Chapter 117

Wei Wuya was furious and roared, "Where did you get these things?"

Chen Sheng said: "Brother Wei, please calm down. This is the dry food that my younger brother carried with me. It was an unintentional act, but unexpectedly...cough cough, it spoiled your good deed."

Master Chen's tone was quite sincere, with a guilty look on his face, Wei Wuya stared at him, the flames in his eyes were blazing.

"What a coincidence."

Chen Sheng also sighed: "That's right, it's really a crime for me to delay your wedding ceremony."

Wei Wuya suddenly calmed down: "There are six of you, how many days can you last with this little food and drink? I have been waiting for 20 years, and I don't care about waiting an extra ten days and half a month."

Chen Sheng said: "Yes, yes, yes, good things take time, and I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Brother Wei, please be patient."

Wei Wuya said: "Of course I am patient. Once the food and drinking water are gradually exhausted, you will slowly go crazy. Facing the last piece of dry food, will you fight and bite each other like dogs? Have you ever been hungry? Huh? I was hungry, and almost starved to death! Do you know what it’s like? It’s like roasting on a fire, frying in oil, it’s worse than a thousand cuts! Let me tell you, if a person Hungry to the extreme, all etiquette and shame will go to hell, just throw a piece of steamed bun, you can even strangle your own father, even abandon your child, hahahahaha!"


His voice was very unpleasant, like a piece of iron rubbing against a smooth floor, sharp and sharp, making people sick to the stomach, and he said such a horrible thing, everyone inevitably felt chills and panicked for a while.

Wei Wuya looked at Yaoyue and Lianxing, and said again: "The two palace masters are celestial beings, their ten fingers do not touch the spring water, and they are very clean. When that time comes, will you kneel on the ground and roll over? Go away, crying and begging me for mercy?"

Sister Yaoyue seemed to have become dumb, neither speaking nor expressing.

Chen Sheng laughed loudly and said, "Brother Wei, did he say something in the tiles? You are so eloquent, my little brother almost peed in fright, or should I beg for mercy first?"


Wei Wuya sneered, and ignored him at all: "The future is long, everyone, please enjoy it slowly, goodbye..."

After Lao Wei left, the atmosphere was completely different.

It's cold, it's cold.

Su Ying bit her lip, full of worry: "Sir, should we distribute our food and eat as little as possible? According to this way of eating, I'm afraid it won't last for two or three days."

Chen Sheng said: "No need."

Su Ying said: "No need? Could it be that Mr. has a way out of trouble?"

Chen Sheng said carelessly: "I can't help it, we are already like this, why should we wrong ourselves. You should eat, you should sleep, if you have wine today, you will be drunk today, if you get it, you can sing and if you lose it, you don't care about tomorrow's right and wrong."

Su Ying: "..."

Xiao Yu'er was stunned, and said in surprise: "Master, have you also learned from Lotus Fall?"

Chen Sheng: "..."

Look, I guessed it right. This kid didn't forget to learn new skills when he was begging for food.

Chen Sheng said: "What a mess, let me ask you, how is your injury now?"

Xiao Yu'er said: "Thank God, Master finally remembered, my chest is very stuffy, stuffy and painful, I can't breathe."

Chen Sheng nodded, and suddenly shouted to the opposite side: "Grand Palace Master, can I borrow Lian Xing for use?"

Yaoyue said angrily: "What nonsense, what do you want my sister to do?"

Chen Shengdao: "I haven't learned how to heal injuries. Xiao Yu'er has an internal injury, and it should be more difficult, so I would like to ask the second palace master for advice."

After all, the cannibal's mouth is short, so Yaoyue just closed her eyes, as a tacit consent.

Lian Xing got up quickly and said: "Okay, it's not difficult to heal the injury."

Chen Sheng said, "Second Palace Master, please wait a moment. There are too many people here, which is not conducive to luck. Let's go elsewhere."

