Chapter 120

Chen Sheng is not a person who is easily moved, but this time he was deeply moved by himself, and his face was full of pride.

"I will actually fulfill my promise, tsk tsk."

He muttered, leaned towards the air hole, and listened to the joke with his ears pricked up.


Wei Wuya fell headfirst into the cave, and was knocked to the ground, whimpering.

Lian Xing's voice said: "It's you? The surname is Wei, this is strange, how did you end up in such a situation?"

Immediately afterwards, Yaoyue also asked loudly: "Who threw you down?"

Wei Wuya said: "The two palace masters spare your life, you are a vicious gambler, he clearly promised to let me go, but he backtracked, he was not moral!"

Lian Xing was pleasantly surprised: "The evil gambler has gone out?"

There was a moment of silence below.

The sister duo may be in the know.

After a while, Yaoyue said coldly again: "We should thank him instead. Lianxing, what are you still doing in a daze, do it."

"Wait a minute, I..."

"Bang bang bang!"

Wei Wuya screamed a few times, begging for forgiveness, but soon there was no movement.

Facing the furious two palace lords, his ending can be imagined.

Chen Sheng nodded and began to prepare for the retreat.

A large number of people have lived in the mountain belly, and naturally they will leave all kinds of daily necessities.

Because the belt had been lost, he found a similar one to tie it around his body, and then got a bed sheet, stuffed all of Wei Wuya's savings into it, and went back outside with the package.


Xiao Yu'er was the first to get out of the tunnel, smiling from ear to ear.

"I only took a nap, and this is the end? Master, you are really good at digging holes. It's unlucky for his surname Wei."

Chen Sheng also smiled: "How is Wei Wuya doing now?"

Xiao Yu'er said: "It's already dead, it's an ugly death."

Chen Shengdao: "Sister Yaoyue always thought he was disgusting, but she managed to get her hands on him. She must be really angry."

Xiao Yu'er shook his head and said, "The two of them didn't do anything."

Chen Sheng was stunned: "Nonsense, how could Wei Wu Ya die if he didn't do anything?"

Xiao Yu'er said: "They used their feet, Wei Wuya was trampled to death with a single kick. Master, you didn't even see it, Yaoyue is okay, but Lianxing is really too ruthless, she just jumped and stomped!"

Chen Sheng: "..."

It's so miserable.

Wei Wuya has been around for decades, I'm afraid he can't even dream of imagining that he will end his curtain call in this way.

Chen Sheng said: "Little Yu'er, I have another question that I forgot to ask you."

"Master, please speak."

"There's so much movement on Guishan Mountain, why didn't you see Lord Baishan?"

Xiao Yu'er said: "Bai Shanjun left as early as the first day when he sent me there. This person was very strange. He laughed three times at that time, muttered something 'finally freed', and then ran away , run faster than a rabbit."

Chen Sheng said: "Oh, that's how it is."

In the original book, Bai Shanjun also disappeared on his own.

As for any "relief", it was probably getting rid of his restless wife.

——Looking at it this way, Mr. Baishan is quite interesting. He quickly disappeared from the rivers and lakes. First, he can avoid Yaoyue and Lianxing, so as not to get into trouble. Second, he can get rid of his wife and solve his worries forever. He is really a smart man .

Chen Sheng and Xiao Yu'er had just chatted a few words, and Su Ying also crawled out.

She sniffled, her eyes bright with joy.

"It's better to go outside, the cave is like being in prison..."

Su Ying discovered that Chen Sheng had made another burden, and she couldn't help but wondered: "Sir, is this another rainy day?"

Chen Sheng smiled and said, "You guessed it right, this time it's a good harvest."


Su Ying looked at the baggage, and saw that there were obvious rectangular edges and corners inside, and the feeling of falling was particularly strong, as if it was heavy, she suddenly felt stunned.

Got it, probably gold and silver.

Most of the money on Guishan comes from wrong sources, so throwing it away is a waste anyway, so just take it if you like.

The three of them waited outside, and finally Hua Wuque came out.

Hua Wuque hurriedly thanked Chen Sheng, but the expression on his face was very embarrassing, and he was speechless.

Chen Sheng said: "Your master and the others are distinguished, and they are too dirty, so they refuse to climb the tunnel?"

Hua Wuque lowered his head: "Yes, sir kindly helped us, but... this junior is really ashamed."

Chen Sheng waved his hand: "Forget it, you have come out anyway, you should find a way to save them, I will go first."

Hua Wuque bowed from behind and said, "Thank you, sir, the younger generation is very grateful!"



The crisis was declared over, and the three of them felt relaxed, and then they walked out of the mountain together.

Chen Sheng turned his head and asked, "Miss Su, have you decided where to go?"


Su Ying was a little dazed.

She has been trapped on Guishan since she was a child, and has lived for more than ten years. Facing the sudden freedom, she really didn't know what to do.

Although the world is big, where can an unaccompanied girl go?
Su Ying smiled bitterly: "I don't know."

Chen Sheng said: "Either you just come with me, we will be neighbors in the future, and I will guarantee your safety, how about it?"

——Master Chen took great pains, he was creating opportunities for Xiao Yuer.

As a master, who doesn't love his apprentice?


Xiao Yu'er didn't seem to respond, but looked calm.

