Chapter 118

"Ding ding ding dong..."

Chen Sheng started to act according to the plan.

He deliberately chose the address far away, and also turned off two oil lamps, so that the hut was half hidden in the dark, which not only ensured privacy, but also made it easier to hide from the sky.

And Yaoyue is a quiet person, who is tortured by the noise and feels very irritable.

"Evil gambler, what are you doing!"

Chen Sheng said: "Build thatched cottage, Grand Palace Master."

Yaoyue said: "Building a hut?"

Chen Shengdao: "Yes, people have three urgencies. There is always a place to deal with the inventory in the stomach. The Grand Palace Master has a noble status, and I will let you be the first to use it later."

Yaoyue was so ashamed and angry, she gritted her teeth and said, "Whoever uses your latrine, I will hold back...even if I die, I will not go."

Chen Shengdao: "I have ambition, I hope you can keep it."

Hua Wuque was completely impressed by his thoughtfulness and meticulousness, and suddenly came to his side: "Sir, I will help you."

Chen Sheng said: "Aren't you afraid of getting dirty?"

Hua Wuque was ashamed, and lowered his head: "What Mr. does is for everyone's benefit, and it's too late for Wuque to be grateful, so how dare you think it's dirty?"

"Then go and help Xiao Yuer remove the floor tiles, the more you remove, the better."

Hua Wuque happily said: "Yes!"

Several people worked together, even Miss Su Ying joined in, Yao Yue and Lian Xing seemed to be forgotten.

They are always so beautiful, they look clean and elegant, but they seem very lonely and small.

Um? ?

Wei Wuya was also startled by the noise, poked his head out again, and stared blankly at the scene.

He looked at it for a moment, then suddenly changed his color and said, "Evil gambler, you, aren't you building a hut?"

Chen Shengdao: "Brother Wei's wisdom is truly unmatched. You guessed it right. Brother intends to build two rooms, one for the men and one for the palace master and the others, so that they will not interfere with each other."


Wei Wuya seemed to be roasted on the fire, and there were thousands of worms crawling around in his heart.

All he did was to watch Yaoyue's sisters make a fool of themselves in public, but he couldn't solve the internal urgency, which was the most exciting part of the plan, but someone messed it up.

Wei Wuya was so angry that he was going crazy, and finally yelled at Chen Sheng.

"Damn you bitch, you've repeatedly ruined my good deeds. Why don't you hang yourself when you're so free? XXX!"

Chen Sheng said: "You son of a bitch can't pretend anymore, can you? Hahaha, I belong to your eighth generation ancestor, I am XXX, XXXXXX..."

In terms of fighting, Mr. Chen has never lost before, and in terms of swearing, he is even more creative. Because he is proficient in various dialects, his mouth is like a pear blossom needle in a rainstorm, which made Wei dumbfounded, and even his facial features were distorted.


After barely coping with two rounds, Wei Wuya was defeated and retreated in embarrassment.

"Hmph, humiliate yourself."

The victorious Mr. Chen turned around with a sneer, and found that his partners had different emotions. They either grinned their teeth, as if they were listening very happily, or covered their ears, as if their hearts were tormented.


Lian Xing is still here, I have to pay attention to self-cultivation in the future...

Next, Chen Sheng continued to finish the hut, engraved the words "male and female" with his fingers, turned left and right, and was very satisfied with the result.

After a whole night of tossing on Guishan, everyone was exhausted physically and mentally, and finally fell asleep.

If a person is extremely tired, he can make do without a bed.

After an unknown amount of time, Yaoyue's face began to turn red slowly, and after a while, her legs also seemed to tremble.

Yaoyue looked around stealthily, seeing all the men breathing heavily, she floated over like a gust of wind, and quickly rushed into the hut.The Grand Palace Mistress has been in the world for decades, no matter how formidable an opponent she meets, she has never been so agile.

Xiao Yu'er suddenly opened his eyes, and murmured: "So fairies also have to go to the latrine?"

Chen Sheng also opened his eyes: "There are no real fairies in the world. If you get married in the future, you will find that women are actually similar to us men. They can fart, grind their teeth, and snore."

Xiao Yu'er said: "The Second Palace Mistress also snores?"

Chen Sheng coughed, "A little bit."

"Then her feet stink?"

Chen Sheng: "..."

Ever since the hut was built, Mr. Chen started to have diarrhea. He always ran into it for nothing, and stayed there for a long time.

Hua Wuque noticed his situation and was inevitably a little worried.

There is no cure for a disease in the cave, Wei Wuya has no time to read a joke, let alone care about everyone's life and death, what should I do?
After Chen Sheng entered the hut again, Hua Wuque couldn't sit still, so he went over to ask about the situation.


He suddenly discovered that there was a big mound of dirt in the darkness.

This is simply unbelievable, where did the mound come from?
"Sir? Sir?"

No one answered.

Hua Wuque hurriedly approached to check, the hut was empty, Chen Sheng disappeared suddenly, and there was a deep hole in the ground!
Hua Wuque was stunned for one of them, and then became excited.



Chen Sheng spit out the dirt from his mouth outside and smiled.

Tsk tsk, the ground finger is really awesome, how can Lao Tzu's hand speed be so fast?

The place where he drilled out was a small garden, and when he turned his head, he saw the foot of the mountain behind him. Old Wei's cave was really in the soil, and he guessed it right.

How fresh the air outside and how bright the sun is, just like Master Chen's mood at this time.

From now on, the world has turned upside down!

Chen Sheng sneaked up the mountain quietly, re-entered the mountainside from the entrance, and approached Wei Wuya's lair a little bit below.