Lianxing glanced at Master Chen: "Okay."

As expected, they headed north and changed to a relatively secluded place.

Lian Xing asked Xiao Yu'er to sit cross-legged, put on a "five hearts to the sky" posture, and began to give pointers.

The so-called "five hearts to the sky" refers to the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet, and the center of the top of the head. It is a method of meditation that quickly gathers Qi.

Lian Xing said: "Xiao Yu'er's heart has been injured by the shock, you put your palms against your back, start to exercise from the inner side of the shoulder blades, first go through the Gaoblin acupoint, reach the front chest, and then sort out the meridians one by one, walk Wuyi, Shenzang, Yutang, Zhongting, Youmen, Chengman, Qimen, Tianxi, and finally to Xiongxiang, repeating this nine times, he should be relieved."

Chen Sheng frowned and said, "It's so complicated?"

Lian Xing said: "Everyone is from the martial arts world. How difficult is it to memorize acupuncture points? How do you practice your internal strength?"

Chen Sheng seemed a little ashamed: "The second palace master, please say it again."

Lian Xing was very helpless, so he had to start from the beginning, who knew that someone was so bold that he took the time to touch her little hand!

While stealing incense and jade, Mr. Chen had a serious face on his face: "Second Palace Mistress, healing wounds is a delicate task, and the difference is far away. I may not be able to come, so why don't you do it for me?"


Lian Xing's face was a little red, but he asked suspiciously: "You really can't do it?"

Chen Sheng said embarrassingly: "It's really difficult. The so-called art industry has a specialization. I'm really dull in this respect, so I beg the Second Palace Master with a cheeky face."

Lian Xing looked at him and secretly smiled, meaning: Your kid has always been smart, but sometimes you are deflated?
Chen Sheng glanced back, meaning: I really can't do it, Madam is better, please help me.

Ever since she met Chen Sheng, Lian Xing has been suppressed everywhere, and she has never won in various aspects. As a person with a proud personality, who can stand it?This time I finally felt elated.

So comfortable!
She said happily: "Okay, I will come."

Xiao Yu'er couldn't help being shocked when she saw that Master had deceived the Second Palace Mistress with just a few words!
Healing an injury requires internal energy, but the victim is willing and happy, so where do you go to reason?

After the treatment, Xiao Yu'er's face became rosy and not so ugly.

Poor Xing returned to her sister, but was reprimanded: "I asked you to give advice, how could you do it yourself?"

Lian Xing said: "The evil gambler is a rough man, he is not good at healing wounds."

Yaoyue said with a stern face: "If you are not good at it, you will not be good at it. What does that have to do with you? That brat is very annoying. It doesn't matter if you suffer a little bit. You don't care about him."

Lianxing is very good at dealing with her sister.

She whispered: "Sister, don't worry, I didn't want to at first, but if Xiao Yu'er falls into the root cause of the disease and makes it difficult to recover, how can he compete with Wu Que in the future? Doesn't he have an excuse to avoid fighting?"

Yaoyue was at a loss for words for a while: "The most important thing in a martial arts competition is your thorough thinking."

Lianxing smiled: "That's right..."

The cave is very empty, there is no scenery to see, and there is not even a book. After a long time, everyone will inevitably feel bored.

Su Ying suddenly said: "Little Yu'er, can you play chess?"

Xiao Yu'er said: "Of course it will, but I think it's troublesome to play Go with hundreds of moves at a time, so chess is simpler."

Su Ying said: "Then let's play chess."

Xiao Yu'er frowned and said, "Just kidding, how do you play without a chessboard? Er, don't you... want to play blindly?"

Su Ying smiled and said, "Yes."

Xiao Yu'er also came alive: "Okay, I'll let you go first! Haha, I, Xiao Yu'er, have killed all over the Valley of the Wicked since I was three years old, don't cry later."

Su Yingdao nodded, her words were full of confidence: "Then I have to learn."