God damn it!

Chen Sheng didn't understand.

Su Ying's eyes lit up: "Being neighbors with you? Sir, where are you going next?"

Chen Sheng said: "It doesn't matter, I want to take Xiao Yu'er to practice swords, I can live anywhere."

Su Ying said: "I am willing to go with sir, but, can this junior put forward an excessive condition?"

Xiao Yu'er was picking at his fingernails, interjected, "How dare you mention it even if you know it's too much?"

"To shut up!"

Chen Sheng stared at Xiao Yu'er: "Miss Su, don't talk to him, tell me."

Su Ying said dejectedly: "When I was very young, I once heard Wei Shanzhu say that my ancestral home is in southern Fujian and I was born by the sea, so..."

Chen Sheng reacted quickly: "It's no problem to settle down by the seaside! Hey, what about you?"

As he spoke, he nudged Xiao Yu'er with his elbow.


Xiao Yuer gritted his teeth in pain: "It's all up to Master's arrangement. I have traveled to many places over the years, and I have seen great rivers, but I have never seen the sea. If I practice swords in such a place, I think my heart will become wider." .”

Chen Sheng said: "You agree?"

Xiao Yu'er said: "Um, I agree."

If he disagreed, he was afraid that he would be beaten to death.

Chen Sheng smiled and said, "Miss Su, look, we have reached an agreement, it's okay to live by the sea."

"Thank you sir, thank you little fish!"

"You're welcome……"

At this moment, no one could understand Su Ying's mood.

A young girl who has never been out of the house, and does not know martial arts, is not joking if she wants to trek all the way from Guishan to southern Fujian.

With someone safe who was willing to take care of her and accompany her back to her hometown, Su Ying felt safer than ever.

Her face was full of longing, and she suddenly wept with joy.


Xiao Yu'er's decisive battle has been determined to be two years later, which means that Yaoyue will no longer come to harass them, they can do whatever they want, and go wherever they like.

With a happy mood, everyone started to hurry.

Chen Sheng has rich experience in traveling.

He bought the most comfortable carriage, put shockproof cushions inside, and prepared some dry food, drinking water and snacks.Because of the hot weather recently, everyone only set off in the early morning and evening, and rested at noon when they could, which was very leisurely.

After all, she was going back to her hometown, Su Ying was very happy along the way, looking like a magpie, but Xiao Yuer felt something was wrong.

He seems to be... not that enthusiastic about Su Ying.

Um? ?

Chen Sheng finally couldn't bear it anymore.

While the girl was out shopping, he dragged Xiao Yu'er over.

"What's the matter with you boy?"

Xiao Yuer wondered, "What's wrong with me?"

Chen Shengdao: "My fair lady, a gentleman is so good, now the opportunity is in front of you, but you don't live up to it!"

Xiao Yu'er said: "Master is talking about Su Ying?"


Xiao Yu'er was silent for a moment, and then said with a smile: "When we first met, I did have a crush on Su Ying, but when Wei Maiyi was stabbed to death by her mechanism, I woke up."

Wei Maiyi, like his master Wei Wuya, also died a miserable death, his body was covered with hornets' nests.

Chen Sheng frowned and said, "How?"

Xiao Yu'er said: "Do you admit that Su Ying is smarter than me?"

This Chen Sheng has nothing to say.

No matter in the original work or in reality, Su Ying's mind and mentality are stronger than Xiao Yuer's. Even in the original work, Su Ying is still on the "attack" side, and it is Xiao Yuer who she actively chases. down.

Xiao Yu'er said: "I don't like women who are better than me. If you have to find a wife, it's better for women to be stupid. When I'm with Su Ying, I always feel like I have no clothes on, and my heart is empty."

Chen Sheng: "..."

Xiao Yu'er's face was gloomy, and he continued: "There was once a relationship in front of me, and I was still young and ignorant at that time, but if I can be as clever as you, master, I will never get Hua Wuque."

Chen Sheng was surprised and said, "Could it be Tie Xinlan you're talking about?"

Xiao Yu'er sighed: "Yes, it's her. Since the day we met, Tie Xinlan has always liked me, but I was as stupid as a piece of wood, and I never responded to her. In the end, she waited and waited. It was so sad to wait... Well, now that I think about it, I actually blame myself."

Tie Xinlan's empathy is actually caused by Xiao Yu'er's lack of awareness, which is really unexpected.

Chen Sheng said: "Do you regret it?"

Xiao Yu'er coughed, "A little bit."

Chen Sheng said: "Then what are you going to do, or try harder?"

Xiao Yu'er said: "What are you trying to do, and then find Hua Wuque's theory? I'm still shameless! If you miss it, you will miss it. There are so many women in the world, I will continue to touch them later."

Chen Sheng nodded.

After a while, he suddenly asked: "My dear student, are you sure you don't like Su Ying?"


Xiao Yuer understood in seconds, and then stared back with weird eyes.

If summed up, it is full of ridicule and sarcasm, and a little helpless.


Chen Sheng grinned like an old fox squatting outside the chicken coop.

Xiao Yu'er said: "Twisted melons are not sweet, Su Ying is actually very proud, she may not let you manipulate her, hmph."

Chen Sheng said: "Don't say such things, it's because you don't know how to twist..."

(End of this chapter)

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