Water and Fire Double Meteor, a rare branch of Meteor Hammer, has long been extinct in the Jianghu.

These two hammer bodies are rigid and soft, and hard and soft. One contains fire and the other contains water. The fire is flammable, and the water is poisonous.

According to the records in the original book, Wei Wuya is indeed good at hidden weapons, but he did not expect his "magic weapon" to be so terrifying. Once practiced, he is the king of hidden weapons, the most vicious one.

In terms of strength alone, Chen Sheng is naturally not afraid of Old Wei.

No matter how strong old Wei is, can he still beat the second palace lord, Lian Xing?His troublesome point is nothing more than this weapon.

Chen Sheng stared at Wei Wuya's shoulder, and slowly backed away.

chirp chirp...

The mice couldn't bear the breath on his body anymore, they came like a tide, and left like a tide, disappearing without a trace in an instant.


Wei Wuya finally made a move and hit Chen Sheng in the chest with a hammer.

Like thunder and lightning.

It seems like a powerful and unconstrained style.

The environment in the tunnel is relatively narrow, and the target on the chest is particularly large. This move is full of rich experience in fighting the enemy, and it is fast and ruthless.


At the same time, the moment Wei Wuya started to strike, the flames inside the hammer exploded, burning so violently that it turned into a real shooting star.

Azure fireball.

It is bright, but not brilliant.

It burns without passion.

According to old legends, it is said that seeing a shooting star is a kind of rare luck, but what this shooting star brings is only death and disaster.

Chen Sheng quickly dodged to the side and was forced to stick against the stone wall.

The Fire Hammer hit empty with one move, then retracted, the speed of retraction was faster than that of the strike, Wei Wuya flicked his hand, and the ball of blue light whizzed towards the opponent's head again, precisely hitting the opponent's head.


With sparks flying everywhere, Chen Sheng could only continue to dodge, without even pulling out his sword.

It's not that it can't be pulled out, but it can't be used.

Slashing the meteor hammer with a sword will only cause the sparks to explode violently and bounce to his body, causing him to burn himself.

"Swoosh!" "Swoosh!" "Swoosh!" "Swoosh!"

Wei Wuya spun like a spinning top, striking again and again.

His method is quite subtle.

The iron chain that controls the hammer sometimes rotates around between the fingers and hits out with the help of inertia, sometimes it is driven by the neck, and sometimes it is even more outrageous, it is actually fired by the feet.

These are the three classic firing methods of the Meteor Hammer: hand firing, neck firing, and foot firing.

And one is weirder than the other, and more vicious than the other.


The Meteor Hammer's attack range was as long as two feet. Facing this super long weapon, Chen Sheng had no choice but to dodge continuously.

His body was as soft as a rope, and he could twist it to any angle, undulating, jumping, and bending in a narrow space without letting a single spark splash on his body.

Wei Wuya: "..."

This man with a giant-like body actually has such outrageous soft skills?

The evil gambler's skills have overturned his cognition, and he should be the strongest among the top ten villains.

One attacked like a thunder, and the other dodged like a ghost. The two fought faster and faster, but neither of them was hurt, just like brothers who have cooperated for many years, feeding each other.

Chen Sheng's eyes were full of vigilance, and he was always on guard against one thing:
So far, the other water hammer has not been hit. It is said that the water hammer will "explode", and the venom inside is extremely corrosive, and it will be over if it touches it.

Wei Wuya struck again, and when he forced Chen Sheng to touch the ground with one knee, there was a cold smile on his lips.


This time the fire hammer retracted into the palm of his hand, and what he hit again was the water hammer that had been ignited all along.

Wei Wuya did not attack Chen Sheng directly, but aimed at the ground in front of him.

If the water hammer hits the ground and explodes suddenly, what are the consequences?
Master Chen is bound to die, with tens of thousands of small holes burned out by the venom, turning into a sieve in an instant.

The dark water hammer is getting bigger and bigger!

Chen Sheng had nowhere to go.

He shot suddenly and drew his sword.

The way of the sword lies in machine change. There is nothing that cannot be used, and everything can be turned into a sword.

This time Chen Sheng pulled out his own belt.