Blindfold Chess is an advanced means of combat. It not only tests the level of chess skills, but also the memory, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

They soon started playing chess.

"Left center cannon."

"The right horse."

"Then I will march in and use soldiers to control horses."

"You enter the army, I will enter the pawns, and I will also control your horse path..."

Chen Sheng silently analyzed the situation, and finally couldn't hold back: "Stop, stop, what are the horses on the left and the pawns on the right? Your moves are too cumbersome and not conducive to calculation."

Su Ying wondered, "Could it be that Mr. has a more concise method?"


Chen Sheng stretched out his index finger, directly operated on the hard floor tiles, and drew a chessboard.His fingertips pierced into the masonry as much as half an inch deep, as easy as cutting tofu.

Su Ying was moved, and sighed: "Good skill, so powerful."

Chen Sheng wrote down the numbers in order from one to nine at the bottom of the chessboard, which is just below the last horizontal line.

Both Xiao Yu'er and Su Ying were confused.

Chen Sheng explained: "One is a cart, the second is a horse, and the third is an elephant... and so on, what if I move the cart further?"

Su Ying's eyes shone brightly: "Understood, the car enters one by one!"

Xiao Yu'er is not stupid either, clapping his hands and saying: "I also understand, a horse goes one day, if it jumps, it's two horses and three, like Fei Tian, ​​and an elephant is three and five!"


The plagiarist, Mr. Chen, didn't blush at all, and said lightly: "You can be taught. If you go forward, you will enter as many times as you go forward, as you step back, you will retreat as many times as you want, and if you walk sideways, you will level as many times as you want. Such moves are simple and clear. Easy to remember."

Su Ying sighed: "I have always boasted of being smart, but compared with Mr., I am like a frog at the bottom of a well. This counting method created by Mr. will surely be passed down through the ages."

Xiao Yu'er also proudly said: "That is, otherwise, how could I worship him as a teacher?"

Chen Shengdao: "It sounds very useful, you two don't stop, keep praising!"


Hua Wuque looked at them enviously, laughing and cheering at the same time, feeling sour in his heart.

The difference between people is too great.

In memory, the two palace lords have always looked cold and seldom treated themselves kindly. How precious is this kind of warmth?Hua Wuque even dreamed that his masters could smile or even hug him...

Um? ?

Wei Wuya also heard the laughter below, and poked his head out of the hole curiously.

Well, they still have the mind to play chess?

Wei Wuya was so angry that he was going crazy, he muttered: "I will make you laugh, let you laugh!"

While everyone was having dinner, chirp, chirp, Wei Wuya suddenly started throwing mice down, even the biggest ones, cursing while throwing: "I hate you so much."

"Sister, yes, there are mice!"


Lian Xing was so shocked that Huarong paled, and even spoke tremblingly, Yaoyue was not much better than her, so she jumped up and dragged Lian Xing around.

The more Wei Wuya watched, the happier he became: "Hahaha, I wish the two palace masters a good appetite."

Unexpectedly, Chen Sheng laughed louder than him: "Thank you, Brother Wei."

Wei Wuya said, "Thank you for what I did?"

Chen Sheng said: "Brother Wei, thank you for giving us an extra meal. There is still not enough food. If there are these mice, we can live for a few more days. Xiao Yuer, catch the mice! Let's take the furniture left by your Uncle Wei. Disassemble two pieces, bake and eat!"

Xiao Yuer was gearing up: "Okay, rat meat is delicious, better than pork and mutton, I'm drooling just thinking about it, haha."

After he finished speaking, he grinned, and immediately launched a chase. Those big rats were quickly trampled to death with one foot and one foot, and their flesh was bloody.

Wei Wuya: "..."

Surprised and angry, he sneered, "Even if you can eat mice, what about Yaoyue and Lianxing?"

Chen Shengdao: "It doesn't matter. If our teachers and apprentices eat rats, can we save food? Let's give the saved food to the two palace masters. This is the best of both worlds."