What is a sneak attack?I am not a good person!
Wouldn't it be easier to solve the problem from behind?
He searched around in the corridor without making a sound.The front door of Wei Wuya's lair faces south, but the vent is on the west side. Finding the vent is equivalent to finding the opponent.

Recognizing the direction by memory, Chen Sheng quickly found the correct vent hole in a small "cave room".

Maybe because he stayed up all night, Wei Wuya was also tired and needed to catch up on sleep, but he didn't squat nearby.

Chen Sheng rolled his eyes, and simply hid in the shadow behind the door, preparing to sit on the sidelines.

"Crack, click."

About two quarters of an hour later, unique footsteps sounded in the corridor, and Wei Wuya finally appeared.

Looking through the oil lamp on the wall, Wei Wuya seemed to be in a bad state of mind, with dark circles around his eyes.Torture is a relative thing, if you are tormenting others, why are you not tormenting yourself?

When he was about to approach the bridal chamber, Wei Wuya suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"Hmph, friends, don't hide, why don't you show up for a while?"


Wei Wuya had fought against Yaoyue as early as 20 years ago. His martial arts are extraordinary, and he is known as the leader of the twelve astrological signs. It is not surprising that he can sense Chen Sheng.

Chen Sheng boldly appeared from the shadows, with a friendly smile on his face: "Haha, Hello Brother Wei."

Wei Wuya was taken aback, and quickly raised his guard: "Evil gambler? How did you get out?"

Chen Sheng said: "You have sealed the entrance of the cave, of course I got out from the ground."

"Fart! How is this possible? Could it be that you are also a mouse and can drill holes?"

"It's really what you said, I just know how to drill holes."

Wei Wuya's eyelids kept twitching, and he suddenly looked behind him: "Then... what about Yaoyue and Lianxing?"

Chen Sheng said: "What are the identities of the two palace masters, how could they drill the tunnel with me, and the two of them are still below."

"They are afraid of getting dirty, so they refuse to drill?"


Wei Wuya didn't hear any other voices, so he nodded, "So, you're the only one I want to deal with?"

Chen Sheng said: "Yes."

With the enemy at hand, Wei Wuya was not ashamed of his status as a super expert, and he regained his composure in a moment.

"Evil gambler, I still don't know how you got out of trouble, but you don't run away at such a great opportunity, you dare to come back to seek death! Well, let Wei give you a ride."

Chen Sheng squinted at him: "Oh? Are you sure you can kill me?"

Wei Wuya said lightly, "Of course."


"Just rely on this!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he stuffed two fingers into his mouth and blew a sharp whistle.

Chirping, rustling...

Almost instantly, there were rustling sounds from the front and back of the corridor, approaching at an extremely fast speed.


Lots of rats!

Wei Wuya laughed wildly and said, "On my territory, even if the hero Yan Nantian came in person, he would not be able to escape. He was destined to be bitten to death."

Chen Sheng showed no expression at all, instead he said sarcastically: "Not necessarily, Yan Nantian can't do it, it doesn't mean I can't do it."

Wei Wuya said, "Why do you have it?"

Chen Sheng fumbled in his sleeve, took out a small black bottle, uncorked the bottle casually, and sprinkled it on his body.There seemed to be some kind of finely divided medicinal powder in the bottle, which smelled very foul and pungent.

Chirping, rustling...

A tide of rats swarmed in, the front ones passed through Wei Wuya's feet, the rear ones drove straight in, the two sides converged rapidly, and were about to engulf him immediately.

Chen Sheng didn't move at all.

All of a sudden, those mice stopped their movements. Instead of daring to approach, they turned around and retreated desperately as if they had encountered some terrible natural enemy. You stepped on me, I squeezed you, trampled on each other, and made a mess.


Wei Wuya's eyes almost went flying, and he turned pale, " this 'Corpse Fragrance Avoiding Epidemic Powder' from the Five Poison Sect?"

"Yes, BiYi San is designed to treat rats!"

"More than 20 years ago, the Five Poison Sect was removed from the Jianghu. How could you have such a thing?"

Chen Sheng smiled and said, "I won't tell you."


Wei Wuya said: "You have such a magic weapon, could it be that you have already thought of dealing with me?"

Chen Sheng said: "That's right."

Wei Wuya said: "Then it was the first time you were surrounded by rats, why didn't you use it?"

Chen Shengdao: "Bibing San can only protect myself, I don't have any risk, but what about the remaining five people?"

"Okay, well, I was trapped on purpose, waiting for an opportunity to make a surprise attack, and I also hide the treasure that specializes in attacking the rat group..."

Wei Wuya said: "Evil gambler, I underestimate your deep scheming. Compared with you, 'Blood Hand' Du Sha is simply a child."

Chen Sheng pressed down on him slowly: "I've finished what I need to say, I'll use your words, please go on your way."

Wei Wuya didn't speak anymore, but pulled out something from the back of his waist.

It was a long iron chain, with a sphere the size of a melon tied to each end.


Wei Wuya blew with his mouth, and one of the spheres was actually hollow, and it burst into flames.

Pale blue flame.

Faintly burning.

Like a will-o'-the-wisp escaping from hell.

The fire light reflected on Wei Wuya's face, and he was also stern like a ghost.

Chen Sheng stopped immediately and asked, "The king of hidden weapons, the twin meteors of water and fire?"


"Swish swish swish..."

Wei Wuya swung the fireball with his right hand, and the fireball turned faster and faster, gradually turning into a terrifying circle of light.

From this moment on, Wei Wuya began to stride forward with ferocious eyes.

But Chen Sheng was retreating.

back, back, back...

(End of this chapter)

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