Soft waistband.

He swung his sword downwards, and the belt was as flexible as an arm, wrapping around the iron chain behind the water hammer.

If the water hammer is a poisonous snake, then Chen Sheng strangled its seven inches to death.

As soon as the sword was struck, the water hammer drooped its head and softened.


Wei Wuya turned pale with shock, and hastily pulled hard, thinking that he could save the water hammer.But the iron chain was tightly wrapped around the belt, and it didn't even sway, and it was heavier than the mountain.

The power of the vicious gambler is so amazing?
Wei Wuya was unavoidably a little flustered, he hastily stretched his strength and pulled again.

"Clap" sound.

The iron chain couldn't bear the pull, and suddenly broke.

In the next second, Chen Sheng's arm spun rapidly above his head, imitating his opponent, throwing the water hammer back together with his belt, and did not hit Wei Wuya, but aimed at the wall beside him.

Come and go without indecent!
If the water polo also explodes, the consequences can be imagined.


Wei Wuya screamed fiercely, and was so shocked that he was out of his wits.

He knew the power of venom best, even his heart was broken.

However, Old Wei has been in the rivers and lakes for decades, and he has so much experience in battle. He quickly threw away the fire hammer, freed his hands, and used "Overlord Disarmor".

Overlord Unarmor is also called "General's Undressing". As the name suggests, it means taking off clothes.

Wei Wuya took off his outer robe like a lightning, and with his hand, he rushed forward to meet and wrap it around, catching the flying water hammer in a thrilling manner, avoiding the catastrophe.

His responses were so precise and beautiful.

However, Chen Sheng took the opportunity to rush over and slashed down with his sword.

"Let go!"

This time it's the real sword.

A cold light flashed on the edge of the sword, and he slashed at Wei Wuya's arms with one move.

Fast as fast as the wind.

It's too late to think.

Wei Wuya was very obedient, his pupils dilated, and immediately retreated with a strange scream, and at the same time, lost the second hammer.

The twin meteors of water and fire are gone.

Chen Sheng raised his left foot, gently caught the falling "burden", and kicked the thing aside.

So far, all obstacles have been resolved.

With his sword in his hand, Chen Sheng looked at Wei Wuya indifferently, and Wei Wuya stood there with a dazed face, as if he hadn't recovered yet.

For him, losing the most powerful weapon means that the victory and defeat have been divided.

He was clearly in the upper hand just now, why did he lose all of a sudden?

Because of taking off his robe, Wei Wuya's artificial limbs were exposed, revealing his original appearance.

He was a short dwarf, but he made his prosthetic limbs very long, and together they were about the same height as Chen Sheng, which looked quite ridiculous.

Chen Sheng didn't bother to open his mouth, and strode closer.

"Evil gambler, for the sake of my comrades, can you let me go? Although the twelve astrological signs are notorious, but you ten villains are not much better, right?"

Wei Wuya pretended to be pitiful, begging for forgiveness, but a hidden weapon suddenly shot out from under his feet.

There is actually a vicious hidden weapon hidden in his prosthetic limb, and it has been refurbished.

Darts, nails, needles...

"Ding ding ding."

Chen Sheng didn't stop walking for a moment, and all the hidden weapons were knocked away one by one, making the distance closer and closer.

As long as he has a sword in his hand, he is invincible, no matter who comes.

Wei Wuya's eyes were desperate, but within his despair was the ferocity of a trapped animal.The next moment, he gritted his teeth and went forward, using a pair of palms to forcefully fight.

Old Wei's boxing skills are excellent, not even inferior to Chen Sheng, but it's a pity...

"Puff puff!"

In just over twenty strokes, he was hit three times, and his whole body was soaked in blood.

Wei Wuya tried his best to take another blow, and finally made the last move.

With a posture of rushing forward, he suddenly bent his knees, and a triangular spike popped out from his knees, hitting Chen Sheng's crotch fiercely!

Who would have thought that a person without legs would be good at playing in the lower hand?
And the shot is so insidious.

——Break off children and grandchildren.

Chen Sheng didn't even look at it, his body was spinning at the same time, and he used the move "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi" to go around Wei Wuya's side, not only dodging the attack, but also returned his turning elbow along the way.