Wei Wuya: "..."

Old Wei withdrew from the air hole, suddenly there was a crackling sound outside.

It sounded like a slap in the face.

The strength makes it quite big.

Seven or eight mice were quickly wiped out, and the two palace lords hid by the wall shivering, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Lian Xing looked at those disgusting corpses, and said in horror: "Evil gambler, do you really want to eat rats?"

Chen Sheng said: "Yes, Xiao Yu'er is right, mouse meat really tastes good."

Lian Xing: "..."

Lian Xing will inevitably be grateful for his help in eradicating pests and saving food with good intentions, but eating mice is too scary, how should we make out in the future?

Mr. Chen and his disciples did what they said, and they walked a little further below, and they really started to deal with the mice.



Wear strings.


Master Chen chopped up a bench with a short sword, threw the pieces into the fire, and at the same time ordered: "Bake it a little longer, and the outside should have a crispy skin."

Xiao Yu'er said with a smile: "Yes, master, don't worry, I have learned everything, and barbecue is of course not a problem."

Chen Sheng said: "It's a pity, such fat rat meat, except for our master and apprentice, I am afraid that others will not be able to bear it."

Hua Wuque stood up suddenly: "The juniors can eat too!"

After all, he is a responsible man, and he also wants to save food and leave it to the two elders.

Yaoyue said angrily: "Huh?"

Hua Wuque was embarrassed for a moment, and coughed: "Okay, then, then I won't eat."

Xiao Yu'er taunted: "Hey, mice are dirty and smelly, you Yihua Palace are all about people, so stop making jokes."

For the first time, Hua Wuque felt that he was not as good as Xiao Yuer, he clenched his fists and was so ashamed that he had nothing to say.

But Su Ying came closer and said Yanran: "Sir, I want to try."

Chen Sheng was surprised: "How dare you eat mice?"

Su Ying said: "We may starve to death in two days, so why bother?"

Chen Sheng nodded, looking at this girl with admiration.

Next, Su Ying really took a piece of mouse meat from Xiao Yu'er's hand, boldly put it in her mouth and chewed it.

"How about it?"

Su Ying smiled and said, "The taste is not as bad as I imagined, but it's actually quite fragrant. In fact, the so-called disgusting is relative, so what about the most common pork we have, it's not just burrowing in the mud every day."

Chen Sheng said with emotion: "Women don't give up to men, Miss Su is so good."

When there was no one around, Chen Sheng whispered: "Hurry up and eat, you will have the strength to work after eating."

Xiao Yu'er also lowered his voice and said, "What are you doing?"

Chen Shengdao: "Let's use these leftover furniture to build two huts at the farthest corner, one for men and one for women. If there is not enough furniture, we will remove large bricks from the ground."

Xiao Yu'er said: "You are really thoughtful, the four things of eating, drinking and lassing are really necessary."

As he said that, his expression suddenly changed, and the two people's eyes met, and they both understood each other's meaning.

Xiao Yu'er said in surprise: "Master, you..."

Chen Sheng nodded: "Do you still remember Jiang Yulang back then?"

Xiao Yuer said: "Dunghole, dig a hole!"

Chen Sheng said: "Yes."

Xiao Yu'er said: "Then why build two huts?"

Chen Shengdao: "It's just a cover-up, Yaoyue and Lianxing love cleanliness so much, how could they share a latrine with a man?"

Xiao Yu'er felt admiration: "Tsk tsk, master, you have no plans, just like a monster."

Chen Shengdao: "I have checked, Wei Wuya's cave has already penetrated into the soil layer, there are no rocks underneath, it should not be difficult to dig."

Xiao Yuer thought of another important question: "What about the tool?"

Chen Sheng smiled, and stretched out his palm. His palm was very wide, and it shone with a luster like iron stone.

"Rats are not the only ones who can make holes, but I..."

(End of this chapter)

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