheng: "Master, this is Wei Wuya's own residence, and it doesn't smell bad. Do you think there is a possibility that he will leave a way out?"

"A secret passage to escape?"

"Yes, if we can find out the secret passage, can't we leave?"

Chen Sheng shook his head and pointed with his finger: "Look for yourself."

The entrance of the cave was due south, and what he pointed to was the west side. There was a tall round hole on the west wall, about the size of a washbasin.

Xiao Yu'er asked, "Is that the air hole for ventilation?"

Chen Sheng said: "It's both a vent and a secret passage."

Xiao Yu'er sneered and said, "It's rare for you, Master, to make mistakes, hahaha, how is it possible, this air hole is too small..."

As he spoke, he shut his mouth and his face changed.

Su Ying frowned, and said quietly: "With the body of Wei Shanzhu's child, it is natural to get through. Even if the secret path is in front of us, we can only watch."

"You can't sit still and wait for death, can you? I'll look for it again."

Xiao Yu'er didn't believe in evil, and immediately started to search around, touching here and kicking there.With the same idea in mind, Hua Wuque also joined in the search, but the two of them struggled for a long time, but in the end they found nothing.

Xiao Yu'er sighed: "Master is right, the only way out is the 'dog hole', except for Wei Wuya himself, no one can use it."

Su Ying said: "Now there is a bigger hidden danger, more urgent than finding a way out."

Hearing this sentence, everyone cast their gazes over.

Lian Xing saw that Su Ying was very strange and always stayed with Chen Sheng, so she finally couldn't hold back: "What's the name of this girl?"

Su Ying felt that her eyes were sharp, so she said: "The junior's surname is Su, and his name is Su Ying. He is a prisoner imprisoned on Guishan Mountain. I just met my husband and Xiao Yu'er today, and I was rescued by them. I am really grateful." do."

Her explanation was clear enough, and perfectly highlighted the point of "just met", Lian Xing was very satisfied.

"Oh, it turned out to be Miss Su, so please tell me, what kind of thing is more urgent?"

Su Ying said: "We have no food, let alone water!"


Everyone looked at each other, aware of the seriousness of the problem.

Wei Wuya made it clear that he wanted them to submit, how could he give you something to eat?Don't even think about water, thirst is worse than hunger, and everyone will collapse within three days.

Chen Sheng said, "Not necessarily."

He pulled the bundle he was carrying over and untied it casually.


The burden was actually made of sheets, and it was filled with dry food, honey, cantaloupe, dried meat, and two large water bladders.

Xiao Yu'er laughed wildly: "Haha, Master, where did you get so many good things?"

Su Ying was also surprised and delighted, and then suddenly startled: "These things seem, seem..."

Chen Sheng said: "Yes, I took them all from your kitchen. I was going to meet you later and take them to eat on the way, but I ended up bumping into them by mistake."

Su Ying looked at him with strange eyes: "Is it really a mistake?"

Chen Sheng said: "Otherwise?"

Su Ying said: "I always feel like planning for a rainy day. Did you expect that we would be trapped and have nothing to eat?"

Chen Sheng firmly denied: "That's impossible."

Su Ying was silent for a moment, and finally nodded: "Well, sir's 'luck' is amazing, this is great news."

——If he guessed correctly, he was clearly prepared for it, and it was definitely not a wrong attack.

This person has seven orifices and is extremely clever.

Seeing Chen Sheng conjure up a bunch of things, Yaoyue and the others were also stunned!
Lian Xing almost laughed out loud, but quickly tensed her face.

Chen Sheng shouted: "Hey, Hua Wuque, take a water bag and give it to the Second Palace Mistress."


The evil gambler actually gave the second palace lord first?You know, water is now more valuable than gold.

Suddenly realizing something was wrong, Chen Sheng coughed quickly: "What are you looking at me for? I haven't finished speaking yet, the Grand Palace Mistress can take a few sips by the way."

Yaoyue said coldly: "I'm thirsty and I don't want your water."

Chen Sheng said: "You think I want to give it? If it's not because of the same hatred now, I'm free? You love it to death!"

Yaoyue said angrily: "You..."

Chen Sheng said: "What, want to quarrel?"

Su Ying quickly laughed and said, "Grand Palace Mistress, these things are actually mine, and have nothing to do with Mr. We still have to find a way to get out, and we can't make a fuss on our own and be taken advantage of by outsiders."

Yaoyue snorted, then fell silent.

Lian Xing gave Hua Wuque a wink, Hua Wuque understood, hurried over to get the water bag, and thanked him again and again.

Chen Sheng was a good man to the end, and gave him some food, and tore the clean bed sheet in half.

Xiao Yu'er was very upset, and complained: "Just let them all die, Master, why do you..."

Chen Sheng glanced at him.


One is Lao Tzu's wife, and the other is your brother, what's wrong with taking care of them?If you want to take care of these two, it is impossible to bypass Yaoyue, who wants to see her stinky face.


Suddenly, laughter came from the vent hole on the wall, and Wei Wu Ya stuck his head out.

"How are you doing? Why don't you ask me to..."

What he saw was that the two groups of people were covered with sheets, which were filled with all kinds of delicious food and water.

I didn't see the joke, but I saw this.

Wei Wuya's expression froze instantly.

Damn it!
Can you be serious, you guys are here for a picnic?

(End of this chapter)

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