The tip of the elbow hit Wei Wuya's face, and there was a terrible cracking sound.

His eyes, ears, nostrils and the corners of his mouth were bleeding together, his eyes were full of confusion, his body wobbled, and he finally fell heavily.

Chen Sheng walked back to the front, raised his leg and stepped on Old Wei's crotch.


For men, it is the feeling of being torn apart, an unbearable pain in life.

Wei Wuya curled up and was "woke up" by the instant pain. While crying, he grabbed the ground with his hands indiscriminately, and his whole body was twitching.

What you do to me, I do to you.

Chen Sheng showed no expression, and made another kick in the same place.



This time Wei Wuya was trampled to such a degree that he couldn't move anymore, his chest heaved weakly.

"Brother evil gambler, you are really good at it, Wei Mou admits it today."

Chen Sheng snorted coldly, slowly picked up the long sword, aimed at the heart and was about to stab it.

Holding on to his last fantasy, Wei Wuya said with difficulty: "Of course my brother wants to kill me, but can I use a treasure to exchange my life?"

Chen Sheng stopped immediately: "Oh? What a treasure, let's hear it."

Wei Wuya said, "It's the recipe for refining water and fire twin meteors."

Chen Sheng said: "Your meteor hammer is exquisite, but the real power is caused by poison. I'm sorry, but I'm not interested."

Wei Wuya said again: "Then, what about Brother Yu's tricks?"

Chen Sheng shook his head: "It's just heresy, others may like it, but it doesn't work for me either."

Wei Wuya let out a long sigh, and said miserably, "Go ahead, I don't have anything else except money."

Chen Sheng quickly said, "This is fine!"


Never expected that what was thought to be a deadly situation could be turned around?
Wei Wuya immediately regained his spirits: "Brother Yu has been operating in Guishan for many years, and he still has some property. If you like it, you can take it all."

Chen Sheng said: "How many?"

Wei Wuya thought about it carefully: "About 200 million, maybe a little more."

Chen Sheng said: "OK, where are your things?"

Wei Wuya smiled: "I've heard that the evil gambler brother keeps his promises and keeps his promises. If you can make a poisonous oath and promise not to kill me, I will tell you."

Chen Sheng frowned: "A poisonous oath?"

Wei Wu Ya said: "Yes, don't blame Brother Yu for being small-minded, people like us, after all..."

Chen Sheng seemed to be hesitating, he thought about it, and finally sighed: "Okay."

Next, he raised three fingers and swore a poisonous oath to the sky, "I am Xuanyuan Sanguang" so-and-so, and violated the oath, and Wei Wuya was so happy that he grinned.

"Not bad!"

Wei Wuya was very satisfied, so he said with confidence: "The things are in that room, the one with the air hole, behind the wall on the left."

Chen Sheng asked: "Is that the room you used to peek at the two Palace Mistresses?"

Wei Wuya coughed, "Yes."

"Let's go and have a look."

"There's nothing to look at, the situation is like this, can I still lie to you?"

"I definitely trust Brother Wei, it's just a simple inspection."

"OK then."

Chen Sheng picked up Wei Wuya, walked back to the original cave, and groped on the wall.


The middle of that wall was empty. After breaking the disguise, there were many golden bars hidden inside, as well as a large stack of huge banknotes.

Chen Sheng nodded, very happy.

Wei Wuya was even happier: "Haha, can you let me go?"

"Go? Where are you going?"

"you you……"

Seeing Chen Sheng's sudden change of face, Wei Wuya said in shock, "Brother evil gambler, you swore a poisonous oath just now, so you are not afraid of being punished by heaven?"

Chen Sheng said: "Manly man, since I said I won't kill you, I definitely won't kill you."

Wei Wuya stammered, "Then why do you have such an expression?"

Chen Sheng said: "I won't kill you, but I guarantee that others will be interested, for example, the two palace masters."

Wei Wu Ya felt as if struck by lightning: "..."

After speaking, Chen Sheng got up with a smile, turned Old Wei around, and stuffed it into his favorite air hole.

Push your feet up your butt.

"Go down you!"

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